At UNITADE, project's maintainers are commited to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all members, participants, and contributors: it is believed, that a strong and welcoming community is essential to fostering collaboration, innovation, and growth.
To uphold these values and ensure that everyone feels safe and respected, we have developed this code of conduct (thereafter as “code-doc” or “document”): this document outlines the standards of behavior and expectations we uphold within our community, it serves as a guide for all individuals, regardless of their role or level of involvement, to understand the principles we hold dear and the conduct we expect from one another.
Project's maintainers invite you to familiarize yourself with this code-doc and embrace its principles as you engage with our community, by doing so, you contribute to making UNITADE's community a place where diverse perspectives are valued, ideas are freely exchanged, and where we can collectively thrive.
Code-doc of this, aims to foster an open, innovative, and inclusive community around open source, all participants of this project are expected to abide by this code of conduct, both online and during in-person events associated with this repository either organization or project, to clarify expected behaviour in the community, this document was adopted/created/inspired with:
- .JS Conference - Code of conduct
- NET Foundation - Code of conduct
As members, contributors, and leaders, we pledge to make participation in this community a harassment-free experience for everyone, we are committed to acting and interacting in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Hence, organization requires from all participants – including our attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and staff at our conferences – to agree with the following code of conduct, which we will enforce throughout the event, project is expecting cooperation from all to help ensuring a safe and respectful environment for everybody.
Primary purpose of this community is to collaborate on software projects. We encourage community members to follow these guidelines to inform their interactions on our platform. By adhering to these guidelines, we can maintain a community where users are free to express themselves and challenge each other's ideas while remaining respectful and allowing space for open contribution.
To foster a safe and productive environment, project encourages community members to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Be welcoming and open-minded.
Embrace other ideas and experience levels, welcome new collaborators, and respect diverse perspectives. - Be respectful and empathetic.
Engage in thoughtful and constructive criticism, criticize ideas rather than people, and treat others with courtesy; understand and respect the feelings and experiences of others, and create a community where everyone feels safe to contribute and share ideas. - Improve the discussion.
Contribute to productive discussions, stay on topic, and provide relevant and valuable context when sharing links. - Share mindfully.
Only share valuable and relevant resources, avoid unsolicited links, and refrain from sharing sensitive information.
These are examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include.
Following behaviors are considered unacceptable within this community:
- trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, or public/private harassment;
- publishing others' private information without explicit permission;
- not respecting reasonable communication boundaries;
- using sexualized language or imagery, unwelcome sexual attention or advances;
- swearing or using strong or disturbing language;
- demonstrating graphics or content that may be considered disturbing;
- promoting or assuming any kind of inequality or discrimination;
- promoting drug use and/or any other illegal activities;
- attacking personal tastes or preferences;
- engaging in any conduct that could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting;
These are examples of behaviour that contributes to a negative environment and prohibited in this community.
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
- For enforcement guidelines seek the “contributor covenant's” version of this document:
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this document, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at two ways:
- contacting via default methods, e-mail1 or issues page, but for privacy purposes, its recommended to use the first method;
- if the behaviour breaks the “github-ian” code-doc, you can also report him via support service of the website;
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly, all community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy (if it was reported via private ways) and security of the reporter of any incident.
This document applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces, examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
Community impact guidelines were inspired by:
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, please refer to the FAQ and the translations, which are available on the “contributor covenant's” website.