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As the CIO, I want to document and communicate our organization's identification and authentication policy.
Why: Defining and properly-sharing an identification and authentication policy is essential to ensuring that privileged information remains secure.
- Define roles in addition to ISSO or ISSM that the identification and authentication policy is to be disseminated to. (State if there are no additional roles)
- Ensure that the identification and authentication policy and procedures are disseminated
- Define frequency at which to review and update the identification and authentication policy and procedures (Annually).
- Maintain audit trail of reviews and updates.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- List of personnel to whom identification and authentication policy and procedures are to be disseminated
- Authentication policy
- Authentication policy version update page
- Authentication policy audit trail of reviews and updates
As the CISO, I need to ensure that accounts for all employees, contractors, guest researchers, etc are properly secured.
Why: To prevent unwanted access to secure data, we need to ensure that all network and local access to privileged accounts are secure.
- Use multifactor authentication for all employee-level accounts.
- If this is a federal agency, use inter-operable credentials that comply with HSPD-12 and FIPS-201.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- Documentation of multifactor authentication system in organization's identification and authentication policy.
- Proof of HSPD-12 compliance.
- HSPD-12 program
- Federal Identity Resources
- FIPS-201 WikiPedia article
- IA
- IA-2
- security
- accounts
As the CISO, I want to ensure that all employee-level account creations and configuration is done according to an approved workflow.
Why: To prevent unwanted access to secure data, we need to ensure that all network and local access to privileged accounts are secure.
- Define an employee registration process that requires:
- Unique personal identifiers that are applied to specific devices or roles
- Supervisor authorization
- Multiple forms of certification of individual identification be presented to the registration authority
- Periodic (monthly) review and disabling of inactive accounts
- Define an employee registration authority that:
- Follows the registration process
- Co-ordinates with external organizations for cross-organization management of identifiers
- Define and enforce a password policy (IA-5):
- Minimum password complexity (length, minimum number of upper/lowercase/number/special characters)
- Unique passwords with at least x characters changed when new passwords are created
- Encrypt all passwords for transmission and storage using a cryptographic module that meets the requirements of applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance for such authentication (IA-7)
- Minimum and maximum password lifetime
- Use temporary passwords that can be immediately changed to a permanent password for password resets.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- Documented registration process are part of the organization's identification and authentication policy.
- A role within the organization's IT operations that will act as the organization's registration authority.
- Password policy included in the organization's identification and authentication policy
- IA
- IA-4
- IA-5
- IA-7
- security
- accounts
As the CISO of a federal agency, I need to ensure that all non-employee access follows federal guidelines.
Why: All outside access, 3rd party integrations, or API connects to our organization's IT systems need to be secure to ensure the safety of privileged information.
- Accept and electronically verify Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials from other federal agencies.
- Only use FICAM-approved third-party credentials.
Acceptance Criteria / Evidence:
- Non-employee access guidelines are part of the organization's identification and authentication policy
- Docuentation of all third-party credentials and proof of FICAM approval.
- FICAM Guidance
- List of FICAM TFS Approved Identity Services
- IA
- IA-8
- federal
- security
- accounts