diff --git a/AtlasLootClassic/Data/VendorPrice.lua b/AtlasLootClassic/Data/VendorPrice.lua index 93076c40..c35c3585 100644 --- a/AtlasLootClassic/Data/VendorPrice.lua +++ b/AtlasLootClassic/Data/VendorPrice.lua @@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ local PRICE_INFO_LIST = { ["EmblemOfTriumph"] = { currencyID = 301 }, -- Emblem of Triumph ["EmblemOfConquest"] = { currencyID = 221 }, -- Emblem of Conquest ["EmblemOfFrost"] = { currencyID = 341 }, -- Emblem of Frost + + ["cpvpAlterac"] = { currencyID = 121 }, -- Alterac Valley Mark of Honor + ["cpvpWarsong"] = { currencyID = 125 }, -- Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor + ["cpvpArathi"] = { currencyID = 122 }, -- Arathi Basin Mark of Honor + ["cpvpEye"] = { currencyID = 123 }, -- Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor + ["cpvpWintergrasp"] = { currencyID = 126 }, -- Wintergrasp Mark of Honor + ["cpvpIsle"] = { currencyID = 321 }, -- Isle of Conquest Mark of Honor + ["cpvpStrand"] = { currencyID = 124 }, -- Strand of the Ancients Mark of Honor } local VENDOR_PRICE_FORMAT = {}