I have raspberry pi 4 B with Raspbian OS. Connected it to 55" TV via HDMI cable and connected it to WiFi. I opened chromium and went to watch yourube video. Everything runs perfectly until I go to full screen. Then it started running sluggish. Frames dropted, video and sound went unsynced and it was for every page I opened on web browser. I searched everywhere, tried multiple web browsers, enabled hardware acceleration.... Nothing worked. I tougth maybe it is pi problem. So I downloaded short video in 4k and launched it wiht VLC media player. The image and sound were perfect in full screen. That means it is browser problem. I tried sending data strait to vlc player from chromium and firefox but couldn't do it. The add-ons require some client-software installed but not for arm architecture. Now about the fix. For this one desktop is required!
Shivasiddharth managed to compile stremio for arm architecture. If you want you can follow his walktrough or stick here and later please go there to buy him a coffe, provide feedback and give a star or positive review. First we need to download zip file that contains binaries. Download it from his site here. Move it from Downloads
folder to ~
mv ${File path} ~
Make sure to change ${File path}
to your file path of the zip file. Now unzip it
unzip ${file}
Change file to the file you downloaded. Run the following commands
- For Buster users:
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ buster main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-get update
- For Bullseye users:
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-get update
Change the directory:
- For 64-bit users:
cd /home/${USER}/Stremio-x.x.xxx-arm64-64-bit/
- For 32-bit users:
cd /home/${USER}/Stremio-x.x.xxx-armhf-32-bit/
Remember to change Stremio-x.x.xxx-arm...
to your version
Preform the installation:
- For 64-bit users:
sudo apt-get install ./libfdk-aac1_0.1.6-1_arm64.deb ./stremio_x.x.xxx-1_arm64.deb -f
- For 32-bit users:
sudo apt-get install ./libfdk-aac1_0.1.6-1_armhf.deb ./stremio_x.x.xxx-1_armhf.deb -f
Change stremio_x.x.xxx-1_arm
to your version. Now you should have it installed. Open it.
Click on top right puzzle icon
Now add the ones you want. Go back to home page and choose the movie or series you like
Click to watch it
When it starts, pauze it!
Now click on settings button and choose Watch on VLC
The movie will be opened in VLC Media player and it should not be sluggish. Remember not to run it like me in RealVNC, but dirrectly on monitor!
You can add subtitles by clicking on View -> VLsub
Click Search by hash
Click on the result
Download the selection
Close and enjoy your movie! If you can't hear anything, right-click on top right of you desktop bar and choose HDMI
as your output
If you want, play with VLC media player to optimize sound, picture and subtitles. If it is still slugish, it is probably internet connection. If you can't hear anything, right-click on top right of you desktop bar and choose HDMI
as your output and enjoy your movie in full screen!