The first step is to install the dotnet-sos CLI global tool. This requires at least the 2.1 or greater .NET Core SDK to be installed. If you see the error message Tool 'dotnet-sos' is already installed
, you will need to uninstall the global tool (see below).
$ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-sos --version 1.0.4-preview6.19311.1
You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-sos
Tool 'dotnet-sos' (version '1.0.4-preview6.19311.1') was successfully installed.
The next step is use this global tool to install SOS.
$ dotnet-sos install
Installing SOS to /home/mikem/.dotnet/sos from /home/mikem/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-sos/1.0.4-preview6.19311.1/dotnet-sos/1.0.4-preview6.19311.1/tools/netcoreapp2.1/any/linux-x64
Creating installation directory...
Copying files...
Updating existing /home/mikem/.lldbinit file - LLDB will load SOS automatically at startup
SOS install succeeded
Now any time you run lldb, SOS will automatically be loaded and the symbol downloading enabled. This requires at least lldb 3.9 installed. See Getting lldb section.
$ lldb
(lldb) soshelp
SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed
programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of
importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis.
Type "soshelp <functionname>" for detailed info on that function.
Object Inspection Examining code and stacks
----------------------------- -----------------------------
DumpObj (dumpobj) Threads (clrthreads)
DumpArray ThreadState
DumpAsync (dumpasync) IP2MD (ip2md)
DumpDelegate (dumpdelegate) u (clru)
DumpStackObjects (dso) DumpStack (dumpstack)
DumpHeap (dumpheap) EEStack (eestack)
DumpVC CLRStack (clrstack)
FinalizeQueue (finalizequeue) GCInfo
GCRoot (gcroot) EHInfo
PrintException (pe) bpmd (bpmd)
Examining CLR data structures Diagnostic Utilities
----------------------------- -----------------------------
DumpDomain (dumpdomain) VerifyHeap
EEHeap (eeheap) FindAppDomain
Name2EE (name2ee) DumpLog (dumplog)
SyncBlk (syncblk)
DumpMT (dumpmt)
DumpClass (dumpclass)
DumpMD (dumpmd)
DumpModule (dumpmodule)
DumpIL (dumpil)
Examining the GC history Other
----------------------------- -----------------------------
HistInit (histinit) SetHostRuntime (sethostruntime)
HistRoot (histroot) SetSymbolServer (setsymbolserver, loadsymbols)
HistObj (histobj) FAQ
HistObjFind (histobjfind) SOSFlush
HistClear (histclear) Help (soshelp)
$ dotnet tool update -g dotnet-sos
The installer needs to be run again:
$ dotnet-sos install
Installing SOS to /home/mikem/.dotnet/sos from /home/mikem/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-sos/1.0.4-preview6.19311.1/dotnet-sos/1.0.4-preview6.19311.1/tools/netcoreapp2.1/any/linux-x64
Installing over existing installation...
Creating installation directory...
Copying files...
Updating existing /home/mikem/.lldbinit file - LLDB will load SOS automatically at startup
Cleaning up...
SOS install succeeded
To uninstall and remove the lldb configuration run this command:
$ dotnet-sos uninstall
Uninstalling SOS from /home/mikem/.dotnet/sos
Reverting /home/mikem/.lldbinit file - LLDB will no longer load SOS at startup
SOS uninstall succeeded
To remove the SOS installer global tool:
$ dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-sos
Tool 'dotnet-sos' (version '1.0.4-preview6.19311.1') was successfully uninstalled.