Limit the number of attribute selectors in a selector.
[rel="external"] {}
/** ↑
* This type of selector */
This rule resolves nested selectors before counting the number of attribute selectors. Each selector in a selector list is evaluated separately.
The :not()
pseudo-class is also evaluated separately. The rule processes the argument as if it were an independent selector, and the result does not count toward the total for the entire selector.
: Maximum attribute selectors allowed.
例如,使用 2
[type="number"][name="quality"][data-attribute="value"] {}
[type="number"][name="quality"][disabled] {}
[type="number"][name="quality"] {
& [data-attribute="value"] {}
[type="number"][name="quality"] {
& [disabled] {}
[type="number"][name="quality"] {
& > [data-attribute="value"] {}
/* `[type="text"][data-attribute="value"][disabled]` is inside `:not()`, so it is evaluated separately */
input:not([type="text"][data-attribute="value"][disabled]) {}
[type="text"] {}
[type="text"][name="message"] {}
/* each selector in a selector list is evaluated separately */
[type="number"][name="quality"] {}
/* `[disabled]` is inside `:not()`, so it is evaluated separately */
[type="text"][name="message"]:not([disabled]) {}
["/^my-/", "dir"]
例如,使用 0
[dir] [my-attr] {}
[dir] [my-other-attr] {}