Releases: FOLIO-FSE/folio_migration_tools
Releases · FOLIO-FSE/folio_migration_tools
- [Inventory] Handle bib call numbers (eg. for III items data) formatted as list string representation with only one value #721
- [bug][Inventory] Holdings CSV transformer does not apply file-indicated discovery suppression #762
- [bug][Inventory] III-style bound with fixes for multiple holdings with the same linked bibIds #755
- [bug][Inventory] Handle call numbers containing square brackets "[]" #754
- [closed] Bump version to 1.8.11 #781
- [closed] Unable to map user type with user_transformer/user_mapper #779
- [closed] Tools have hardcoded limit of only 50 errors #773
- [closed] UserTransformer creates invalid address objects #769
- [closed] Handle single-item list of call numbers for III-style bound with items #768
- [closed] MARC Bib transformer creates invalid preceding-succeeding-title records #764
- [closed] Staff-only note mapping rules in MARC bib 5xx fields not honored by migration tools #751
- [closed] Use normalized version of barcode for duplicate checks #738
- [bug] Batch posting jobs against Poppy system fail after running for 10 minutes #724
- [closed] Create 1.8.5 release #726
- [closed] Add an option on user transforms to remove request preferences #716
- [closed] Support proxy borrowers in loans migrator #709
- [closed] Allow specifying an ECS member tenant ID at the library_configuration level #701
- [wontfix][Inventory] Separate holdings records generate the same UUID #397
Questions & Decisions
- [Questions & Decisions][Inventory] Make trimming of trailing spaces that are part of the OCLC number consistent between bib 001 and mfhd 004 #557
Support for changes in FOLIO
- [Support for changes in FOLIO][Authorities] Handle Address FOLIO Authorities Refactor rename
#695 - [Support for changes in FOLIO][Authorities] Authority JSON spec refactored in version 27 of
Tool enhancements
- [Tool enhancements][Support for changes in FOLIO][Inventory][marc] Implement trim_punctuation condition for marc rules mapper #691
- [Tool enhancements][Good first issue] Allow Reading Command Line Parameters from Enviornment Variables #683
- [Tool enhancements] Migration Configuration File Inheritance #682
- [Tool enhancements][Migration Reports] Add Localization Support to Reports #669
- [closed] i18n changes require files not included in the package distribution #703
- [closed] Bump version to 1.8.4 #700
- [closed] Do not include 'metadata' objects in generated FOLIO records #697
- [closed] Prevent creation of duplicate 035 entries when performing 001 -> 035 transformation #680
- [closed] Remove 003 when converting 001 to 035 during instance transformation #679
- [closed] Handle existing $9 for controllable MARC Bib fields when transforming legacy bibs #673
Support for changes in FOLIO
- [Support for changes in FOLIO][Authorities] Implement mapping of naturalId for MARC authority records #662
- [Support for changes in FOLIO] Implement Condition concat_subfields_by_name (including subfieldsToConcat and subfieldsToStopConcat) #326
Tool enhancements
- [Tool enhancements][Authorities] Fix invalid LDR 17 values in MARC authority records #663
- [closed] Bump version to 1.8.2 #671
- [closed] Fix syntax error in language code mapping #667
- [closed] Preserve language code order when mapping languages from 041 with multiple codes in MARC Bib transformer #661
- [closed] Subject subfields concatenated with spaces rather than dashes as per mapping rules in MARC to Instance mapping #655