In this document we run pg2b3dm on a sample dataset, a shapefile from Delaware containing building footprints with a height attribute. The generated 3D tiles are visualized in a CesiumJS/Mapbox GL JS v3 beta/Cesium for Unreal viewer.
We download a dataset from the US Building Footprints.
Download dataset:
Delaware - Dover (22,532 buildings available)!AqWv0F0N63JkgQqO6E9e2kI28R16
Donwload zip, unzip. It contains a 'bldg_footprints.shp' shapefile with building height column.
PostGIS database
.NET 8.0 SDK
GDAL (ogr2ogr)
Import the buildings to database using ogr2ogr.
$ ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres dbname=postgres" bldg_footprints.shp -nlt POLYGON -nln delaware_buildings
In PostGIS, a spatial table 'delaware_buildings' is created.
postgres=# ALTER TABLE delaware_buildings ADD COLUMN geom_triangle geometry;
postgres=# ALTER TABLE delaware_buildings ADD COLUMN style json;
postgres=# ALTER TABLE delaware_buildings ADD COLUMN shaders json;
postgres=# ALTER TABLE delaware_buildings ADD COLUMN elevation real default 0.0;
Update the style column with a JSON file containing walls, roof, floor colors:
Colors used:
#008000: green (floor)
#FF0000: red (roof)
#EEC900: yellow (wall)
postgres=# UPDATE delaware_buildings SET style = ('{ "walls": "#EEC900", "roof":"#FF0000", "floor":"#008000"}');
The 'shaders' column will be filled in next 'bertt/tesselate_building' step.
Install tool tesselate_building
$ dotnet tool install --global tesselate_building
When installation gives problems try with:
$ dotnet tool install -g --add-source '' --ignore-failed-sources tesselate_building
Tool tesselate_building does the following:
reads the footprint heights and geometries (from wkb_geometry);
extrudes the buildings with height value;
triangulate the building and gets the colors per triangle;
writes geometries to column geom_triangle (as polyhedralsurface geometries);
writes shaders info (color code per triangle) into shaders column;
Note: For Mapbox GL JS v3 beta support use '-f mapbox' in the following step.
$ tesselate_building -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres -f cesium -t delaware_buildings -i wkb_geometry -o geom_triangle --idcolumn ogc_fid --stylecolumn style --shaderscolumn shaders
Tool: Tesselate buildings
Password for user postgres:
Connected to database.
Table: delaware_buildings
Progress: 100.00%
Elapsed: 190 seconds
Program finished.
After running, columns 'geom_triangle' and 'shaders' should be filled with the correct information.
The geom_triangle column contains PolyhedralSurfaceZ geometries consisting of triangles.
In SQL add a spatial index on the geom_triangle column for fast performance:
psql> CREATE INDEX ON delaware_buildings USING gist(st_centroid(st_envelope(geom_triangle)));
The shaders column contains json information like:
"PbrMetallicRoughness": {
"BaseColors": [
In this case PbrMetallicRoughness shader will be used, for all the triangles there is a color code.
Install pg2b3dm:
$ dotnet tool install --global pg2b3dm
Run pg2b3dm, the program will make a connection to the database and 1 tileset.json and 927 b3dm's will be created in the output directory.
$ pg2b3dm -h localhost -U postgres -c geom_triangle -t delaware_buildings -d postgres -a ogc_fid --shaderscolumn shaders
Password for user postgres:
Start processing 2024-01-04T10:55:13....
Input table: delaware_buildings
Input geometry column: geom_triangle
Spatial reference of delaware_buildings.geom_triangle: 4326
Spatial index detected on delaware_buildings.geom_triangle
Query bounding box of delaware_buildings.geom_triangle...
Bounding box for delaware_buildings.geom_triangle (in WGS84): -75.59158711, 39.08939264, -75.44656349, 39.23050979
Height values: [0 m - 76.58 m]
Default color: #FFFFFF
Default metallic roughness: #008000
Doublesided: True
Create glTF tiles: True
Attribute columns: ogc_fid
Center (wgs84): -75.51907530249994, 39.15995121350005
Starting Cesium mode...
Translation ECEF: 1238318.875,-4794808.5,4006101.5
Lod column:
Geometric errors: 2000,0
Refinement: REPLACE
Geometric error used for implicit tiling: 2000
Add outlines: False
Use 3D Tiles 1.1 implicit tiling: True
Maximum features per tile: 1000
Start generating tiles...
Creating tile: 3_5_4.glb
Tiles created: 60
Writing 33 subtree files...
Available Levels: 5
Subtree Levels: 3
SubdivisionScheme: QUADTREE
Writing output/tileset.json...
Elapsed: 9 seconds, 982 milliseconds
Program finished 2024-01-04T10:55:23.
Copy the generated tiles to sample_data\delaware\cesium\ (overwrite the tileset.json and sample tiles in tiles directory there).
Put folder 'sample_data' on a webserver (for example $ python3 -m http.server) and navigate to /delaware/cesium/index.html
If all goes well in Delaware - Dover you can find some 3D Tiles buildings.
Sample live demo in Cesium:
In pg2b3dm use options --create_gltf false --use_implicit_tiling false
Installation Unity3D with plugin 'Cesium for Unity3D' - current version is 1.6.2
Use -f cesium in previous step tesselate_building.
Copy the generated tiles to webserver (for example $ python3 -m http.server)
In Unity3D open sample Assets - CesiumForUnitySamples - Scenes - 05_CesiumMetadata
In the hierarchy navigate to CesiumGeoReference - NYC Buildings - Inpspector
In the Inspector change 'Tileset source' from 'From Cesium Ion' to 'From Url'
In the Inspector change 'URL' to the url pointing to tileset.json
In the Hierarchy go to CesiumGeoReference and change the Latitude, Longitude to 39.15, -75.51
In the Hierarchy go to CesiumGeoReference DynamicCamera, in the Inspector go to 'Cesium Globe Anchor' and change the Latitude, Longitude to 39.15, -75.51
In the Game View the buildings should be visible.
See demo
In pg2b3dm use options --create_gltf false --use_implicit_tiling false
- Installation Unreal Engine with plugin 'Cesium for Unreal' - version 1.15.1 and above
- Use -f cesium in previous step tesselate_building.
Copy the generated tiles to webserver (for example $ python3 -m http.server)
In Unreal create a new blank project
In Unreal press '+' next to 'Blank 3D Tiles Tileset' in the Cesium panel
In the Outliner - Cesium3DTileset properties change property Source from 'From Cesium Ion' to 'From Url'
In the Outliner - Cesium3DTileset properties change property Url from to the url (inclusing tileset.json - for example http://localhost:8000/tileset.json)
Double click left mouse button on Item 'Cesium3DTileset' to zoom to the 3D Tiles.
Disable Outliner - Lighting - ExponentialHeight Fog
- Change camera speed for better navigation (using right mouse click - wasd keys)
. Camera speed to 8
. Camera speed scalar to 2
- Deselect buildings by click in the view
If all goes well the 3D Tiles the 3D Tile buildings should be visualized.