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Ryan Johnson edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 17 revisions

Autonomous Custom Element

This is likely what folks are referring to when they say "custom element". Autonomous custom elements implement behavior "from scratch".

This type of custom element is similar to:

  • React Components
  • VueJS Components
  • Angular 1.x Element Directives



Customized Built-in Element

These elements extend functionality of native elements, like <button>.

NOTE: There is currently no support for these types of custom elements in ANY browser.


<button is="fancy-button">Fancy Button</button>

Interactive State

NOTE: Interactive states may be applied in addition to persistent states.

Interactive states require user interaction and are styled using pseudo classes.

State Selector Events
Blurred n/a blur
Focused :focus focus
Hovered :hover mouseover, etc.
Pressed :active mousedown, keydown, touchstart, etc.

Persistent State

Persistent states exist without user interaction. These states typically are configured through HTML attributes. Sometimes it makes sense to apply an associated JavaScript property to the element, as well.

State Attribute Property
Default n/a n/a
Disabled <hx-foo disabled> elFoo.disabled = {Boolean}
Indeterminate <hx-foo indeterminate> elFoo.indeterminate = {Boolean}
Invalid <hx-foo invalid> elFoo.invalid = {Boolean}
Selected <hx-foo checked> elFoo.checked = {Boolean}
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