title | taxonomy | process | ||||||
Workflow / Webapp Specific API |
The following webapp APIs are only availble in workflows and executed within a users browser.
Workflows with an ident with one in the following list will be automatically triggered by events.
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=new_record
This workflow is triggered whenever the user creates a new record for a model. When this workflow does not exist or is not active, the system uses the default creation logic. The new record can be received in the normal way with webapp::get_record() -> Record
. When this workflow is executed the model workflow is responisble to create the record within the database. Otherwise it will get lost.
/// This function should not be shown in the actionbar pub fn show() { false } /// Normal main function pub async fn main() { // get the new record over api let record = webapp::get_record() // debug print it dbg(record); // TODO: Create this record in an own service within the database } pub async fn test() {}
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::is_edit()\040->\040Bool
Returns a boolean to indicate if the user is in edit mode or not.
data type description Bool Returns true when the user is in edit mode, false if he is not
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::set_edit(Bool)
Defines the new edit status for the user.
parameter data type description 0 Bool Enable or disable the edit mode
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::get_environment()\040->\040Environment
Returns the actual environment the user is logged in.
data type description Environment Returns the actual the environment of the user
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::get_model()\040->\040Option<Model>
Returns the model this workflow is started from.
data type description Option The model this workflow is called from
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::get_record()\040->\040Option<Record>
Returns the record this workflow is started from.
data type description Option The record this workflow is called from
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::get_user()\040->\040Record
Returns the user record this workflow is started from.
data type description Record The user record this workflow is called from
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::rpc_call(String,\040String,\040Any)\040->\040async\040Result<Vec<Any>>
Calls a service for this record on the server. Returns the response from the server, which can be either a any kind of a value or an error string. This is an async fuunction which need to be awaited.
parameter data type description 0 String String defining either environment or model service typ 1 String The ident/name of the service which should be called 2 Any A value which should be send to the service - () for none
data type description async Result<Vec<Any>> The answer from the executed service as vector
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]
[ui-accordion independent=true open=none]
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::ui::popup(String,\040String,\040Vec<Variable>)\040->\040async\040Result<(Bool,\040Vec<Variable>)>
Shows a popup to the user with the given Header, text and variables. When the user closes the popup it returns which button has been pressed and the new variables.
parameter data type description 0 String The header text of the popup 1 String An additional message for the user inside the poup 2 Vec<Variable> A list of variables which should be shown to the user
data type description Bool Returns true the user selected submit, on cancel it returns false Vec<Variable> The variables which have been updated by the users
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::ui::notification(String,\040String,\040Integer)
Shows a notification to the user with a message for a specific time. The design of the message need to be defined as either "Information", "Positive", "Negative" or "Warning".
parameter data type description 0 String The design of the motification message 1 String The text of the message 2 u32 The time in ms to show the message to the user
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::ui::print()
Opens the print dialog of the actual selected record and tab. This view is optimized and styled for printing. Example workflow
pub fn show() { true } pub async fn main() { webapp::ui::print(); } pub async fn test() {}
[ui-accordion-item title=webapp::ui::open_record(String)
Navigates the user to view the provided record
parameter data type description 0 String The uuid of the record to navigate the user towards
[/ui-accordion-item] [/ui-accordion]