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<h1>Generate Social Assets</h1>
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<h2 class="title one">General Body Meeting</h2>
<p class="sub one">Section 1 Subtitle</p>
<p class="body one">Section 1 Body<br>Tool Time: idk.</p>
<div class="image one"></div>
<h2 class="title two">This Week's Workshop</h2>
<p class="sub two">Section 2 Subtitle</p>
<p class="body two">Section 2 Body.</p>
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31.0145ZM141.565 32.9524C142.013 32.9524 142.377 33.3161 142.377 33.7647C142.377 34.2136 142.013 34.5773 141.565 34.5773C141.116 34.5773 140.752 34.2136 140.752 33.7647C140.752 33.3161 141.116 32.9524 141.565 32.9524ZM137.881 25.8647C138.33 25.8647 138.693 26.2285 138.693 26.6775C138.693 27.126 138.33 27.4898 137.881 27.4898C137.432 27.4898 137.068 27.126 137.068 26.6775C137.068 26.2285 137.432 25.8647 137.881 25.8647ZM133.068 18.5138C133.517 18.5138 133.881 18.8776 133.881 19.3264C133.881 19.7753 133.517 20.1391 133.068 20.1391C132.619 20.1391 132.256 19.7753 132.256 19.3264C132.256 18.8776 132.619 18.5138 133.068 18.5138ZM127.035 24.0149C127.484 24.0149 127.848 24.3786 127.848 24.8272C127.848 25.2758 127.484 25.6396 127.035 25.6396C126.586 25.6396 126.223 25.2758 126.223 24.8272C126.223 24.3786 126.586 24.0149 127.035 24.0149ZM132.393 39.7275V44.4078C137.258 41.8819 141.737 38.7781 145.022 33.8824L131.868 11.2777L118.583 34.1888C121.661 38.7159 126.004 42.123 131.493 44.5162V39.7275H130.737H129.843H129.837V36.2774H127.485H126.585V35.3773V32.2772H124.429C124.235 32.9346 123.627 33.4145 122.906 33.4145C122.029 33.4145 121.319 32.7037 121.319 31.8271C121.319 30.9503 122.029 30.2398 122.906 30.2398C123.627 30.2398 124.235 30.7195 124.429 31.3771H126.585V26.3499C125.928 26.1558 125.448 25.5476 125.448 24.8272C125.448 23.9503 126.159 23.2398 127.035 23.2398C127.912 23.2398 128.623 23.9503 128.623 24.8272C128.623 25.5476 128.143 26.1558 127.485 26.3499V35.3773H129.837H130.737V36.2774V38.8274H133.168V37.0774V36.1772V33.8275H130.718H129.818V32.9275V27.5648V26.6647H130.718H132.618V20.8491C131.96 20.655 131.481 20.047 131.481 19.3264C131.481 18.4499 132.191 17.739 133.068 17.739C133.945 17.739 134.656 18.4499 134.656 19.3264C134.656 20.047 134.176 20.655 133.518 20.8491V26.6647V27.5648V27.6026H132.618V27.5648H130.718V32.9275H133.168V31.4648V30.5648H134.068H137.431V28.2C136.773 28.006 136.293 27.3978 136.293 26.6775C136.293 25.8005 137.004 25.0897 137.881 25.0897C138.758 25.0897 139.468 25.8005 139.468 26.6775C139.468 27.3978 138.988 28.006 138.331 28.2V30.5648V31.4585V31.4648H134.068V32.9275V33.8275V36.1772H136.343V34.215V33.3147H137.243H140.042C140.236 32.6572 140.844 32.1773 141.565 32.1773C142.441 32.1773 143.152 32.8881 143.152 33.7647C143.152 34.6416 142.441 35.3524 141.565 35.3524C140.844 35.3524 140.236 34.8725 140.042 34.215H137.243V36.1772V37.0774H136.343H134.068V38.8274V39.7275H133.168H132.393ZM112.785 8.38369C119.219 6.96802 125.116 4.53824 130.644 0.944283L131.863 0.151405L133.085 0.939999C138.49 4.42627 144.871 6.74145 151.053 8.40893L152.681 8.84791L152.714 10.5346C152.851 17.7133 152.033 25.2912 148.814 31.8048C146.35 36.7888 142.786 40.5545 138.185 43.6215C136.487 44.7541 134.705 45.7557 132.885 46.6804L131.954 47.1538L130.992 46.7461C126.418 44.8087 122.282 42.0876 118.978 38.3521C112.15 30.6343 110.47 20.4418 111.025 10.4528L111.12 8.75037L112.785 8.38369Z" fill="#D2990B"/> <path d="M166.287 35.2466C163.636 35.0114 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8.32481C199.315 8.56014 201.706 9.46654 204.008 11.2367C204.571 11.6694 205.946 12.9752 205.946 13.0767C205.946 13.1596 202.499 17.0769 202.427 17.0769C202.401 17.0769 202.004 16.7119 201.546 16.2658C200.339 15.0908 199.372 14.4839 198.037 14.0647C197.041 13.7515 196.318 13.6663 195.066 13.7144C192.861 13.7991 191.224 14.4937 189.668 16.0055C188.531 17.1098 187.95 18.0871 187.559 19.5565C187.371 20.2622 187.348 20.488 187.342 21.7593C187.335 23.2552 187.386 23.6425 187.742 24.7497C188.13 25.9586 188.768 26.9636 189.729 27.8823C191.236 29.3216 192.707 29.955 194.732 30.0364C196.344 30.1011 197.703 29.8204 199.043 29.1457C199.925 28.7021 200.487 28.2877 201.37 27.4299L202.184 26.639L203.908 28.4094C204.856 29.3831 205.669 30.2428 205.715 30.32C205.783 30.4367 205.714 30.5471 205.301 30.9782C203.292 33.0762 200.675 34.5459 197.954 35.1041C197.054 35.2888 194.462 35.3734 193.4 35.2527ZM208.543 21.956V8.89258H217.515H226.486V11.3715V13.8504H220.442C215.846 13.8504 214.376 13.873 214.304 13.9448C214.234 14.0147 214.209 14.758 214.209 16.8015C214.209 18.8449 214.234 19.5883 214.304 19.6581C214.375 19.7298 215.776 19.7526 220.127 19.7526H225.856V22.2315V24.7104H220.127C215.776 24.7104 214.375 24.7331 214.304 24.8048C214.232 24.8763 214.209 26.1287 214.209 29.9594V35.0195H211.376H208.543V21.956Z" fill="#D2990B" stroke="#D2990B" stroke-width="0.0786956"/> <path d="M70.6293 35.014C66.9882 34.8016 64.1619 33.561 61.6915 31.0906C59.312 28.711 58.1861 26.2122 57.9074 22.6919C57.6189 19.0472 58.6353 15.6403 60.8081 12.9686C61.3636 12.2856 62.5278 11.175 63.2736 10.6166C64.9619 9.35265 66.8581 8.53906 69.0554 8.13591C70.0409 7.95509 73.0454 7.92846 73.9738 8.09231C76.3415 8.51015 78.3096 9.3403 80.0839 10.6695C80.9053 11.2849 82.3156 12.6209 82.3156 12.7837C82.3156 12.8574 79.5426 16.0835 78.9734 16.672C78.8874 16.7609 78.7546 16.662 78.173 16.0763C76.7024 14.5949 75.1532 13.7794 73.2656 13.4927C69.5109 12.9225 65.9634 14.7001 64.4894 17.8904C63.9116 19.1411 63.6548 20.8491 63.8085 22.4194C64.0201 24.5821 64.7173 26.1475 66.0657 27.4872C67.9809 29.3899 70.4467 30.0853 73.353 29.5422C75.0761 29.2201 76.6254 28.3702 77.9464 27.0222L78.5934 26.3619L80.0086 27.7986C81.6795 29.495 82.1582 30.0111 82.1582 30.1162C82.1582 30.248 80.4203 31.8976 79.7953 32.359C77.0296 34.4005 74.1938 35.2219 70.6293 35.014ZM6.96195 34.8434C6.94117 34.7888 6.93325 28.8832 6.94436 21.72L6.96457 8.69585L9.70961 8.67514C11.67 8.66035 12.4854 8.67997 12.5623 8.74379C12.6515 8.81782 12.67 9.76209 12.67 14.2451C12.67 19.1075 12.6826 19.6619 12.7945 19.7048C12.9571 19.7672 23.0068 19.7672 23.1694 19.7048C23.2813 19.6619 23.2939 19.1033 23.2939 14.1976V8.73819L23.471 8.69505C23.5684 8.67132 24.8521 8.6618 26.3237 8.67388L28.9993 8.69585V21.7987V34.9015H26.1663H23.3332L23.2939 29.7469L23.2546 24.5924H17.9819H12.7093L12.67 29.7469L12.6307 34.9015L9.8152 34.9221C7.60497 34.9384 6.99162 34.9214 6.96195 34.8434ZM30.8206 34.8804C30.7706 34.7995 42.0111 8.79194 42.1283 8.71734C42.1788 8.6852 43.4086 8.65836 44.8611 8.6577C46.8582 8.65676 47.5317 8.68048 47.6234 8.75487C47.7791 8.88101 58.9592 34.7722 58.8997 34.8685C58.8261 34.9876 52.9975 34.9622 52.9072 34.8425C52.8664 34.7883 52.3249 33.5577 51.7039 32.1078C51.083 30.6578 50.5222 29.4095 50.4578 29.3338C50.3484 29.205 49.9824 29.196 44.8539 29.196C40.5603 29.196 39.3494 29.2174 39.2857 29.2944C39.241 29.3485 38.6848 30.5968 38.0498 32.0683C37.4147 33.5398 36.8583 34.7881 36.8133 34.8423C36.7505 34.918 36.0508 34.9408 33.7948 34.9408C32.1795 34.9408 30.8412 34.9136 30.8206 34.8804ZM48.1438 24.0415C48.1556 23.9549 47.4587 22.2374 46.595 20.2247C45.3778 17.3882 44.9937 16.5654 44.8868 16.5654C44.7814 16.5654 44.5123 17.1108 43.7417 18.8869C43.1877 20.1638 42.4632 21.8337 42.1316 22.5979C41.7841 23.3989 41.5493 24.0408 41.5772 24.1137C41.6208 24.2273 41.9527 24.2379 44.874 24.2194C48.0549 24.1993 48.1228 24.1956 48.1438 24.0415ZM84.7919 34.8435C84.7711 34.7888 84.7632 28.8832 84.7743 21.72L84.7945 8.69585H87.5882H90.3819L90.4021 13.9789C90.4191 18.4168 90.4401 19.2768 90.5335 19.3543C90.6246 19.4299 91.5367 18.4776 95.5654 14.1009C98.2718 11.1607 100.544 8.73296 100.615 8.70583C100.831 8.62268 107.405 8.64839 107.457 8.73259C107.483 8.77445 105.201 11.3674 102.386 14.4947C99.571 17.622 97.2677 20.223 97.2677 20.2747C97.2677 20.3264 99.5842 23.6203 102.416 27.5946C105.247 31.5688 107.547 34.8475 107.526 34.8806C107.477 34.9604 101.113 34.9563 100.987 34.8763C100.933 34.8422 99.1801 32.5166 97.0913 29.7083C95.0026 26.9001 93.2534 24.5897 93.2043 24.5742C93.1552 24.5586 92.6266 25.0876 92.0296 25.7496C91.4326 26.4116 90.8353 27.0702 90.7023 27.2133L90.4606 27.4734L90.4212 31.1874L90.3819 34.9015L87.6058 34.9222C85.427 34.9384 84.8215 34.9214 84.7919 34.8435Z" fill="#F9F9F9" stroke="#F9F9F9" stroke-width="0.0786956"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="232.467" height="47.2173" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>
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<h1>This Week in<svg width="233" height="48" viewBox="0 0 233 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0)"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M134.684 6.71569L146.423 26.6398C148.019 22.0076 148.528 16.9255 148.531 12.0652C143.811 10.7215 139.063 9.00457 134.684 6.71569ZM129.038 6.78529C124.655 9.17263 120.044 10.9411 115.152 12.1421C114.991 17.2381 115.487 22.4901 117.244 27.29L129.038 6.78529Z" fill="#F9F9F9" stroke="#F9F9F9" stroke-width="0.0659031"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M131.868 5.77775L117.022 31.5901C114.102 26.0621 112.794 19.1084 113.268 10.5779C119.468 9.21334 125.668 6.85882 131.868 2.82753C136.953 6.10786 143.249 8.63095 150.468 10.5779C150.639 19.5112 149.202 26.0313 146.715 30.9774L131.868 5.77775ZM122.906 31.0145C123.355 31.0145 123.719 31.3782 123.719 31.8271C123.719 32.2757 123.355 32.6395 122.906 32.6395C122.458 32.6395 122.094 32.2757 122.094 31.8271C122.094 31.3782 122.458 31.0145 122.906 31.0145ZM141.565 32.9524C142.013 32.9524 142.377 33.3161 142.377 33.7647C142.377 34.2136 142.013 34.5773 141.565 34.5773C141.116 34.5773 140.752 34.2136 140.752 33.7647C140.752 33.3161 141.116 32.9524 141.565 32.9524ZM137.881 25.8647C138.33 25.8647 138.693 26.2285 138.693 26.6775C138.693 27.126 138.33 27.4898 137.881 27.4898C137.432 27.4898 137.068 27.126 137.068 26.6775C137.068 26.2285 137.432 25.8647 137.881 25.8647ZM133.068 18.5138C133.517 18.5138 133.881 18.8776 133.881 19.3264C133.881 19.7753 133.517 20.1391 133.068 20.1391C132.619 20.1391 132.256 19.7753 132.256 19.3264C132.256 18.8776 132.619 18.5138 133.068 18.5138ZM127.035 24.0149C127.484 24.0149 127.848 24.3786 127.848 24.8272C127.848 25.2758 127.484 25.6396 127.035 25.6396C126.586 25.6396 126.223 25.2758 126.223 24.8272C126.223 24.3786 126.586 24.0149 127.035 24.0149ZM132.393 39.7275V44.4078C137.258 41.8819 141.737 38.7781 145.022 33.8824L131.868 11.2777L118.583 34.1888C121.661 38.7159 126.004 42.123 131.493 44.5162V39.7275H130.737H129.843H129.837V36.2774H127.485H126.585V35.3773V32.2772H124.429C124.235 32.9346 123.627 33.4145 122.906 33.4145C122.029 33.4145 121.319 32.7037 121.319 31.8271C121.319 30.9503 122.029 30.2398 122.906 30.2398C123.627 30.2398 124.235 30.7195 124.429 31.3771H126.585V26.3499C125.928 26.1558 125.448 25.5476 125.448 24.8272C125.448 23.9503 126.159 23.2398 127.035 23.2398C127.912 23.2398 128.623 23.9503 128.623 24.8272C128.623 25.5476 128.143 26.1558 127.485 26.3499V35.3773H129.837H130.737V36.2774V38.8274H133.168V37.0774V36.1772V33.8275H130.718H129.818V32.9275V27.5648V26.6647H130.718H132.618V20.8491C131.96 20.655 131.481 20.047 131.481 19.3264C131.481 18.4499 132.191 17.739 133.068 17.739C133.945 17.739 134.656 18.4499 134.656 19.3264C134.656 20.047 134.176 20.655 133.518 20.8491V26.6647V27.5648V27.6026H132.618V27.5648H130.718V32.9275H133.168V31.4648V30.5648H134.068H137.431V28.2C136.773 28.006 136.293 27.3978 136.293 26.6775C136.293 25.8005 137.004 25.0897 137.881 25.0897C138.758 25.0897 139.468 25.8005 139.468 26.6775C139.468 27.3978 138.988 28.006 138.331 28.2V30.5648V31.4585V31.4648H134.068V32.9275V33.8275V36.1772H136.343V34.215V33.3147H137.243H140.042C140.236 32.6572 140.844 32.1773 141.565 32.1773C142.441 32.1773 143.152 32.8881 143.152 33.7647C143.152 34.6416 142.441 35.3524 141.565 35.3524C140.844 35.3524 140.236 34.8725 140.042 34.215H137.243V36.1772V37.0774H136.343H134.068V38.8274V39.7275H133.168H132.393ZM112.785 8.38369C119.219 6.96802 125.116 4.53824 130.644 0.944283L131.863 0.151405L133.085 0.939999C138.49 4.42627 144.871 6.74145 151.053 8.40893L152.681 8.84791L152.714 10.5346C152.851 17.7133 152.033 25.2912 148.814 31.8048C146.35 36.7888 142.786 40.5545 138.185 43.6215C136.487 44.7541 134.705 45.7557 132.885 46.6804L131.954 47.1538L130.992 46.7461C126.418 44.8087 122.282 42.0876 118.978 38.3521C112.15 30.6343 110.47 20.4418 111.025 10.4528L111.12 8.75037L112.785 8.38369Z" fill="#D2990B"/> <path d="M166.287 35.2466C163.636 35.0114 161.252 33.9611 159.529 32.2697C158.238 31.0032 157.296 29.2786 156.834 27.3375C156.457 25.753 156.45 25.5639 156.448 16.9785L156.447 8.89258H159.236H162.025L162.055 16.7818C162.084 24.6224 162.086 24.6759 162.261 25.4567C162.803 27.8604 164.191 29.5153 166.166 30.1114C166.513 30.2162 166.898 30.2539 167.622 30.2539C168.345 30.2539 168.73 30.2162 169.077 30.1114C170.905 29.5597 172.324 27.9657 172.845 25.8779C173.11 24.8139 173.127 24.2602 173.129 16.5851L173.13 8.89258H175.963H178.796V16.7144C178.796 21.6151 178.765 24.8407 178.714 25.3513C178.419 28.2553 177.432 30.5538 175.763 32.2223C174.002 33.9834 171.67 35.0037 168.841 35.2503C167.783 35.3426 167.362 35.342 166.287 35.2466L166.287 35.2466ZM193.4 35.2527C191.731 35.0632 190.022 34.5803 188.667 33.915C185.296 32.2605 182.833 29.259 181.922 25.6941C181.556 24.265 181.511 23.8339 181.515 21.7987C181.518 20.0142 181.534 19.7967 181.729 18.8789C182.065 17.303 182.603 15.9109 183.339 14.717C186.059 10.3022 190.939 7.90047 196.327 8.32481C199.315 8.56014 201.706 9.46654 204.008 11.2367C204.571 11.6694 205.946 12.9752 205.946 13.0767C205.946 13.1596 202.499 17.0769 202.427 17.0769C202.401 17.0769 202.004 16.7119 201.546 16.2658C200.339 15.0908 199.372 14.4839 198.037 14.0647C197.041 13.7515 196.318 13.6663 195.066 13.7144C192.861 13.7991 191.224 14.4937 189.668 16.0055C188.531 17.1098 187.95 18.0871 187.559 19.5565C187.371 20.2622 187.348 20.488 187.342 21.7593C187.335 23.2552 187.386 23.6425 187.742 24.7497C188.13 25.9586 188.768 26.9636 189.729 27.8823C191.236 29.3216 192.707 29.955 194.732 30.0364C196.344 30.1011 197.703 29.8204 199.043 29.1457C199.925 28.7021 200.487 28.2877 201.37 27.4299L202.184 26.639L203.908 28.4094C204.856 29.3831 205.669 30.2428 205.715 30.32C205.783 30.4367 205.714 30.5471 205.301 30.9782C203.292 33.0762 200.675 34.5459 197.954 35.1041C197.054 35.2888 194.462 35.3734 193.4 35.2527ZM208.543 21.956V8.89258H217.515H226.486V11.3715V13.8504H220.442C215.846 13.8504 214.376 13.873 214.304 13.9448C214.234 14.0147 214.209 14.758 214.209 16.8015C214.209 18.8449 214.234 19.5883 214.304 19.6581C214.375 19.7298 215.776 19.7526 220.127 19.7526H225.856V22.2315V24.7104H220.127C215.776 24.7104 214.375 24.7331 214.304 24.8048C214.232 24.8763 214.209 26.1287 214.209 29.9594V35.0195H211.376H208.543V21.956Z" fill="#D2990B" stroke="#D2990B" stroke-width="0.0786956"/> <path d="M70.6293 35.014C66.9882 34.8016 64.1619 33.561 61.6915 31.0906C59.312 28.711 58.1861 26.2122 57.9074 22.6919C57.6189 19.0472 58.6353 15.6403 60.8081 12.9686C61.3636 12.2856 62.5278 11.175 63.2736 10.6166C64.9619 9.35265 66.8581 8.53906 69.0554 8.13591C70.0409 7.95509 73.0454 7.92846 73.9738 8.09231C76.3415 8.51015 78.3096 9.3403 80.0839 10.6695C80.9053 11.2849 82.3156 12.6209 82.3156 12.7837C82.3156 12.8574 79.5426 16.0835 78.9734 16.672C78.8874 16.7609 78.7546 16.662 78.173 16.0763C76.7024 14.5949 75.1532 13.7794 73.2656 13.4927C69.5109 12.9225 65.9634 14.7001 64.4894 17.8904C63.9116 19.1411 63.6548 20.8491 63.8085 22.4194C64.0201 24.5821 64.7173 26.1475 66.0657 27.4872C67.9809 29.3899 70.4467 30.0853 73.353 29.5422C75.0761 29.2201 76.6254 28.3702 77.9464 27.0222L78.5934 26.3619L80.0086 27.7986C81.6795 29.495 82.1582 30.0111 82.1582 30.1162C82.1582 30.248 80.4203 31.8976 79.7953 32.359C77.0296 34.4005 74.1938 35.2219 70.6293 35.014ZM6.96195 34.8434C6.94117 34.7888 6.93325 28.8832 6.94436 21.72L6.96457 8.69585L9.70961 8.67514C11.67 8.66035 12.4854 8.67997 12.5623 8.74379C12.6515 8.81782 12.67 9.76209 12.67 14.2451C12.67 19.1075 12.6826 19.6619 12.7945 19.7048C12.9571 19.7672 23.0068 19.7672 23.1694 19.7048C23.2813 19.6619 23.2939 19.1033 23.2939 14.1976V8.73819L23.471 8.69505C23.5684 8.67132 24.8521 8.6618 26.3237 8.67388L28.9993 8.69585V21.7987V34.9015H26.1663H23.3332L23.2939 29.7469L23.2546 24.5924H17.9819H12.7093L12.67 29.7469L12.6307 34.9015L9.8152 34.9221C7.60497 34.9384 6.99162 34.9214 6.96195 34.8434ZM30.8206 34.8804C30.7706 34.7995 42.0111 8.79194 42.1283 8.71734C42.1788 8.6852 43.4086 8.65836 44.8611 8.6577C46.8582 8.65676 47.5317 8.68048 47.6234 8.75487C47.7791 8.88101 58.9592 34.7722 58.8997 34.8685C58.8261 34.9876 52.9975 34.9622 52.9072 34.8425C52.8664 34.7883 52.3249 33.5577 51.7039 32.1078C51.083 30.6578 50.5222 29.4095 50.4578 29.3338C50.3484 29.205 49.9824 29.196 44.8539 29.196C40.5603 29.196 39.3494 29.2174 39.2857 29.2944C39.241 29.3485 38.6848 30.5968 38.0498 32.0683C37.4147 33.5398 36.8583 34.7881 36.8133 34.8423C36.7505 34.918 36.0508 34.9408 33.7948 34.9408C32.1795 34.9408 30.8412 34.9136 30.8206 34.8804ZM48.1438 24.0415C48.1556 23.9549 47.4587 22.2374 46.595 20.2247C45.3778 17.3882 44.9937 16.5654 44.8868 16.5654C44.7814 16.5654 44.5123 17.1108 43.7417 18.8869C43.1877 20.1638 42.4632 21.8337 42.1316 22.5979C41.7841 23.3989 41.5493 24.0408 41.5772 24.1137C41.6208 24.2273 41.9527 24.2379 44.874 24.2194C48.0549 24.1993 48.1228 24.1956 48.1438 24.0415ZM84.7919 34.8435C84.7711 34.7888 84.7632 28.8832 84.7743 21.72L84.7945 8.69585H87.5882H90.3819L90.4021 13.9789C90.4191 18.4168 90.4401 19.2768 90.5335 19.3543C90.6246 19.4299 91.5367 18.4776 95.5654 14.1009C98.2718 11.1607 100.544 8.73296 100.615 8.70583C100.831 8.62268 107.405 8.64839 107.457 8.73259C107.483 8.77445 105.201 11.3674 102.386 14.4947C99.571 17.622 97.2677 20.223 97.2677 20.2747C97.2677 20.3264 99.5842 23.6203 102.416 27.5946C105.247 31.5688 107.547 34.8475 107.526 34.8806C107.477 34.9604 101.113 34.9563 100.987 34.8763C100.933 34.8422 99.1801 32.5166 97.0913 29.7083C95.0026 26.9001 93.2534 24.5897 93.2043 24.5742C93.1552 24.5586 92.6266 25.0876 92.0296 25.7496C91.4326 26.4116 90.8353 27.0702 90.7023 27.2133L90.4606 27.4734L90.4212 31.1874L90.3819 34.9015L87.6058 34.9222C85.427 34.9384 84.8215 34.9214 84.7919 34.8435Z" fill="#F9F9F9" stroke="#F9F9F9" stroke-width="0.0786956"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0"> <rect width="232.467" height="47.2173" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></h1>
<h2 class="title one">General Body Meeting</h2>
<p class="sub one">Section 1 Subtitle</p>
<p class="body one">Section 1 Body<br>Tool Time: idk.</p>
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<h2 class="title two">General Body Meeting</h2>
<p class="sub two">Section 1 Subtitle</p>
<p class="body two">Section 1 Body<br>Tool Time: idk.</p>
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