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BFF Service - JIT and Native Java Build & Deployment to Cloud Run


Create a Spring Boot Application

# clone the repo
git clone
cd services/quotes

Validate that you have Java 21 and Maven installed

java -version

Validate that GraalVM for Java is installed if building native images

java -version

# should indicate this or later version
java version "21" 2023-09-19
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment Oracle GraalVM 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM Oracle GraalVM 21+35.1 (build 21+35-jvmci-23.1-b15, mixed mode, sharing)

Validate that the starter app is good to go

./mvnw package spring-boot:run

From a terminal window, test the app

curl localhost:8080

# Output
Hello from your local environment!

Build a JVM and Native Java application image

./mvnw clean package 

./mvnw clean package -Pnative -DskipTests

Build a JVM and Native Java application image

./mvnw package -DskipTests 

./mvnw native:compile -Pnative -DskipTests

Start your app with AOT enabled

java -Dspring.aot.enabled -jar target/bff-1.0.0.jar

Build a JIT and Native Java Docker Image with Buildpacks

./mvnw spring-boot:build-image

./mvnw spring-boot:build-image  -DskipTests -Pnative

Test the locally built images on the local machine

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 bff

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 bff-native

Build, test with CloudBuild in Cloud Build

gcloud builds submit  --machine-type E2-HIGHCPU-32

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild-docker.yaml --machine-type E2-HIGHCPU-32

gcloud builds submit  --config cloudbuild-native.yaml --machine-type E2-HIGHCPU-32 


Tag and push images to a registry

If you have built the image locally, tag it first and push to a container registry

# tag the image
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
echo   $PROJECT_ID

# tag and push JIT image
docker tag bff${PROJECT_ID}/bff
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/bff

# tag and push Native image
docker tag bff-native${PROJECT_ID}/bff-native
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/bff-native

Deploy Docker images to Cloud Run

Check existing deployed Cloud Run Services

export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
echo   $PROJECT_ID

gcloud run services list

Deploy the BFF JIT image

gcloud run deploy bff \
     --image${PROJECT_ID}/bff \
     --region us-central1 \
     --memory 2Gi --allow-unauthenticated  

Deploy the BFF Native Java image

gcloud run deploy bff-native \
     --image${PROJECT_ID}/bff-native \
     --region us-central1 \
     --memory 2Gi --allow-unauthenticated

Test the application

Test the application locally

# read the existing Quotes
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/quotes'

# add an additional Quote
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/quotes' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
    "author" : "Isabel Allende",
    "quote" : "The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything.",
    "book" : "City of the Beasts"

# Re-read the list of Quotes
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/quotes'

Test the application in Cloud Run

TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-identity-token)

# Copy the URL of the deployed app
# Test JIT image
http -A bearer -a $TOKEN  https://<BASE_URL>/quotes