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larspalo edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 13 revisions

A Note: It is usually better to ask question via the public forum or mailing lists than to mail GO developers directly. For common problems, you will likely get faster anwsers, because other GO uses also can help. Additionally, the discussion is preserved for the public - so if somebody comes up with the same question, the previous answers are available.

  • What about latency?

GO ships with safe (=bigger) latency settings. Lower samples per buffers decrease latency but also limit polyphony. Each sound card entry in GO has a "desired latency" setting (default: 50 ms).

  • What about ASIO?

While the GO sources still allow compiling with ASIO, I only ship GO builds without ASIO. GO directly supports WDK/KS, which is wrapped by ASIO4ALL. Use WDM/KS and WASAPI instead of ASIO. If WASAPI does not work, try a different samplerate in GrandOrgue.

  • Where can I download GrandOrgue for Linux?

Linux binaries are provided via the [](openSUSE Build Service) provides further information.

  • Where can I download GrandOrgue for Windows and OS X?

Testing contains the newest versions.

  • How is GrandOrgue developed?

We determine the GrandOrgue version number based on the number of changes to the source code in our Svn repository. The last part of the version number (eg. is the svn revision number. So a higher number means a more recent GrandOrgue.

Our [](svn history) can be used as changelog.

GrandOrgue uses a agile development model. We don't publish major release, but release new versions containing smaller changes more often.

The release of binaries for Windows, OS X and Linux occurs at different schedules.

  • What about "GrandOrgue 0.3" folder?

For Windows and OS X, we had the idea to move better tested builds to this location. Therefore it contains older versions lacking all bug fixes since its release. Testing contains the newest builds containing all currently available GrandOrgue features.

For Linux, we don't keep any old builds. If you add the OBS repository to your linux system, your system updater will find new GrandOrgue versions automatically.

  • A bug has been fixed in GO ''1234''. Where can I download it?

If the GO revision number is lower than the revision number of the builds available for download, this build includes that change. Otherwise, the fix will be part of the next regular update and you have to wait for it.

  • How to build GrandOrgue?

See [Building for Windows] or the file in the sources.

  • I want to modify/create ODF (organ definition files) for GO

GO includes a "telegram style" ODF and organ package reference in its help (Anybody is welcome to submit improvements for our help). You should also enable "strict ODF mode" in the GO settings, as this will report various potential problems. In regards to temperament handling, it will only report larger, probably incorrect retunings - each pipe of each stop still needs to be checked manually in equal temperament for smaller errors.

  • [Broken MIDI Adapters]

  • There are no GO Packages for my Ubuntu/Debian derived distribution XXXX

We can't provide binaries for all distribution. If you are missing binaries, grab the source package for the closest matching distribution [a .dsc file, a diff.gz file and a tar.gz file] and run in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot
dpkg-source -x grandorgue*.dsc
cd grandorgue-0.3.*
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Then install the resulting .deb packages.

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