Beaucoup d'entreprise ne font pas ou peu attention aux commits conventionnels, nous oui. Il est toujours appréciable d'avoir un historique de projet clean et un workflow agréable à lire.
La plupart d'entre nous (sauf d’irréductibles gaulois) utilisent GitGraph, une de nos extensions recommandées, qui nous permet de lire l'historique de git sous forme de graphique.
Notre convention de commit prendra pour référence Conventionnal Commit 1.0.0 avec une légère touche amusante 🤩
La structure des messages de commit doit respecter la forme suivante, doivent être en lowercase et en anglais :
<gitmoji> <type> <description> [(#<issue number>)]
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
<⚙️> <FIX> <Fix login> [(#002)]
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
Mais le plus souvent, pour éviter le spertes de temps, les commits ressemblent a ça:
📝 update documentation contributors
Nous utilisons Gitmojis pour catégoriser nos commits, il on un bon écosystème et est très facile à utiliser au quotidien en utilisant
Voici la list complète des Gitmoji et leurs utilisations:
Emoji | Code | Description |
🎨 | :art: |
Improve structure/format of the code |
⚡️ | :zap: |
Improve performance |
🔥 | :fire: |
Remove code or files |
🐛 | :bug: |
Fix a bug |
🚑 | :ambulance: |
Critical hotfix |
✨ | :sparkles: |
Introduce new features |
📝 | :memo: |
Add or update documentation |
🚀 | :rocket: |
Deploy stuff |
💄 | :lipstick: |
Add or update the UI and style files |
🎉 | :tada: |
Begin a project |
✅ | :white_check_mark: |
Add, update, or pass tests |
🔒 | :lock: |
Fix security or privacy issues |
🔐 | :closed_lock_with_key: |
Add or update secrets |
📚 | :bookmark: |
Release/Version tags |
🚨 | :rotating_light: |
Fix compiler/linter warnings |
🚧 | :construction: |
Work in progress |
💚 | :green_heart: |
Fix CI Build |
⬇️ | :arrow_down: |
Downgrade dependencies |
⬆️ | :arrow_up: |
Upgrade dependencies |
📌 | :pushpin: |
Pin dependencies to specific versions |
👷 | :construction_worker: |
Add or update CI build system |
📈 | :chart_with_upwards_trend: |
Add or update analytics or track code |
♻️ | :recycle: |
Refactor code |
➕ | :heavy_plus_sign: |
Add a dependency |
➖ | :heavy_minus_sign: |
Remove a dependency |
🔧 | :wrench: |
Add or update configuration files |
🔨 | :hammer: |
Add or update development scripts |
🌐 | :globe_with_meridians: |
Internationalization and localization |
✏️ | :pencil2: |
Fix typos |
💩 | :poop: |
Write bad code that needs to be improved |
⏪ | :rewind: |
Revert changes |
🔀 | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: |
Merge branches |
📦 | :package: |
Add or update compiled files or packages |
👽 | :alien: |
Update code due to external API changes |
🚚 | :truck: |
Move or rename resources (e.g., files, paths, routes) |
📄 | :page_facing_up: |
Add or update license |
💥 | :boom: |
Introduce breaking changes |
🍱 | :bento: |
Add or update assets |
♿ | :wheelchair: |
Improve accessibility |
💡 | :bulb: |
Add or update comments in source code |
🍻 | :beers: |
Write code drunkenly |
💬 | :speech_balloon: |
Add or update text and literals |
🗃️ | :card_file_box: |
Perform database related changes |
🔊 | :loud_sound: |
Add or update logs |
🔇 | :mute: |
Remove logs |
👥 | :busts_in_silhouette: |
Add or update contributor(s) |
🚸 | :children_crossing: |
Improve user experience/usability |
🏗️ | :building_construction: |
Make architectural changes |
📱 | :iphone: |
Work on responsive design |
🤡 | :clown_face: |
Mock things |
🥚 | :egg: |
Add or update an easter egg |
🙈 | :see_no_evil: |
Add or update a .gitignore file |
📸 | :camera_flash: |
Add or update snapshots |
🔬 | :alembic: |
Perform experiments |
🔍️ | :mag: |
Improve SEO |
🏷️ | :label: |
Add or update types |
🌱 | :seedling: |
Add or update seed files |
🚩 | :triangular_flag_on_post: |
Add, update, or remove feature flags |
🥅 | :goal_net: |
Catch errors |
💫 | :dizzy: |
Add or update animations and transitions |
🗑️ | :wastebasket: |
Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up |
🛂 | :passport_control: |
Work on code related to authorization, roles, and permissions |
🩹 | :adhesive_bandage: |
Simple fix for a non-critical issue |
🧐 | :monocle_face: |
Data exploration/inspection |
⚰️ | :coffin: |
Remove dead code |
🧪 | :test_tube: |
Add a failing test |
👔 | :necktie: |
Add or update business logic |
🩺 | :stethoscope: |
Add or update healthcheck |
🧱 | :bricks: |
Infrastructure related changes |
👨💻 | :technologist: |
Improve developer experience |
💸 | :money_with_wings: |
Add sponsorships or money related infrastructure |
🧵 | :thread: |
Add or update code related to multithreading or concurrency |
🦺 | :safety_vest: |
Add or update code related to validation |
Nous utilisons les types suivant
Type | Description |
feat | Introduces a new feature |
fix | Patches a bug |
BREAKING CHANGE | Introduces a breaking API change |
build | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies |
chore | Other changes that don't modify src or test files |
ci | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts |
docs | Documentation only changes |
style | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code |
refactor | A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature |
perf | A code change that improves performance |
test | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests |
La description doit être une courte description du commit, elle doit être écrite à l'impératif, au présent. Par example :
# Good
📝 update documentation contributors
# Bad
📝 updated documentation contributors
Si le commit est lié à une issue, vous pouvez ajouter le numéro de l'issue à la fin de la description, par exemple:
📝 update documentation contributors (#123)
Si le commit a été co-écrit, vous pouvez ajouter les auteurs a la fin du commit, par exemple:
# Good
📝 update documentation contributors
- Add @imjustlucas as a contributor
- Add @lucas_huerta as a contributor
Co-authored-by: Cedric Delanchy <[email protected]>
# Bad
📝 update documentation contributors
- Added @imjustlucas as a contributor
- Added @lucas_huerta as a contributor
Co-authored-by: Cedric Delanchy <[email protected]>