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Gets information about a specific chain from Connect.


const chainObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.get({
      chainId: '4b9532c79d53ab22b85951b4a5853f81c2682132b3c810a95128c30401cd1e58'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The unique identifier created for each chain. chainId is required
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.signatureValidation boolean (true/false/custom function)
Default value is true. Indicates whether the SDK automatically validates that the chain was signed based on our signing standard.
custom function: allows for validating the chain's signature based on custom logic.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: object
    • data.chain_id: string
      The unique identifier created for each chain.
    • data.content: string
      The data that was stored in the first entry of this chain.
    • data.external_ids: array of strings
      Tags that have been used to identify the first entry of this chain.
    • data.stage: string
      The immutability stage that this chain has reached.
    • data.entries: object
      • data.entries.href: string
        An API link to all of the entries in this chain.
    • data.eblock: object
      Represents the Entry Block that contains the first entry of this chain. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.eblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this entry block.
      • data.eblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this entry block.
    • data.dblock: object
      Represents the Directory Block that relates to this chain. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.dblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this directory block.
      • data.dblock.height: integer
        The Factom blockchain height of this directory block.
      • data.dblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this directory block.
    • data.created_at: string
      The time at which the chain was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
  • status: string
    The result of signature validation.
    Displays an empty string ("") when signatureValidation is set to false.
    Or displays a function's result when signatureValidation is set to custom function.
    In case signatureValidation is set to true then one of the following values will be returned based on an automatic comparison of the expected SignedChain structure outlined in our signing standard.
    • not_signed/invalid_chain_format: A chain that was not signed or did not conform to the SignedChain structure.
    • invalid_signature: A chain was created in the proper SignedChain structure, but the signature does not match the attached key.
    • retired_height: A chain that conformed to the SignedChain structure and the signature was verified with the listed key, but that key was retired for the signer identity at a height lower than when this chain reached the factom immutability stage.
    • key_not_found: A chain that conformed to the SignedChain structure but the signer public key does not belong to the signer identity chain.
    • valid_signature: A chain that conformed to the SignedChain structure and the signature was verified with the listed key. That key was also active for the signer identity at the height when this chain reached the factom immutability stage.
        'content':"This chain represents a notary service's customer in the NotarySimulation, a sample implementation provided as part of the Factom Harmony SDKs. Learn more here:",


Creates a new chain with or without signature:

  • When the Factom SDK is initialized, if automaticSigning = true; in order to create a signed chain, you need to pass:
    • signerChainId
    • signerPrivateKey
  • When the Factom SDK is initialized, if automaticSigning = false, SDK creates an unsigned chain and therefore it does not require these parameters.


const chainObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.create({
      signerPrivateKey: 'idsec2rY42dadPcytBLEx9sanpCJk3PHqLnVwMYuPF7jcmDULVRySH2',
      signerChainId: 'd22fd62b2c64061d48121d24bfa4e57826caaf532df1524da6eb243da3daa84f',
      externalIds: ["TestFunction", "CustomerChain", "cust123"],
      content: "This chain represents a notary service’s customer in the NotarySimulation, a sample implementation provided as part of the Factom Harmony SDKs. Learn more here:"


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.externalIds array of strings
Required or Optional
Tags that can be used to identify your chain. You can search for records that contain a particular externalIds using Connect.
Note: Since the Connect API requires each array element to be Base64 encoded, the SDK will do so before making the API request. This parameter is only required for creating an unsigned chain (automaticSigning is set to false).
at least 1 externalId is required.
externalIds parameter was not provided when automaticSigning was set to false.

externalIds must be an array.
An invalid externalIds format was provided.
params.content string
This is the data that will make up the first entry in your new chain. It is customary to use this space to describe the entries that are to follow in the chain.
Note: Since the Connect API requires the content to be Base64 encoded, the SDK will do so before making the API request.
content is required.
content parameter was not provided.
params.signerChainId string
Required or Optional
The chain id of the signer identity.
Note: This parameter is optional for creating an unsigned chain. However, if signerPrivateKey is inputted then signerChainId must also be inputted.
In case of creating a signed chain:
signerChainId is required.
signerChainId parameter was not provided.

In case of creating an unsigned chain:
signerChainId is required when passing a signerPrivateKey.
signerPrivateKey parameter was provided but lacking signerChainId parameter.
params.signerPrivateKey base58 string in Idsec format
Required or Optional
The private key signer would like to sign with. In fact, private key is used to generate the public key, which is included as an external ID on the created signed entry.
Note: This parameter is optional for creating an unsigned chain. However, if signerChainId is inputted then signerPrivateKey must also be inputted.
In case of creating a signed chain:
signerPrivateKey is required.
signerPrivateKey parameter was not provided.

signerPrivateKey is invalid.
An invalid signerPrivateKey parameter was provided or key’s byte length is not equal to 41.

In case of creating an unsigned chain:
signerPrivateKey is required when passing a signerChainId.
signerChainId parameter was provided but lacking signerPrivateKey parameter.

signerPrivateKey is invalid. signerChainId was provided but either an invalid signerPrivateKey parameter was also provided or key’s byte length is not equal to 41.
params.callbackUrl string
The URL where you would like to receive the callback from Connect.
Note: If this is not specified, callbacks will not be activated.
callbackUrl is an invalid url format.
An invalid callbackUrl format was provided.
params.callbackStages array of strings
The immutability stages you would like to be notified about. This list can include any or all of the three stages: replicated, factom, and anchored. For example, when you would like to trigger the callback from Connect at replicated and factom stage, you would send them in the format: [‘replicated’, ‘factom’].
Note: For this field to matter, the URL must be provided. If callbacks are activated (URL has been specified) and this field is not sent, it will default to factom and anchored.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into
params.automaticSigning boolean
Setting this property to false allows user to create an unsigned entry, or implement their own way of signing the entry (it is set to true by default in the SDK class that gets instantiated)


Response: Accepted

  • chain_id: string
    This is the unique identifier created for each chain.
    Note: Chain ID is a hash based on the external IDs you choose. External IDs must be unique or else the chain creation will fail.
  • entry_hash: string
    The SHA256 Hash of the first entry of this new chain.
  • stage: string
    The immutability stage that this chain has reached.


Gets all of the chains on Factom.


await factomConnectSDK.chains.list();


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.limit integer
The number of items you would like to return back in each stage. The default value is 15. limit must be an integer.
An invalid limit format was provided.
params.offset integer
The offset parameter allows you to select which item you would like to start from when a list is returned from Connect. For example, if you have already seen the first 15 items and you would like the next set, you would send an offset of 15. offset=0 starts from the first item of the set and is the default position. offset must be an integer.
An invalid offset format was provided.
params.stages array of strings
The immutability stages you want to restrict results to. You can choose any from replicated, factom, and anchored. The default value are these three stages: replicated, factom, and anchored.
Note: If you would like to search among multiple stages, you would send them in the format: [‘replicated’, ‘factom’].
stages must be an array.
An invalid stages format was provided.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: array of objects
    An array that contains the chains on this page.
    • data[].chain_id: string
      The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
    • data[].external_ids: array of strings
      The external IDs attached to this chain on the Factom blockchain.
    • data[].href: string
      An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data[].stage: string
      The immutability stage that this chain has reached.
    • data[].created_at: string
      The time when the chain was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
  • offset: integer
    The index of the first chain returned from the total set, which starts from 0.
  • limit: integer
    The number of chains returned.
  • count: integer
    The total number of chains seen.


Finds all of the chains with externalIds that match what you entered.


const chainObj = await{
      externalIds: ["TestFunction", "CustomerChain", "cust123"]


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.externalIds array of strings
A list of external IDs associated with the chains user would like to search by. at least 1 externalId is required.
externalIds parameter was not provided.

externalIds must be an array.
An invalid externalIds format was provided.
params.limit integer
The number of items you would like to return back in each stage. The default value is 15. limit must be an integer.
An invalid limit format was provided.
params.offset integer
The offset parameter allows you to select which item you would like to start from when a list is returned from Connect. For example, if you have already seen the first 15 items and you would like the next set, you would send an offset of 15. offset=0 starts from the first item of the set and is the default position. offset must be an integer.
An invalid offset format was provided.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: array of objects
    An array that contains the chains on this page.
    • data[].chain_id: string
      The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
    • data[].external_ids: array of strings
      The external IDs attached to this chain on the Factom blockchain.
    • data[].href: string
      An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data[].stage: string
      The level of immutability that this chain has reached.
    • data[].created_at: string
      The time at which this chain was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
  • offset: integer
    The index of the first chain returned from the total set, which starts from 0.
  • limit: integer
    The number of chains returned.
  • count: integer
    The total number of chains seen.



Gets information about a specific entry on Connect.


const entryObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.entries.get({
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2',
      entryHash: 'cccf02ac98c9e04f556508aa4dc9e277d44e8ce2006a244ebec082e0bed36efc'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.entryHash string
The SHA256 hash of the entry. entryHash is required.
entryHash parameter was not provided.
params.signatureValidation boolean (true/false/custom function)
The default value is true. Indicates whether the SDK automatically validates that the entry was signed based on our signing standard.
custom function: allows for validating the entry's signature based on custom logic.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: object
    • data.entry_hash: string
      The SHA256 Hash of this entry.
    • data.chain: object
      An object that contains the Chain Hash (ID) as well as a URL for the chain.
      • data.chain.chain_id: string
        The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
      • data.chain.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data.created_at: string
      The time when this entry was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssssssZ.
    • data.external_ids: array of strings
      Tags that can be used to identify your entry. You can search for records that contain a particular external ID using Connect.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, each array element will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.content: string
      This is the data that is stored by the entry.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, content will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.stage: string
      The level of immutability that this entry has reached.
    • data.dblock: object
      Represents the Directory Block that relates to this entry. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.dblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this directory block.
      • data.dblock.height: integer
        The Factom blockchain height of this directory block.
      • data.dblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this directory block.
    • data.eblock: object
      Represents the Entry Block that contains the entry. This will be null if the entry is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.eblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this entry block.
      • data.eblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this entry block.
  • status: string
    The result of signature validation.
    Displays an empty string ("") when signatureValidation is set to false.
    Or displays a function's result when signatureValidation is set to custom function.
    In case signatureValidation is set to true then one of the following values will be returned based on an automatic comparison of the expected SignedEntry structure outlined in our signing standard.
    • not_signed/invalid_entry_format: An entry that was not signed or did not conform to the SignedEntry structure.
    • invalid_signature: An entry was created in the proper SignedEntry structure, but the signature does not match the attached key.
    • retired_height: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key, but that key was retired for the signer identity at a height lower than when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
    • key_not_found: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure but the signer public key does not belong to the signer identity chain.
    • valid_signature: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key. That key was also active for the signer identity at the height when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
         'content':'{"document_hash": "98e8447527dd18fd054ff76371d4885972887481b1499dad02ac3c39748a4012", "hash_type": "sha256"}',

Creates a new entry for the selected chain with or without signature:

  • When the Factom SDK is initialized, if automaticSigning = true; in order to create a signed entry, you need to pass:
    • signerChainId
    • signerPrivateKey
  • When the Factom SDK is initialized, if automaticSigning = false, SDK creates an unsigned entry and therefore it does not require these parameters.


const entryObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.entries.create({
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2',
      signerPrivateKey: 'idsec1xbKD6tkgLPMBuNQbTnHPr6mFoeF7iQV4ybTN63sKdFg7h1uWH',
      signerChainId: '8c33e7432cdfd3933beb6de5ccbc3706ac21458ed53352e02658daf2dce8f27c',
      externalIds: ["TestFunction", "DocumentEntry", "doc987"],
      content: 'Abc123'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.externalIds array of strings
Required or Optional
Tags that can be used to identify your entry. You can search for records that contain a particular external ID using Connect.
Note: Since the Connect API requires each array element to be Base64 encoded, the SDK will do so before making the API request. This parameter is only required for creating an unsigned entry (automaticSigning is set to false).
at least 1 externalId is required.
externalIds parameter was not provided when automaticSigning is set to false.

externalIds must be an array.
An invalid externalIds format was provided.
params.content string
This is the data that will be stored directly
on the blockchain. Please be sure that no
private information is entered here.
Note: The value in content parameter will
be encoded in Base64 format by Connect
content is required.
content parameter was not provided.
params.signerChainId string
Required or Optional
The chain ID of the signer identity.
Note: This parameter is optional for creating an unsigned entry. However, if signerPrivateKey is inputted then signerChainId must also be inputted.
In case of creating a signed entry:
signerChainId is required.
signerChainId parameter was not provided.

In case of creating an unsigned entry:
signerChainId is required when passing a signerPrivateKey.
signerPrivateKey was provided but lacking signerChainId parameter.
params.signerPrivateKey a base58 string in Idsec format
Required or Optional
The private key signer would like to sign with. In fact, private key is used to generate the public key, which is included as an external ID on the created signed entry.
Note: This parameter is optional for creating an unsigned entry. However, if signerChainId is inputted then signerPrivateKey must also be inputted.
In case of creating a signed entry:
signerPrivateKey is required.
signerPrivateKey parameter was not provided.

signerPrivateKey is invalid.
An invalid signerPrivateKey parameter was provided or key's byte length is not equal to 41.

In case of creating an unsigned entry:
signerPrivateKey is required when passing a signerChainId.
signerChainId was provided but lacking signerPrivateKey parameter.

signerPrivateKey is invalid.
signerChainId was provided but an invalid signerPrivateKey parameter was provided or key's byte length is not equal to 41.
params.callbackUrl string
the URL you would like the callbacks to be sent to Note: If this is not specified, callbacks will not be activated. callbackUrl is an invalid url format.
An invalid callbackUrl format was provided
params.callbackStages array of strings
The immutability stages you would like to be notified about. This list can include any or all of these three stages: replicated, factom, and anchored. For example, when you would like to trigger the callback from Connect from replicated and factom then you would send them in the format: ['replicated', 'factom'].
Note: For this field to matter, the URL must be provided.
If callbacks are activated (URL has been specified) and this field is not sent, it will default to factom and anchored.
callbackStages must be an array.
An invalid callbackStages format was provided
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into
params.automaticSigning boolean
Setting this property to false allows user to create an unsigned entry, or implement their own way of signing the entry (it is set to true by default in the SDK class that gets instantiated)


Response: Accepted

  • entry_hash string
    The SHA256 Hash of the entry you just created. You can use this hash to reference this entry in the future.
  • stage: string
    The current immutability stage of the new entry.

Gets list of all entries contained on a specified chain.


const entriesObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.entries.list({
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.limit integer
The number of items you would like back in each page. The default value is 15. limit must ben an integer.
An invalid limit format was provided.
params.offset integer
The offset parameter allows you to select which item you would like to start from when a list is returned from Connect. For example, if you have already seen the first 15 items and you would like the next set, you would send an offset of 15. offset=0 starts from the first item of the set and is the default position. offset must be an integer.
An invalid offset format was provided.
params.stages array of strings
The immutability stages you want to restrict results to. You can choose any from replicated, factom, and anchored. The default value are these three stages: replicated, factom and anchored.
Note: If you would like to search among multiple stages, you would send them in the format ['replicated', 'factom'].
stages must be an array.
An invalid stages format was provided.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: array of objects
    An array that contains the entries on this page.
    • data[].entry_hash: string
      The SHA256 Hash of this entry.
    • data[].chain: object
      An object that contains the Chain Hash (ID) as well as a URL for the chain.
      • data[].chain.chain_id: string
        The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
      • data[].chain.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data[].created_at: string
      The time at which this entry was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssssssZ.
    • data[].href: string
      An API link to retrieve all information about this entry.
  • offset: integer
    The index of the first entry returned from the total set starting from 0.
  • limit: integer
    The number of entries returned per page.
  • count: integer
    The total number of entries seen.

Retrieves the first entry that has been saved to this chain.


const entryObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.entries.getFirst({
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.signatureValidation boolean (true/false/custom function)
Default value is true. Indicates whether the SDK automatically validates that the entry was signed based on our signing standard.
custom function: allows for validating the entry's signature based on custom logic.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: object
    • data.entry_hash: string
      The SHA256 Hash of this entry.
    • data.chain: object
      An object that contains the Chain Hash (ID) as well as a URL for the chain.
      • data.chain.chain_id: string
        The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
      • data.chain.href:: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data.created_at: string
      The time at which this entry was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssssssZ.
    • data.external_ids: array of strings
      Tags that can be used to identify your entry. You can search for records that contain a particular external ID using Connect.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, each array element will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.content: string
      This is the data that is stored by the entry.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, content will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.stage: string
      The level of immutability that this entry has reached.
    • data.dblock: object
      Represents the Directory Block that relates to this entry. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.dblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this directory block.
      • data.dblock.height: integer
        The Factom blockchain height of this directory block.
      • data.dblock.href: : string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this directory block.
    • data.eblock: object
      Represents the Entry Block that contains the entry. This will be null if the entry is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.eblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this entry block.
      • data.eblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this entry block.
  • status: string
    The result of signature validation.
    Displays an empty string ("") when signatureValidation is set to false.
    Or displays a function's result when signatureValidation is set to custom function.
    In case signatureValidation is set to true then one of the following values will be returned based on an automatic comparison of the expected SignedEntry structure outlined in our signing standard.
    • not_signed/invalid_entry_format: An entry that was not signed or did not conform to the SignedEntry structure.
    • invalid_signature: An entry was created in the proper SignedEntry structure, but the signature does not match the attached key.
    • retired_height: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key, but that key was retired for the signer identity at a height lower than when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
    • key_not_found: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure but the signer public key does not belong to the signer identity chain.
    • valid_signature: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key. That key was also active for the signer identity at the height when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
         'content':"This chain represents a notary service's customer in the NotarySimulation, a sample implementation provided as part of the Factom Harmony SDKs. Learn more here:",

Gets the last entry that has been saved to this chain.


const entryObj = await factomConnectSDK.chains.entries.getLast({
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2'


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.signatureValidation boolean (true/false/custom function)
Default value is true. Indicates whether the SDK automatically validates that the entry
was signed based on our signing standard.
custom function: allows for validating the entry's signature based on custom logic.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: object
    • data.entry_hash: string
      The SHA256 Hash of this entry.
    • data.chain: object
      An object that contains the Chain Hash (ID) as well as a URL for the chain.
      • data.chain.chain_id: string
        The ID for this chain on the Factom blockchain.
      • data.chain.href:: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this chain.
    • data.created_at: string
      The time at which this entry was created. Sent in ISO 8601 Format. For example: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssssssZ.
    • data.external_ids: array of strings
      Tags that can be used to identify your entry. You can search for records that contain a particular external ID using Connect.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, each array element will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.content: string
      This is the data that is stored by the entry.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, content will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data.stage: string
      The level of immutability that this entry has reached.
    • data.dblock: object
      Represents the Directory Block that relates to this entry. This will be null if the chain is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.dblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this directory block.
      • data.dblock.height: integer
        The Factom blockchain height of this directory block.
      • data.dblock.href: : string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this directory block.
    • data.eblock: object
      Represents the Entry Block that contains the entry. This will be null if the entry is not at least at the factom immutability stage.
      • data.eblock.keymr: string
        The Key Merkle Root for this entry block.
      • data.eblock.href: string
        An API link to retrieve all information about this entry block.
  • status: string
    The result of signature validation.
    Displays an empty string ("") when signatureValidation is set to false.
    Or displays a function's result when signatureValidation is set to custom function.
    In case signatureValidation is set to true then one of the following values will be returned based on an automatic comparison of the expected SignedEntry structure outlined in our signing standard.
    • not_signed/invalid_entry_format: An entry that was not signed or did not conform to the SignedEntry structure.
    • invalid_signature: An entry was created in the proper SignedEntry structure, but the signature does not match the attached key.
    • retired_height: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key, but that key was retired for the signer identity at a height lower than when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
    • key_not_found: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure but the signer public key does not belong to the signer identity chain.
    • valid_signature: An entry that conformed to the SignedEntry structure and the signature was verified with the listed key. That key was also active for the signer identity at the height when this entry reached the factom immutability stage.
         'content':"This chain represents a notary service's customer in the NotarySimulation, a sample implementation provided as part of the Factom Harmony SDKs. Learn more here:",

Finds all of the entries with externalIds that match what you entered.


const entriesObj = await{
      chainId: 'c15f9e51781a8a4c520c15fd135e761b922b709217ebea974537e8689c74d0c2',
      externalIds: ["TestFunction", "DocumentEntry", "doc987"]


Name Type Description SDK Error Message & Description
params.chainId string
The chain identifier. chainId is required.
chainId parameter was not provided.
params.externalIds array of strings
A list of external IDs.
Note: Since the Connect API requires each array element to be Base64 encoded, the SDK will do so before making the API request.
at least 1 externalId is required.
externalIds parameter was not provided.

externalIds must be an array.
An invalid externalIdsparameter was provided.
params.limit integer
The number of items you would like to return back in each page. The default value is 15. limit must be an integer.
An invalid limit format was provided.
params.offset integer
The offset parameter allows you to select which item you would like to start from when a list is returned from Connect. For example, if you have already seen the first 15 items and you would like the next set, you would send an offset of 15. offset=0 starts from the first item of the set and is the default position. offset must be an integer.
An invalid offset format was provided.
params.accessToken object
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify the following two authentication parameters which will override the same parameters which have already been set on the instantiation of the SDK class
* appId (string)
* appKey (string)
params.baseUrl string
This is the override parameter that allows user to specify a different API Base URL for your application (which you can see by clicking on any of the applications in the application list the you see upon logging into


Response: OK

  • data: array of objects
    • data[].entry_hash: string
      The SHA256 Hash of this entry.
    • data[].external_ids: array of strings
      Tags that can be used to identify your entry.
      Note: Since the Connect API Base64 encodes these values for transport, each array element will be decoded for you by the SDK.
    • data[].stage: string
      The level of immutability that this entry has reached.
    • data[].href: string
      An API link to retrieve all information about this entry.
  • offset: integer
    The index of the first item returned from the total set, which starts from 0.
  • limit: integer
    The number of entries returned per page.
  • count: integer
    The total number of entries seen.