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NEAR Wallet

Build Status Gitpod Ready-to-Code

This is in-browser web-based wallet for working with NEAR accounts. This wallet stores account keys in open text using the localStorage on user's machine.

WARNING: This wallet shouldn't be used as the only signer for high-value accounts. Make sure to use hardware wallet when substantial amount of NEAR tokens is involved.

Getting started

First ensure there is a value for the NEAR_WALLET_ENV environment variable. This can be set in packages/frontend/.env prior to bundling. The set of valid values for NEAR_WALLET_ENV are the JSON values defined in environments.json (e.g. NEAR_WALLET_ENV=development).

To build locally, run the following command in the /frontend directory. Substitute testnet for the desired environment as outlined above.

yarn && NEAR_WALLET_ENV=testnet yarn start

The environment must be set at bundle time rather than run time. If you wish to run the frontend package with a different environment, please run yarn prebuild first.


To run tests:

yarn test


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE and LICENSE-APACHE for details.