Installation guide for the modified GooFit shipped with GooStats
Xuefeng Ding Gran Sasso Science Institute
Copyright (c) 20018
This README is licensed under the GPL v3 License**
- Install GooFit.
go to some folder, say bx-GooStats/..
# first login to node with GPU / qsub -I to GPU queue !!
mkdir build_GooFit
cd build_GooFit
cmake ../bx-GooStats/GooFit -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../GooFit-install"
make -j
make -j install
that's it.
Test the installation
cd ../ mkdir build_GooFitTest cd build_GooFitTest export GOOFIT_DIR="$(pwd)/../GooFit-install" cmake ../bx-GooStats/GooFit/test -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$(pwd)/../bx-GooStats/cmake" make -j ./exp
This is a binned likelihood fitting. The fit function is [0]*exp([1]*x)
The fit will be performed twice, the first is with ROOT/CPU and the second is
with GOOFIT/GPU, and the result should be [0] ~ 500 , [1] ~ -0.5
If you failed, post an issue on github/DingXuefeng/GooStats