- Ubuntu 22.04.04 LTS
- Update system (required for update amdgpu linux drivers)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
- Download amdgpu drivers for linux
- Install amdgpu deb package (it setup official repo + required script for futher gpu driver install)
apt install ./amdgpu-install_*.deb
- Install amdgpu driver itself
- Reboot (required for amdgpu driver init)
- Download blender 3.1
- Unpack somewhere
- Setup env. variable
and set to blender executable. For example:
echo "BLENDER_EXE=/home/feniks/bin/blender-4.1.0-linux-x64/blender" >> ~/.bashrc
- Install blender build dependencies
sudo apt-get install castxml python3.11 python3.11-dev \
build-essential cmake \
makeself patchelf libpci-dev libdrm-dev opencl-headers \
libopenimageio-dev libfreeimage-dev libembree-dev
- Install python deps
python3.11 -m pip install numpy cffi imageio pytest
- Add to PATH required python binaries. For example:
echo "PATH=/home/amd/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Dont forget to fetch project submodules git submodule update --init -f --recursive
To build project run command
To create shipment archive, please, run script:
cd BlenderPkg
Shipment package should be in BuildPkg/.build
To install shipment build, run blender, select Edit -> Preferences -> Addons -> Install
Then activate "RadeonProRender"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64
python3.11 tests/commandline/run_blender.py $BLENDER_EXE tests/commandline/test_rpr.py
// In the middle should be your path to Blender's executable file.
- Run pycharm, add project
- Add blender iterpretator. `Settings -> Python Iterpreter -> Add Iterpreter. Set blender python interpreter. For example, for blender 4.1 on my system:
- Run once script from project root:
./run_blender_with_rpr_Ubuntu.sh ~/blnddbg
- Add Run/Debug configuration in Pycharm.
- Select Python from blender (see step 2)
- Select script. Set script path to cmd_tools/run_blender.py. For example:
- In script argument, set path to blender and path to AMDProRender main script:
/home/amd/blender-4.1.0-linux-x64/blender /home/amd/workspace/RadeonProRenderBlenderAddon/cmd_tools/test_rpr.py
- In
Working directory
select path from step 3. For example:/home/amd/blnddbg
- In
Environment variables