- [book list] Free Math Books
- [course] Linear Algebra lectures by Gilbert Strang.
- [course] MIT Math for CS
- [problems, articles] Brilliant: Loads of amazing problems and wiki articles on almost anything.
- [problems] Project Euler has good quality math-programming problems.
- [book] Napkin Project A great (free) book to learn more Math (with almost every topic)
- [video] Why use measure theory for probability?: Measure-theoretic language is widespread in many advanced texts on probability. If you're unable to appreciate its utility, watch this 3-part video: part 1, part 2, part 3. Then read a bit about Lebesgue integration, which helps give a rigorous and general definition of 'expected value'.
- [course] Dan Spielman's Spectral Graph Theory
- [book] Topology by James R. Munkres - A well-written book for topology even for beginners.
- [reference] TheoremDep - Track Dependencies between Theorems
- [visualization] 3blue1brown - Gant Sanderson's video series for math visualization
- [tool/library] NetworkX Docs for Graph Theory in Python
- [visualization, tutorial] D3 Graph Theory - Interactive Graph Theory Tutorials for Beginners
- [blog] Medium / Cantor's Paradise
- [blog] Math Intersect Programming - Amazing blog by Jeremy Kun on mathematical applications in computer science.
- [visualization] The Evolution of Trust: This is an example of how math affects the society. Illustratively beautiful!
- [blog] 11011110 - Interesting Math Puzzles and a good blog with computer science and math.
- [blog] Problem-Solving Strategies - Terrance Tao's problem solving strategies for Elementary Analysis.