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File metadata and controls

206 lines (144 loc) · 4.67 KB


Work in progress

This Symfony bundle will simplify the management of interactions with google analytics.


Install composer

Add the following to your require block in composer.json config

"hamaryuginh/google-analytics-bundle": "dev-master"

Then, execute the following command in your symfony poject root

$ composer install


Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
    new Hamaryuginh\GoogleAnalyticsBundle\HamaryuginhGoogleAnalyticsBundle(),

Add to your app/config/config.yml the following:

    account: UA-XXXXXX-Y   # Your GA account ID
    debug:   false         # [Facultative] set to true to activate debug mode
    enabled: false         # Enable or disable tracking

Add the following before </head> tag:

{{ ga_initialize() }}

At the end of your document, before the </body> tag, add:

{{ ga_start() }}

Install assets (from your symfony project root):

$ php app/console assets:install --symlink


Globally, you define a data-ga-xxx attribute on any tag and you give arguments as JSON string (ex: data-ga-page="{'page':'/home'}")

Page tracking

Add data-ga-page attribute on <body> tag or any other tag:

<body data-ga-page="{'page':'/home'}">


  <div data-ga-page="{'page':'/home'}"></div>

Or whatever you want...

Warning! data-ga-page must be defined only once per document !

For further information, take a look at the Page tracking documentation.

Custom dimentions and metrics

Add data-ga-dimension attribute on any tag:

  <div data-ga-dimension="{'index':1, 'value':'Hello'}"></div>
  <div data-ga-dimension="{'index':2, 'value':'World!!!'}"></div>
  <div data-ga-metric="{'index':18, 'value':8000}"></div>
  <div data-ga-metric="{'index':19, 'value':24.99}"></div>

For further information, take a look at the Custom dimensions and metrics documentation.

Event tracking (only "click" event at the moment)

Add data-ga-event attribute on any tag:

  <a href="#" data-ga-event="{'eventCategory':'Link','eventAction':'click','eventLabel':'link 1'}">Home</a>
  <div data-ga-event="{'eventCategory':'Element','eventAction':'click','eventLabel':'On div'}"></div>

For further information, take a look at the Event tracking documentation.

Social interactions (only homemade social buttons at the moment)

Add data-ga-social attribute on any tag:

  <a href="" target="_blank" data-ga-social="{'socialNetwork':'facebook','socialAction':'like','socialTarget':''}">
    <img src="facebook.png" alt="Facebook">

For further information, take a look at the Social interactions documentation.

Last but not least

Obviously, you can still use the Google Analytics library by the default way:

<script type="text/javascript">
  ga('set', 'dimension1', 'toto');
  ga('send', 'event', ...);
  ga('send', 'pageview');

Ecommerce usage

1. Start the ecommerce tracking

Be sure to only declare this once and AFTER initializing the GA tracker (see Configuration)

{{ ga_ecommerce_initialize() }}

2. Add a transaction

A transaction is like a basket

{{ ga_ecommerce_addTransaction('transactionid',
                            'taxRate') }}

3.Add an item to the transaction

An item is a product in your basket. Add as many items in your transaction as you want.

{{ ga_ecommerce_addItem('transactionId',
                        'quantity') }}

4. Send the transaction to GA

Call this after having added all the items to the transaction.

{{ ga_ecommerce_send() }}

Have fun!


Feel free to open an issue or add a pull request.