All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.3.6 (2022-04-22)
- deps: fix some dependencies vulnerabilities (2406033)
- eslint: fix previous changes made in eslint config and related remediations (517f499)
1.3.5 (2022-04-19)
- deps: update dependencies (2cd66bc)
- eslint: change eslint config and dependencies and fix remaining issues (650a4af)
1.3.4 (2022-03-31)
1.3.3 (2022-03-04)
- deps: update dependencies (899e0ad)
1.3.2 (2022-01-11)
- svoprocessor: fix a minor issue in error handling (e534400)
- deps: remove unused dependencies (8232f15)
- readme: edit readme (cbadb0d)
- build: move start command to test command in both package.json and build.yml (095a8d2)
1.3.1 (2022-01-10)
- readme: add new --trim-only flag documentation in file (8772af7)
1.3.0 (2022-01-10)
- svoprocessor: add --trim-only flag feature (164ebb3)
- filehelper: replace FileHelper by ProgramHelper to be more explicit (8a92a0b)
1.2.2 (2021-12-21)
- filehelper: fix static call to __dirname that led to wrong path usage in SVOConverter (b07caf8)
1.2.1 (2021-12-21)
- svoconverter: add debug to SVOConverter (029f586)
1.2.0 (2021-12-21)
- filehelper: add fileHelper component to better handle project related path of files (8acafe9)
- commandhelper: fix a bug where the version value was unknown (d12e6ac)
- svoconverter: fix path issue by replacing useless dependency in favor of new fileHelper class (702ab9d)
1.1.10 (2021-12-20)
- svoconverter: add debug to SVOConverter (d8de643)
- static: change static binary files location (8e7e947)
1.1.9 (2021-12-20)
- svoconverter: add debug to SVOConverter (51b4e12)
1.1.8 (2021-12-20)
- readme: update readme: add simple installation documentation (5e68f06)
1.1.7 (2021-12-20)
- package.json: fix wrong call to bin file in package.json (47f1836)
1.1.6 (2021-12-18)
- readme: change readme title to the actual name of the project (5a509e1)
1.1.5 (2021-12-18)
- gh-actions: fix an issue in build workflow (e18f1b9)
1.1.4 (2021-12-18)
- gh-actions: fix issue in build workflow (c830ca2)
1.1.3 (2021-12-18)
- gh-actions: fix a missing semicolon in build workflow (a698d9f)
1.1.2 (2021-12-18)
- svoconverter: fix path issue in SVOConverter and edit bin path (280af3f)
- dependencies: remove pkg and @florentinth/pkg-ver dependencies and update related scripts (b7e5170)
- gh-actions: update build workflow according to previous changes and remove useless upload-assets (22ecb81)
- readme: update documentation in the README (ec4a239)
1.1.1 (2021-12-18)
- gh-actions: update both build and dependencies workflows to work with branch main (595a817)
- svoconverter: complete svoconverter (a6c990b)
- svoprocessor: complete SVOProcessor main application component (32f0c91)
- videoprocessor: complete VideoProcessor (440d4a7)
- project: init project structure (2f1e65a)