- data (contains all data files)
- source (contains source (== original) data files (the way nlgis2 obtained them)
- derived (contains conversions, updates and expansions of original data files)
- docs (contains all documentation)
- graphs (contains graphical representations, i.e. maps, bar charts, etc.)
- maps (Boonstra maps in its various formats, see readme.md inside dir)
- presentations (contains all presentations of nlgis, only slides, not hands-on demo)
- r_package (package that allows one to get data from the API and plot it on NLGIS maps (or plot other data)
- scripts (contains all scripts)
- etl (contains all extract, transform, load scripts)
- hdng (scripts to extract .xls files from the historical database of dutch municipalties)
- analyses (contain scripts to analyse data)
- etl (contains all extract, transform, load scripts)
- web