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Schuyler Cebulskie edited this page Nov 26, 2024 · 4 revisions

The development environment uses Laravel Sail, a containerized environment with a script and easy-to-use commands for interacting with it.


  • All platforms: Docker
  • Windows: Enable WSL 2 with a Linux distro. Run all commands in WSL.


Copy .env.example to .env:

cp .env.example .env

After doing so, update the values only as needed. The important ones that will most likely need to be filled in are the ConCat and Telegram items.


  1. Create a ConCat account on your ConCat instance for OAuth and ensure it has developer authorization.
  2. Add a new OAuth App at Housekeeping -> Developers -> OAuth Applications -> Create New
    • Use http://localhost for the callback URL
    • Select the registration:read and volunteer:read application permissions

Telegram Bot

  1. Create a bot via @BotFather (/newbot)
  2. Update TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN in .env

Sail Setup

  1. Install the PHP CLI for your environment (ex: sudo apt install php-cli)
  2. Install Composer
  3. Run composer install in the application directory
  4. (Optional) Add sail alias with alias sail='[ -f sail ] && sh sail || sh vendor/bin/sail'
    • It would probably be a good idea to add this to your shell startup script (ex: ~/.bashrc)

Running the Developer Environment

Whenever using a Sail command, if you don't have an alias setup, use sh vendor/bin/sail instead of sail.

  1. To run the container, use sail up (Ctrl+C to stop)
  2. If this is the first time the env has been run:
    1. Run sail artisan key:generate (Updates APP_KEY in .env)
    2. Run sail npm install
    3. Initialize the database schema with sail artisan migrate
    4. (Optional) Seed the database with dummy accounts with sail artisan db:seed
  3. To run the Vite server, use sail npm run dev (Ctrl+C to stop)
  4. Open the project on http://localhost (it may be slow)
    • If you see an Apache/nginx/etc. splash screen, ensure you don't already have a web server bound to port 80.

Development Tips

  • Using php artisan tinker or sail artisan tinker will present a PHP REPL with the application bootstrapped, allowing you to mess with any part of the application and see the result of code in real-time. See the Artisan documentation for more information.
  • The helpers dump(...) and dd(...) can be extremely helpful for debugging the application. The former pretty-prints a representation of any data passed to it with full HTML formatting, and the latter does the same but also immediately halts further execution of the application. Collections and Carbon instances also have ->dump() and ->dd() methods.
  • Use php artisan make:migration or sail artisan make:migration to create a new database migration. See the migrations documentation for more information.
  • The Laravel documentation and API documentation will be very helpful if you're not already familiar with the framework.
  • Running composer run format and npm run format will format all PHP and JavaScript code, respectively.
  • Running npm run lint will lint all JavaScript code, checking for common errors and making recommendations.
    • npm run lint:fix will automatically apply fixes for many of these.
    • npm run lint:fix-unsafe will correct even more, but these changes should be manually verified.
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