This is an open tool for risk screening based on globally-avaialble datasets. For more details see full online DOCUMENTATION.
The applied methodology centers around the concept of Risk. In the field of Disaster Risk Management (DRM), risk (R) is typically calculated as a function of: the hazard occurrence probability and intensity (i.e., physical magnitude) in a particular location (H, for Hazard); the people and physical assets (infrastructure, buildings, crops, etc.) situated in that location and therefore exposed to the hazard (E, for Exposure); and the conditions determined by physical, social, and economic factors which increase the susceptibility of an exposed individual, community, asset or system to the impacts of hazards (V, for Vulnerability).
Following this established approach, the risk originating from hazard affecting exposed categories is defined as: R = f(H,E,V)
- Code - Core jupyter notebooks to run the risk screening analytics for each hazard type
- Utility Additional notebook to perform specific spatial operations
Tools developed in the context of World Bank CCDR analytics
- Concept and coding: Mattia Amadio
- Additional coding: Arthur H. Essenfelder, Takuya Iwanaga, Jasper Schröder