A dashboard to demonstrate the figures and trajectories of different robots in Autonomy Lab at Simon Fraser University.
by Fei Zhan @ Autonomy Lab
If you have a computer running this Dashboard, and Redis server for data retrieval and data backup, you can make use of that by simply visit that webpage, and check the plots of the robots.
If you have a new robot needed to plug into the dashboard,
First, rpush the name of the robot into robotname in Redis;
Second, set your robot data into key name as your robot name in Redis, with format of robot data as "frame 100 x 20 y 30 voltage 100 current 0.1";
Last, select the corresponding robot name in the Dashboard, and see the plot and trajectory of that robot.
The trajectory is from "x" and "y" values of your robot.
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server
Open http://localhost or in your browser
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Change DocumentRoot /var/www to DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html.
Change Directory /var/www/ to Directory /home/user/public_html/.
restart Apache: sudo service apache2 restart
sudo vi direcory of website/info.php
Write into info.php
Open http://localhost/info.php in your browser
sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-rosbridge-suite
cd direcory of website/
sudo git clone https://github.com/FeiZhan/autolab-plot.git
Open http://localhost/autolab-plot/rosjs/example/index.html in your browser
Follow the instruction on the page, and check if JavaScript console has correct results.
Open http://localhost/autolab-plot/test.html in your browser
With roscore, rosapi, and rosbridge running, make use of the dashboard
Need Redis installed
Run Redis server
Open http://localhost/autolab-plot/index.html in your browser
Set the host as localhost
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the license is included with the sourcecode in the file 'COPYING". Copying and redistribution is permitted only under the terms of the license.
The website is still under construction. If you find bugs, or feel hard to understand the description with my poor English, please contact me [fzhan at sfu dot ca]. I apologize for any inconvience.