This addon provides a energy bar with info when the next tick is happen
The bar needs one tick to sync itself with the energy reg after login/reload.
Settings can be accesd with the slash commands /simpleenerybar
and /seb
/seb width 150
- Set the width of the bar -
/seb height 10
- Set the height of the bar -
/seb lock 0/1
- Lock / Unlock the bar -
/seb inCombatOnly 0/1
- Show only in combat -
/seb showInStealth 0/1
- Allways show bar in stealth -
/seb showOnlyCurrentEnergy 0/1
- Show only current energy -
/seb textSize x
- Set size of text
Druids only
/seb onlyInCatForm 0/1
- Only show energy bar in cat