split a long rosbag into several section
Say you have a long rosbag that contains several runs of your robot. You may want to separate the rosbag into several files and process each of them individually.
can be used both as a command line application and in Python code.
A basic use of split
is to simply call it from the command line.
rosbag-tools split path/to/rosbag -o /path/to/clip -t "[timestamp1, timestamp2]"
Here are all the CLI options of rosbag-tools split
$ rosbag-tools split -h
Usage: rosbag-tools split [OPTIONS] INBAG
Split out an INBAG
INBAG is the path to a rosbag file Can be a bag in ROS 1 or in ROS 2
-o, --output, --outbag TEXT Basename of the split bag files. Defaults to
-t, --timestamps TEXT List of timestamps in the format '[S., S.]', in
elapsed seconds since the start of the rosbag
--timestamps-file PATH Path to a file containing timestamps
representing elapsed seconds since the start of
the rosbag. Each timestamp is on an individual
-f, --force-overwriting Force output file overwriting
--msg, --msg-path PATH Custom messages path. Can be a path to a ROS
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
You can also call rosbag-tools split
directly into your Python code :
from rosbag_tools.split import BagSplitter
data_path = "path/to/a/rosbag.bag" # ROS 1
data_path = "path/to/a/rosbag" # ROS 2
splitter = BagSplitter(data_path)
# Change the input bag
splitter.inbag = "path/to/another/rosbag"
# Split the bagfile at 42 seconds
splitter.split_rosbag(timestamps=[42.0], outbag_path="path/to/clip")
# Save 3 bagfiles
splitter.split_rosbag(timestamps=[10.0, 42.0], outbag_path="/clip/out/first/25/seconds")