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Linked List




For practice


Singly linked list


The main difference between ADT bag and ADT list is: an ADT bag is neither value oriented nor position oriented while the ADT list is position oriented.

ADT bag is simply a container that holds objects in no order, while in ADT list you indicate the order, since they are both very similar we will cover the general functionality of both together.



template <typename T>
class Node
    T item;
    Node<T>* next;

    Node() : item(0), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(T value) : item(value), next(nullptr) {}


It is a common mistake to think that before you can assign headPtr a value, you first must create a new Node object. This misconception is rooted in the belief that the variable headPtr does not exist if it does not point to a node. This is not at all true; headPtr is a pointer variable waiting to be assigned a value. Thus, for example, you can assign nullptr to headPtr without fi rst using new . In fact, the sequence:

headPtr = new Node; // An incorrect use of new
headPtr = nullptr;

destroys the content of the only pointer— headPtr—to the newly created node. Thus, you have needlessly created a new node and then made it inaccessible. This action creates a memory leak in your program and should be avoided!

Copy constructor

When copying an object involves only copying the values of its data members, the copy is called a shallow copy. If a shallow copy is sufficient, you can omit the copy constructor, in which case the compiler generates a copy constructor that performs a shallow copy.
The copy constructor makes a copy of an object. It is invoked implicitly when you either pass an object to a function by value, return an object from a valued function, or define and initialize an object.


If we need to create a copy of the linked chain, we must write own own copy constructor. That is, a deep copy is needed

template<typename T>
LinkedList<T>::LinkedList(const LinkedList<T>& aList)
    itemCount = aList->itemCount;
    Node<T>* origChainPtr = aList->headPtr;
    if (origChainPtr == nullptr)
        headPtr = nullptr; // Original bag is empty; so is copy
        // Copy first node
        headPtr = new Node<T>();
        headPtr->item = origChainPtr->item;
        // Copy remaining nodes
        Node<T>* newChainPtr = headPtr; // Last-node pointer
        while (origChainPtr -> next)
            origChainPtr = origChainPtr->next; // Advance pointer
            // Get next item from original chain
            T nextItem = origChainPtr->item;
            // Create a new node containing the next item
            Node<T>* newNodePtr = new Node<T>(nextItem);
            // Link new node to end of new chain
            newChainPtr->next = newNodePtr;
            // Advance pointer to new last node
            newChainPtr = newChainPtr->next;
        } // end while
        newChainPtr->next = nullptr; // Flag end of new chain
    } // end if
} // end copy constructor


template <typename T>
int LinkedList<T>::size() const
    int size = 0;
    Node<T>* currPtr = headPtr;
    while(currPtr != nullptr) 
        currPtr = currPtr->next;
    return size;


returns true if empty

template <typename T>
bool LinkedBAG<t>::isEmpty() const
    if (headPtr == nullptr)
        return true;
    return false;    


There are many ways to add new nodes to the list, you can add the new node into a list right before its head, right after its last node, or between two adjacent nodes.

Adding to the front


  • Time complexity : O(1)
  • This technique is used in stacks linked based implementation
template <typename T>
bool LinkedList<T> :: add(const T& item)
    Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(item);
    newNode->next = headPtr;
    headPtr = newNode;
    return true;

Adding to the back


Without a tail pointer

  • Time complexity: O(n)
template <typename T>
bool LinkedList<T>::add(const T& item)
	//prepare the new last node
	Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(item); 
	newNode->next = nullptr;
	if (!headPtr) //handles the case of an initially empty list
		headPtr = newNode;
		return true;
	//find the previous last node
	Node<t>* LastNode = headptr; 
	while (LastNode->Next)  
		LastNode = LastNode->Next;  
	//make the previous last node point to it
	LastNode->Next = newNode; 
	return true;

With a tail pointer

  • Time complexity with tail pointer: O(1)
  • This technique is used in Queues linked based implementation
template <typename T>
bool LinkedList<T>::add(const T& item)
    Node<T>* newNode = new Node<T>(item);

    if(headPtr == nullptr)
        headPtr = newNode;
        tailPtr->next = newNode;

    tailPtr = tailPtr->next;
    return true;

Adding between two adjacent nodes

//will be implemented


There are several approaches to implementing the remove function in a linked list, each suited to different use cases and requirements: mainly you either remove by value or by position. Removing by position can also be done in different ways: you can provide the index or allow removal only at one end of the linked list

We will cover here removing by value and by position, removal at one end is fairly easy and similar to adding logic also it is implemented in stacks and queues

Removing by value (ordering preserved)

bool LinkedList<T>::remove(const T& item)
    if(headPtr == nullptr)
        throw out_of_range("can not remove from an empty list");

    //check first if the removed item is the head node
    if(headPtr->item == item)
        Node<T>* newHead = headPtr->next;
        delete headPtr;
        headPtr = newHead;
        return true;

    Node<T>* prevPtr = headPtr;
    Node<T>* currPtr = headPtr->next;

    while(currPtr != nullptr)
        if(currPtr->item == item)
            prevPtr->next = currPtr->next;
            delete currPtr;
            return true;
        prevPtr = prevPtr->next;
        currPtr = currPtr->next;

    return false; //if item not found

Removing by position


    bool LinkedList<T>::removeByPos(int index)
        if (headPtr == nullptr)
            throw out_of_range("can not remove from an empty list");

        if (index == 0)
            Node<T> *newHead = headPtr->next;
            delete headPtr;
            headPtr = newHead;
            return true;

        // Check if the list have only one node
        if (heatPtr->next == nullptr)
            return false;

        int i = 1;
        Node<T> *prevPtr = headPtr;
        Node<T> *currentPtr = headPtr->next;
        while (i <= index && currentPtr)
            currentPtr = currentPtr->next;
            prevPtr = prevPtr->next;
        // Check if the loop ended early
        if (i < index)
            return false;
        prevPtr->next = currentPtr->next;
        delete currentPtr;
        return true;



using two pointers

template <typename T>
void LinkedBag<T> :: reverse()
    // If list is empty or contains only 1 node there is nothing to reverse
    if (headPtr == nullptr || headPtr->next == nullptr)

    // We need two pointers to reverse list (singly linked list)
    Node<T>* prevPtr = nullptr;
    Node<T>* currPtr = headPtr;

    while (currPtr != nullptr)
        Node<T>* temp = currPtr->next;
        currPtr->next = prevPtr;
        prevPtr = currPtr;
        currPtr = temp;
    headPtr = prevPtr;

using recursion:

template <typename T>
Node* reverse(Node<T>* headPtr)
    if (headPtr == nullptr || headPtr->next == nullptr)
        return headPtr;

    Node<T>* newHead = reverse(headPtr->next);
    headPtr->next->next = headPtr;
    headPtr->next = nullptr;
    return newHead;

Techniques for linked list problems

  • using two pointers
    • //prev and curr
    • fast and slow pointer
  • Dummy node approach
  • Think recursively

more things will be added as we progress

Fast and slow pointer approach

Fast and Slow pointer pattern in Linked list - article

One of the most basic problems in linked lists is finding the middle node, a brute forces solution would be to loop through the linked list twice, but can that be further optimized. Imagine two cars one moving with twice the speed of the other, by the time the fast car reaches the end, the slow car will be at the middle.

Using this technique we start with two pointers at the head slow pointer and fast pointer : the slow pointer will move 1 step at a time and the fast one 2 steps.

Pasted image 20240217142659

Another classic problem is detecting cycles in linked lists, if there is a cycle the fast pointer will eventually catch up with the slow pointer

Pasted image 20240217145700

Try solving the following problems:

Dummy node approach

To avoid too many edge cases when inserting or deleting from a linked list a dummy node is used. Consider the following: an algorithm that traverses a linked list and deletes all nodes whose keys are negative and returns the new head

Without using a dummy node

Node* DeleteNegatives(Node* headPtr)
    Node* currPtr = headPtr;
    while (currPtr != nullptr && currPtr->item < 0) //Remove all -ve items from the head
        headPtr = headPtr->next;
        delete currPtr;
        currPtr = headPtr;

    if (headPtr == nullptr) 
        return headPtr; //all elements were negative
    // If we reached here without a return, then we have at least one non-negative node
    Node* prevPtr = headPtr;
    currPtr = prevPtr->next;
    while (currPtr != nullptr)
        if (currPtr->item < 0)
            prevPtr->next = currPtr->next;
            delete currPtr;
            prevPtr = currPtr;
        currPtr = prevPtr->next;
    return headPtr;

With a dummy node

Node* deleteNegative(Node* headPtr)
    if(headPtr == nullptr)
        return headPtr;

    Node* dummy = new Node ();
    dummy->next = headPtr; 

    Node* prevPtr = dummy;
    Node* currPtr = headPtr;

    while(currPtr != nullptr)
        if(currPtr->item < 0)
            prevPtr->next = currPtr->next;
            delete currPtr;
            prevPtr = prevPtr->next;

        currPtr = prevPtr->next;
    headPtr = dummy->next; //the new head is whatever that dummy nodes is pointing to
    delete dummy;
    return headPtr;

Note the difference between both approaches, not using a dummy node makes the code redundant

Think recursively

Linked lists are recursive data structures Pasted image 20240217022038

Doubly linked list

Pasted image 20240207183037


A doubly linked list is a type of linked list that has two pointers with each node, one pointing to the next node and another pointing to the previous node. Unlike a singly linked list, where traversal is only possible in one direction, a doubly linked list allows for both forward and backward traversal, providing more flexibility in certain scenarios.

Each node in a doubly linked list requires additional memory to store the previous pointer, leading to increased memory usage compared to singly linked lists. This might be a problem when memory usage is a critical factor, especially with small data types such as integers. You might find yourself acquiring more memory to store the pointers than the data itself.

Doubly linked lists are similar to singly linked lists in all operations but with just minding to take care of the extra pointer.


adjust the Node class to have the additional pointer like the following:

template <typename T>
class Node
    T item;
    Node<T>* next;
    Node<T>* prev;

    Node() : item(0), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(T value) : item(value), next(nullptr) {}


0_VDORm92H9BFJlWlS When Inserting in a doubly linked list:

  • you start by creating a new node
  • then locate the node after which you want to insert the new node (let's call it currentPtr).
  • Update the next pointer of the new
  • node to point to
  • Update the previous pointer of the new node to point to currentPtr .
  • Update the next pointer of the currentPtr to point to the new node.
  • If is not null, update the previous pointer of to point to the new node.
template <typename T>
void insert(int index, const T& item)
    Node* newNode = new Node(item);

    if (headPtr == nullptr)
        headPtr = newNode;
        Node* currentPtr = headPtr;
        int currentIndex = 0;

        while (currentPtr != nullptr && currentIndex < index)
            currentPtr = currentPtr->next;

        if (currentPtr == nullptr && currentIndex == index)
            // Insert at the end
            Node* lastPtr = headPtr;
            while (lastPtr->next != nullptr)
                lastPtr = lastPtr->next;

            lastPtr->next = newNode;
            newNode->prev = lastPtr;
        else if (currentPtr != nullptr)
            // Insert in the middle
            newNode->prev = currentPtr->prev;
            newNode->next = currentPtr;

            if (currentPtr->prev != nullptr)
                currentPtr->prev->next = newNode;
                headPtr = newNode;

            currentPtr->prev = newNode;
            throw out_of_range("Error: Index out of range.");



The first step for sure would be to locate the node to be deleted processed by updating the next pointer of the previous node to skip the node to be deleted. Then update the previous pointer of the next node to skip the node to be deleted.

template <typename T>
void delete(T item) 
        if (headPtr == nullptr)
            throw out_of_range("Error: List is empty.");

        Node* currentPtr = headPtr;
        while (currentPtr != nullptr && currentPtr->data != item)
            currentPtr = currentPtr->next;

        if (currentPtr == nullptr)
            throw out_of_range("Error: Node with specified value not found.");

        if (currentPtr->prev != nullptr)
            currentPtr->prev->next = currentPtr->next;
            head = currentPtr->next;

        if (currentPtr->next != nullptr)
            currentPtr->next->prev = currentPtr->prev;

        delete currentPtr;


Don't forget to free the to be deleted node's memory!

Both isEmpty() and Size() can be implemented the same way like a single linked list.

Circular linked list
