Animated visualization of the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Source code in files:
- julia_set.ipynb
- mandelbrot.ipynb
How to create and animate a Koch Snowflake in Python with Matplotlib. Soutce code in file:
- snowflake.ipynb
How we can visually represent the calculation of the circle's area. Source code in file:
- calculate_area_animation.ipynb
Animation the Bifurcation Diagram creation by using the MatplotLib Animation API. Source code in file:
- bifurcation_diagram.ipynb: the source code to create the bifurcation diagram
Visualizing and animating the zeros of the Riemann Zeta function, which are still not mathematically proven to hold in all cases.
- riemann_zeta_zeros.ipynb: the source code of the visualization
Animated visualization of the Sierpinski triangle, which resembles a Christmass tree.
- sierpinski_triangle.ipynb: the source code of the visualization
Generating and plotting a Barnsley Fern Fractal.
- barnsley_fern.ipynb: the source code of the implementation
How to plot data using the Altair Python library.
Code in:
- altair_plotting.ipynb
Plot high-dimensional data with Pandas plotting.
Source code:
- pandas_plotting.ipynb
How to use the Walrus operator in Python
Source code:
- jax_gradient_with_walrus_op.ipynb