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base repository: IBM/FormalML
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base: ITP2022
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head repository: IBM/FormalML
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compare: master
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Showing with 80,912 additions and 3,825 deletions.
  1. +42 −29 .github/workflows/build.yml
  2. +1 −1 Dockerfile
  3. +8 −3 Formal_ML.opam
  4. +24 −4 Makefile.coq_modules
  5. +1 −0
  6. +1 −1 _CoqProject
  7. +6 −1 coq/CertRL/LM/
  8. +1 −2 coq/CertRL/LM/lax_milgram.v
  9. +13 −13 coq/CertRL/finite_time.v
  10. +52 −31 coq/CertRL/mdp.v
  11. +5 −5 coq/CertRL/mdp_turtle.v
  12. +15 −2 coq/CertRL/pmf_monad.v
  13. +58 −30 coq/CertRL/pmf_prob.v
  14. +164 −11 coq/CertRL/qvalues.v
  15. +3,455 −0 coq/FHE/arith.v
  16. +5,286 −0 coq/FHE/encode.v
  17. +764 −0 coq/FHE/encrypt.v
  18. +885 −0 coq/FHE/nth_root.v
  19. +3,325 −0 coq/FHE/polyinterp.v
  20. +3,070 −0 coq/FHE/zp_prim_root.v
  21. +4 −4 coq/NeuralNetworks/DefinedFunctions.v
  22. +85 −53 coq/NeuralNetworks/derivlemmas.v
  23. +280 −8 coq/ProbTheory/Almost.v
  24. +48 −48 coq/ProbTheory/BorelSigmaAlgebra.v
  25. +2,595 −282 coq/ProbTheory/ConditionalExpectation.v
  26. +258 −109 coq/ProbTheory/DiscreteProbSpace.v
  27. +278 −17 coq/ProbTheory/Dynkin.v
  28. +134 −4 coq/ProbTheory/Event.v
  29. +547 −39 coq/ProbTheory/Expectation.v
  30. +138 −0 coq/ProbTheory/FunctionsToReal.v
  31. +2 −2 coq/ProbTheory/Gaussian.v
  32. +326 −0 coq/ProbTheory/Independence.v
  33. +118 −658 coq/ProbTheory/Martingale.v
  34. +3,763 −0 coq/ProbTheory/MartingaleConvergence.v
  35. +1,523 −0 coq/ProbTheory/MartingaleStopped.v
  36. +596 −33 coq/ProbTheory/Measures.v
  37. +481 −50 coq/ProbTheory/ProbSpace.v
  38. +8,254 −14 coq/ProbTheory/ProductSpace.v
  39. +2 −2 coq/ProbTheory/ProductSpaceDep.v
  40. +1,001 −151 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariable.v
  41. +373 −13 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariableFinite.v
  42. +156 −6 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariableL2.v
  43. +3 −3 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariableLinf.v
  44. +17 −17 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariableLpNat.v
  45. +24 −29 coq/ProbTheory/RandomVariableLpR.v
  46. +611 −36 coq/ProbTheory/RbarExpectation.v
  47. +1,140 −135 coq/ProbTheory/RealRandomVariable.v
  48. +472 −2 coq/ProbTheory/RealVectorHilbert.v
  49. +1,109 −40 coq/ProbTheory/SigmaAlgebras.v
  50. +516 −27 coq/ProbTheory/SimpleExpectation.v
  51. +3 −3 coq/ProbTheory/VectorConditionalExpectation.v
  52. +674 −6 coq/ProbTheory/VectorRandomVariable.v
  53. +909 −0 coq/QLearn/Bellman.v
  54. +1,723 −194 coq/QLearn/Dvoretzky.v
  55. +11,973 −0 coq/QLearn/Tsitsiklis.v
  56. +362 −36 coq/QLearn/infprod.v
  57. +7,583 −0 coq/QLearn/jaakkola_vector.v
  58. +343 −0 coq/QLearn/lim_add.v
  59. +279 −433 coq/QLearn/qlearn.v
  60. +593 −0 coq/QLearn/qlearn_aux.v
  61. +3,768 −0 coq/QLearn/qlearn_redux.v
  62. +3,802 −258 coq/QLearn/slln.v
  63. +297 −50 coq/QLearn/sumtest.v
  64. +424 −0 coq/QLearn/uniform_converge.v
  65. +1,201 −380 coq/QLearn/vecslln.v
  66. +2 −2 coq/lib_utils/LibUtilsAssoc.v
  67. +3 −3 coq/lib_utils/LibUtilsDigits.v
  68. +1 −1 coq/lib_utils/LibUtilsGroupByDomain.v
  69. +11 −18 coq/lib_utils/LibUtilsStringAdd.v
  70. +26 −2 coq/utils/BasicUtils.v
  71. +139 −0 coq/utils/ClassicUtils.v
  72. +1 −1 coq/utils/CoquelicotAdd.v
  73. +1,014 −3 coq/utils/DVector.v
  74. +26 −0 coq/utils/ELim_Seq.v
  75. +0 −403 coq/utils/Finite.v
  76. +819 −0 coq/utils/FiniteType.v
  77. +475 −0 coq/utils/FiniteTypeVector.v
  78. +7 −0 coq/utils/Isomorphism.v
  79. +124 −3 coq/utils/ListAdd.v
  80. +2 −3 coq/utils/PairEncoding.v
  81. +1 −1 coq/utils/Quotient.v
  82. +887 −30 coq/utils/RbarAdd.v
  83. +1,401 −58 coq/utils/RealAdd.v
  84. +4 −9 coq/utils/Sums.v
  85. +2 −0 coq/utils/Utils.v
  86. +2 −12 coq/utils/Vector.v
  87. +1 −1 coq/utils/nvector.v
71 changes: 42 additions & 29 deletions .github/workflows/build.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,34 +10,47 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # container actions require GNU/Linux
- '8.12.2'
# - '8.14.0'
- '4.07-flambda'
# - coqorg/coq:8.12.2
# - coqorg/coq:8.16.1-ocaml-4.13.1-flambda
- coqorg/coq:8.18.0-ocaml-4.13.1-flambda
image: ${{ matrix.coq_container }}
options: --user root
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
persist-credentials: false
- uses: coq-community/docker-coq-action@v1
opam_file: 'Formal_ML.opam'
coq_version: ${{ matrix.coq_version }}
ocaml_version: ${{ matrix.ocaml_version }}
after_script: |
sudo cp -a $(opam config var Formal_ML:build)/documentation .
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
persist-credentials: false
- name: Fix permissions
run: chown -R 1000 .
- name: ls
run: ls -la .
- name: Install Opam dependencies
run: su coq -c 'eval $(opam env) && opam install --deps-only --with-test --with-doc -y -j 2 ./Formal_ML.opam'
- name: Build using Make
run: su coq -c 'eval $(opam env) && make -kj 2'
- name: Build documentation
run: su coq -c 'eval $(opam env) && make -kj 2 doc'

# - uses: coq-community/docker-coq-action@v1
# with:
# opam_file: 'Formal_ML.opam'
# coq_version: ${{ matrix.coq_version }}
# ocaml_version: ${{ matrix.ocaml_version }}
# export: 'OPAMWITHDOC'
# after_script: |
# sudo cp -a $(opam config var Formal_ML:build)/documentation .
# env:
- if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
name: deploy documentation
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
REPOSITORY_NAME: FormalML/ # the target repository
TARGET_FOLDER: main/documentation # target directory
BRANCH: main # The branch the action should deploy to.
FOLDER: documentation # The folder the action should deploy.
CLEAN: true # Automatically remove deleted files from the deploy branch
# - if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
# name: deploy documentation
# uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@3.7.1
# with:
# REPOSITORY_NAME: FormalML/ # the target repository
# TARGET_FOLDER: main/documentation # target directory
# BRANCH: main # The branch the action should deploy to.
# FOLDER: documentation # The folder the action should deploy.
# CLEAN: true # Automatically remove deleted files from the deploy branch
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
ARG coq_image="coqorg/coq:8.11.2"
ARG coq_image="coqorg/coq:8.12.2"
FROM ${coq_image}

MAINTAINER Avi Shinnar ""
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions Formal_ML.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,16 +4,21 @@ version: "~dev"
synopsis: "Exploring formal verification for symbolic neural networks"
maintainer: "Avi Shinnar <>"
authors: "Avi Shinnar <>"
license: "Apache-2.0"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.07.0"}
"coq" {>= "8.12.1"}
"coq-mathcomp-analysis" {< "1.0.0"}
"coq-coquelicot" {= "3.3.1" }
"coq-flocq" {>= "4.0.0" }
"coq-interval" {>= "4.8.0"}
"coq-ext-lib" {<= "1.0.0"}
28 changes: 24 additions & 4 deletions Makefile.coq_modules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,13 +27,15 @@ ELFIC_UTILS = R_compl check_sub_structure compatible continuous_linear_map fixed

UTILS = BasicUtils \
Assoc \
ClassicUtils \
CoquelicotAdd \
ELim_Seq \
ExtrFloatishIEEE \
improper_integrals \
Isomorphism \
ListAdd \
Finite \
FiniteType \
FiniteTypeVector \
NumberIso \
PairEncoding \
Quotient \
@@ -68,14 +70,16 @@ CERTRL = pmf_monad \
mdp \
mdp_turtle \
finite_time \
cond_expt \

Almost \
BorelSigmaAlgebra \
DiscreteProbSpace \
Dynkin \
Event \
Independence \
ProbSpace \
FunctionsToReal \
Measures \
@@ -96,19 +100,34 @@ PROB_THEORY = \
SigmaAlgebras \
VectorRandomVariable \
Martingale \
MartingaleConvergence \
MartingaleStopped \
Gaussian \
ProductSpace \

Dvoretzky \
Bellman \
qlearn_aux \
qlearn \
infprod \
qlearn_redux \
infprod \
sumtest \
slln \
vecslln \
uniform_converge \
lim_add \
Tsitsiklis \

FHE = \
nth_root \
encode \
encrypt \
zp_prim_root \

MODULES = $(addprefix lib_utils/,$(QCERT_LIB_UTILS)) \
$(addprefix CertRL/LM/,$(ELFIC_UTILS)) \
@@ -117,5 +136,6 @@ MODULES = $(addprefix lib_utils/,$(QCERT_LIB_UTILS)) \
$(addprefix ProbTheory/,$(PROB_THEORY)) \
$(addprefix CertRL/,$(CERTRL)) \
$(addprefix QLearn/,$(QLEARN)) \
$(addprefix FHE/,$(FHE)) \

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
This repository contains
- a partial formalization of key results from
- The CertRL library as reported in
- a formalization of Dvoretzky's stochastic approximation theorem as reported in

## Getting Started

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
-R coq FormalML -arg -set -arg "Warnings=+default,-ambiguous-path,-typechecker,-ssr-search-moved,-deprecated"
-R coq FormalML -arg -set -arg "Warnings=+default,-ambiguous-path,-coercions,-hiding-delimiting-key,-overwriting-delimiting-key,-redundant-canonical-projection,-typechecker,-ssr-search-moved,-deprecated,-notation-overridden"
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion coq/CertRL/LM/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
This subdirectory contains the [`elfic`]( library, which provided a [formal proof of the Lax-Milgram theorem](

We use this library as a dependency for our project, with permission from the authors.
In particular, we use the Banach Fixed Point theorem as proven in the file `fixed_point.v`.

We use this library as a dependency for our project. For historical
reasons, it is currently copied into this repository. Now that an
official gitlab repository is available at and there
are plans on an OPAM release, this code will likely be replaced with
a normal dependency in the future.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions coq/CertRL/LM/lax_milgram.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1005,12 +1005,11 @@ intro x; field.
repeat (rewrite Hx1 in HU0).
rewrite Rmult_comm.
absurd (norm u0 = 0).
try revert HU0.
apply Rgt_not_eq.
apply Rlt_gt.
apply norm_gt_0.
apply norm_ge_0.
apply is_finite_correct in Hfin.
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions coq/CertRL/finite_time.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import Reals Coq.Lists.List Coquelicot.Series Coquelicot.Hierarchy Coquelicot.SF_seq.
Require Import pmf_monad mdp Permutation fixed_point Finite LibUtils.
Require Import pmf_monad mdp Permutation fixed_point FiniteType LibUtils.
Require Import Sums Coq.Reals.ROrderedType.
Require Import micromega.Lra.
Require Import micromega.Lia.
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Qed.

Theorem Rmax_list_dec_rule_split n p :
(n > 0)%nat ->
let l' := all_lists_upto (@elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) n in
let l' := all_lists_upto (@fin_elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) n in
Max_{ l' } (fun '(h,t) => ltv_fin p (h::t)) =
Max_{ map fst l' } (fun h => Max_{map snd l'} (fun t => ltv_fin p (h::t)))
@@ -333,19 +333,19 @@ Proof.
- apply all_lists_upto_non_nil; trivial.
destruct (dec_rule_finite M); simpl.
generalize (nonempty_dec_rule M); intros e.
destruct elms; [| congruence].
elim (finite e).
destruct fin_elms; [| congruence].
elim (fin_finite e).
- apply all_lists_upto_prod.

(* Optimal value function for a time n MDP. *)
Definition max_ltv_fin (n:nat) p :=
let l' := all_lists_upto (@elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) n in
let l' := all_lists_upto (@fin_elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) n in
Max_{ l' } (fun '(h,t) => ltv_fin p (h::t)).

Theorem max_ltv_corec p n:
max_ltv_fin (S (S n)) p =
Max_{(@elms _ (dec_rule_finite M))}
Max_{(@fin_elms _ (dec_rule_finite M))}
(fun h => expt_value p (step_expt_reward h) +
γ * max_ltv_fin (S n) (Pmf_bind p (fun s0 => (t s0 (h s0))))).
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite all_lists_upto_snds.
rewrite map_map.
transitivity (
(Max_{ all_lists_upto elms (S n)}
(Max_{ all_lists_upto fin_elms (S n)}
(fun '(h, tl) => expt_value p (step_expt_reward a) +
γ * ltv_fin (Pmf_bind p (fun s0 : state M => t s0 (a s0))) (h :: tl)))).
- f_equal.
@@ -376,20 +376,20 @@ Proof.
| pair h tl =>
ltv_fin (@Pmf_bind (state M) (state M) p (fun s0 : state M => @t M s0 (a s0)))
(@cons (dec_rule M) h tl)
end) (@all_lists_upto (dec_rule M) (@elms (dec_rule M) (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n)))
end) (@all_lists_upto (dec_rule M) (@fin_elms (dec_rule M) (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n)))
(expt_value p (step_expt_reward a))); intros HH2.

case_eq ( map
(fun a0 : dec_rule M * list (dec_rule M) =>
γ * (let (h, tl) := a0 in ltv_fin (Pmf_bind p (fun s0 : state M => t s0 (a s0))) (h :: tl)))
(all_lists_upto elms (S n))); intros.
+ generalize (all_lists_upto_non_nil (@elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n)); intros HH3.
destruct ((all_lists_upto (@elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n))).
(all_lists_upto fin_elms (S n))); intros.
+ generalize (all_lists_upto_non_nil (@fin_elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n)); intros HH3.
destruct ((all_lists_upto (@fin_elms _ (dec_rule_finite M)) (S n))).
* elim HH3; trivial.
destruct (dec_rule_finite M); simpl.
generalize (nonempty_dec_rule M); intros e.
destruct elms; [| congruence].
elim (finite e).
destruct fin_elms; [| congruence].
elim (fin_finite e).
* simpl in H; congruence.
+ rewrite H in HH2.