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+# Database Housekeeping
+Your database may grow over time and contain some outdated information. Icinga Certificate Monitoring provides you
+the ability to clean up these outdated info in an easy way.
+## Certificates and Targets
+The default `cleanup` action removes targets whose last scan is older than a certain date/time and certificates that
+are no longer used.
+By default, any targets whose last scan is older than `1 month` are removed. The last scan information is always updated
+when scanning a target, regardless of whether a successful connection is made or not. Therefore, targets that have been
+decommissioned or are no longer part of a job configuration are removed after the specified period. Any certificates
+that are no longer used are also removed. This can either be because the associated target has been removed or because
+it is presenting a new certificate chain.
+The `cleanup` command will also remove additionally all jobs activities created before the given date/time.
+Jobs activities are usually just some stats about the job runs performed by the scheduler or/and manually
+executed using the [scan](04-Scanning.md#scan-command) and/or [jobs](04-Scanning.md#scheduling-jobs) command.
+### Usage
+This command can be used like any other Icinga Web cli operations like this: `icingacli x509 cleanup [OPTIONS]`
+--since-last-scan= Clean up targets whose last scan is older than the specified date/time,
+ which can also be an English textual datetime description like "2 days".
+ Defaults to "1 month".
+#### Example
+Remove any targets that have not been scanned for at least two months and any certificates that are no longer used.
+icingacli x509 cleanup --since-last-scan="2 months"