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Releases: GAM-team/GAM

GAM 5.04

07 Apr 13:27
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  • New gam report usage command provides raw data of usage of G Suite services across a given date range. This data can easily be charted on a Google Sheet allowing you to see timelines and usage trends within your organization.
  • @ejochman improve credential refresh handling
  • handle invalid unicode characters in email body when sending/dropping emails.
  • @taers232c various fixes and improvements.

GAM 5.03

31 Mar 18:04
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  • @taers232c fixes for calendar events and crosactivity
  • upgrade to OpenSSL 1.1.1f
  • remove support for end-of-life MacOS 10.12 Sierra

GAM 5.02

27 Mar 01:44
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  • Fix issue with check serviceaccount

GAM 5.0

26 Mar 21:06
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  • don't get overly excited about 5.0, I ran out of GAM 4 minor release numbers at 4.99 and didn't want to add another digit :-)
  • more behind-the-scenes work by @jay0lee and @ejochman to break file out into smaller modular files
  • @taers232c - fix service account key expiration dates on project create.
  • @taers232c - fix issue with uploading Drive files >100mb
  • gam calendar <email> updateevent allows adding Google Meet teleconference to existing events.
  • retry 429 errors that Google Vault API seems to throw
  • GAM binaries now use the latest/greates Python 3.8.2 and OpenSSL 1.1.1e
  • many more minor fixes and improvements

GAM 5.01

26 Mar 23:15
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  • fix issue that broke admin authentication.

GAM 4.99

28 Feb 01:47
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  • Improvements to gam user <email> check serviceaccount command to check key age and provide color hinting of test results.
  • Ross: fix issue in 4.98 that broke gam report user and gam report customer commands.
  • various other fixes and improvements by Ross and Jay

GAM 4.98

15 Feb 14:27
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  • Improved setup process with less steps. Consent screen is now automatically configured. Admin console domain-wide delegation now pre-populates client_id and scopes fields. Thanks to @marywholey.
  • GAM now requires Python 3.6 or newer. 3.5 is no longer supported. This allows GAM to take advantage of modern Python language performance and readability improvements like f-strings. Thanks to @taers232c for converting many strings.
  • More work by @ejochman to break into smaller modules and add testing.
  • Various fixes and minor improvements.

GAM 4.97

02 Jan 18:10
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  • GAM now generates service account private keys (equivalent of password) locally and allows key rotation. Run gam update project to grant your service account key rotation rights. To rotate the key run gam rotate sakey. Note that this will revoke existing keys so if you've copied oauth2service.json to other machines you'll need to do so again after the rotation (or set them up with their own service account which is better practice). Google recommends rotating service account keys on a routine basis. GAM commands continue to function as normal after the rotation. To see a list of keys for your service account run gam show sakeys. See the wiki for full details.
  • @ejochman: start the challenging process of breaking GAM into separate Python files to make it easier to maintain. Thanks Erik!
  • Ross/Jay: various fixes and cleanup.
  • Improved support for UTF-8 input and output. This requires the binary version of GAM or running GAM with Python 3.7 or newer.
  • Ross: allowed clearing recovery phone.
  • Upgrade GAM binaries to use latest Python 3.8.1.

GAM 4.96

22 Oct 16:17
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  • 64-bit ARM GAM binaries for Raspberry Pi and Chrome OS devices (among other ARM Linux devices).
  • GAM binaries now use Python 3.8
  • Ross: simplified versions of GAM_CSV_ROW_FILTER #1029
  • Ross: detect 32-bit GAM / Python running on 64-bit Windows (you really should be downloading the 64-bit version of GAM or Python).
  • various other fixes and improvements by Jay and Ross

GAM 4.95

01 Oct 19:45
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  • Ross: add support for copyrequireswriterpermission on Drive file upload / update
  • Ross: add includederivedmembership for gam print group-members
  • Fix sporadic corruption of oauth2.txt that was causing GAM to fail to run by locking the file.
  • Improved OS reporting in gam version extended
  • Various other fixes and improvements by Ross and Jay