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Reloaded II: Inter Mod Communication

No DLL Exports? No problem!
Providing a Reloaded-native implementation to a rare but sometimes useful feature.

Table of Contents


Reloaded-II provides two mechanisms for what it considers "Inter Mod Communication", dubbed "Plugins and Controllers".

Plugins allow you to extend the functionality of other mods by implementing interfaces defined by them inside your mod. The mod loader API searches, creates and returns new instances of classes implementing a specific interface from other mods. In other words, plugins do not share state.

Controllers allow you to directly interact with other loaded mods. Individual mods can submit shared instances of interfaces to the mod loader, which can then be obtained by other mods. Controllers share state.

To make use of these, you first require an instance of the IModLoader interface, normally obtained as a parameter to your mod's entry point that allows for interaction with the mod loader.

Plugins and Controllers: Similarities and Differences

Sharing Interfaces (Important!)

Before you get started with Controllers and Plugins, there is a very important piece of information that must be addressed.

If you are a developer of a mod which will share interfaces to be used by other mods, you must first share the interface with the mod loader.

This can be done by inheriting the interface IExports (from Reloaded.Mod.Interfaces) in your main mod, with single method GetTypes which should return an array of interfaces to be consumed by other mods.


public class Exports : IExports 
    public Type[] GetTypes() => new[] { typeof(IController) };

Sharing forces other mods to load the same instance of the DLL containing the shared interfaces (regardless of whether the version is newer or older!). If you do not share your interfaces other mods wouldn't be able to find it when making calls to the mod loader.

If you do not do this, MakeInterfaces and GetController will not work for other mods.


In order to be able to consume a Plugin or Controller from another mod, you must first set that mod's id as either a required or optional dependency.

This is a safeguard in order to ensure that unintended libraries do not get unified between otherwise isolated mod instances. This allows for the safe use of Shared Libraries..

Required Dependencies

(Mods specified as ModDependencies in ModConfig.json)

Reloaded-II re-sorts the order at which the mods are loaded on launch, guaranteeing that any required dependency of your mod will be loaded before your mod. As such, you are free to obtain Controllers and/or Plugins immediately in the entry point of your mod.

IController _controller;
void Start(IModLoaderV1 loader) 
	_controller = loader.GetController<IController>();

Optional Dependencies

(i.e. Mods specified as OptionalDependencies in ModConfig.json)

If the mod is an optional dependency (i.e. not in the mod's dependencies list), then the preferred option is to acquire Controllers/Plugins after the mod loader has finished initializing (all mods are loaded).

To do this, simply subscribe to IModLoader's OnModLoaderInitialized, and try to obtain an interface instance at that point.

IModLoader _loader;
IController _controller;
void Start(IModLoaderV1 loader) 
   _loader = (IModLoader)loader;
   _loader.OnModLoaderInitialized += Initialized;

// Called by the mod loader after all mods finished loading.
void Initialized() 
	_controller = _loader.GetController<IController>();

Unlike required dependencies, the mod loader does not take load order into account with optional dependencies.

Number of Instances

Plugins are considered a 0 - * relationship, whereby a request for plugins which inherit from a specific interface may return anywhere between 0 to many plugins originating from various different mods.

Controllers are however considered a 0 - 1 relationship. Only one instance of a specific interface maximum can be registered at once into the mod loader at once (this simplifies the API).


Some Reloaded Mod Loader mods support live unloading from a running application. However this poses a problem. If interfaces from a mod about to be unloaded is used by another mod, the mod cannot be fully unloaded.

Reloaded aims to alleviate this problem by returning both Plugins and Controllers as Weak References, i.e. instances of the WeakReference<T> class, and holding the actual strong references to the Plugins/Controllers themselves.

This means that when mods are unloaded from the process, the mod loader can dispose of them without the need of mod developers having manually doing so.

Rules (Simplified)

Storing Controllers

✅ Storing Weak References on the Heap is OK

WeakReference<IController> _reference;
void AcquireController() 
	_reference = _loader.GetController<IController>();

✅ Storing referenced objects on the Stack is OK

void AcquireController() 
	IController controller = _loader.GetController<IController>().Target;   
    // controller is no longer referenced outside of the scope of the method.

❌ Storing referenced objects on the Heap is NOT OK.

IController _controller;
void AcquireController() 
	_controller = _loader.GetController<IController>().Target;
    // This prevents the mod loader from being unable to dispose the controller.
Using Controllers

✅ Always check the controller is valid and hasn't been disposed before usage.

void DoSomethingWithController() 
	if (_controller != null && 
        _controller.TryGetTarget(out var controller))
    	// Do something with controller

Using Plugins


Acquiring new instances of Plugins is performed through the use of the MakeInterfaces method.

// _loader is an instance of IModLoader
WeakReference<ISharedInterface>[] interfaces = _loader.MakeInterfaces<ISharedInterface>();

Using Controllers

For those who may be familiar with the concept of Dependency Inversion, then Reloaded-II acts similarly to an Inversion of Control (IoC) container of sorts. Reloaded stores manually submitted references/binds to objects by type, which can then be requested/resolved by other mods.


To register a controller for it to then be used by other mods, simply use the AddOrReplaceController method of IModLoader. Once this is done, other mods may pick up this controller.

Controller _controller;
void AddController() 
    _controller = new Controller(); // Implements IController
	_loader.AddOrReplaceController<IController>(this, _controller);
    // This refers to `IMod`, containing the mod's entry point.


To acquire a controller that has been submitted from another mod, simply ask the mod loader.

WeakReference<Controller> _controller;
void GetController() 
    _controller = _loader.GetController<IController>();


While the mod loader is capable of automatically disposing your controllers when your mod is unloaded, it should still be noted that it is possible to dispose and/or replace these manually with the RemoveController method.

void Unload() 

You may force a Garbage Collection with GC.Collect() to ensure other mods no longer have access to/acquire a new controller should you ever remove or override an existing controller.

Recommendations & Limitations

Interface DLLs are Immutable

Once a DLL containing interfaces has been loaded into the process, it cannot be unloaded.

e.g. If you recompile SomeMod.Interfaces, it cannot be swapped out without restarting the application/process.

This is unfortunately a limitation of .NET Core, as DLLs cannot be unloaded from AssemblyLoadContext(s), only whole load contexts.

Note: This does not mean mods using the interface DLLs cannot be unloaded. Said mods can be loaded and unloaded during runtime as usual without any problems.

Keep all your Interfaces in a separate library

Anyone using your interfaces will need to reference them from the project which contains the definitions.

This means that if you store your interfaces in the same DLL as your main mod, others would need to reference your mod. Anyone using your interfaces will have your entire mod compiled and copied to their output! (Not good!)

Therefore it is recommended that you make a separate library for storing only your shared interfaces. Both the main mod, and other mods using your Controllers/Plugins should reference that same library.

Ideally interface libraries should be 4-10KB and contain no external references (single DLL).

Upgrading Interfaces used with Controllers/Plugins

Changes to existing interfaces will break mods using the interfaces. This should be fairly obvious to anyone who has used a plugin or a plugin-like system before.

If you want to add more functionality to existing interfaces, either make a new interface or extend the current interface via inheritance. After being published (Mod Released), interfaces should never change (this includes method names).

Controller interfaces should be named with no version suffix and inherit newer versions of itself such that an end user.

Example: Registering upgraded controller via inheritance:

// _controller implements IController which inherits IControllerV2 and IControllerV1.
// Although most consumers will use interface without version suffix it is recommended to register every version of interface, if possible.
ModLoader.AddOrReplaceController<IController>(this, _controller); 
ModLoader.AddOrReplaceController<IControllerV1>(this, _controller); ModLoader.AddOrReplaceController<IControllerV2>(this, _controller);

Example Controller Interfaces: The following are examples of valid controller interfaces.

// Each controller with its own implementation, inheriting the next.
interface IControllerV3 { void DoZ(); }
interface IControllerV2 : IControllerV3 { void DoY(); }
interface IController : IControllerV2 { void DoX(); }
// Base implementation inherits all following controllers.
interface IController : IControllerV2, IControllerV3 { void DoX(); }
// Empty base implementation inheriting other controllers.
interface IController : IControllerV1, IControllerV2, IControllerV3 { }


The following examples contain mods that either export interfaces to be used by other mods and/or consume interfaces from other mods.