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deliver electronic mail with scala from the future



Via the copy and paste method

resolvers += "lightshed-maven" at ""

libraryDependencies += "ch.lightshed" %% "courier" % "0.1.4"

Note. If you are a bintray-sbt user you can optionally specify the resolver as

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("lightshed", "maven")


deliver electronic mail via gmail

import courier._, Defaults._
val mailer = Mailer("", 587)
               .as("[email protected]", "p@$$w3rd")

mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
        .to("mom" `@` "")
        .cc("dad" `@` "")
        .subject("miss you")
        .content(Text("hi mom"))).onSuccess {
          case _ => println("message delivered")

mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
         .to("boss" `@` "")
         .subject("tps report")
           .html("<html><body><h1>IT'S IMPORTANT</h1></body></html>")))
           .onSuccess {
             case _ => println("delivered report")


Since courier is based on JavaMail, you can use Mock JavaMail to execute your tests. Simply add the following to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.jvnet.mock-javamail" % "mock-javamail" % "1.9" % "test"

Having this in your test dependencies will automatically enable Mock JavaMail during tests. You can then test for email sends, etc.

import courier._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.concurrent.duration._

// Need NoTimeConversions to prevent conflict with scala.concurrent.duration._
class MailSpec extends Specification with NoTimeConversions {
  "the mailer" should {
  	"send an email" in {
  	  val mailer = Mailer("localhost", 25)()
  	  val future = mailer(Envelope.from("[email protected]".addr)
          	.to("[email protected]".addr)
          	.cc("[email protected]".addr)
          	.subject("miss you")
          	.content(Text("hi mom")))

          Await.ready(future, 5.seconds)
          val momsInbox = Mailbox.get("[email protected]")
          momsInbox.size === 1
          val momsMsg = momsInbox.get(0)
          momsMsg.getContent === "hi mom"
          momsMsg.getSubject === "miss you"

Here is an excellent article on using Mock JavaMail.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2013