It requires dotnet-sdk-5.0
and dotnet-runtime-3.1
to build and run. Use the following command to install:
cd /tmp && wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb && \
dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb && apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0 dotnet-runtime-3.1
If permission denied, add sudo
before each command.
Or see official docs for installing .NET on Ubuntu (18.04/20.04)
Both .NET runtime 3.1
and .NET SDK 5.0
are required.
Run the following command:
cd ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE
dotnet build
dotnet build --configuration Release
The debug version of the compiled program will be at ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll
, and the release version of the compiled program will be at ./bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll
(Current folder is ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE
Then run the following command under ./StrPEOSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE
to see if the build is successful:
dotnet ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --help
dotnet ./bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --help
The usage is for running benchmark manually.
After compiling the tool, use the following command to see the help information.
dotnet ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --help
It will print the manual as follows:
--samplegen <benchmark_dir> <benchmark_id> <seed> <count> <output_dir>
Generate examples based on a benchmark program specified by <benchmark_id>.csv and <benchmark_id>.txt
--synthloop <example_file> <cache_folder>
Start a synthesize loop. <example_file> is a csv file with I/O examples.
--test <testpath>
Select a csv file in <testpath> to do synthesize. (for debugging)
Below are some examples of using the synthesizer (assume working directory is the root directory of this repo):
Generate examples:
dotnet ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --samplegen ./benchmark/strprose/targets prog3 3014 2000 ./benchmark/strprose/example_files
Synthesis Loop using an example file:
dotnet ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --synthloop ./benchmark/strprose/example_files/prog1.seed1000.csv ./outputs/cache/StrPROSE
Synthesis test under a test folder:
dotnet ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --test ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/tests
Now look at a running example for synthesis with an example file. The example file is a .csv
file in the following format:
T9A4l K4C,t9a4l
OG7 tS 9,og7
"4P f565Y,kd ",4p
"E If w,QsVj",e
jtK gwieR,jtk
" TeY ,2eU2N",tey
Use the following command to run the synthesizer:
dotnet ./StrPROSE-synthesizer/StrPROSE/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/StrPROSE.dll --synthloop ./benchmark/strprose/example_files/prog1.seed1000.csv ./outputs/cache/StrPROSE
Then the synthesizer will run a loop to ask for sample size. Input 5
and press Enter
. The synthesizer will check the cache for the results of sample size 1-5. If not in the cache, the synthesizer will synthesize with sample size 1-5. Then it will ask for sample size again. Input -1
will stop the synthesis loop.
StrPROSE 0.1
================ Synthesize Loop (./benchmark/strprose/example_files/prog1.seed1000.csv)================
# Constructing Synthesizer ...
# Length of a row: 2
# Please input example_size:
# Important Example. #eg=1 newVSAsize=11550491192205431488
# Important Example. #eg=2 newVSAsize=4326192
# Important Example. #eg=3 newVSAsize=8220
# Important Example. #eg=4 newVSAsize=60
## Write 5 examples with H to csv: ./prog1.seed1000.csv.cache.csv
# synth.currentVSASize: 60
# synth.currentProgram: LowerCase(SubString(x, AbsPos(x, 0), RelPos(x, (.*?, \s+, 0, 0))), x)
# Please input example_size:
# Bye
The synthesizer will also output the results to another .csv
file in the specified cache folder:
T9A4l K4C,t9a4l,11550491192205431488,True,"ConstStr(""t9a4l"")"
OG7 tS 9,og7,4326192,True,"LowerCase(SubString(x, ......
"4P f565Y,kd ",4p,8220,True,"LowerCase(SubString(x,......
The output file contains the synthesized result after each additional example and the size of the hypothesis space. The important
column indicates whether the example on each row drop the hypothesis space or not.