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GIS Data Provider - User and Programmers Guide


This document describes how to use GIS Data Provider GE to implement web client which is capable to query GIS data from GeoServer for creating 3D scenes. GeoServer is able to create XML3D objects and pass them to the client.

Before starting to implement web client software it is recommended that installation part from the GIS Data Provider - Installation and Administration Guide is successfully completed.

Background and Detail

GIS Data Provider GE which is part of the Advanced Middleware and Web User Interfaces chapter.

For more information on this GE, also refer to its Open Specification and FIWARE Advanced Web UI Architecture. Here you can find Detailed API documentation.

User guide

GIS Data Provider contains reference web client, which demonstrates how provided elevation data can be used for creating 3D scene. Provided client uses XML3D for rendering, XML3D is based on WebGL and JavaScript, any browser that support these two technologies should work. Most tested browsers are:

  • Chrome on Windows, Mac OS X and Android
  • Firefox on Windows, Mac OS X and Android
  • Opera on Android

Setup GeoServer with test data

To be able to query GIS data in XML3D format from GeoServer GIS data itself needs to be uploaded to server. One way to upload test data to GeoServer is by uploading ESRI Shapefile to server. This practice was used during implementation of GIS Data Provider GE. Shapefile needs to contain geometry objects with elevation data, otherwise GIS web client is unable to display 3D terrain. Elevation data is used as Z-axis when XML3D objects are generated in GeoServer. When layer as shapefile is uploaded to GeoServer, mandatory filetypes are .shp, .dbf, .shx.

Compared to data efficiency between data stored to shapefile or PosGIS DB, reading data from PostGIS performs significantly better. Detailed guidance how to setup PostGIS with provided test data is described in the Setup GIS Data Provider Test asset.

Third option is to use image based elevation data formats (DEM models). These data sets can only be requested through WMS service and therefore request parameters varies in some parts but data in the response is identical with W3DS request. At the moment in WMS service only Octet-Stream response is supported for terrain.

3D GIS data generation

GIS Data Provider GE test data is based on the National Land Survey of Finland elevation data. Source data was in -xyz-format, which contains elevation data with spatial information. With this source information it is possible to generate shapefile consisting polygon structure with elevation data. 2D presentation of the converted shapefile with elevation points is flat grid, in 3D presentation each grid points are in same elevation level as in the real world. Therefore this grid with elevation data can be used as source for terrain presentation.

Data generation from *.xyz file format

Here is a small sample from source dataset:

Easting    Northing    Elevation
398000.000 7542000.000 279.950
398010.000 7542000.000 279.388
398020.000 7542000.000 278.818
398000.000 7541990.000 281.002
398010.000 7541990.000 280.436
398020.000 7541990.000 279.847
398000.000 7541980.000 282.096
398010.000 7541980.000 281.539
398020.000 7541980.000 280.944

That data produces following 2D grid:

0 1 2
0 398000.000 7542000.000 279.950 398010.000 7542000.000 279.388 398020.000 7542000.000 278.818
1 398000.000 7541990.000 281.002 398010.000 7541990.000 280.436 398020.000 7541990.000 279.847
2 398000.000 7541980.000 282.096 398010.000 7541980.000 281.539 398020.000 7541980.000 280.944

From that grid we can create polygons representing terrain surface.

WKT polygons generated from that dataset should look like this:

POLYGONZ((398000.000 7542000.000 279.950, 398010.000 7542000.000 279.388,
          398010.000 7541990.000 280.436, 398000.000 7541990.000 281.002,
          398000.000 7542000.000 279.950))
POLYGONZ((398010.000 7542000.000 279.388, 398020.000 7542000.000 278.818,
          398020.000 7541990.000 279.847, 398010.000 7541990.000 280.436,
          398010.000 7542000.000 279.388))
POLYGONZ((398000.000 7541990.000 281.002, 398010.000 7541990.000 280.436,
          398010.000 7541980.000 281.539, 398000.000 7541980.000 282.096,
          398000.000 7541990.000 281.002))
POLYGONZ((398010.000 7541990.000 280.436, 398020.000 7541990.000 279.847,
          398020.000 7541980.000 280.944, 398010.000 7541980.000 281.539, 
          398010.000 7541990.000 280.436))

NOTE: It is said in WKT specification that polygons needs to be closed, meaning that start and end points are the same.

Each polygon should be written into a PostGIS database or into a shape file.

Depending on selected storage format choose corresponding publishing steps for data publishing into a W3DS layer with GeoServer.

Official GeoServer guide how to publish a shapefile

Official GeoServer guide how to publish a PostGIS table

Uploading XML3D objects reference information to PostGIS

Single XML3D objects can be placed to 3D GIS environment based on the object location information. Location information can be stored as PointZ presentation to PostGIS.

GeoServer supports reading XML3D reference objects from the PostGIS in following format:

ID name
1 Cabin1 01010000A0E70B0000295C8F02367D5241B81E854B81F649410000000000208C40 http://reference_to_xml3d_file/xml3d_file.xml
2 Cabin2 01010000A0E70B0000713D0AB7497E5241C3F528DC09E249410000000000208C40 http://reference_to_xml3d_file/xml3d_file.xml
3 Cabin3 01010000A0E70B000048E17A04A888524114AE47A1CEEE49410000000000208C40 http://reference_to_xml3d_file/xml3d_file.xml

Geometry conversion to PostGIS can be done with psql ST\_GeomFromText -command.

Programmers guide

Guide for programmers utilizing the GE.

GIS data provider release contains example implementations of the GIS web client. Package contains own version for requesting XMl3D terrain objects from the geoserver and version for requesting elevation data in octet stream format form the server and dynamically generating XML3D objetc based on received data.

Needed javascript libraries

For enabling XML3D content in web page at least xml3d.js needs to be included.

 <script src=""></script>

If camera handlding is used, include camera.js.

 <script src=""></script>

In order to activate camera moving by keys, useKeys needs to be defined inside <xml3d>.

 <bool id="useKeys">true</bool>

Camera handling in 3D GIS environment works following way:

  • a and d -keys move camera left and right
  • w and s -keys move camera up and down
  • Camera orientation can be changed by pressing right mouse button down and moving mouse

Get GeoServer capabilities

GeoServer capabilities can be queried with following syntax :


The response to a GetCapabilities request is an XML document containing service metadata about the server, including specific information about layer properties and how to access data from the server.

Example query from test client:


Example of layer details in GetCapabilities response:

   <ows:BoundingBox crs="EPSG:3047">
       <ows:LowerCorner>368000.0 7542000.0</ows:LowerCorner>
       <ows:UpperCorner>374010.0 7548000.0</ows:UpperCorner>
       <ows:Title>A default style</ows:Title>
       <ows:Abstract>A sample style that just prints out a green line</ows:Abstract>
  • <ows:Identifier\> contains layer name which can be used for querying specific layer data.
  • <ows:BoundingBox\> contains information of the total bounding box area where layer data is located. Layer data can be requested inside total bounding box. There is also information which Coordinate Reference System (CRS) layer uses.
  • <model/xml3d+xml\> indicates that layer output can be requested as in XML3D format.
  • <w3ds:Queriable\> states if layer is queriable for client. In case queriable value is false client is not able to request layer data.

Query XML3D objects from GeoServer

important: First of all it is important to explain how GeoServer returns XML3D data: XML3D GIS data queries are always done with real spatial location with in CRS which layer supports. Layer queries needs to contain at least W3DS service definition, layer CRS, layer name and layer bounding box. GeoServer will process data query and return result always located to origin (0,0). For this reason client needs to be aware internally which part of the whole layer area is drawn and to where GIS camera is directed. In a short client needs to implement internal scene manager. Without scene manager all layers returned by GeoServer are put to same origin.

XML3D object query can be done based on the GetCapabilities response data. XML3D layer which has <ows:OutputFormat\>model/xml3d+xml\</ows:OutputFormat\> and <w3ds:Queriable\>true\</w3ds:Queriable\> can be queried from the server. It is advised that layer queries should be done with in layer bounding box. There's no actual harm to extend query outside of the bounding box, just no data to return from that area.

XML3D object query syntax:

geoserver/w3ds?version="version"&service=w3ds&request="request type"&crs="layer CRS"&format="format for XML3D response"&layers="layer name"&boundingbox="query area for GIS data"

Example how the partial layer data is queried, whole layer area is 248000,7668000 260010,7680000.


GeoServer returns XML3D object definitions or references to XML3D definition files.

Level Of Details (LOD) usage in object query

Level Of Details (LOD) is integer value starting from 1 and ending to 10. Smaller than 10 LOD levels are generated so that original source data is filtered in GeoServer based on LOD level so that generated 3D terrain data has less details compared to original. LOD level 10 means that detail levels are not reduced at all from the source data.

Level Of Detail is defined in the GeoServer query by providing LOD -parameter with relevant LOD number. Example how to add define LOD level 4 &LOD=4 in the GeoServer query:,7547970,375183.9625,7549182&LOD=4

Returned XML3D data object definition

When Geoserver returns XML3D object definition it contains following information:

<group xmlns="" 
       id="outputGeometryCollection" class="NodeClassName">
    <mesh type="triangles">
        <int name="index">...</int>
        <float3 name="position">...</float3>
        <float3 name="normal">...</float3>
        <float2 name="texcoord">...</float2>

Above information contains XML3D presentation if the terrain and it needs to be placed inside <xml3d>...</xml3d> -tags. Web client needs to create light shader for the loaded XML3D content. More information about using XML3D in the xml3d.js wiki.

Adding texture

Raster data (f.ex. ortophotos) is used as terrain texture and official GeoServer guide how to work with rasters can be found from here:

Texture for returned XML3D terrain object can be added by requesting graphics with same bounding box as requested terrain XML3D model was requested.

Texture query syntax:

geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers="texture layer name"&styles=&bbox="query area for texture"&width="texture width"&height="texture height"&srs="texture layer crs"&format="image format"

Example for requesting terrain texture:,7530000,372003.3333333333,7546000&width=1024&height=1024&srs=EPSG:404000&format=image%2Fpng

One option to store terrain texture to GeoServer is by using GeoTIFF. In this case Layer bounding box needs to be precisely correct so that GeoServer is able to return correct area of the bitmap when requested.

Returned XML3D data definition file reference

GeoServer is capable to include external XML3D object definition references in to the returned XML3D GIS data query. Chapter Uploading XML3D objects reference information to PostGIS describes how data should be uploaded to PostGIS. GeoServer will query database based on the requested bounding box and returns all found points. Each point has reference to external XML3D file. Each point are translated to coordinates inside requested bounding box, so client scene manager needs to be aware where returned building objects should be placed in the 3D GIS presentation.

Example of returned XML3D information with external reference:

<group xmlns="" id="fiware:building_coordinates" class="" style="transform: translate3d(1102,900.0,-0.0)">
 <mesh src="http://localhost:8989/a416a634c021.json "></mesh>

Adding XML3D objects in json format to html page

XML3D objects stored to the json can be injected to client web page or generate new web page where returned XML3D objects are inserted. XML3D declarations received from the GeoServer needs to be injected inside <xml3d\> -tags.

Example of index.html-template where new XML3D objects are injected. In GIS data provider demo all XML3D elements are injected inside id="MaxScene" -group.

index.html before XML3D data request:

    <xml3d id="xml3dContent" xmlns="">
       <defs id="defs" xmlns="">
           <transform id="t_node-camera_player" 
                      rotation="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" translation="0 0 0"/>
           <lightshader id="light1" script="urn:xml3d:lightshader:directional" >
             <float3 name="intensity" >2 2 2</float3>
             <bool name="castShadow">true</bool>
             <float3 name="direction">1 -0.5 1.0</float3>
           <light shader="#light1" />
           <bool id="useKeys">true</bool>
       <group xmlns="" id="MaxScene">
         <group id="node-camera_player" 
                transform="#t_node-camera_player" lightshader="#light1">
             <view fieldOfView="0.7" id="camera_player-camera"/>

index.html after XML3D data request:

    <xml3d id="xml3dContent" xmlns="">
       <defs id="defs" xmlns="">
           <transform id="t_node-camera_player" rotation="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" 
                      translation="0 0 0"/>
           <lightshader id="light1" script="urn:xml3d:lightshader:directional" >
             <float3 name="intensity" >2 2 2</float3>
             <bool name="castShadow">true</bool>
             <float3 name="direction">1 -0.5 1.0</float3>
           <light shader="#light1" />
           <bool id="useKeys">true</bool>
       <group xmlns="" id="MaxScene">
         <group id="node-camera_player" transform="#t_node-camera_player" 
             <view fieldOfView="0.7" id="camera_player-camera"/>
         <group xmlns="" id="fiware:building_coordinates" 
                class="" style="transform: translate3d(1102,900.0,-0.0)">
            <mesh src="http://localhost:8989/a416a634c021.json "></mesh>

Using GIS GE Asset instance in web client

It is possible to query XML3D terrain data so that returned terrain data will be in xml-file. This response is possible to be referenced directly from DOM. Benefit of using reference to XML3D object file instead of having whole XML3D object definition in the DOM tree is that this way DOM tree will remain more clean and easier to maintain.

GIS GE returns terrain data in asset instance format when Application/xml is used as requested data format. Client can utilize this functionality so that it generates correct URL for the asset instance request and places this URL to the DOM as <model> src content. Below is the example of the asset instance request,


returns terrain data in xml format. When requesting asset data from GIS GE, returned terrain data has id='asset', this needs to be used in the generated URL as you can see from the example. More details about asset instancing can be get from In the example fiware:postgis\_terrain00transform and fiware:postgis\_terrain00shader are the client generated definitions to be used with received asset.

Web Client terrain data asset instance example:

 <xml3d xmlns="" id="xml3dContent" activeView="#camera_player-camera" width="1920" height="943">
   <defs xmlns="" id="defs">
     <transform id="t_node-camera_player" rotation="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" translation="0 0 0"/>
     <shader id="phong" script="urn:xml3d:shader:phong">
       <float3 name="diffuseColor">1 0.5 0</float3>
       <float name="ambientIntensity">0.5</float>
     <lightshader id="light1" script="urn:xml3d:lightshader:directional">
       <float3 id="light1_intensity" name="intensity">2 2 2</float3>
       <bool name="castShadow">false</bool>
       <float3 name="direction">1 -0.5 1.0</float3>
     <light shader="#light1"/>
     <bool id="useKeys">true</bool>
     <transform xmlns="" id="layerguideTransform" rotation="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" translation="0 0 606"></transform>
     <shader xmlns="" id="fiware:postgis_terrain00shader" script="urn:xml3d:shader:phong">
       <float3 name="diffuseColor">1.0  1.0  1.0</float3>
       <float name="ambientIntensity">0.1</float>
       <texture name="diffuseTexture">
         <img src="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/fiware/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=fiware:terrain_texture_raster&styles=&amp;
          bbox=373969.9375,7547970,375183.9625,7549182&width=512&height=512&srs=EPSG:404000&format=image%2Fjpeg" />
     <transform xmlns="" id="fiware:postgis_terrain00transform" rotation="0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" translation="0 0 0"></transform>
   <group xmlns="" id="MaxScene">
     <model xmlns="" id="fiware:postgis_terrain00" src="http://localhost:8080/geoserver/w3ds?version=0.4&service=w3ds&request=GetScene&crs=EPSG:3047&format=Application/xml&amp;
   layers=fiware:postgis_terrain&boundingbox=373969.9375,7547970,375183.9625,7549182&LOD=4#asset" transform="#fiware:postgis_terrain00transform" shader="#fiware:postgis_terrain00shader"></model>

Requesting terrain data in octet-stream format

Terrain data can be requested also in the octet-stream format by using application/octet-stream format in the request. Detailed explanation of the returned octet-stream format can be found in the GIS GE Open API Specification.

When terrain data is requested in octet-stream format, GIS GE returns binary data from the requested bounding box area. Binary data contains only information how many elevation points there is within bounding box and what are the elevation values for these points. Client itself needs to create 3D presentation based on the received octet-stream data. Benefit of using octet-stream request is that client is able to freely use any available rendering engine.

Octet-Steam can be requested from two server modules based on source data format and those requests differs in some parts.

World Wind Format Module

This module can handle image based data (DEM Models) and it is recommended way to store and use elevation data.

Sample request


Static required parameters are:

  • wms?version=1.1.0
  • request=GetMap
  • format=application/octet-stream

Dynamic required parameters are:

  • srs
  • bbox
  • layers
  • width (defines how many points response contains in horizontal direction)
  • height (defines how many points response contains in vertical direction)

W3DS Module

This module can handle elevation data stored to database as polygons or as points.

Sample request


Static required parameters are:

  • w3ds?version=0.4
  • request=GetScene
  • format=application/octet-stream

Dynamic required parameters are:

  • crs
  • boundingbox
  • layers

Dynamic optional parameters are:

  • width (defines how many points response contains in horizontal direction)
  • height (defines how many points response contains in vertical direction)
  • lod

Feature Info Query (GetFeatureInfo)

The GetFeatureInfo operation is designed to provide clients with additional attribute information about features within a scene that is currently displayed.

Example use case for GetFeatureInfo is that a user explores the response of a GetScene request and points at an object within the scene for which to obtain more information. The concept of this operation is that the client determines a location in 3D space by clicking on an object and calculates either the intersection point of the object geometry with the picking ray or the center point of the object and submits this location together with additional parameters to the server.

Sample request


Sample response

   <table width="95%" >
      <td bgcolor='#ffffff'><b>Buildings</b></td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'></td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>id </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>objkey </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>strkey </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>hsno </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>description </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>sockelhoehe </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>traufhoehe </td>
       <td bgcolor='dddddd'>height </td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>1</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>34891270</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>1123 Hochschulgebaeude</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>2390</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>1</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>Alte Universitaet</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>2.500000</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>15.000000</td>
       <td bgcolor='#fafafa'>115.347270</td>
      <td bgcolor='#fafafa'></td>