diff --git a/chessx.pro b/chessx.pro index a571311de..8c797c7ad 100644 --- a/chessx.pro +++ b/chessx.pro @@ -580,7 +580,8 @@ macx { RESOURCES = \ resources.qrc translations.qrc -TRANSLATIONS = i18n/chessx_de.ts +TRANSLATIONS = i18n/chessx_de.ts \ + i18n/chessx_es.ts # i18n/chessx_fr.ts \ # i18n/chessx_da.ts \ @@ -588,8 +589,6 @@ TRANSLATIONS = i18n/chessx_de.ts # i18n/chessx_it.ts \ # i18n/chessx_cz.ts \ # i18n/chessx_ru.ts \ -# i18n/chessx_es.ts - # i18n/chessx_nl.ts \ # i18n/chessx_pl.ts \ # i18n/chessx_pt_BR.ts \ @@ -627,6 +626,13 @@ OTHER_FILES += \ data/help/about3.html \ data/help/about4.html \ data/help/about5.html \ + data/help/ES/about0.html \ + data/help/ES/about1.html \ + data/help/ES/about1a.html \ + data/help/ES/about2.html \ + data/help/ES/about3.html \ + data/help/ES/about4.html \ + data/help/ES/about5.html \ setup7-64.iss \ data/styles/orange.css \ unix/chessx.desktop diff --git a/data/help/ES/about0.html b/data/help/ES/about0.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..291e91afa --- /dev/null +++ b/data/help/ES/about0.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + +Sobre ChessX + + + +
+ + +

Informacion basica de ChessX

+ +



El programa ChessX es una base de datos de Ajedrez con código abierto. Con + ChessX es posible operar sobre una colección de juegos de Ajedrez de varias + formas, como por ejemplo,
+navegar, editar, añadir, organizar, analizar, etc.


ChessX es un programa que opera en múltiples plataformas. Funciona en + MS™ Windows, GNU/Linux y OS X.

+ +

Caracteristicas actuales

+ +

Caracteristicas planeadas

+ + +


+ +

+ + Github es la plataforma + usada para manejar el + desarrollo. SourceForge + Bugs es utilizado para registrar nuevos reportes de problemas y + peticiones para nuevas características. +

+ +

+ + Si ústed desea participar en desarrollo, clóne y descargue + el código fuente de ChessX + usando ya sea git, ó la aplicacion GitHub desktop. De ésta manera ústed + podrá enviar peticiones para generar modificaciones (pull requests). Ésta es + la manera más fácil de crear cambios que seán implementados en el código + fuente principal de ChessX. Por favor, consídere regístrarse en la cadena de correos + electrónicos de los desarrolladores e introducirse. +

+ +

El código usa la librería Qt. Para + compilar desde el código fuente, se requiere usar Qt 5.14.1 ó + súperior

+ +

+ Todas las clases son documentadas usando Doxygen. +

+ +

Durante mucho tiempo, el desarrolo de ChessX fué avanzado por Michal Rudolf.


Actualmente, hay dos desarrolladores principales activos: James + Coons y el actual curador, Jens Nissen. El + principal evaluador beta y experto de usabilidad es Bruno + Rizzuti.

+ +

Entre los desarrolladores actualmente inactivos, nos gustaría mencionar + a: Marius Roets, Sean + Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, William + Hoggarth y Ejner Borgbjerg quienes escribieron + partes significantes del código. Heinz Hopfgartner hizo + importantes pruebos y porto el código a OS X.

+ +
+ + + + diff --git a/data/help/ES/about1.html b/data/help/ES/about1.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa634d4e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/help/ES/about1.html @@ -0,0 +1,711 @@ + + + + + + + + + +Manual de ChessX + + + +
+ + +

Manual de ChessX

+ +

Abrir una base de datos

+ +

Se puede abrir una base de datos bien sea desde el menú Archivo o + arrastrando un archivo en la vista de él explorador de base de datos

+ +

Se puede anclar una base de datos permanentemente a la lista + seleccionándola como “Favorita” (Click derecho en él archivo). Una base de + datos es abierta nuevamente al hacer click en el asterisco or nuevamente + desde el contexto de menu

+ +

Se puede arrastrar archivos desde el navegador de internet a la lista de + la base de datos de ChessX. Éstos son decargados en la ruta por defecto + configurada por él usuario (ver la entrada en el diálogo Preferencias / Base de datos / Ruta por defecto para bases de datos). Si el archivo esta compreso (*.zip), el archivo se + almacena en la ruta de datos por defecto y su contenido es automáticamente + extraído. Nuevamente, si hay archivos PGN dentro, los archivos son + subsecuentemente cargardos en el programa

+ +

Abrir una base de datos periodica desde la Web

+ +

+ Para cargar una base de datos actualizada periódicamente desde la Web, + entre la dirección URL referida en el diálogo de + Preferencias / Base de datos / Página Web favorita, donde $1 puede reemplazar un contador de + incremento. Digamos, por ejemplo que revistadeAjedrezmensual.com + distribuye una base de datos mensual en “http://revistadeAjedrezmensual.com/zips/amic123g.zip” donde 123 + corresponde a un número de actualización que incrementa cada que una + nueva versión es actualizada, se entrará en el campo de texto para + URL “http://revistadeAjedrezmensual.com/zips/amic$1g.zip”, y el + número inicial se determina en el campo a la derecha de URL. Cada + vez que la base de datos se actualiza éxitosamente, $1 se incrementa + en uno y ChessX estará listo para una próxima actualización.

+ +

Haciendo movidas

+ +

Una movida se hace arrastrandro una pieza de una casilla a otra.

+ +

Dependiendo de los ajustes in el menu de Preferencias / Tablero, se + puede, bien sea: +


+ +

Retroceder una movida puede hacerse con click derecho (en caso de que + click derecho esté configurado para retroceder / remover una + movida) o presionando CTRL+click derecho si retroceder no está asignado a el botón derecho del ratón

+ + + +

Usualmente, hacer una nueva movida insertará una variación, a menos que + el juego se encuentre actualmente al final de él juego o variación + actual. Su no se desea crear una nueva variación, se puede presionar CTRL + a la vez que se mueve, reemplazando así la movida actual y todas las + movidas subsecuentes por la nueva movida

+ +

Si se desea intercambiar una movida sin borrar las movidas subsecuentes, + se puede presionar CTRL+ALT a la vez que se ejecuta la movida. Ésto + intercambia la movida jugada por la nueva movida y verifica la + continuación de juego para asegurarse que no existan posiciones + ilegales. El juego se corta en la posición ilegal, si es hallada.

+ +

Cuando se promueve un peón, ChessX muestra un diálogo de selección para + determinar que pieza se desea escojer. Ésto puede deshabilitarse en el + diálogo de Preferencias / Juego / Promoción automática. Cuándo la promoción autómatica a Dama esta activa, + se puede forzar a él dialogo de selección presionando la tecla Meta a la + vez que se arrástra el peón a la octava fila.

+ +

El enroque se ejecuta moviendo el Rey a la casilla de destino. Vea la + información sobre variantes de Ajedrez para los + enroques en Ajedrez960

+ +

ChessX reproduciendo el juego


+ Para permitir que ChessX reproduzca el juego automáticamente, seleccione + “Juego → Jugador automático”. La velocidad a la que se desplaza el juego se + puede cambiar con el selector localizado en la esquina inferior derecha de + la barra de estado.

+ +

Entrando movidas desde el teclado

+ +

Cuando el enfoque está o en el tablero o en la notación, se puede + ingresar movidas simplemente escribiendo desde el teclado. El texto + aparecerá en la barra de estado, indicando lo que se haya + ingresado. Cuando ChessX reconoce una movida completa, la movida se + ejecuta, y el campo de entrada de movida se reinicia

+ +

Se puede entrar cualquier notación correspondiente a el estándar PGN, + mientras usted se asegure que la movida no es ambigua. Por ejemplo, + escribiendo “e4” en la posición inicial es correcto. Sin embargo, entrar + “e2” posteriormente puede corresponder a movidas tales como Be2, Ne2, Ke2, + Qe2 — ó incluso f1e2…

+ +

Con [Enter] se puede forzar ChessX a aceptar una movida, o descartarla en + el caso que ChessX no pueda determinar nada razonable con su entrada

+ +

Se puede entrar el enroque con 00, 0-0, 0k, O-O or 000, 0-0-0, 0q, O-O-O + respectivamente. ‘--’ generaría una movida nula.

+ +

Anotar movidas

+ +

Las anotaciones de movidas se pueden hacer activando el menú de contexto en + el explorador de texto, o simplemente presionand la secuencia + correspondiente en el teclado, por ejemplo, + ‘!?’, ‘!!’, ‘??’, ‘!’, + ‘?’, ‘=’, ‘+-’, ‘-+’ y así. + Se puede presionar [Enter] (por ejemplo, para obtener ‘!’)

+ +

Adicionalmente ‘n’ añade la etíqueta correspondiente a ‘novedad’ y ‘#’ + introduce la etíqueta que introduce un diágrama.

+ +

Se pueden realizar anotaciones especiales tales como dibujar una flecha o + colorear casillas presionando SHIFT+click derecho del ratón, y seleccionando + bien sea una casilla unica o haciendo un gesto de ratón para obtener la + flecha.

+ +

+ Con el lápiz verde, rojo, o amarillo presionado, no se pueden entrar + movidas. En vez, se puedes pintar casillas y flechas sin tener que + presionar simultanéamente SHIFT+botón derecho del ratón.

+ +

+ con el lápiz gris seleccionado se pueden borrar las anotaciones.
+ Presionando SHIFT cuándo el lápiz gris está seleccionado borra todas las + marcaciones en el tablero a la vez

+ +

Salvando juegos

+ +

¡Salvar juegos puede ser ligéramente confuso! Un juego debe ser salvado + primero en la base de datos (presionando CTRL+S, o en el menú + Juego / Guardar). luego, la base de datos debe ser salvada a el disco + presionando CTRL+SHIFT+S o en el menú Archivo / Guardar base de datos. Éste proceso puede + parecer inconveniente pero por otro lado previene que juegos o archivos + sean escritos erróneamente.

+ +

Si prefiere cometer a la base de datos e inmediatamente salvar a disco + autómaticamente al guardar juego, la opción puede seleccionarse en + “Someter la base de datos a disco al guardar juego” en la pestaña de Base + de datos en el diálogo de Preferencias.

+ +

Por defecto, una base de datos portapapeles se abre. Ésta no tiene + respaldo en disco. ¡Una vez se cierra ChessX todo el contenido de el + tablero portapapeles se elimina! Es necesario abrir al menos una base de + datos adicional para escribir y transferir cualquier contenido desde el + portapapeles a esta base de datos arrastrando los juegos a la base de + datos, o usando el menú “Copiar juegos…” desde el menú Bases de datos

+ +

Cambiando bases de datos

+ +

Cambiar entre bases de datos abiertas se logra bien sea desde el menú de + bases de datos, presionando CTRL+SHIFT+Número 0…9, haciendo click en el + botón derecho, haciendo doble click izquierdo en la lista de las bases de + datos, ó haciendo click en la pestaña de tablero correspondiente a la base + de datos que se desea seleccionar. ¡La base de datos seleccionada se resalta + en la lista de bases de datos!

+ +

Abrir o comenzar un juego nuevo

+ +

Una vez se ha abierto o seleccionado una base de datos como se describe + arriba, se puede comenzar un nuevo juego presonando CTRL+N o seleccionando + un juego de la lista de juegos presente en la base de datos

+ +

Si se desea que el juego comienze en una posición dada, entrando + CTRL+SHIFT+E activa el editor de tablero. En este editor, se puede iniciar + una posición de juego arbitraria, o una posición inicial de Ajedrez960. El + editor verifica la posición por legalidad, y por lo tanto es posible que + se tengan que ajustar los derechos de enroque, o cambiar el lado al que + le corresponde turno, para hacer alguna posición legal.

+ + +

Instalacion de motores de analisis

+ +

En primer lugar, es necesario instalar el motor de análisis en algún + lugar del disco duro. Recuerde donde es instalado el programa o el + ejecutable de el motor de análisis, ya que ésta información es necesaria + posteriormente.

+ +

En el diálogo de Preferencias, se seleciona la pestaña de “Motores” y se presiona el botón para “Añadir…”, luego se busca la ruta + donde se haya instalado el motor de análisis y se selecciona, presionado + “Abrir”.

+ +

El ejecutable aparecerá en la lista de motores. En la mitad inferior de + la pestaña se encontrarán algunas opciones. La mayoría de los motores + modernos son motores UCI, por lo tanto la opción “UCI” se mantendrá + seleccionada. Sin embargo algunos motores (notablemente lc0 y Stockfish) + prefieren que la posición sea transmitida de manera particular, y en estos + casos seleccionar “Enviar historia” para Stockfish, lc0 y posiblemente otros + motores de análisis, sería lo apropiado.

+ +

Para calibrar, es posible abrir el diálogo de “Opciones”. Opciones + específicas de cada motor se pueden optimizar acá. La opción más + interesante es usualmente el número de bandas que se permite a el motor + usar simultaneámente. Un gran número hace que el motor sea más poderoso, + pero a la vez requiere mayor poder de la computadora, y ésta puede + calentarse rápidamente.

+ +

Una nota para los usuarios de OS X: Intente abrir el diálogo de opciones + incluso si no se planea alterar las opciones. Esta es la forma más simple de + determinar si el motor de análisis está funcionando. Si se recibe un mensaje + de error, intente iniciar el motor de análisis desde la consola de + comandos. Si la consola de comandos es incapaz de ejecutar el motor de + análisis, ChessX tampoco podrá usarlo.

+ +

En referencia a Stockfish: no es recomendable usar la distribución de + Stockfish oficial en OS X, ya que ésta no funciona apropiadamente, ni + siquiera con la última versión de OS X. El mensaje de + error generado usualmente contiene un texto similar a “Instruction ilegal: + 4”. En éste caso, es recomendable obtener el código fuente y compilarlo en + la computadora directamente.

+ +

Analisis de juegos

+ +

Hay dos ventanas disponibles de análisis de juego donde dos motores de + análisis de Ajedrez pueden configurarse para analisar la posición + actual.

+ +

Motores de análisis deben ser configurados en el diálogo de Preferencias + antes de ser utilizados (ver Instalacion de motores de análisis).

+ + +

Por ejemplo, Stockfish, es un motor de análisis de Ajedrez de código + libre (vea la Página Web de + Stockfish). El código fuente de Stockfish puede obtenerse a través + de ésa página Web. Cabe resaltar que Stockfish ha sido licenciado + con GPLv3

+ + + +

El comportamiento de los motores de análisis puede ser calibrado + con los protocolos seleccionables en el diálogo de Motores, en + Preferencias (funciona únicamente para UCI; Winboard se usa + raramente, ya que su especificación carece de finura y es + díficil de implementar correctamente por los desarrolladores de + programas de interfaz gráfica de usuario — GUI).

+ +

La velocidad a la que ocurren movidas puede ser ajustada con el selector + localizado en la esquina inferior derecha de la barra de + estado. Arrastrando el selector a la extrema izquierda para análisis + infinitamente lento o a la extrema derecha para que el analsis tome entre + 1 y 10 segundos por movida.

+ +

Si el número de líneas está ajustado al menos a 2, el valor de + complejidad Guid-Bratko es cálculado — vea la referencia para + detalles.

+ +

Una pista para los desarrolladores de motores: Es posible hacer + un log de la comunicación desde y hacia el motor con la + casilla “Log” en Preferencias / Motores. Logging + envia el archivo llamado ‘nombre.log’ donde + el nombre es el indicado en la pestaña Motores. El + directorio de Logging es la RutadeDatosdePrograma/log. La + ruta de datos de programa puede determinarse en el diálogo sobre + ChessX.

+ +

Algunos motores de análisis (por ejemplo lc0) tienen problemas para + mantener un estado interno apropriado a travez de comandos de dos + posiciones, por lo tanto ChessX permite enviar la historia completa de un + juego en lugar de la posición actualizada. Esto se puede + deshabilitar dese la casilla “Enviar historia”

+ +

Jugando contra la maquina

+ +

Se puede iniciar + un juego contra la máquina desde cualquier posición, activando el modo de + auto responder. Cada vez que ústed hace un movimiento, el motor de análisis + en el panel 1 comenzará a analizar las posición por el tiempo que esté + definido en el selector en la esquina inferior derecha de la barra de + estado. Acabado el tiempo permitido, el motor de análisis hará la mejor + movida que haya encontrado hasta ese momento.

+ +

Para jugar un juego con las reglas de Ajedrez960, se necesita un motor + que sea capaz de soportar esa variante. Por ejemplo, algunas versiones de Stockfish + incluyen esta función.

+ + +

Anotacion automatica de juegos


Al activar el menú + “Juego → Análisis automático”, el motor de análisis comienza a moverse a + travez de él juego actual, analisando cada posición por algún tiempo. Una + vez se acaba el tiempo permitido, las anotaciones son insertadas en el texto + de juego. ChessX continuará con el análisis de la siguiente movida.

+ +

Hay unas pocas opciones disponibles para modificar éste comportamiento: +

+ Si no se establece un límite, todas las variaciones son añadidas a el texto + de juego. + +

Usando libros con los motores de analisis

+ +

Los motores UCI puedes soportar libros. Simplemente ajuste el nombre de el + directorio donde se inicia el motor, y reinicie + el motor de análisis. El motor de análisis responderá + inmediatamente con una movida existente en el libro cuánd + esté jugando (ver arriba), pero dependiendo de la opción + “Mejor movida en el libro”, la movida realizada por + el motor puede ser, o no ser, la mejor movida presente en el libro. En el + modo de análisis infinito, el motor no usará la información presente en el + libro de aperturas.

+ +

En el caso de que su motor de análisis no soporte libros (por ejemplo + Stockfish ya no soporta la opción de libros), la interfaz gráfica de usuario + (GUI) puede servir como una alternativa sobre el uso de él motor: Abra el + libro como se describe abajo y selecciónelo usando el selector de libros + localizado en el panel de Análisis. Si se comienza un juego contra el + motor o un juego motor contra motor, es posible usar la opción “Permitir el + uso de libros” y seleccionar un algoritmo, indicando como la interfaz + gráfica seleccionará la movida dentro de un abánico de opciones para + cualquier posición dada. +


+ +

Usando libros con ChessX

+ +

ChessX soporta tres formatos de libors: Polyglot (*.bin), Arena (*.abk) y + Chessbase (*.ctg/*.ctb/*.cto).

+ +

El código original de Polyglot fue licenciado con GNU GPL versión 2.0. El + soporte Chessbase es inspirado, en su mayor parte, por el código de el motor + de análisis Daydreamer

+ +

ChessX muestra libros de la misma manera que cualquier otra base de datos + en el explorador de el árbol de aperturas. Arrastre un libro Polygot, Arena + ó Chessbase en la lista de bases de datos, o a travéz de el menú con la + opción Abrir libro. Una vez el libro se abre, estará disponible, igual que + una base de datos normal, en la lista desplegable “Fuente” en la parte inferior de él + árbol de aperturas.

+ +

Una nota sobre los libros Chessbase: Tres archivos son necesarios, + con las extensiones ‘ctg’, ‘ctb’ y + ‘cto’ respectivamente. Todos tienen que tene el mismo nombre + base y deben estar en el mismo directorio.

+ +

Una nota sobre los libros Polyglot: Estos pueden ser díficiles de + interpretar, ya que estan hechos, específicamente para darle pistas a los + motores de análisis sobre las mejores movidas que la máquina debería + hacer. Movidas que no tuvieron éxito, en la mayoría de las veces no estan + incorporadas en los libors Polyglot.

+ +

Por lo tanto, no es recomendado aprender aperturas usando libros Polyglot + — ¡Puede haber movidas importantes ausentes!

+ +

Una nota sobre los libros Arena: A diferencia de los libros + Polyglot y Chessbase, los libros Arena consiste de una colección de juegos, + y por lo tanto son utilizados de la misma manera que las bases de datos de + sólo lectura. Se puede arrastrar juegos de un libro de Arena, tal como se + puede arrastrar juegos desde cualquier otra base de datos

+ +

Creando sus propios Libros

+ +

Se pueden crear libros Polygot seleccionando una base de datos PGN o un + libro Arena (click en el botón derecho de él ratón) y seleccionando “Hacer + libro Polyglot”.

+ +

ChessX preguntará por los siguientes parámetros que son usados durante la + creación de él libro: +


+ +

Generando contenido

+ +

Se puede Copiar y pegar posiciones (FEN e imagenes) y juegos completos + (PGN) desde y hacia el portapapeles, y exportar juegos en LaTeX, HTML ó PGN + nuevamente. Vea el menú Editar y el diálogo Archivo / Exportar.

+ +

Uniendo juegos

+ +

Al Arrastrar un juego de la lista de juegos hacia la notación actual, el + juego arrastrado será unido con el juego actual en la primera posición desde + la posición actual, en la que ambos juegos sean diferentes. Si nada es + unido, es por que no se encuentra un lugar apropiado para la union. Ésto + puede pasar cuando, +

+ Es posible seleccionar y unir varios juegos simultaneamente.

+ +

Organizando y filtrando juegos

+ +

La lista de juegos puede ser filtrada bien desde el árbol de aperturas, la + ventanas de Evento o Jugador, ó desde el menú de Contexto en el encabezado + de la lista. Multiples búsquedas pueden ser combinadas ó + invertidas. Ocurrencias adicionales de la posición actual de él tablero en + la base de datos actual puede ser encontrada a travez de el menú Encontrar / + Encontrar posición.

+ +

Hacer click en los encabezads permite ordenar las listas

+ +

Atajos de teclado en la lista de juegos:

+ + +

Filtrar bases de datos en un arbol de aperturas

+ +

El árbol de apertura toma la posición de tablero actual y la compara con + cada juego en la base de datos seleccionada. El número de movidas encontrada + en la base de datos es listada, junto con el número de ocurrencias de cada + movida y el resultado logrado en cada movimento alternativo. La base de + datos se actualiza continúamente, la barra de progreso índica que tanto de + la base de datos ha sido analizada.

+ +

El resultado de la posición búscada puede ser filtrado en la lista de + juegos. Éste filtro puede ser usado otra vez como el input para la búsqueda + en el árbol de apertura. Especialmente en bases de datos largas esto puede + acelerar el proceso de búsqueda futura (aunque naturalmente esto conlleva a + que se pierdan otras sucesiones de movidas desde la misma posición).

+ +

Usualmente, haciendo click en una de las movidas de el árbol de aperturas + únicamente actualizará la pequeña vista en la ventana de él árbol de + aperturas. Si se presiona SHIFT mientras se hace click en la movida añadiría + la movida a el juego actual (si la posición lo permite).

+ +

Filtrando juegos duplicados

+ +

El filtro de Juegos duplicados busca por juegos idénticos, y todas las + copias de un juego son filtradas, manteniendo el juego original. Por lo + tanto, todas loas copias en el filtro pueden ser marcadas para + eliminación.

+ +

El encabezado de filtro de duplicados busca por etíquetas idénticas. Los + juegos mostrados son juegos que tienen pareja, que no esta incluída en la + lista, y en adición, la pareja invisible tiene al menos tantas movidas y + comentarios como los juegos en la lista.

+ +

El menú contexto en la lista de juegos tiene una entrada “Filtrar + idénticos” el cual para cada juego seleccionado busca toda la base de datos + por duplicados exactos. Ambos duplicados aparecen el la lista filtrada una + vez termina la búsqueda.

+ +

Unir bases de datos completas

+ +

Al Arrastrar una base de datos en la lista de hacia otra base de datos + diferente, or arastrandola hacia la lista de juegos, los juegos son + adicionados a la base de datos a donde se mueva, o en la base de datos + actualmente activa en el caso que se arraste en una lista de juegos.

+ +

Es posible también arrastrar archivos de bases de datos desde el sistema de + archivos a la lista de juegos, para adicionar los juegos a la base de datos + actualmente activa

+ +

Por lo contrario, si se arrastra un archivo de base de datos a la lista de + base de datos, la nueva base de datos es abierta, es decir, no sera unida a + la base de datos donde sea arrastrada o activa.

+ +

Refactorizar juegos en la base de datos actual

+ +

Se puede limpiar juegos o bases de datos completas por variaciones, + anotaciones de tiempo y comentarios. Vea el menú de juegos o de base de + datos para cada uno de éstos métodos de refactorizacion.

+ +

Nota: La refactoriazación de un juego se puede deshacer, pero no + existe la opción de deshacer la refactorización de una base de datos completa.

+ +

Modos de entrenamiento

+ +

Seleccionando + “Juego / Entrenamiento” comienza el modo de entrenamiento. Las movidas, a + partir de la posición actual son escóndidas en la pestaña de notación de + juego. En éste modo no es posible modificar el juego, así que es posible + hacer cualquier movida en la posición dada. Si la movida es la correcta (es + decir la que fue jugada o una variación existente) entonces la movida se + ejecuta y el juego avanza un paso. La notación de juego se actualiza y la + variación de la movida ejecutada se vuelve visible. Éste modo es ideal para + ser usado con una base de datos de tácticas.

+ +

En caso de que no se tenga una idea de que mover, se puede obtener pistas + al mover en ratón sobre las piezas. ¡Es posible que la móvida correcta + aparezca!. Vea el capítulo sobre hacer movidas y las preferencias + asociadas a la habilitación de adivinanza de movientos.

+ +

+ Seleccionando “Juego / Entrenar ambos lados” fuerza a que ambos lados + sean jugados, ocultando las movidas jugadas.

+ + +

Entrenando con ninos

+ +

Hay unas pocas características de ChessX diseñadas para entrenar con niños + o con jugadores a nivel de club.

+ +

+ Para ilustrar el poder de loas piezas, se puede hacer que ChessX marque + todos los cuadros cubiertos por las piezas blancas o negras. Es decir, por + ejemplo, que se puede visualizar una red alrededor de él Rey o la forma como un Alfil o un + Caballo bloquea todas las rutas de escape en el famoso fin de juego contra + el Rey solitario

+ +

+ El indicador de amenaza ayuda a la visualización de piezas con poca + protección, de tal manera que los principiantes aprendan que las piezas + sueltas son vulnerables a la captura.

+ +

Una opción mas avanzada permite a ChessX leer en voz alta la siguiente + movida que es hecha en el tablero. Los estudiantes, se espera, visualizen la + posición anunciada sin que esta sea aún hecha sobre el tablero. Una vez la + movida es ejecutada, ChessX leería unas pocas movidas, nuevamente. Vea + “Preferencias / App / Sonido / Hablar las movidas” y “App / Sonido / Número de turnos a revisar hacia adelante”.

+ +

Jugando partidas

+ +

+ Modo partida permite a dos humanos jugar una partida de Ajedrez. El botón de + partida se asegura, que ChessX no de ningún tipo de pista en la + posición. Ésta es la manera de efectivamente deshabilitar el output de los + motores de análisis, los output de las tablebase, moviento adelante y atras + en el juego, cambiar bases de datos, etc.

+ +

Jugar una + partida contra el motor de análisis con tiempo límite.

+ +

Partida de Ajedrez maquina contra maquina

+ +

+ Con “Juego / Partido de motores” se puede organizar una partida máquina + contra máquina. El panel de análisis 1 juega las piezas blancas, y el panel + 2 con las piezas negras. Comenzar una partida maquina contra máquina eleva + el diálogo de parametro de partido. Si este modo es activado, el tiempo + transcurrido es anotado. Se puede activa en modo Gong, donde cada movimiento + tiene un tiempo límite, o el método muerte súbita, donde cada motor de + análisis tiene un timepo fijo para la totalidad de él juego. ChessX + supervisa el juego y adjudica tablas en el caso de repetición, material + insuficiente, o regla de 50 movidas.

+ +

Ajedrez en linea

+ +

+ +


+ +

ChessX soporta la opción de jugar en línea con partidas jugadas o almacenadas +en el Free Internet Chess Server (FICS).

+ +

Si ústed tiene una cuenta FICS, puede entrar sus credentiales de registro + en el menú de Preferencias, de lo contrario, ChessX entrará a el servidor + como usuario invitado.

+ +

ChessX se conecta a FICS una vez es abierta la base de datos virtual + FICS. Una conección exitosa se indica en el panel de mensajes de la consola + de FICS.

+ +

Seleccionando la pestaña “Juegos” leerá la lista de juegos que están siendo + jugados al momento en FICS. Haciendo doble click en uno de los juegos + permite monitorear el juego.

+ +

Seleccionando la pestaña “Jugadores” leera la lista de todos los jugadores + conectados al momento en FICS. Doble click en un jugador lee la historia de + ese jugador (los últimos 10 juegos). Doble click en un juego en el panel + “Historia” leerá el juego y lo incorporará en la base de datos FICS. + Es finalmente posible guardar cualquier juego observado, jugado, o + examinado, y transferirlo a una base de datos persistente. ¡Los juegos en la + base de datos FICS en ChessX no son persistentes!

+ +

Para jugar en lína, se recomienda usar el protocol Timeseal. Vea el panel + de mensajes una vez se haya conectado a FICS. Ahi se indica si la conección + se ha establecido con Telnet, o con Timeseal. Telnet posee desventaja para + juegos, especialmente rápidos, y por lo tanto no se recomienda.

+ +

Se puede aceptar retos de otros jugadores presionando “Aceptar”, o se puede + buscar por un oponente en el panel de “Búsqueda”.

+ +

Mientras se espera que su oponente mueva, es posible tomar una pieza y + desplazarla sobre una casilla destino o es posible entrar una movida + anticipada si se descarga la pieza en algún lugar. La pieza y la casilla + destino de la movida anticipada son indicadas. La movida anticipada se puede + cancelar haciendo click en algún lugar de el tablero, o seleccionando una + nueva movida anticipada.

+ +

Las variantes de Ajedrez no están soportadas por ChessX para el modo de + juego en línea.

+ +

+ Obtenga los juegos que ústed ha jugado el último mes en lichess.org ó en + chess.com. Es necesario indicar el nombre de usuario en el diálogo de + Preferencias.

+ +

Variantes de Ajedrez

+ +

ChessX soporta juegos Ajedrez960 (también conocido como Fisherandom).

+ +

Se puede iniciar un juego de Ajedrez960 al iniciar el tablero + manualmente. El diálogo de ajuste manual de tablero inicial permite entrar + un identificador de posición, o escoger un identificador aleátorio.

+ +

Cuándo se está jugando Ajedrez960, el enroque se ejecuta arrastrando a él + Rey hacia la posición de la Torre de enroque. Esto aplica, inclusive si el + Rey ya se encuentra en la casilla destino.

+ +

Tablebase de final de juego

+ +

ChessX soporta dos Tablebase de fin de juego en línea, diferentes. Se + pueden seleccionar el acceso a bien sea la tablebase Nalimov ó Syzgy en el + menú de preferencias, pestaña App.

+ +

Las tablebase Syzgy soportan juegos finales de hasta siete piezas, pero son + menos precias que las bases de Nalimov. El Output de cada una de estas + tablebase son envíadas a el panel de análisis 1, en cualquier momento que la + posición final presente 6 ó 7 piezas restantes en el tablero.

+ +
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+ + +

Personalizando ChessX

+ +

Experimentando con las opciones de ChessX


Es posible salvar una copia de sus preferencias en el directorio de la + aplicación (opuesto a el directorio del sistema para los archivos + ini). desde el panel App del diálogo de preferencias. Durante el reinicio, + ChessX búsca el directorio de la aplicación por un archivo ini y útiliza + ése, si en encontrado, en vez de él que es guardado en la localización de él + sistema. Ésto es conveniente cuando se ésta experimentado con las opciones + de ChessX + +

De ésta manera es posible simplemente instalar ChessX en una computadora, + y transladar todos los ajustes, por ejemplo usando una memoria USB.

+ +

Sin embargo, las bases de datos tendrán que ser copiadas separadamente, y + las rutas de accesso necesitarán ser ajustadas (a no ser que estén + localizadas en el mismo lugar en todos los computadores).

+ +

Rearreglando la aplicacion

+ +

+ La ventana de ChessX es muy flexible; todas las listas y submenús pueden + ser ubicados en cualquier localización, o agrupados juntos en una vista + tabulada.

+ +

Si un submenú es escondido, puede ser presentado nuevamente al + seleccionarlo en el menú Vistas de la barra de menús.

+ +

Personalizacion de vistas en lista

+ +

El tipo y tamaño de la fuente de todas las listas puede ser modificado + desde el diálogo de preferencias. En adición, todos los encabezados de las + listas soportan tamaño ajustable, relocalización, y escondido de + columnas. Las columnas pueden ser mostradas ú ocultadas con click derecho en + el encabezado. Todos los cambios son persistentes.

+ +

Personalizacion de la lista de juegos

+ +

La lista de juegos, por defecto, muestra las etíquetas mas comunes de PGN + en forma de columna. Ústed puede añadir columnas colocando etíquetas PGN + en el diálogo de Preferencias / Apariencia / etíquetas PGN adicionales, + por ejemplo, "Ajustes FEN" añadirá dos columnas con las etíquetas Ajustes y FEN respectívamente.

+ +

Hay una etíqueta especial llamada "Medalla". Si a ésta etíqueta se le dá el + nombre de un color, la entrada de lista de juegos usará este color de fondo.

+ +

Personalizacion de tablero y notacion

+ +

El tablero y la notación se personalizan fácilmente desde el diálogo de + preferencias. Especialmente la notación puede ser cambiada para reflejar el + lenguaje local. Por ejemplo, en Español, la Dama es representada por el + grafema "D", en vez de la "Q" que representa a el estándar, de el Inglés + "Queen", simplemente cambiando las letras de las piezas en la pestaña + Apariencias. La notación también puede cambiarse para ser representanda por + el símbolo de las piezas, en vez de el carácter alfanúmerico + correspondiente. Es de notar que el archivo PGN permanece con la notación + estándar, en Inglés KQRBN.

+ + +

Personalizacion de atajos de teclado

+ +

Los atajos de teclado se personalizand desde el correspondiente diálogo + desde el menú de Ayuda. Es recomendado ser cuidadoso, ya que no hay una + implementación de verificación de errores de síntaxis o de entradas + inválidas, aún.

+ +

Es de notar que la personalización esta asociada con la selección de + lenguaje, por lo tanto es posible tener un esquema de teclado diferente con + diferentes idiomas.

+ +

Personalizacion de los iconos del menu

+ +

Los íconos en el menú pueden ser habilitados o deshabilitados desde el + diálogo de preferencias. Mostrar íconos en el menú puede ayudarle + inicialmente mientras se familiariza con ChessX, pero es probable que luego, + no desee tener íconos asociados a entradas de menú.

+ +

Temas e idiomas

+ +

ChessX incorpora un modo óscuro que puede ser activado a travez de él menú + Preferencias / Apariencia. Es posible hacer que el tema óscuro aparezca + mejor integrado al cambiar en Preferencias / Juego / Colores / Línea + principal, a Blanco. El diálogo de preferencias presenta una lista de temas + disponibles, la mayoría de los cuales funcionan en modo óscuro y claro.

+ +

Específicamente en OS X: Si ChessX es iniciado en un escritorio a modo + óscuro, ChessX automáticamente cambiará a modo óscuro, también, para una + mejor integración.

+ +

Para cambiar el tema activo, o seleccionar un nuevo lenguaje, es necesario + reiniciar la aplicacion de ChessX.

+ +
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+ + +
+ +

Referencia de ChessX

+ +

Sobre las bases de datos PGN

+ +

PGN es un formato portable entre diferentes programas de Ajedrez, que puede + ser leído y escrito secuencialmente, pero que no puede ser modificado + aleátoriamente.

+ +

ChessX es un programa para ver y editar éste tipo de archivos, aúnque + ChessX es parcialmente límitado en como manejar datos de Ajedrez, ya que + éste tipo de archivos realmente no pueden ser tratados como una + base de datos propiamente dicha.

+ +

Para trabajar alrededor de éste tipo de problemas, ChessX maneja archivos + grandes y pequeños diferentemente. Es posible configurar el limite donde + ChessX cambia el algoritmo, teniendo en cuenta la capacidad de su + ordenador.

+ +

Bases de datos pequeñas son leídas completamente en memoria y pueden ser + leídas y escritas.

+ +

Bases de datos más grandes son únicamente indexadas, desde la version de + ChessX 0.9.4. El índice es guardado a disco, lo que permite lectura de él + PGN más rápidamente. Débido a que los juegos no son retenidos en memoria, el + algoritmo no permite guardar los archivos nuevamente, por lo tanto la base + de datos funciona en modo de sólo lectura.

+ +

Sobre los indices de las bases de datos

+ +

Los archivos índices se guardan el el subdirectorio “index” en la ruta de + datos por defecto. Sí el directorio “index” o el archivo correspondiente es + eliminado, ChessX genera el archivo índice nuevamente, cuando el archivo PGN + es abierto.

+ +

ChessX abrirá el archivo índice, en vez de el archivo PGN si el nombre de + archivo índice es coincidente (por ej, “chess.cxi” corresponde a cualquier + “chess.pgn”) si la fecha de la última modificación corresponde a la fecha + almacenada en el archivo índice. Para ChessX es irrelevante la ruta donde el + archivo PGN está localizado (es decir, usted puede relocalizar el archivo + PGN una vez se haya almacenado el archivo índice), aúnque ésto límita a los + índices de ChessX en que sólo puede manejar un archivo PGN por cada nombre + de base idéntico.

+ +

Las versiones ChessX 0.9.6 e inferiores soportan archivos índices formato 0 + y 1. En ocasiones, las versiones ChessX > 0.9.6 no logran abrir un + índice version 0, y en tales casos ChessX generará el archivo índice + correspondiente a la nueva versión. En estas ocasiones, el comportamiento + del programa depende de el huso horario, de cuando el archivo fue creado, y + de cuando fue últimamente leído (verano o invierno) y de la versión de las + librerías Qt con las que ChessX fue compilado.

+ +

Sobre los temas y los archivos de sistema

+ +

ChessX lee y escribe archivos en diferentes localizaciones: + +


+ +

ChessX tiene incorporados temas e idiomas, que son extensibles con temas + externos. Éstos temas tienes que ser almacenados en subdirectorios, en el + directorio de datos de programa, iniciando en DirectorioDeDatosdePrograma/data/ +


+ +

Los temas de tablero so puestos en themes/boards y los temas para + figurines de las piezas se colocan simplemente en themes/.

+ +

Los figurines de las piezas con contorno o con sombras son colocados + en themes/outline y en themes/shadow respéctivamente. +

+ +

El diálog Sobre ChessX índica las rutas exactas, las cuáles dependen de él + sistema operativo.

+ +

Sobre la complejidad de el resultado de analisis

+ +

El valor dado con la “complejidad” trata de estimar la complejidad de la + posición con ayuda de los motores de análisis como fue sugerido por Matej + Guid e Iván Bratko. Como métrica de la complejidad de una movida individual, + la suma absoluta de las diferencias entre la evaluación de la mejor y la + segunda mejor movida es calculada. Se invoca cada vez que un cambio en la + evaluación ocurre cuando la profundidad de búsqueda es incrementada. Por lo + tanto, el número de líneas debe ser ajustado a '2' para iniciar el cálculo.

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+ + +

Licencia de ChessX

+ +
+ +

Nota: Para evitar posibles malos entendidos débido a situaciones de + traducción, la licencia GPL version 2 se reproduce abajo en Inglés. + Ninguna traduccion de la licencia GPL, version 2, es oficiamente soportada + por la Federación de Software Libre (FSF, por sus siglas en Inglés).

+ +

Puede consultar la + página + de preguntas frecuentes para entender mejor el + contenido de ésta licencia.

+ +
+ +



+Version 2, June 1991 +

+ +
+Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ +


+ +

+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. +

+ +

+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. +

+ +

+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. +

+ +

+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. +

+ +

+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. +

+ +

+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. +

+ +

+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. +

+ +

+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. +

+ + +


+ + +

+0. + This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". +

+ +

+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. +

+ +

+1. + You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. +

+ +

+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. +

+ +

+2. + You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: +

+ +
+ a) + You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. +
+ b) + You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. +
+ c) + If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) +
+ +

+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. +

+ +

+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. +

+ +

+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. +

+ +

+3. + You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: +

+ + + + +
+ a) + Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, +
+ b) + Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, +
+ c) + Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) +
+ +

+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. +

+ +

+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. +

+ +

+4. + You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. +

+ +

+5. + You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. +

+ +

+6. + Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. +

+ +

+7. + If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. +

+ +

+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. +

+ +

+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. +

+ +

+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. +

+ +

+8. + If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. +

+ +

+9. + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. +

+ +

+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. +

+ +

+10. + If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. +

+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +
+ + + + diff --git a/data/help/ES/about4.html b/data/help/ES/about4.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f65b9ba5f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/help/ES/about4.html @@ -0,0 +1,613 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +Información de Derechos de autor de QuaZIP + + + +
+ + +

Licencia de Quazip

+ +
+ +

Nota: Para evitar posibles malos entendidos débido a situaciones de + traducción, la licencia LGPL version 2.1 se reproduce abajo en Inglés. + Ninguna traduccion de la licencia LGPL, version 2.1, es oficiamente soportada + por la Federación de Software Libre (FSF, por sus siglas en Inglés).

+ +

Puede también consultar la + traduccion + no oficial al español de la licencia LGPL version 2.1

+ +
+ +



+Version 2.1, February 1999 +

+ +
+Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+ + +


+ +

+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. +


+ This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. +


+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. +


+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. +


+ For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. +


+ We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. +


+ To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. +


+ Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. +


+ Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. +


+ When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. +


+ We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. +


+ For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. +


+ In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. +


+ Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. +


+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. +

+ +


+ + +

+0. +This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". +


+ A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. +


+ The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) +


+ "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. +


+ Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. +


+1. +You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. +


+ You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. +


+2. +You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: +

+ + + +

+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable +sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be +reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then +this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you +distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same +sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the +distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose +permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to +each and every part regardless of who wrote it. +


+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your +rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise +the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works +based on the Library. +


+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with +the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage +or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of +this License. +


+3. +You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. +


+ Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. +


+ This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. +


+4. +You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. +


+ If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. +


+5. +A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. +


+ However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. +


+ When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. +


+ If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) +


+ Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. +


+6. +As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. +


+ You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: +

+ + + +

+ For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. +


+ It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. +


+7. You may place library facilities that are a work +based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with +other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute +such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of +the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is +otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: +

+ + + +

+8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, +or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this +License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link +with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically +terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have +received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have +their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full +compliance. +


+9. +You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. +


+10. +Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. +


+11. +If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. +


+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. +


+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. +


+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. +


+12. +If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. +


+13. +The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. +


+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. +


+14. +If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. +







+ +


+ + + + diff --git a/data/help/ES/about5.html b/data/help/ES/about5.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a62e67c2f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/help/ES/about5.html @@ -0,0 +1,691 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +Información de derechos de autor de Stockfish + + + +
+ + +

Licencia de Stockfish

+ +

Nota: Para evitar posibles malos entendidos débido a situaciones de + traducción, la licencia GPL version 3 se reproduce abajo en Inglés. + Ninguna traduccion de la licencia GPL, version 3, es oficiamente soportada + por la Federación de Software Libre (FSF, por sus siglas en Inglés).

+ +

Puede consultar la + página + de preguntas frecuentes para entender mejor el + contenido de ésta licencia.

+ + +



Version 3, 29 June 2007

+ +

Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + <http://fsf.org/>

+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

+ +


+ +

The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works.

+ +

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too.

+ +

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

+ +

To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.

+ +

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights.

+ +

Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.

+ +

For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions.

+ +

Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.

+ +

Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.

+ +

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow.

+ +


+ +

0. Definitions.

+ +

“This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

+ +

“Copyright” also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks.

+ +

“The Program” refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” and +“recipients” may be individuals or organizations.

+ +

To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a “modified version” of the +earlier work or a work “based on” the earlier work.

+ +

A “covered work” means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program.

+ +

To “propagate” a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well.

+ +

To “convey” a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

+ +

An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

+ +

1. Source Code.

+ +

The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source +form of a work.

+ +

A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language.

+ +

The “System Libraries” of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +“Major Component”, in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

+ +

The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work.

+ +

The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source.

+ +

The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work.

+ +

2. Basic Permissions.

+ +

All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

+ +

You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

+ +

Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary.

+ +

3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

+ +

No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures.

+ +

When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures.

+ +

4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

+ +

You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

+ +

You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

+ +

5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

+ +

You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

+ + + +

A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +“aggregate” if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate.

+ +

6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

+ +

You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways:

+ + + +

A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work.

+ +

A “User Product” is either (1) a “consumer product”, which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, “normally used” refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product.

+ +

“Installation Information” for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made.

+ +

If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM).

+ +

The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network.

+ +

Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying.

+ +

7. Additional Terms.

+ +

“Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions.

+ +

When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

+ +

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

+ + + +

All other non-permissive additional terms are considered “further +restrictions” within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying.

+ +

If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms.

+ +

Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way.

+ +

8. Termination.

+ +

You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11).

+ +

However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation.

+ +

Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice.

+ +

Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10.

+ +

9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

+ +

You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.

+ +

10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

+ +

Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

+ +

An “entity transaction” is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.

+ +

You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.

+ +

11. Patents.

+ +

A “contributor” is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's “contributor version”.

+ +

A contributor's “essential patent claims” are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, “control” includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License.

+ +

Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version.

+ +

In the following three paragraphs, a “patent license” is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To “grant” such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party.

+ +

If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. “Knowingly relying” means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid.

+ +

If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it.

+ +

A patent license is “discriminatory” if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

+ +

Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

+ +

12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.

+ +

If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.

+ +

13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.

+ +

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such.

+ +

14. Revised Versions of this License.

+ +

The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns.

+ +

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation.

+ +

If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program.

+ +

Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version.

+ +

15. Disclaimer of Warranty.

+ +


+ +

16. Limitation of Liability.

+ +


+ +

17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

+ +

If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee.

+ +


+ + + +
+ + + + diff --git a/i18n/chessx_cz.ts b/i18n/chessx_cz.ts index dbe612a7b..d9f2ecb59 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_cz.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_cz.ts @@ -9,94 +9,93 @@ O programu ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Volná verze šachové databáze - - - + Version Verze - + Copyright Copyright - + License Licence - + Maintainer Podpora - - Further Maintainers - Další podpora - - - - Testing - Tester + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Programátoři - + Further Code Další programátoři - + Translations Překladatelé - + Path Information Cesta k adresářům - + Path for temporary files Cesta k adresáři TEMP - + Program data path Cesta k datům programu - + Path to settings Cesta k nastavení - + FICS database FICS databáze - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact Kontakt - + Homepage Domácí stránka - + Mailing List Seznam emailů @@ -122,27 +121,27 @@ Volná verze šachové databáze Analysis - + Resigns Úkol - + Mate Mat - + Mate in %1 Mat v %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (hloubka %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (navrhovaný tah) @@ -150,75 +149,109 @@ Volná verze šachové databáze AnalysisWidget - + Stop Stop - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Nastala chyba (%1) při provádění programu <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Remíza - White wins in %n moves - + Bílý vítězí v %n tahu. - Black wins in %n moves - + Černý vítězí v %n tahu + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + - + White wins - + Black wins - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Analýza v tahu %1 - + Click to add move to game Klikni pro přidání tahu do hry - + Tablebase Základní tabulka - + Complexity Obtížnost - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> <br><b>Obtížnot:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> <i>Kniha zahájení:</i> @@ -237,10 +270,6 @@ Volná verze šachové databáze Pin engine to current position Analýza a oprava zde - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -253,7 +282,7 @@ Volná verze šachové databáze - + Analyze Analyzovat @@ -264,37 +293,34 @@ Volná verze šachové databáze - BitBoard + AnnotationWidget - w%1 -b%2 -%3 přesun. - w%1 -b%2 -%3 na tahu. + + Form + Formulář - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - w%1 -b%2 -%3 na tahu + + Enter comments and annotations here. + + + + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 %3 to move - + White Bílý - + Black Černý @@ -347,17 +373,17 @@ b%2 BoardSetupDialog - + No white king Bez bílého krále - + No black king Bez černého krále - + Both kings are in check Oba králové v šachu @@ -367,98 +393,98 @@ b%2 Nastavení pozice - + Clear Vyčistit - + Side to move: Strana na tahu: - + Chess 960 Chess 960 - + - - - + Random Position Náhodná pozice - + FEN FEN - + Move: Tah: - + Copy Text Kopírování textu - + Side to move has opponent in check already Strana na tahu již šachuje soupeře - + Black has too many pawns Černý má příliš mnoho pěšců - + White has too many pawns Bílý má příliš mnoho pěšců - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Pěšáci jsou na privním nebo osmém pořadí - + Too many kings Příliš mnoho králů - + Too many black pieces Příliš mnoho černých figur - + Too many white pieces Příliš mnoho bílých figur - + Bad castling rights Rošádu nelze provést - + En passant square is not correct En passant pole není správné - + Unknown reason Došlo k neznámé chybě - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -467,112 +493,100 @@ b%2 %1. - + Illegal position: %1 Nesprávná pozice: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Text ve schránce nereprezentuje správnou FEN pozici: <br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Žádný text ve schránce. - Board - Šachovnice - - - &Advanced - &Pokočilé - - - + En passant file: En passant linie: - Castling rights - Povoleno rošáda - - - + Tools Nástroje - + Flip board Prohodit šachovnici - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Levé a pravé prohodit - + Mirror top and bottom Horní a dolní prohodit - + Change colors for all pieces Změnit barvy všech figur - + Castling Rošáda - + Black O-O Černý O-O - + White O-O-O Bílý O-O-O - + White O-O Bílý O-O - + Black O-O-O Černý O-O-O - + Advanced Pokročilé - + Halfmove clock: Napůl otočením knoflíku: - + Paste FEN Vložit FEN - + Copy FEN Kopírovat FEN @@ -580,199 +594,193 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Chyba, nelze nalézt data figur. + Chyba, nelze nalézt data figur. Prosím zkontrolujte instalaci. - - Cannot find board data. -Please check your installation. + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion Dotaz pro figuru v případ propagace - + Replace remainder of game with new move Zbytek hry nahradit novým tahem - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves Vložit nový tah a udržet co nejvíce zbývajících tahů - + Force adding a variation Vynutit novou variantu - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation Nakreslení pole nebo šipka - - Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - - - Query the engine for the best reply + + Spray color annotations - - - BoardViewEx - - Form - Formulář - - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - Enter comments and annotations here. + + Query the engine for the best reply ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Přidat komentář na počátek... - - + + Add game comment... Přidat komentář hry... - + Comment... Komentář... - + Add move symbol Přidat recenzi tahu - + Add evaluation symbol Přidat pozici hodnocení - + Add other symbol Přidat další hodnocení - + Bishops Submenu for 3 NAGs: pair of bishops, bishops of sam/oppositie color Běžec - + Remove symbols Odstranit hodnocení - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Výčet změn A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Výčet změn a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Povýšit na hlavni přímku - + Move variation up Varianta nahoru - + Move variation down Varianta dolů - + Remove variation Odstranit variantu - + Remove previous moves Odstranit předchozí tahy - + Remove next moves Odstranit další tahy - - + + Insert threat Vložit hrozbu - + Copy Html Kopírovat v HTML formátu - + Copy Text Kopítrovat text - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Přefaktorovat - + Uncomment Odkomentovat - + Remove Variations Odstranit varianty - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Schránka - - CommentDialog @@ -805,6 +813,11 @@ Please check your installation. H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Hodnocení + CopyDialog @@ -847,66 +860,67 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Databáze - + Open Otevřít - + Activate Aktivovat - + Close Zavřít - + Keep file Ponechat soubor - + Two star favorite Uděleny dvě hvězdy - + Three star favorite Uděleny tři hvězdy - + Open at startup - + Set active at startup - Add to favorites - Přidat mezi oblíbené + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Odebrat z oblíbených - + Show in Finder Zobrazit ve vyhledávači - + Make a Polyglot book... Vytvořit polyglot knihu... @@ -914,53 +928,76 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Favorit - + Name Jméno - + Size Velikost - - + + Open Otevřít - + Path Cesta - + Format Formát - + Date Datum - + Read Číst - + Closed Zavřeno + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -1067,12 +1104,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Bez ECO kódu.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> Bez ECO kódu @@ -1111,12 +1148,12 @@ Please check your installation. - + Score Skóre - + Black Player Černý hráč @@ -1197,10 +1234,6 @@ Please check your installation. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Datum: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Datum: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1215,8 +1248,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nebyla vybrána žádná událost.</i></html> @@ -1232,7 +1265,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Připojeno k FICS jako %1 s %2 @@ -1245,262 +1278,262 @@ Please check your installation. Formulář - + Messages Zprávy - + Say to opponent Řekni soupeři - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Bílý - + Black Černý - - - + + + History Historie - + Double click to examine game Dvojklik pro zkoumání hry - + Finger Palec nahoru - + Games Hry - - + + Double click to follow game Dvojklik pro následování hry - - + + Relay Živý přenos - - + + Puzzle Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle Dvojklik ke startu puzzle - + Rated only Jen hodnocené partie - + Human only Pouze s člověkem - + Elo Elo - + Propose a game Nabídka partie - + Get Mate Získat mat - + Get Study získat studii - + Get Tactics Získat taktiku - + Messages from Puzzlebot Zprávy z puzzlebot - + Players Hráči - + Rating Hodnoceni - + User Uživatel - - + + Seeks Hledání - + Time Control Kontrola času - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Minutes Minuty - + Increment Inkrementace - + rated hodnocené - + unrated nehodnocené - + Seek Hledat - + Don't care - + No play list Žádný seznam hráčů - + Enter command here Vložit příkaz zde - - + + Accept Přijmout - + Draw Remíza - + Decline Odmítnutí - + Abort Zrušení - + Resign Vzdát - + Rematch - + Hint Rada - + Cancel Zrušit - + Disconnect Odpojit - + Disconnected Odpojeno - + Retrieving relayed games... Načítání přenosu hry... - + Observe Sledovat - + Examine Zkoumání @@ -1508,286 +1541,181 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr Č - + White Bílý - + Black Černý - + White Elo ELO bílý - + Black Elo ELO černý - + Event Událost - + Site Site - + Round Kolo - + Date Datum - + Result Výsledek - + ECO ECO - + Moves Tahy - - Game - - - - Add move - Přidat tah - - - - Merge game - Sloučit hru - - - - Replace move - Nahradit tah - - - Add Variation - Přidat variantu - - - Promote Variation - Podpořit variantu - - - - Copy game - Kopie partie - - - - Add line - - - - - - - Add variation - Přidat variantu - - - - Promote variation - Podpořit variantu - - - - Remove variation - Odstranit variantu - - - - Truncate variation - Zkrátit variantu - - - - Remove variations - Odstranit varianty - - - - Remove comments - Odstranit komentáře - - - - Set annotation - Nastavit komentář - - - - Colorize square - Obarvit pole - - - - Paint arrow - Nakreslit šipku - - - - Add nag - Přidat ocenění - - - - Set nags - Nastavit ocenění - - - - - Move variation - Varianta tahu - - - - Enumerate variations - Výčet změn - - - - Set result - Nastavit výsledek - - - - Set variant - Nastavit variantu - - GameList - - + + Game list Seznam partií - + Find tag... Najít značku... - + Hide Column Skrýt sloupec - + Resize visible Columns Upravit viditelné sloupce - + Show all Columns Zobrazit všechny sloupce - + Copy games... Kopírovat partie... - + + Filter exact twins + + + + Filter twins Najít dulpicity - + Merge into current game Integrovat aktuální partii - + All Games Všechny partie - + Filter Filtr - + Selected games Označené partie - + Toggle deletions - + Undelete games - + Undelete game - + Delete game Vymazat partii - + Delete games - + Hide game Skrýt partii - + Hide games - + Hide deleted games - - Reset filter - Resetovat filtr + + Select All + + + + + Reset filter + Resetovat filtr - + Reverse filter Invertovat fitr @@ -1800,21 +1728,138 @@ Please check your installation. Hlavní okno - + + New Game + + + + Move Tah - + Evaluation Hodnocení - + Other Další + + GameX + + + Copy game + Kopie partie + + + + + Add move + Přidat tah + + + + Merge game + Sloučit hru + + + + Replace move + Nahradit tah + + + + Add line + + + + + + + Add variation + Přidat variantu + + + + Promote variation + Podpořit variantu + + + + Remove variation + Odstranit variantu + + + + Truncate variation + Zkrátit variantu + + + + Remove variations + Odstranit varianty + + + + Remove null lines + + + + + Remove comments + Odstranit komentáře + + + + Remove time comments + + + + + Set annotation + Nastavit komentář + + + + Colorize square + Obarvit pole + + + + Paint arrow + Nakreslit šipku + + + + Add nag + Přidat ocenění + + + + Set nags + Nastavit ocenění + + + + + Move variation + Varianta tahu + + + + Enumerate variations + Výčet změn + + + + Set result + Nastavit výsledek + + HelpBrowserShell @@ -1876,1049 +1921,1213 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Notace - - - + Game List Seznam partií - + Loading ECO file... Načítání ECO souboru... - + ECO Loaded. ECO načteno. - - + + Open database Otevírání databáze - + PGN database (*.pgn) PGN databáze (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Nelze vytvořit ChessX databázi. - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) PGN seznam databází (*.pgn) - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>Databáze <i>%1</i> je pouze pro čtení a nelze uložit.</html> - + Saving %1... Ukládání %1... - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - PGN seznam databází (*.pgn);;Polyglot knihy (*.bin) - - - The current database is modified! - Aktuálni databáze je změněna! - - - + Save it? Uložit to? - + %1 saved %1 uloženo - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + The selected database is modified! - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Text ve schránce neobsahuje platný formát FEN: <br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Zatím není žádný text ve schránce. - - + + Set starting board Zadejte herní pozice - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Obrázky (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over - + Red Square Červené pole - + Yellow Square Žluté pole - + Green Square Zelené pole - + Remove Color Odstranit barvu - + Red Arrow to here Červenou šipku zde - + Yellow Arrow to here Žlutou šipku zde - + Green Arrow to here Zelenou šipku zde - + Remove Arrow to here Odstranit šipku zde - + End of game - + Main line - + Merge selected games Sloučit vybrané části - - Automatic responses - Automatická odpověď - - - - Play both sides - Hrát na obou stranách + + Prune null moves from all games? + - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Analýza 2 nemá aktivní motor pro automatickou analýzu. - + Game is drawn by insufficient material - + Game is drawn by repetition - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule - + Engine %1 Motor %1 - + all vše - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Připojení partie %1 do %2. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. Přidat partie %1 do %2. - + Error appending games to %1 Chyba připojení partií do %1 - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Přidané partie od %1 do %2. - + + System Clipboard + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + Searching... Vyhledávání... - + <b>New game</b> <b>Nová partie</b> - + Infinite Nekonečná - + Build book - + Book built - + Could not build book Nelze postavit knihu - + Polyglot Error Polyglot Error - + Book build finished with Error - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Analýza 1 nemá aktivní motor pro automatickou analýzu. - - %1 - ChessX - - - - + Search ended Vyhledávání dokončeno - Updating tree... - Aktualizace stromu... - - - + Load Game Načíst partii - + Game number: Číslo partie: - - - + + + This database is read only. Tato databáze je pouze pro čtení - + &File &Soubor - + &Open... &Otevřít... - + &Export... &Exportovat... - + &Games in filter &Partie ve filtru - + &All games &Všechny hry - + &Close &Zavřít - + &Quit &Ukončit - + &Edit &Editovat - + Comment Komentář - + Variation Varianta - + Promote Podpora - + Remove Odstranit - + Setup &position... Nastavení &pozice... - + ECO Load Error. Chyba při načítání ECO. - + Move Interval: Interval tahu: - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). Databáze %1 nemůže být v tento moment přístupná (%2). - + File Soubor - + Open in UTF8... Otevřít ve fromátu UTF8... - + Commit Database to disk Potvrzení databáze na disk - + Current Game Aktuální partie - + Export Image Export obrázku - + Edit Úpravy - + Undo Zpět - + Redo Opakovat - + Promote Variation Upgrade varianty - + Remove Variation Odstranit variantu - + Toolbars Panely nástrojů - + Stay on Top Zůstat na vrcholu - + &Game &Partie - + Game Partie - + Database Databáze - + &Load &Načíst - + &Next &Další - + &Previous &Předchozí - + &Go to game... &Jít na hru... - + &Random &Náhodná - + Training Trénování - - Auto Respond - Automaticky reagovat - - - + Auto Player Automatický přehrávač - - + + Auto Analysis Autoatická analýza - + &Go to &Jdi na - + &Start &Start - + Go to first move Jdi na první tah - + &End &Konec - + Go to last move Jdi na poslední tah - + &Next move &Další tah - + Start loading database... Probíhá načítání databáze... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net Nová verze je dostupná na chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Previous move &Předchozí tah - + 5 moves &forward 5 tahů &dopředu - + 5 moves &backward 5 tahů &zpět - + Enter Variation Zadání variant - + Back to main line Zpět na hlavní variantu - + Events Události - + FICS Console FICS Konzole - + ECO ECO - + Open FICS Otevřít FICS - + Save Database Uložit databázi - + Export Image... Exportovat obrázek... - + Mail PGN... Zaslání PGN... - + Copy PGN Kopírovat PGN - + Copy FEN Kopírovat FEN - + Copy Position Kopírovat pozici - + Copy Image Kopírovat obrázek - + Close current board Zavří aktuální radu - + &Save... &Uložit... - + Save Uložit - + Edit tags... Upravit značky... - + Match Zápas - - - + + + Engine Match Zápas motorů - + Refactor Refaktorovat - + + Uncomment Odkomentovat - + + Remove Variations Odstanit varianty - + Fi&nd &Najít - &Reset filter - &Obnovit filtr - - - &Reverse filter - &Invertovat filtr - - - + Clear clipboard Vymazat schránku - - + + Scratch Pad Poznámkový blok - + Help Pomoc - + Customize Keyboard... Nastavení klávesnice... - + Load Sample Database Načíst ukázkovou databázi - + Report a bug... Nahlásit chybu... - + Following databases are modified: Následující databáze byly upraveny: - + Save them? Uložit všechny databáze? - + (%1 s.) - + &View &Pohled - + + Notation + + + + Game Time Čas - + + Annotations + + + + Players Hráči - + Databases Databáze - + Analysis 1 Analýza 1 - + Analysis 2 Analýza 2 - + Search Depth: - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. Databáze %1 není v tomto momentu přístupná. - + Opening %1... Otevírání %1... - + Cannot open file Soubor nelze otevřít - + %1 opened %1 otevřen - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite Webový favorit - + Open recent Otevřít nedávné - + Comment Before Komentář pro variantu - + Paste into new game Vložit do nové hry - + Paste Vložit - + Brush - + Green - + Yellow - + Red - + Erase - + &Preferences... &Předvolby... - + View - + Show target fields - + Show threat Zobraz hrozbu - + + Show variation arrows + + + + Show covered squares from White - + Show covered squares from Black - + Show underprotected white pieces - + Show underprotected black pieces - + Load recent Načíst nedávné - + + Read moves ahead + + + + + Train both sides + + + + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + Previous Variation Předchozí varianta - + Next Variation Další varianta - + + + Remove Time + + + + + + Prune null moves + + + + Search Hledat - + Find tag... Najít značku... - + Filter duplicate games Filtrovat duplicitní hry - + + Filter identical games + + + + Filter duplicate headers Filtrovat duplicitní záhlavy - + Reset filter Resetovat filtr - + Reverse filter Invertovat fitr - + &Database &Databáze - + + Edit tag + + + + + None + + + + + King + + + + + Queen + Královna + + + + Rook + Věž + + + + Bishop + Střelec + + + + Knight + Kůň + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + do + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + &Flip board &Prohodit šachovnici - + Find position... Najít pozici... - + + Refactor Database + + + + &Help &Pomoc - + &About ChessX &O programu ChessX - + Export games Exportovat partie - + Opening Tree Strom zahájení - + &Remove &Odstranit - + Moves from the beginning Tahy z počátku - + Moves to the end Tahy z konce - + &New &Nový - + PGN file (*.pgn) PGN soubor (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) HTML stránka (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) LaTeX dokument (*.tex) - - + + New database Nová databáze - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Schránka obsahuje FEN, ale s chybnou pozicí. Lze vkládat jen takové pozice v dialogu <b>natavení pozice</b> dialogu. - + End of line - + Line Línie - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Potřebujete alespoň dvě otevřené databáze kopírování partií + + Delete all comments from all games? + - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 hry) + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - - &New database... - &Nová databáze... + + Delete all variations from all games? + - Open &recent... - &Otevřít nedávnou... + + Game play + - - &Switch to + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Remíza + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + + You need at least two open databases to copy games + Potřebujete alespoň dvě otevřené databáze kopírování partií + + + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 hry) + + + + &New database... + &Nová databáze... + + + + &Switch to &Přepnout na - + &Copy games... &Kopírování partií... @@ -3047,8 +3256,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - - + [end] [konec] @@ -3056,593 +3264,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move Dobrý tah - + Poor Move Špatný tah - + Very good Move Velmi dobrý tah - + Blunder Hrubá chyba - + Speculative Move Spekulativní tah - + Dubious Move Dvojitá chyba - - + + Only Move Pouze tah - + Worst Move Nejhorší tah - - - + + + Equal Rovné - + Unclear Nejasné - + White has slight advantage Bílý má mírnou výhodu - + Black has slight advantage Černý má mírnou výhodu - + White has moderate advantage Bílý má lepší výhodu - + Black has moderate advantage Černý má lepší výhodu - + White has decisive advantage Bílý má rozhodující výhodu - + Black has decisive advantage Ćerný má rozhodující výhodu - + White has crushing advantage Bílý má drtivou výhodu - + Black has crushing advantage Černý má drtivou výhodu - - + + Zugzwang Vynucený tah - - + + With slight space advantage S mírnou prostorovou výhodou - - + + With moderate space advantage S lepší prostorovou výhodou - - + + With decisive space advantage S rozhodující prostorovou výhodou - - + + With slight development advantage S malým náskokem ve vývoji - - + + With moderate development advantage S velkým náskokem ve vývoji - - + + With decisive development advantage S rozhodujícím náskokem ve vývoji - - + + With initiative S iniciativou - - + + With lasting initiative S trvalou iniciativou - - + + With attack S útokem - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit S nedostatečnou kompenzací za obětovaný materiál - - + + With compensation S kompenzací - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit S více než adekvátní náhradou za obětovaný materiál - - + + With slight center control advantage S malou výhodou v centru - - + + With moderate center control advantage S výhodou v centru - - + + With decisive center control advantage S konečnou výhodou v centru - - + + With slight kingside control advantage S malou výhodou na královském křídle - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage S výhodou na královkém křídle - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage S konečnou výhodou na královském křídle - - + + With slight queenside control advantage S malou výhodou na dámském křídle - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage S výhodou na dámském křídle - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage S konečnou výhodou na dámském křídle - - + + With vulnerable first rank Zranitelný první hodnosti - - + + With well protected first rank S dobře chráněným první hodností - - + + With poorly protected king S nedostatečně chráněným králem - - + + With well protected king S dobře chráněným králem - - + + With poorly placed king Se špatným postavením krále - - + + With well placed king S dobrým postavením krále - - + + With very weak pawn structure S velmi špatným postavením pěšců - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure Se špatným postavením pěšců - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure S lepším postavením pěšců - - + + With very strong pawn structure S velmi dobrým postavením pěšců - - + + With poor knight placement Se špatným postavením jezdce - - + + With good knight placement Mit dobrým postavení jezdce - - + + With poor bishop placement Se špatným postavením střelce - - + + With good bishop placement S dobrým postavením střelce - - + + With poor rook placement Se špatným postavením věže - - + + With good rook placement S dobrým postavením věže - - + + With poor queen placement Se špatným postavením dámy - - + + With good queen placement S dobrým postavením dámy - - + + With poor piece coordination Se špatnou koordinací figur - - + + With good piece coordination S dobrou koordinací figur - + White played the opening very poorly Bílý zahrál zahájení velmi špatně - + Black played the opening very poorly Černý zahrál zahájení velmi špatně - + White played the opening poorly Bílý zahrál zahájení špatně - + Black played the opening poorly Černý zahrál zahájení špatně - + White played the opening well Bílý zahrál zahájení dobře - + Black played the opening well Černý zahrál zahájení dobře - + White played the opening very well Bílý zahrál zahájení velmi dobře - + Black played the opening very well Černý zahrál zahájení velmi dobře - + White played the middlegame very poorly Bílý zahrál střed hry velmi špatně - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Černý zahrál střed hry velmi špatně - + White played the middlegame poorly Bílý zahrál střed hry špatně - + Black played the middlegame poorly Černý zahrál střed hry špatně - + White played the middlegame well Bílý zahrál střed hry dobře - + Black played the middlegame well Černý zahrál střed hry dobře - + White played the middlegame very well Bílý zahrál střed hry velmi dobře - + Black played the middlegame very well Ćerný zahrál střed hry velmi dobře - + White played the ending very poorly Bílý zahrál koncovku velmi špatně - + Black played the ending very poorly Černý zahrál koncovku velmi špatně - + White played the ending poorly Bílý zahrál koncovku špatně - + Black played the ending poorly Černý zahrál koncovku špatně - + White played the ending well Bílý zahrál koncovku dobře - + Black played the ending well Černý zahrál koncovku dobře - + White played the ending very well Bílý zahrál koncovku velmi dobře - + Black played the ending very well Černý zahrál koncovku velmi dobře - - - + + + With counterplay S hrou counter - - + + Moderate time control pressure Potíže ve středním čase - - + + Severe time control pressure Časový nátlak - + With the idea S ideou - + Aimed against Proti - + Better was Lepší byl - + Worse was Horší byl - + Equivalent was Podobný byl - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Slabé místo - + Endgame Konec hry - + Line Línie - + Diagonal Diagonála - - + + Pair of bishops Pár střelců - + Bishops of opposite color Střelci opačné barvy - + Bishops of the same color Střelci stejné barvy - + Diagram Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Zápas + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Tah - + Count Počet - + Score Skóre - + Rating Hodnocení - + Year Rok @@ -3655,59 +3901,56 @@ Shall I download a database? Formulář - Target - Cíl + Cíl - + Filter games Filtr partií - + Board Šachovnice - Source - Zdroj + Zdroj - + Pin Pin - + ... ...... - - + + Database Databáze - - + + Filter Filtr - Progress - Průběh + Průběh - + Undo Zpět - + (Book) (Kniha) @@ -3716,101 +3959,107 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Zápis ve stylu sloupce - - + + Show symbolic Nags Symbolické ocenění - - + + Text width Šířka textu - - + + Indent variations from Level Odsadit varianty z úrovně - - + + Variation Indentation Změna odsazení - + Comment indentation Komentář odsazení - - + + NAG Color Barva ocenění - - + + Main Line Color Barva hlavní varianty - - + + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Variation Color Barva varianty - - + + Comment Color Barva komentáře - - + + Header Color Barva hlavičky - - + + Show Header Zobraz hlavičku - - + + Show Diagrams Zobraz diagramy - - + + Diagram Size Velikost diagramu - - + + Font for text Font textu - - + + Font for moves Font pro tahy - + Comment Indentation Komentář odsazení @@ -3818,48 +4067,48 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> <i>Žádná hra</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Suma: %1<br>Weiß: %2<br>Schwarz: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Hry databázi <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Hodnocení: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Hodnocení: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Datum: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Datum: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings Kniha zahájení pro bílého - + Black Openings Kniha zahájení pro černého @@ -3867,8 +4116,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nebyl zvolen žádný hráč.</i></html> @@ -3876,219 +4125,230 @@ Shall I download a database? PreferencesDialog - + Light squares Bílé pole - + Dark squares Černé pole - + Highlighted squares Zvýrazněné pole - - + + Frame Rám - + Select engine directory Vybrat adresář motoru - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. Pro opětovné načtení rozšíření jazyka musí být aktivován přístup online. - + Select databases folder Vybrat adresář databází - + Select engine executable Vyberte spustitelný soubor motoru - + Could not load server language file dictionary Nelze načíst adresář dostupných jazykových souborů - + Could not load or install language pack Nemohu načíst nebo nainstalovat jazykový balíček - + No further translations online available! Keine weiteren Sprachpakete online verfügbar! - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! Načtena jazyková sada - viz výše v dostupných jazycích! - + Select external executable Vyberte externí spustitelný soubor - + Clear all application settings? Chcete vymazat nastavení všech aplikací? - + Warning Varování - + Current move Aktuální tah - + Stored move Uložený tah - + + Variation move + + + + Threat Hrozba - + Targets - + Check - + Wall - + Underprotected - + + Engine Move + + + + + New database + Nová databáze + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + PGN databáze (*.pgn) + + + [plain colors] [Obyčejné barvy] - + Main Line Hlavní varianta - + Variations Varianty - + Comments Komentáře - + NAGs Ocenění - + Use online tablebase servers Použít online tablebase servery - &Board - &Šachovnice - - - + &Colors: &Barvy: - + Board &style: &Styl šachovnice: - - &Guess move on left-click - &Hádej dál levým tlačítkem myši - - - + &Draw frame between squares &Nakreslete rámeček mezi čtverci - + &Chess set: &Figurky: - + Database Databáze - + Commit Database after saving Game "Save game" is not an appropriate term and was translated as "Použít dávkové změny" Potvrzení databáze po uložení hry - + Number of recent files: Počet naposledy použitých souborů: - + Default Database Path: Standartní cesta k databázi: - + Default path for storing files Výchozí cesta pro ukládání souborů - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Font se šachovými symboly (Unicode) - - + + Font Size Velikost fontu - + Colors: Barvy: - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Zkontrolovat aktualizace a jazykové balíčky @@ -4098,27 +4358,28 @@ Shall I download a database? Předvolby - + Appearance Vzhled - + Fonts for notation Fonty pro notaci - + Texts Texty - + Moves - + + Game Text Notace @@ -4128,472 +4389,630 @@ Shall I download a database? Šachovnice - + Arrow Šipka - + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + Obarvit pole + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + Show Diagrams Zobraz diagramy - + Column Style Styl sloupce - + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + Keep variations inline from level Rozdíly v úrovni těla textu - + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + Diagram Size Velikost diagramu - + Pieces Figurky - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. Umístit iniciály figur zde, pozor na první místo. - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! KQRBN - Pozor na první místo! - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Engines - + Send History - + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + Application Aplikace - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + + FICS + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + Portable Preferences - + Save to application folder - + Show move indicator Zobrazit indikátor pohybu - + Automatic Automaticky - + + Always Vždy - - + + + Never Nikdy - + Icons visible in menus Zobrazovat ikony v nabídkách - + + + Login Přihlášní - + Localization Lokalizace - + Load language file from Server: Načíst jazykový soubor ze serveru: - + Load! Načíst! - + Use vertical Tabs Svislé zarovnání tabulátoru - + Copy Images Kpoírovat obrázky - + Fixed Size Pevná velikost - + Always Scale - + Turn board for player: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - + Log Log - + Web Favorite Webový favorit - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number URL, $1 se nahrazuje číslem - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number Nahrazení $1 s automaticky se zvyšujícím číslem - + Log in as guest Přihlásit se jako host - + + + Password Heslo - + Try to use Timeseal Zkusit použít Timeseal - + Dark Theme - + Show command line - + App App - + Internet Internet - + Nalimov-6 - + Syzygy-7 - + Language Jazyk - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Změna jazyka vyžaduje restart programu! - + External Tools Externí nástroje - + Parameters Parametry - + Path Cesta - + Path and filename of external program Cesta a název souboru externího programu - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Příkazový řádek, na př. s $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + XBoard XBoard - + New Engine Nový motor - plain - prostý - - - outline - obrys - - - &Engines - &Motory - - - + Name: Jméno: - + Command: Příkaz: - + Options: Možnosti: - + Highlight current move: Zvýraznit aktuální tah: - + Mouse Behaviour CHování myši - - Next guess on right click - Další návrh, když klepnete pravým tlačítkem myši - - - + Wheel sensitivity Rychlost kolečkem myši - + Fast Rychle - + Slow Pomalu - + Draw Coordinates Nakresli souřadnice šachovnice - Show threat - Zobraz hrozbu - - - + Colored copies Barevné kopie - + No hints in training mode Žádný důkaz ve vzdělávání - + Game Partie - - Autoplayer - Konkurz - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Automaticky uložit hru a pokračovat s další - - Auto Analysis backwards - Zpětná automatická analýza - - - + Automatic Promotion Automatická propagace - + Always queen a pawn Vždy proměnit pěšce za dámu - + Path to executable Cesta ke spuštění - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Cesta, kde je motor spuštěn - obvykle místo, kde se nachází kniha zahájení - + Directory: Adresář: - + Protocol: Protokol: - + Command Line Options Možnosti příkazového řádku - + Options Možnosti - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Libovolný název motoru - + Additional PGN tags Další PGN značky - + Additional tags, separate with blanks Další značky, oddělené mezerami - + Sound Zvuk - - Indicate opponent's move - Poznámka na soupeřových tazích - - - + Down Dolů - + Remove Odstranit - + Add... Přidat... - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Automatická klasifikace pomocí ECO kódů - + Build index file Postavit indexový soubor - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Pouze soubory PGN menší než: - + MB - + Up Nahoru - - outline+shadow - Osnova+stín - PromotionDialog @@ -4625,10 +5044,6 @@ Shall I download a database? QuickSearchDialog - - Vyhledávání dat partií - Partiedaten Suche - Value or Range like 2000-2300 @@ -4718,7 +5133,7 @@ Shall I download a database? - + This is no valid email address. Toto není správná IP adresa. @@ -4896,27 +5311,27 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - + Hide Column Skrýt sloupec - + Resize visible Columns Změnit velikost viditelných sloupců - + Show all Columns Ukaž všechny sloupce - + Copy as HTML - + Copy as Image @@ -4924,22 +5339,37 @@ Shall I download a database? TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Filtr: - - Selected Item - Označit položku + + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Filtr - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Přejmenovat @@ -4978,191 +5408,254 @@ Shall I download a database? Vložit hodnotu... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions Akce souborů - + File Soubor - + New Nový - + Open... Otevřít... - + Save Uložit - + Save As... Uložit jako... - + Print... Tisk... - + Print Preview... Náhled tisku... - + Export PDF... PDF export... - + Edit Actions Upravit akce - + Edit Upravit - + Undo Zpět - + Redo Další - + Cut Vyjmout - + Copy Kopírovat - + Paste Vložit - + Pick board Výběr šachovnice - + Format Actions Formát akcí - + Format Formát - + Bold Tučné - + Italic Kurzíva - + Underline Podtržené - + Resize Změnit velikost - - + + Left Vlevo - - + + Center Střed - - + + Right Vpravo - + Justify Ospravedlnit - + Color... Barva... - + Style Actions Akce ve stylu - + Application Aplikace - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? Zápisník byl modifikován. Chcete uložit provedené změny? - + %1[*] - + Open File... Otevřít soubor... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) Soubory ODF (*.odt);;Soubory HTML (*.htm *.html);;Všechny soubory (*) - + Save as... Uložit jako... - + Print Document Tisknout dokument diff --git a/i18n/chessx_da.ts b/i18n/chessx_da.ts index e0d923bba..2f89bb7b6 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_da.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_da.ts @@ -9,94 +9,93 @@ Om ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Fri skakdatabase - - - + Version Version - + Copyright Copyright - + License Licens - + Maintainer Vedligeholder - - Further Maintainers - Yderligere vedligeholdere - - - - Testing - Testing + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Programmører - + Further Code Yderligere programmører - + Translations Oversættelser - + Path Information Sti-information - + Path for temporary files Sti for midlertidige filer - + Program data path Sti for programdata - + Path to settings Sti til indstillinger - + FICS database FICS-database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact Kontakt - + Homepage Hjemmeside - + Mailing List Postliste @@ -118,35 +117,31 @@ Fri skakdatabase Keyboard Shortcut Tastaturgenvej - - ... - ... - Analysis - + Resigns Opgiver - + Mate Mat - + Mate in %1 Mat i %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (dybde %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (foreslået træk) @@ -173,10 +168,6 @@ Fri skakdatabase Pin engine to current position Lås motor til aktuelle stilling - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -189,102 +180,129 @@ Fri skakdatabase - + Analyze Analysér - + Stop Stop - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Der opstod en fejl (%1) ved kørsel af motor <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Remis - White wins in %n moves - + Hvid vinder i %n træk Hvid vinder i %n træk - Black wins in %n moves - + Sort vinder i %n træk Sort vinder i %n træk + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + - + White wins - + Black wins - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Analyse låst til træk %1 - + Click to add move to game Klik for at tilføje trækket til partiet - + Tablebase Slutspilsdatabase - + Complexity Kompleksitet - + <i>Book:</i> <i>Åbningsbog:</i> - <a href="0" title="Click to add move to game">[+]</a> <b>Tablebase:</b> - <a href="0" title="Klik for at tilføje træk til parti">[+]</a><b>Slutspilsdatabase:</b> + + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> + <br><b>Kompleksitet:</b> %1<br> + + + AnnotationWidget - <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1/%2<br> - <br><b>Kompleksitet:</b> %1/%2<br> + + Form + Form - - <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - <br><b>Kompleksitet:</b> %1<br> + + Enter comments and annotations here. + BitBoard - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - H: %1 -S: %2 -%3 i trækket. - - - + w%1 b%2 %3 to move @@ -293,12 +311,12 @@ S: %2 %3 i trækket - + White Hvid - + Black Sort @@ -356,143 +374,131 @@ S: %2 Opsæt stilling - Board - Bræt - - - + Tools Værktøjer - + Side to move: Spiller i trækket: - + Move: Træk: - + Flip board Vend bræt - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Spejlvend højre og venstre side - + Mirror top and bottom Spejlvend top og bund - + Change colors for all pieces Ombyt farven på alle brikker - + Clear Ryd - &Advanced - &Avanceret - - - Castling rights - Rokaderettigheder - - - + Black O-O Sort O-O - + White O-O-O Hvid O-O-O - + White O-O Hvid O-O - + Castling Rokade - + Black O-O-O Sort O-O-O - + Advanced Avanceret - + En passant file: En passant-linje: - + Halfmove clock: Antal udførte træk (halvtræk): - + Chess 960 Skak960 - + - - - + Random Position Tilfældig stilling - + FEN FEN - + Paste FEN Indsæt FEN - + Copy FEN Kopiér FEN - + Copy Text Kopiér tekst - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -501,82 +507,82 @@ S: %2 %1. - + No white king Ingen hvid konge - + No black king Ingen sort konge - + Both kings are in check Begge konger er i skak - + Side to move has opponent in check already Spilleren i trækkets modstander er allerede i skak - + Black has too many pawns Sort har for mange bønder - + White has too many pawns Hvid har for mange bønder - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Der er bønder på første eller ottende række - + Too many kings For mange konger - + Too many black pieces For mange sorte brikker - + Too many white pieces For mange hvide brikker - + Bad castling rights Umulige rokaderettigheder - + En passant square is not correct En passant-felt er ikke korrekt - + Unknown reason Ukendt årsag - + Illegal position: %1 Ulovlig stilling: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Teksten i udklipsholderen er ikke en gyldig FEN-kode:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Der er ingen tekst i udklipsholderen. @@ -584,198 +590,191 @@ S: %2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Kan ikke finde data for brik. + Kan ikke finde data for brik. Tjek venligst din installation. - - Cannot find board data. -Please check your installation. + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion Spørg om brik ved bondeforvandling - + Replace remainder of game with new move Erstat resten af partiet med nyt træk - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves Indsæt nyt træk og bevar så meget som muligt af de resterende træk - + Force adding a variation Tving tilføjelse af variant - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation Tegn en felt-. eller pilekommentar - - Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - - - Query the engine for the best reply + + Spray color annotations - - - BoardViewEx - - Form - Bruges ikke ifølge udvikler - Form - - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - Enter comments and annotations here. + + Query the engine for the best reply ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Tilføj startkommentar ... - - + + Add game comment... Tilføj partikommentar ... - + Comment... Kommentar ... - + Add move symbol Tilføj træksymbol - + Add evaluation symbol Tilføj evalueringssymbol - + Add other symbol Tilføj andet symbol - + Bishops Løbere - + Remove symbols Fjern symboler - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Nummerer variationer A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Nummerer variationer a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Ophøj til hovedlinje - + Move variation up Flyt variant op - + Move variation down Flyt variant ned - + Remove variation Fjern variant - + Remove previous moves Fjern foregående træk - + Remove next moves Fjern de næste træk - - + + Insert threat Indsæt trussel - + Copy Html Kopiér HTML - + Copy Text Kopiér tekst - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Omstrukturér - + Uncomment Fjern kommentarer - + Remove Variations Fjern varianter - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Udklipsholder - - CommentDialog @@ -808,6 +807,11 @@ Please check your installation. H:mm:ss H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Vurdering + CopyDialog @@ -850,128 +854,144 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Databaser - + Activate Aktivér - + Open Åbn - + Close Luk - + Keep file Gem fil - + Two star favorite Tostjernet foretrukken - + Three star favorite Trestjernet foretrukken - + Open at startup - + Set active at startup - Add to favorites - Føj til foretrukne + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Fjern fra foretrukne - + Show in Finder Vis i finder - + Make a Polyglot book... Lav en Polyglot-åbningsbog ... - - : File not found - : Filen blev ikke fundet - DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Foretrukken - + Name Navn - + Size Størrelse - - + + Open Åbn - + Path Sti - + Format Format - + Date Dato - + Read Læst - Clipboard - Udklipsholder - - - + Closed Lukket + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -1078,12 +1098,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Ingen ECO-kode er valgt.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Ingen ECO-kode er valgt.</i></html> @@ -1122,23 +1142,15 @@ Please check your installation. - + Score Score - + Black Player Sort spiller - - <table><tr><th>White Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <table><tr><th>Hvid spiller</th><th>Score</th></tr> - - - <a name='ListBlack'></a><table><tr><th>Black Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <a name='ListBlack'></a><table><tr><th>Sort spiller</th><th>Score</th></tr> - EngineOptionDialog @@ -1216,10 +1228,6 @@ Please check your installation. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Dato: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Dato: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1234,8 +1242,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Der er ikke valgt et arrangement.</i></html> @@ -1251,7 +1259,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Forbundet til FiCS som %1 med %2 @@ -1264,262 +1272,262 @@ Please check your installation. Form - + Messages Beskeder - + Say to opponent Sig til modstander - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Hvid - + Black Sort - - - + + + History Historik - + Double click to examine game Dobbeltklik for at undersøge parti - + Finger Finger - + Games Partier - - + + Double click to follow game Dobbeltklik for at følge parti - - + + Relay Relæ - - + + Puzzle Opgaver - + Double click to get a puzzle Dobbeltklik for at få en opgave - + Rated only Kun ratet - + Human only Kun mennesker - + Elo Rating - + Propose a game Foreslå et parti - + Get Mate Få mat-opgave - + Get Study Få studie - + Get Tactics Få taktik-opgave - + Messages from Puzzlebot Beskeder fra Puzzlebot - + Players Spillere - + Rating Rating - + User Bruger - - + + Seeks Søgninger - + Time Control Tidskontrol - + Lightning Lightning - + Blitz Lyn - + Standard Standard - + Minutes Minutter - + Increment Tillæg - + rated ratet - + unrated uratet - + Seek Søg - + Don't care - + No play list Noplay-liste - + Enter command here Indtast kommando her - - + + Accept Acceptér - + Draw Remis - + Decline Afvis - + Abort Afbryd - + Resign Opgiv - + Rematch - + Hint Tip - + Cancel Annuller - + Disconnect Luk forbindelsen - + Disconnected Forbindelsen er lukket - + Retrieving relayed games... Henter viste partier ... - + Observe Observér - + Examine Undersøg @@ -1527,311 +1535,323 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr Nr. - + White Hvid - + Black Sort - + White Elo Hvid elo - + Black Elo Sort elo - + Event Arrangement - + Site Sted - + Round Runde - + Date Dato - + Result Resultat - + ECO ECO - + Moves Træk - Game + GameList - - - Add move - Tilføj træk + + + Game list + Partiliste - - Merge game - Flet partier + + Find tag... + Find tag ... - - Replace move - Erstat træk + + Hide Column + Skjul kolonne - Add Variation - Tilføj variant + + Resize visible Columns + Tilpas bredde på synlige kolonner - Promote Variation - Ophøj variant + + Show all Columns + Vis alle kolonner - - Copy game - Kopiér parti + + Copy games... + Kopiér partier ... - - Add line + + Filter exact twins - - - - Add variation - Tilføj variant + + Filter twins + Filtrér dubletter - - Promote variation - Ophøj variant + + Merge into current game + Flet ind i aktuelt parti - - Remove variation - Fjern variant + + All Games + Alle partier - - Truncate variation - Beskær variant + + Filter + Filter - - Remove variations - Fjern varianter + + Selected games + Valgte partier - - Remove comments - Fjern kommentarer + + Toggle deletions + - - Set annotation - Sæt symboler + + Undelete games + - - Colorize square - Farvelæg felt + + Undelete game + - - Paint arrow - Lav en pil + + Delete game + Slet parti - - Add nag - Tilføj symbol + + Delete games + - - Set nags - Sæt symboler + + Hide game + Skjul parti - - - Move variation - Flyt variant + + Hide games + - - Enumerate variations - Nummerer variationer + + Hide deleted games + - - Set result - Sæt resultat + + Select All + + + + + Reset filter + Nulstil filter - - Set variant - Sæt variant + + Reverse filter + Omvend filter - GameList + GameWindow - - - Game list - Partiliste + + MainWindow + Hovedvindue - - Find tag... - Find tag ... + + New Game + - - Hide Column - Skjul kolonne + + Move + Træk - - Resize visible Columns - Tilpas bredde på synlige kolonner + + Evaluation + Vurdering - - Show all Columns - Vis alle kolonner + + Other + Andet + + + GameX - - Copy games... - Kopiér partier ... + + Copy game + Kopiér parti - - Filter twins - Filtrér dubletter + + + Add move + Tilføj træk - - Merge into current game - Flet ind i aktuelt parti + + Merge game + Flet partier - - All Games - Alle partier + + Replace move + Erstat træk - - Filter - Filter + + Add line + - - Selected games - Valgte partier + + + + Add variation + Tilføj variant - - Toggle deletions - + + Promote variation + Ophøj variant - - Undelete games - + + Remove variation + Fjern variant - - Undelete game - + + Truncate variation + Beskær variant - - Delete game - Slet parti + + Remove variations + Fjern varianter - - Delete games + + Remove null lines - - Hide game - Skjul parti + + Remove comments + Fjern kommentarer - - Hide games + + Remove time comments - - Hide deleted games - + + Set annotation + Sæt symboler - - Reset filter - Nulstil filter + + Colorize square + Farvelæg felt - - Reverse filter - Omvend filter + + Paint arrow + Lav en pil - - - GameWindow - - MainWindow - Hovedvindue + + Add nag + Tilføj symbol - - Move - Træk + + Set nags + Sæt symboler - - Evaluation - Vurdering + + + Move variation + Flyt variant - - Other - Andet + + Enumerate variations + Nummerer variationer + + + + Set result + Sæt resultat @@ -1895,1096 +1915,1220 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Partitekst - - - + Game Time Tid - + Game List Partiliste - + Players Spillere - + Events Arrangementer - + ECO ECO - + Databases Databaser - + Opening Tree Åbningstræ - + Analysis 1 Analyse 1 - + Analysis 2 Analyse 2 - + Move Interval: Trækinterval: - + Loading ECO file... Indlæser ECO-fil ... - + ECO Loaded. ECO indlæst. - + ECO Load Error. ECO-indlæsningsfejl. - [Clipboard] - [Udklipsholder] - - - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. Database %1 kan ikke bruges i øjeblikket. - + Opening %1... Åbner %1 ... - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). Database %1 kan ikke bruges i øjeblikket (%2). - + Cannot open file Filen kan ikke åbnes - + %1 opened %1 åbnet - + Export games Eksportér partier - + PGN file (*.pgn) PGN-fil (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) HTML-side (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) LaTeX-dokument (*.tex) - + &File &Fil - + File Fil - + &New database... &Ny database ... - + &Open... &Åbn ... - + Open in UTF8... Åbn i UTF8 ... - Open &recent... - Åbn n&ylig ... - - - &Save - &Gem - - - + Commit Database to disk Skriv database til disk - + &Export... &Eksportér ... - + Current Game Aktuelt parti - + &Games in filter &Partier i filter - + &All games &Alle partier - + Export Image Eksportér billede - + Mail PGN... E-mail PGN ... - + &Close &Luk - + &Quit &Afslut - + &Edit &Rediger - + Edit Rediger - + Undo Fortryd - + Redo Gendan - + Comment Kommentar - + Comment Before Kommentar før - + Variation Variant - + Promote Ophøj - + Promote Variation Ophøj variant - + Remove Fjern - + Remove Variation Fjern variant - + &Remove &Fjern - + Moves from the beginning Træk fra starten - + Moves to the end Træk til enden - + Setup &position... Opsæt &stilling ... - + Copy PGN Kopiér PGN - + Copy FEN Kopiér FEN - + Copy Position Kopiér stilling - + Copy Image Kopiér billede - + Brush - + Green - + Yellow - + Red - + Erase - + View - + Show target fields - + Show threat Vis trussel - + + Show variation arrows + + + + Show covered squares from White - + Show covered squares from Black - + Show underprotected white pieces - + Show underprotected black pieces - + Load recent Indlæs nylig - + &Save... &Gem ... - + Save Gem - + Edit tags... Rediger tags ... - + Match Match - + + Read moves ahead + + + + + Train both sides + + + + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + + + Remove Time + + + + + + Prune null moves + + + + Find tag... Find tag ... - + Find position... Find stilling ... - + Filter duplicate games Filtrér dubletpartier - + + Filter identical games + + + + Filter duplicate headers Filtrér dublettags - + Reset filter Nulstil filter - + Reverse filter Omvend filter - + + Refactor Database + + + + + Edit tag + + + + Load Sample Database Indlæs eksempeldatabase - + Report a bug... Meld en fejl ... - + + None + + + + + King + + + + + Queen + Dronning + + + + Rook + Tårn + + + + Bishop + Løber + + + + Knight + Springer + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + til + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + &Preferences... &Indstillinger ... - + &View &Vis - + Toolbars Værktøjslinjer - + Stay on Top Forbliv øverst - + Close current board Luk aktuelt bræt - + &Game &Parti - + Game Parti - + Database Database - + &New &Ny - + &Load &Indlæs - + &Next &Næste - + &Previous &Forrige - + &Go to game... &Gå til parti ... - + &Random &Tilfældig - + &Flip board &Vend bræt - + Training Træning - - Auto Respond - Auto-svar - - - + Auto Player Auto-spiller - - + + Auto Analysis Auto-analyse - + &Go to &Gå til - + &Start &Start - + Go to first move Gå til første træk - + &End S&lut - + Go to last move Gå til sidste træk - + &Previous move &Forrige træk - + FICS Console FICS-konsol - + + Notation + + + + + Annotations + + + + Search Depth: - + Open FICS Åbn FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite Webfavorit - + Open recent Åbn nylig - + Save Database Gem database - + Export Image... Eksportér billede ... - + Paste into new game Indsæt i aktuelt parti - + Paste Indsæt - - - + + + Engine Match Motormatch - + &Next move &Næste træk - + 5 moves &forward 5 træk fre&m - + 5 moves &backward 5 træk &tilbage - + Enter Variation Ind i variant - + Previous Variation Forrige variant - + Next Variation Næste variant - + Back to main line Tilbage til hovedlinjen - + Refactor Omstrukturér - + + Uncomment Fjern kommentarer - + + Remove Variations Fjern varianter - + Fi&nd F&ind - + Search Søg - &Reset filter - &Nulstil filter - - - &Reverse filter - &Omvend filter - - - + &Database &Database - + &Switch to &Skift til - + &Copy games... &Kopiér partier ... - + Clear clipboard Fjern Udklipsholder - - + + Scratch Pad Notesblok - + &Help &Hjælp - + Help Hjælp - + Customize Keyboard... Tilpas tastatur ... - + &About ChessX &Om ChessX - + Following databases are modified: Følgende databaser er ændrede: - + Save them? Gen dem? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - + Start loading database... Starter indlæsning af database ... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net En ny version er tilgængelig på chessx.sourceforge.net - - + + New database Ny database - + PGN database (*.pgn) PGN-database (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Kan ikke lave ChessX-database. - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + - Open database - Åbn database + Arena books (*.abk) + - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - PGN-databaser (*.pgn);;Polyglot-åbningsbøger (*.bin) + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + - PGN databases (*.pgn) - PGN-databaser (*.pgn) + + Open database + Åbn database - The current database is modified! - Den aktuelle database er ændret! + + + PGN databases (*.pgn) + PGN-databaser (*.pgn) - + Save it? Gem den? - + Saving %1... Gemmer %1 ... - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - - - - + %1 saved %1 er gemt - + The selected database is modified! - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>Databasen <i>%1</i> er skrivebeskyttet og kan ikke gemmes.</html> - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Teksten i udklipsholderen er ikke en gyldig FEN-kode:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Der er ingen tekst i udklipsholderen. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Udklipsholderen indeholder FEN-kode med en ulovlig stilling. Du kan kun indsætte sådanne stillinger i <b>Opsæt stilling</b>-dialogen. - - + + Set starting board Opsæt stilling - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Billeder (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over - + Red Square Rødt felt - + Yellow Square Gult felt - + Green Square Grønt felt - + Remove Color Fjern farve - + Red Arrow to here Rød pil hertil - + Yellow Arrow to here Gul pil hertil - + Green Arrow to here Grøn pil hertil - + Remove Arrow to here Fjern pil hertil - + End of game - + End of line - + Line Linje - + Main line - + Load Game Indlæs parti - + Game number: Partinummer: - - - + + + This database is read only. Databasen er skrivebeskyttet. - + Merge selected games Flet valgte partier - - Automatic responses - Automatiske svar - - - - Play both sides - Spil begge sider + + Prune null moves from all games? + - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Der kører ikke en motor med mulighed for automatisk analyse i analyserude 1. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Der kører ikke en motor med mulighed for automatisk analyse i analyserude 2. - + + Game play + + + + Game is drawn by insufficient material - + Game is drawn by repetition - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule - - Engine %1 - Motor %1 + + White wins + - - all - Alle + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Remis - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Tilføj parti %1 til %2. + + Engine %1 + Motor %1 - - + + all + Alle + + + Appended %1 games to %2. Tilføjede %1 partier til %2. - + Error appending games to %1 Fejl ved tilføjning af partier til %1 - + + System Clipboard + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + Searching... Søger ... - + Book build finished with Error - Clipboard - Udklipsholder - - - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Tilføj partier fra %1 til %2. - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Der skal være mindst to åbne databaser før du kan kopiere partier + Der skal være mindst to åbne databaser før du kan kopiere partier - + %1. %2 (%3 games) %1. %2 (%3 partier) - + + Delete all comments from all games? + + + + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + + + + + Delete all variations from all games? + + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX - + Search ended Søgningen er afsluttet - Updating tree... - Opdaterer træ ... - - - + <b>New game</b> <b>Nyt parti</b> - + Infinite Ubegrænset - + Build book - + Book built - + Could not build book Kunne ikke bygge bog - + Polyglot Error Polyglot-fejl - - Please configure your email preferences first. - Please configure your email preferences first. - - - Hello - Hej - - - the attachment provides new game data. - the attachment provides new game data. - - - You can open the file with ChessX. - You can open the file with ChessX. - - - Edit game tags - Rediger parti egenskaber - - - EMail error - EMail fejl - - - EMail sent to - EMail sent to - - - EMail sent - EMail sent - MatchParameterDlg @@ -3113,8 +3257,7 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? MoveData - - + [end] [slut] @@ -3122,593 +3265,631 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? NagSet - + Good Move Godt træk - + Poor Move Dårligt træk - + Very good Move Meget godt træk - + Blunder Meget dårligt træk - + Speculative Move Spekulativt træk - + Dubious Move Tvivlsomt træk - - + + Only Move Eneste mulighed - + Worst Move Værste træk - - - + + + Equal Lige - + Unclear Uklart - + White has slight advantage Hvid har en lille fordel - + Black has slight advantage Sort har en lille fordel - + White has moderate advantage Hvid har moderat fordel - + Black has moderate advantage Sort har moderat fordel - + White has decisive advantage Hvid har afgørende fordel - + Black has decisive advantage Sort har afgørende fordel - + White has crushing advantage Hvid har overvældende fordel - + Black has crushing advantage Sort har overvældende fordel - - + + Zugzwang Træktvang - - + + With slight space advantage Med lille pladsfordel - - + + With moderate space advantage Med moderat pladsfordel - - + + With decisive space advantage Med afgørende pladsfordel - - + + With slight development advantage Med lille udviklingsfordel - - + + With moderate development advantage Med moderat udviklingsfordel - - + + With decisive development advantage Med afgørende udviklingsfordel - - + + With initiative Med initiativ - - + + With lasting initiative Med initiativ - - + + With attack Med angreb - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit Med utilstrækkelig kompensation for manglende materiale - - + + With compensation Med kompensation - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit Med mere end tilstrækkelig kompensation for manglende materiale - - + + With slight center control advantage Med lille centrumskontrol-fordel - - + + With moderate center control advantage Med moderat centrumskontrol-fordel - - + + With decisive center control advantage Med afgørende centrumskontrol-fordel - - + + With slight kingside control advantage Med lille kongefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage Med moderat kongefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage Med afgørende kongefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With slight queenside control advantage Med lille dronningefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage Med moderat dronningefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage Med afgørende dronningefløjskontrol-fordel - - + + With vulnerable first rank Med sårbar første række - - + + With well protected first rank Med velbeskyttet første række - - + + With poorly protected king Med dårligt beskyttet konge - - + + With well protected king Med velbeskyttet konge - - + + With poorly placed king Med dårlig placeret konge - - + + With well placed king Med velplaceret konge - - + + With very weak pawn structure Med meget svag bondestruktur - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure Med svag bondestruktur - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure Med stærk bondestruktur - - + + With very strong pawn structure Med meget stærk bondestruktur - - + + With poor knight placement Med dårlig placering af springer - - + + With good knight placement Med god placering af springer - - + + With poor bishop placement Med dårlig placering af løber - - + + With good bishop placement Med god placering af løber - - + + With poor rook placement Med dårlig placering af tårn - - + + With good rook placement Med god placering af tårn - - + + With poor queen placement Med dårlig placering af dronning - - + + With good queen placement Med god placering af dronning - - + + With poor piece coordination Med dårlig koordinering af brikker - - + + With good piece coordination Med god koordinering af brikker - + White played the opening very poorly Hvid spillede åbningen meget dårligt - + Black played the opening very poorly Sort spillede åbningen meget dårligt - + White played the opening poorly Hvid spillede åbningen dårligt - + Black played the opening poorly Sort spillede åbningen dårligt - + White played the opening well Hvid spillede åbningen godt - + Black played the opening well Sort spillede åbningen godt - + White played the opening very well Hvid spillede åbningen meget godt - + Black played the opening very well Sort spillede åbningen meget godt - + White played the middlegame very poorly Hvid spillede midtspillet meget dårligt - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Sort spillede midtspillet meget dårligt - + White played the middlegame poorly Hvid spillede midtspillet dårligt - + Black played the middlegame poorly Sort spillede midtspillet dårligt - + White played the middlegame well Hvid spillede midtspillet godt - + Black played the middlegame well Sort spillede midtspillet godt - + White played the middlegame very well Hvid spillede midtspillet meget godt - + Black played the middlegame very well Sort spillede midtspillet meget godt - + White played the ending very poorly Hvid spillede slutspillet meget dårligt - + Black played the ending very poorly Sort spillede slutspillet meget dårligt - + White played the ending poorly Hvid spillede slutspillet dårligt - + Black played the ending poorly Sort spillede slutspillet dårligt - + White played the ending well Hvid spillede slutspillet godt - + Black played the ending well Sort spillede slutspillet godt - + White played the ending very well Hvid spillede slutspillet meget godt - + Black played the ending very well Sort spillede slutspillet meget godt - - - + + + With counterplay Med modspil - - + + Moderate time control pressure I tidsnød - - + + Severe time control pressure I stærk tidsnød - + With the idea Med ideen - + Aimed against Rettet imod - + Better was Bedre var - + Worse was Værre var - + Equivalent was Lige så godt var - + RR Redaktionel bemærkning - + N Nyhed - + Weak point Svagt punkt - + Endgame Slutspil - + Line Linje - + Diagonal Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops Løberpar - + Bishops of opposite color Ensfarvede løbere - + Bishops of the same color Uligefarvede løbere - + Diagram Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Turnering + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Træk - + Count Antal - + Score Score - + Rating Rating - + Year År @@ -3721,59 +3902,56 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? Form - Target - Mål + Mål - + Filter games Filtrerede partier - + Board Bræt - Source - Kilde + Kilde - + Pin Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database Database - - + + Filter Filter - Progress - Fremgang + Fremgang - + Undo Fortryd - + (Book) (Åbningsbog) @@ -3782,101 +3960,107 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Notation i kolonner - + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Show symbolic Nags Vis symboler - - + + Text width Tekstbredde - - + + Indent variations from Level Indryk varianter fra niveau - - + + Variation Indentation Indrykning af variant - + Comment indentation Indrykning af kommentar - - + + Main Line Color Farve for hovedlinje - - + + Variation Color Farve for variant - - + + Comment Color Farve for kommentar - - + + NAG Color Farve for symboler - - + + Header Color Farve for overskrift - - + + Show Header Vis overskrift - - + + Show Diagrams Vis diagrammer - - + + Diagram Size Diagramstørrelse - - + + Font for text Skrifttype for tekst - - + + Font for moves Skrifttype for træk - + Comment Indentation Indrykning af kommentar @@ -3884,65 +4068,57 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> <i>ingen partier</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> I alt: %1<br>Hvid: %2<br>Sort: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Partier i database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Dato: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Dato: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings Hvide åbninger - + Black Openings Sorte åbninger - - <p>White Openings:</p><ul> - <p>Hvide åbninger:</p><ul> - - - </ul><p>Black Openings:</p><ul> - </ul><p>Sorte åbninger:</p><ul> - PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Der er ikke valgt en spiller.</i></html> @@ -3955,405 +4131,362 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? Indstillinger - &Board - &Bræt - - - + &Colors: &Farver: - plain - enkel - - - outline - kontur - - - outline+shadow - kontur+skygge - - - + &Draw frame between squares Tegn &ramme mellem felter - + &Chess set: &Briktype: - + Highlight current move: Fremhæv aktuelt træk: - + Mouse Behaviour Museopførsel - - &Guess move on left-click - &Gæt træk ved venstreklik - - - - Next guess on right click - Næste gæt ved højreklik - - - + Wheel sensitivity Hjulfølsomhed - + Fast Hurtig - + Slow Langsom - + Board &style: Bræt&stil: - + Draw Coordinates Tegn koordinater - + Arrow Pil - + Game Parti - - Autoplayer - Autospiller - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Gem partiet automatisk og fortsæt med næste - + + Game Text Partitekst - + Colored copies Kopier af brættet i farver i modsætning til sort/hvid Farvede kopier - Show threat - Vis trussel - - - + No hints in training mode Ingen tips i træningstilstand - + Show Diagrams Vis diagrammer - + Column Style Kolonnestil - + Keep variations inline from level Vis varianter uden eget afsnit fra niveau - + Diagram Size Diagramstørrelse - + Pieces Brikker - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. Placer initialer for brikkerne her. Bemærk det indledende mellemrum. - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! KDTLS - Bemærk det indledende mellemrum! - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Colors: Farver: - - Auto Analysis backwards - Autoanalyse bagfra - - - + Automatic Promotion Automatisk bondeforvandling - + Always queen a pawn Altid til dronning - &Engines - &Motorer - - - + Path to executable Sti til den kørbare fil - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Sti hvor motoren skal startes - ofte hvor åbningsbogen er - + Directory: Mappe: - + Protocol: Protokol: - + Name: Navn: - + Options: Flag: - + Command: Kommando: - + Command Line Options Kommandolinjeflag - + Options Indstillinger - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Vilkårligt navn til at identificere motoren - + Additional PGN tags Ekstra PGN-tags i partiliste - + Additional tags, separate with blanks Ekstra tags adskilt med mellemrum - + Sound Lyd - - Indicate opponent's move - Når modstander trækker - - - + Down Ned - + Remove Fjern - + Add... Tilføj ... - + Up Op - + Database Database - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Automatisk klassifikation med ECO-koder - + Build index file Byg indeksfil - + Commit Database after saving Game Skriv databasen til disk efter gemning af parti - + Default path for storing files Standardsti til gemning af filer - + Default Database Path: Standard databasesti: - + Number of recent files: Antal nylige filer: - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Rediger PGN-filer mindre end: - + MB MB - + Appearance Udseende - + Fonts for notation Skrifttyper til notation - + Texts Tekster - + Moves Træk - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Skrifttype med skaksymboler (Unicode) - - + + Font Size Skriftstørrelse - + Application Program - + Show move indicator Vis trækindikator - + Automatic Automatisk - + + Always Altid - + Log in as guest Log ind som guest - + + + Login Login - - + + + Never Aldrig - + Copy Images Billedkopiering - + Fixed Size Fast størrelse - + Always Scale @@ -4363,319 +4496,524 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? Bræt - + Turn board for player: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - + Engines - + Send History - + Log Log - + Web Favorite Webfavorit - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number URL, brug $1 for tal som automatisk tælles op - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number Brug $1 for tal som automatisk tælles op - + Icons visible in menus Ikoner er synlige i menuer - + Use vertical Tabs Brug lodrette faneblade - + + + Password Password - + Try to use Timeseal Forsøg at bruge Timeseal - + Dark Theme - + Show command line - + App Program - + Internet Internet - + Use online tablebase servers Brug online servere for slutspilstabeller - + Nalimov-6 - + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + Farvelæg felt + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + Syzygy-7 - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Tjek for opdateringer (ved programstart) og sprogpakker - + + FICS + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + Localization Lokalisering - + Language Sprog - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Ændring af sproget kræver genstart af programmet! - + Load language file from Server: Indlæs sprogfil fra server: - + Load! Indlæs! - + External Tools Eksterne værktøjer - + Parameters Parametre - + Path Sti - + Path and filename of external program Sti og filnavn for eksternt program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Kommandolinje, der kan bruges $(InputPath) og $(InputFile) - + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + Portable Preferences - + Save to application folder - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. For at opdatere oversættelser online skal versionstjek være aktivt. - + Select engine directory Vælg motormappe - + Select external executable Vælg ekstern kørbar programfil - + Select databases folder Vælg databasemappe - + New Engine Ny motor - + Select engine executable Vælg kørbar programfil for motor - + Could not load server language file dictionary Kunne ikke indlæse sprogfilmappe fra server - + Could not load or install language pack Kunne ikke indlæse eller installere sprogpakke - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! Oversættelsesfil er indlæst - vælg det tilføjede sprog herover! - + No further translations online available! Der er ikke yderligere oversættelser at hente online! - + Clear all application settings? Fjern alle programindstillinger? - + Warning Advarsel - + Light squares Hvide felter - + Dark squares Sorte felter - + Highlighted squares Fremhævede felter - - + + New database + Ny database + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + PGN-database (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Ramme - + Current move Aktuelt træk - + Stored move Gemt træk - + + Variation move + + + + Threat Trussel - + Targets - + Check - + Wall - + Underprotected - + + Engine Move + + + + [plain colors] [ensfarvede felter] - + Main Line Hovedlinje - + Variations Varianter - + Comments Kommentarer - + NAGs Symboler - - TLS encryption - TLS sikkerhed - - - Sender address - Sender adresse - PromotionDialog @@ -4796,7 +5134,7 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? - + This is no valid email address. Dette er ikke en gyldig e-mailadresse. @@ -4960,15 +5298,6 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? Result: Resultat: - - Clipboard - Udklipsholder - - - Dates are not properly formatted! - Invalid Data - Datoer er ikke korrekt formaterede! - Dates are not properly formatted! @@ -4983,27 +5312,27 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? TableView - + Hide Column Skjul kolonne - + Resize visible Columns Tilpas bredde på synlige kolonner - + Show all Columns Vis alle kolonner - + Copy as HTML - + Copy as Image @@ -5011,22 +5340,37 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Filter: - - Selected Item - Valgt linje + + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Filtrér - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Omdøb @@ -5065,191 +5409,254 @@ Skal jeg downloade en database? Angiv værdi ... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions Filhandlinger - + File Fil - + New Ny - + Open... Åbn ... - + Save Gem - + Save As... Gem som ... - + Print... Udskriv ... - + Print Preview... Vis udskrift ... - + Export PDF... Eksportér PDF ... - + Edit Actions Redigeringshandlinger - + Edit Rediger - + Undo Fortryd - + Redo Gendan - + Cut Klip - + Copy Kopiér - + Paste Indsæt - + Pick board Vælg bræt - + Format Actions Formateringshandlinger - + Format Formatér - + Bold Fed - + Italic Kursiv - + Underline Understreget - + Resize Ret størrelse - - + + Left Venstre - - + + Center Centreret - - + + Right Højre - + Justify Lige margener - + Color... Farve ... - + Style Actions Stilhandlinger - + Application Program - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? Notesblokken er blevet ændret. Vil du gemme dine ændringer? - + %1[*] %1[*] - + Open File... Åbn fil ... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) ODF-filer (*.odt);;HTML-filer (*.htm *.html);;Alle filer (*) - + Save as... Gem som ... - + Print Document Udskriv dokument diff --git a/i18n/chessx_es.ts b/i18n/chessx_es.ts index 0e373c648..e1a532669 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_es.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_es.ts @@ -9,96 +9,118 @@ Acerca de Chessx - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Base de Datos Libre de ChessX - - - + Version Versión - + Copyright - Copyright + Derechos de autor - + License Licencia - - Maintainer - Programador responsable + + Paths + Rutas + + + + SSL + SSL - - Further Maintainers - Otros programadores responsables + + SSL Qt Build + Paquete SSL Qt - - Testing - Pruebas + + + + vvv + vvv - - Coders - Programadores + + SSL Supported + SSL Soportado - - Further Code - Otros Programadores + + SSL Library + Libreria SSL - - Translations - Traducciones + + Maintainer + Programador responsable - - Path Information - Ruta de Información + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Base de datos de ajedrez, libre - + Path for temporary files Ruta de archivos temporales - + Program data path Ruta de datos del programa - + Path to settings Ruta de configuraciones - + FICS database - Base de Datos FICS + Base de datos FICS + + + + Path to documents + Ruta a documentos + + + + ddd + ddd - + Contact Contacto - + Homepage Página web - + Mailing List - Lista de Correo + Lista de correo + + + + Yes + + + + + No + No @@ -106,49 +128,45 @@ Base de Datos Libre de ChessX Customize Keyboard - Personalizar el Teclado + Personalizar el teclado Menu Item - Elemento del menú + Elemento de menú Keyboard Shortcut Atajo de teclado - - ... - ... - Analysis - + Resigns Resigna - + Mate Mate - + Mate in %1 Mate en %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (Profundidad %1, %2) - + (suggested move) - (Movida sugerida) + (Movida sugerida) @@ -171,134 +189,143 @@ Base de Datos Libre de ChessX Pin engine to current position - Marcar motor a posición actual + Marcar motor a la posición actual Select an engine - Seleccione un Motor de Juego + Seleccione un motor de Juego Select a GUI book - Seleccione un Libro GUI - - - ... - ... + Seleccione un libro GUI - - Analyze - Analizar + Start / Stop Engine + Iniciar / Parar Motor - - Stop - Parar - - - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Se ha producido un error (%1) ejecutando el motor <b>%2</b>. - + + Draw Tablas + + + Hide lines + Esconder líneas + - - White wins in %n moves + + White mates in %n move(s) Blancas ganan en %n movimiento Blancas ganan en %n movimientos - - Black wins in %n moves + + Black mates in %n move(s) Negras ganan en %n movimiento Negras ganan en %n movimientos + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + Blancas ganan (reajustar en %n movimiento) + Blancas ganan (reajustar en %n movimientos) + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + Negras ganan (reajustar en %n movimiento) + Negras ganan (reajustar en %n movimientos) + + - + White wins Blancas ganan - + Black wins Negras ganan - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Análisis fijado para movimiento %1 - + Click to add move to game Click para agregar un movimiento al juego - + Tablebase Tablebase - + Complexity Complejidad - + <i>Book:</i> <i>Libro:</i> - <a href="0" title="Click to add move to game">[+]</a> <b>Tablebase:</b> - <a href="0" title="Click para adicionar movimiento al juego">[+]</a> <b>Tablebase:</b> + + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> + <br><b>Complejidad:</b> %1<br> + + + AnnotationWidget - <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1/%2<br> - <br><b>Complejidad:</b> %1/%2<br> + + Form + Forma - - <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - <br><b>Complejidad:</b> %1<br> + + Enter comments and annotations here. + Entre comentarios y anotaciones aquí. BitBoard - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - b%1 -n%2 -%3 para mover. - - - + w%1 b%2 %3 to move - w%1 -b%2 + b%1 +n%2 %3 para mover - + White Blancas - + Black Negras @@ -335,7 +362,7 @@ b%2 Search whole database - Buscar toda la Base de Datos + Buscar toda la base de datos @@ -353,146 +380,134 @@ b%2 Setup position - Configurar Posición + Configurar posición - Board - Tablero - - - + Tools Herramientas - + Side to move: Lado a mover: - + Move: Movimiento: - + Flip board Girar el tablero - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Invertir izquierda y derecha - + Mirror top and bottom Invertir arriba y abajo - + Change colors for all pieces Cambiar colores de las piezas - + Clear Limpiar - &Advanced - &Avanzado - - - Castling rights - Posibles enroques - - - + Black O-O Negras O-O - + White O-O-O Blancas O-O-O - + Castling Enroque - + White O-O Blancas O-O - + Black O-O-O Negras O-O-O - + Advanced Avanzado - + En passant file: - Archivo en passant: + Columna en passant: - + Halfmove clock: Medio movimiento de reloj: - + Chess 960 Ajedrez 960 - + - - - + Random Position - Position Aleátoria + Position aleátoria - + FEN - NFE + FEN - + Paste FEN - Pegar NFE + Pegar FEN - + Copy FEN - Copiar NFE + Copiar FEN - + Copy Text - Copiar Texto + Copiar texto - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -501,279 +516,268 @@ b%2 %1. - + No white king Rey blanco ausente - + No black king Rey negro ausente - + Both kings are in check Ambos Reyes en jaque - + Side to move has opponent in check already El lado a mover ya tiene en jaque al oponente - + Black has too many pawns El Negro tiene demasiados peones - + White has too many pawns El Blanco tiene demasiados peones - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Hay peones en primera u octava fila - + Too many kings Demasiados Reyes - + Too many black pieces Demasiadas piezas negras - + Too many white pieces Demasiadas piezas blancas - + Bad castling rights Permisos para enroque inadecuados - + En passant square is not correct - Cassilla de toma En passant incorrecta + Cassilla de toma en passant incorrecta - + Unknown reason Razón desconocida - + Illegal position: %1 Posición ilegal: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - El texto en el portapapeles no representa NFE válida:<br><i>%1</i> + El texto en el portapapeles no representa FEN válida:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. - No hay texto en el portapapeles + No hay texto en el portapapeles. BoardTheme - - Cannot find piece data. -Please check your installation. - No se puede encontrar datos de piezas. -Verifique la instalación. + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + No se pudo cargar piezas desde el pixmap '%1'. + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + El archivo de pieza en '%1' no tiene una relación de 6:2 ni de 12:1. - - Cannot find board data. -Please check your installation. - No se encuentra datos de Tablero. -Por favor verifique su instalación. + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + El pixmap de tablero en '%1' no tiene una relación de 2:1. BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion Pregunte por pieza en caso de promoción - + Replace remainder of game with new move Remplaze resto del juego con nueva movida - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - Inserte nueva movida y mantenga tanto como sea posible de - las movidas restantes + Inserte nueva movida y mantenga tanto como sea posible las movidas restantes - + Force adding a variation - Enfuerce añadir una variación + Fuerze añadir una variación - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation - Dibuje un cuadrado o una anotacion de flecha - - - - Query the engine as if piece was located at target - Consulte el Motor de Juego como si la pieza estuviese - colocada en el destino + Dibuje un cuadrado o una anotación de flecha - - Query the engine for the best reply - Consulte el Motor de Juego por la mejor respuesta + + Spray color annotations + Color spray para las anotaciones - - - BoardViewEx - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. - + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target + Consulte el motor de Juego como si la pieza estuviese colocada en el destino - - - Enter comments and annotations here. - + + Query the engine for the best reply + Consulte el motor de Juego por la mejor respuesta ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Añadir comentario al inicio... - - + + Add game comment... Añadir comentario al juego... - + Comment... Comentario... - + Add move symbol Añadir símbolo de movimiento - + Add evaluation symbol Añadir símbolo de evaluación - + Add other symbol Añadir otro símbolo - + Bishops Alfiles - + Remove symbols Quitar símbolos - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Enumerar variaciones A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Enumerar variaciones a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Promover a la línea principal - + Move variation up - Mover variación hacia Arriba + Mover variación hacia arriba - + Move variation down - Mover variación hacia Abajo + Mover variación hacia abajo - + Remove variation Eliminar variación - + Remove previous moves Eliminar movimientos previos - + Remove next moves Eliminar movimientos restantes - - + + Insert threat Insertar amenaza - + Copy Html Copiar Html - + Copy Text - Copiar Texto + Copiar texto - + + Copy selected Text + Copiar Texto seleccionado + + + Refactor Refactorizacion - + Uncomment Quitar comentarios - + Remove Variations Quitar variaciones - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Portapapeles - - CommentDialog @@ -806,13 +810,18 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. H:mm:ss H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Evaluación + CopyDialog Copy Games - Copiar Juegos + Copiar juegos @@ -848,128 +857,144 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. DatabaseList - + Databases - Bases de Datos + Bases de datos - + Activate Activar - + Open Abrir - + Close Cerrar - + Keep file - Mantenga el archivo + Mantener el archivo - + Two star favorite Favorito de dos estrellas - + Three star favorite Favorito de tres estrellas - + Open at startup - + Abrir al inicio - + Set active at startup - + Ajustar como activo al inicio - Add to favorites - Añadir a favoritos + + Set dirty + Ajustar injusticia - + Remove from Favorites Quitar de favoritos - + Show in Finder - Mostrar en Buscador + Mostrar en buscador - + Make a Polyglot book... Hacer un libro Polyglot... - - : File not found - : Archivo no encontrado - DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Favorito - + Name Nombre - + Size Tamaño - - + + Open Abrir - + Path Ruta - + Format Formato - + Date Fecha - + Read Leer - Clipboard - Portapapeles - - - + Closed Cerrado + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + Diálogo + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + Editar Etiquetas en la Base de Datos completa + + + + Current Text + Texto actual + + + + Replace with + Reemplazar con + + DlgSaveBook @@ -985,7 +1010,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Polyglot Book Parameters - Parámetros del Libro Polyglot + Parámetros del libro Polyglot @@ -995,7 +1020,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Min Game - Min Juego + Min juego @@ -1010,17 +1035,17 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. White - Blanco + Blancas Black - Negro + Negras Filter out games - Filtre juegos + Filtrar juegos @@ -1076,12 +1101,12 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Ningún código ECO elegido.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Ningún código ECO elegido.</i></html> @@ -1101,7 +1126,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Games in database %1: %2 - Juegos en database %1: %2 + Juegos en la base de datos %1: %2 @@ -1120,30 +1145,22 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. - + Score Resultado - + Black Player Jugador Negras - - <table><tr><th>White Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <tabla><tr><th>Jugador Blancas</th><th>Resultado</th></tr> - - - <a name='ListBlack'></a><table><tr><th>Black Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <Nombre='ListaNegro'></a><tabla><tr><th>Jugador Negro</th><th>Resultado</th></tr> - EngineOptionDialog Engine Options - Opciones de Motor + Opciones de motor @@ -1151,7 +1168,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Engine Options - Opciones de Motor + Opciones de motor @@ -1197,7 +1214,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Games in database %1: %2<br> - Juegos en Base de Datos %1: %2<br> + Juegos en la base de datos %1: %2<br> @@ -1214,10 +1231,6 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Fecha: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Fecha: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1226,14 +1239,14 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <tabla><tr><th>Participantes</th><th>Resultado</th></tr> + <table><tr><th>Participantes</th><th>Resultado</th></tr> EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Ningún evento elegido.</i></html> @@ -1249,7 +1262,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Conectado a FICS como %1 utilizando %2 @@ -1262,263 +1275,263 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Forma - + Messages Mensajes - + Say to opponent Decir al oponente - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Blancas - + Black Negras - - - + + + History Historia - + Double click to examine game Doble click para examinar el juego - + Finger - Apuntar + Señalar - + Games Juegos - - + + Double click to follow game Doble click para seguir el juego - - + + Relay Retransmitir - - + + Puzzle Problemas - + Double click to get a puzzle Doble click para obtener un problema - + Rated only - Únicamente calificado + Únicamente por puntos - + Human only Únicamente humano - + Elo Elo - + Propose a game Proponer un juego - + Get Mate Obtener ejercicio de Mate - + Get Study - Obtener Estudio + Obtener estudio - + Get Tactics - Obtener Tácticas + Obtener ejercicio de tácticas - + Messages from Puzzlebot - Mensajes del Computador de Problemas + Mensajes del computador de problemas - + Players Jugadores - + Rating Clasificación - + User Usuario - - + + Seeks Buscar - + Time Control Control de tiempo - + Lightning Relámpago - + Blitz Blitz=Relámpago (en alemán) Rápido - + Standard - Standard + Estándar - + Minutes Minutos - + Increment Incremento - + rated - Calificado + Por puntos - + unrated - Sin calificar + Amistoso - + Seek Buscar - + Don't care Irrelevante - + No play list Ninguna lista de reproducción - + Enter command here Ingresar comandos aquí - - + + Accept Aceptar - + Draw Tablas - + Decline Declinar - + Abort Abortar - + Resign Rendirse - + Rematch - Repetir Juego + Repetir juego - + Hint Sugerencia - + Cancel Cancelar - + Disconnect Desconectar - + Disconnected Desconectado - + Retrieving relayed games... - Recuperando juegos retransmitidos + Recuperando juegos retransmitidos... - + Observe Observar - + Examine Examinar @@ -1526,288 +1539,183 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. FilterModel - + Nr - Nro. + Nro - + White - Blanco + Blancas - + White Elo - Elo Blanco + Elo Blancas - + Black - Negro + Negras - + Black Elo - Elo Negro + Elo Negras - + Event Evento - + Site Lugar - + Round Ronda - + Date Fecha - + Result Resultado - + ECO ECO - + Moves Movimientos - - Game - - - - Add move - Añadir movimiento - - - - Merge game - Combinar juego - - - - Replace move - Reemplazar movimiento - - - Add Variation - Añadir variación - - - Promote Variation - Promover variación - - - - Copy game - Copiar juego - - - - Add line - - - - - - - Add variation - Añadir variación - - - - Promote variation - Promover variación - - - - Remove variation - Eliminar variación - - - - Truncate variation - Truncar variación - - - - Remove variations - Eliminar variaciones - - - - Remove comments - Eliminar comentarios - - - - Set annotation - Escribir una anotación - - - - Colorize square - Colorear casilla - - - - Paint arrow - Pintar flecha - - - - Add nag - Añadir símbolo - - - - Set nags - Añadir símbolos - - - - - Move variation - Variante de movimiento - - - - Enumerate variations - Enumerar variaciones - - - - Set result - Establecer resultados - - - - Set variant - Ajuste variante - - GameList - - + + Game list - Lista de Juegos + Lista de juegos - + Find tag... Buscar etiqueta... - + Hide Column Ocultar columna - + Resize visible Columns Cambiar tamaño de columnas visibles - + Show all Columns Mostrar todas las columnas - + Copy games... Copiar juegos... - + + Filter exact twins + Filtras entradas idénticas + + + Filter twins Filtrar repetidas - + Merge into current game - Combinar en juego actual + Combinar en el juego actual - + All Games Todos los juegos - + Filter Filtro - + Selected games Juegos seleccionados - + Toggle deletions - + Alternar supresiones - + Undelete games - + Recuperar juegos - + Undelete game - + Recuperar juego - + Delete game Eliminar juego - + Delete games - + Eliminar juegos - + Hide game Ocultar juego - + Hide games - + Ocultar juegos - + Hide deleted games - + Esconder juegos eliminados + + + + Select All + Seleccionar todos - + Reset filter - Reajustar filtro + Reiniciar filtro - + Reverse filter - Revertir filtro + Revertir filtro @@ -1815,40 +1723,157 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. MainWindow - Ventana Principal + Ventana principal - + + New Game + Nuevo juego + + + Move Mover - + Evaluation Evaluación - + Other Otra + + GameX + + + Copy game + Copiar juego + + + + + Add move + Añadir movimiento + + + + Merge game + Combinar juego + + + + Replace move + Reemplazar movimiento + + + + Add line + Añadir línea + + + + + + Add variation + Añadir variación + + + + Promote variation + Promover variación + + + + Remove variation + Eliminar variación + + + + Truncate variation + Truncar variación + + + + Remove variations + Eliminar variaciones + + + + Remove null lines + Remover líneas vacias + + + + Remove comments + Eliminar comentarios + + + + Remove time comments + Eliminar comentarios de tiempo + + + + Set annotation + Escribir anotación + + + + Colorize square + Colorear casilla + + + + Paint arrow + Pintar flecha + + + + Add nag + Añadir símbolo + + + + Set nags + Añadir símbolos + + + + + Move variation + Variante de movimiento + + + + Enumerate variations + Enumerar variaciones + + + + Set result + Establecer resultados + + HelpBrowserShell MainWindow - Ventana Principal + Ventana principal Search Text - Buscar Texto + Buscar texto Type in text to search for... - Escriba en texto para buscar por... + Escriba texto a buscar... @@ -1861,7 +1886,7 @@ Por favor verifique su instalación. Load Database - Cargar Base de Datos + Cargar base de datos @@ -1873,1128 +1898,1255 @@ Shall I download a database? Large Database (9M) - Base de Datos grande (9M) + Base de datos grande (9M) Small Database - Base de Datos pequeña + Base de datos pequeña Start Download! - Iniciar Descarga! + Iniciar descarga! Skip Loading - Omitir Descarga + Omitir descarga MainWindow - + Game List - Lista de Juegos - - - - Game Text - Texto de Juego + Lista de juegos - + Game Time - Tiempo de Juego + Tiempo de juego - + Players Jugadores - + Events Eventos - + ECO ECO - + Databases - Bases de Datos + Bases de datos - + Opening Tree - Arbol de Aperturas + Árbol de aperturas - + Analysis 1 Análisis 1 - + Analysis 2 Análisis 2 - + Move Interval: Intérvalo de movimiento: - + Loading ECO file... Cargando archivo ECO... - + ECO Loaded. ECO Cargado. - + ECO Load Error. Error en carga de ECO. - [Clipboard] - [Portapapeles] - - - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. - La Base de Datos %1 no puede ser consultada en este momento. + La base de datos %1 no puede ser consultada en este momento. - + Opening %1... Apertura %1... - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). - La Base de Datos %1 no puede ser consultada en este momento (%2). + La base de datos %1 no puede ser consultada en este momento (%2). - + Cannot open file No se puede abrir archivo - + %1 opened %1 abierto - + Export games Exportar juegos - + PGN file (*.pgn) Archivo PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Página HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) - Documento de texto (*.txt) + Documento de LaTeX (*.tex) - + &File &Archivo - + File Archivo - + &New database... - &Nueva Base de Datos... + &Nueva base de datos... - + &Open... &Abrir... - + Open in UTF8... Abrir en UTF8... - Open &recent... - Abierto &reciente... - - - &Save - &Guardar - - - + Commit Database to disk - Guardar Base de Datos en disco + Guardar base de datos en el disco - + &Export... &Exportar... - + Current Game Juego actual - + &Games in filter &Juegos en filtro - + &All games &Todos los juegos - + Export Image - Exportar Imagen + Exportar imagen - + Mail PGN... - PGN por Correo + Enviar PGN por correo... - + &Close &Cerrar - + &Quit &Salir - + &Edit &Editar - + Edit Editar - + Undo Deshacer - + Redo Rehacer - + Comment Comentario - + Comment Before - Comentario de inicio + Comentario al inicio - + Variation Variación - + Promote Promover - + Promote Variation Promover variación - + Remove Eliminar - + Remove Variation Eliminar variación - + &Remove &Eliminar - + Moves from the beginning Movimientos desde el inicio - + Moves to the end Movimientos hasta el final - + Setup &position... Configurar &posición... - + Copy PGN Copiar PGN - + Copy FEN - Copiar NFE + Copiar FEN - + Copy Position - Copiar Posición + Copiar posición - + Copy Image - Copiar Imagen + Copiar imagen - + Paste into new game - Pegar en juego nuevo + Pegar en un juego nuevo - + Paste Pegar - + &Preferences... &Preferencias... - + &View &Ver - + Toolbars - Barra de Herramientas + Barra de herramientas - + Stay on Top Mantener arriba - + Save Guardar - + + Train both sides + Entrenar ambos lados + + + + Play engine + Motor en auto responder + + + + Match against engine + Jugar contra el motor + + + + + Remove Time + Remover tiempo + + + Filter duplicate games Filtras juegos duplicados - + Filter duplicate headers Filtrar encabezados duplicados - + Reset filter - Reajustar filtro + Reiniciar filtro - + Reverse filter Revertir filtro - - + + Refactor Database + Refactorizar la base de datos + + + + Scratch Pad - Block de notas + Bloc de notas - + Load Sample Database - Cargar Base de Datos de muestra + Cargar base de datos ejemplo - + Report a bug... - Reportar un defecto... + Reportar un bug... + + + + None + Ninguno + + + + King + Rey + + + + Queen + Dama + + + + Rook + Torre + + + + Bishop + Alfil + + + + Knight + Caballo + + + + Pawn + Peón + + + + idea + Idea + + + + castles short + Enroque corto + + + + castles long + Enroque largo + + + + takes + Toma + + + + to + a + + + + promotes to + Promover a + + + + check mate + jaque mate + + + + check + jaque - + Close current board Cerrar tablero actual - + FICS Console Consola FICS - + + Notation + Notación + + + + Annotations + Anotaciones + + + Search Depth: - + Profundidad de búsqueda: - + + Localized PGN (*.txt) + Archivo PGN Localizado (*.txt) + + + Open FICS Abrir FICS - + + Open Lichess + Abrir Lichess + + + + Open Lichess Broadcast + Abrir transmisión de Lichess + + + + Open chess.com + Abrir chess.com + + + Web Favorite - Web Favorita + Página Web favorita - + Open recent Abrir reciente - + Save Database - Guardar Base de Datos + Guardar base de datos - + Export Image... Exportar imagen... - + Brush Pincel - + Green Verde - + Yellow Amarillo - + Red Rojo - + Erase Borrar - + View Ver - + Show target fields Mostrar campos objetivo - + Show threat Mostrar amenazas - + + Show variation arrows + Mostrar fechas de variaciones + + + Show covered squares from White Mostrar cuadros cubiertos por Blancas - + Show covered squares from Black Mostrar cuadros cubiertos por Negras - + Show underprotected white pieces Mostrar piezas Blancas desprotegidas - + Show underprotected black pieces - Mostrasr piezas Negras desprotegidas + Mostrar piezas Negras desprotegidas - + &Game &Juego - + Game Juego - + Database - Base de Datos + Base de datos - + &New &Nuevo - + &Load &Cargar - + Load recent Cargar reciente - + &Previous &Anterior - + &Next &Próximo - + &Go to game... &Ir a juego... - + &Random &Aleatorio - + &Save... &Guardar... - + Edit tags... Editar etiquetas... - + &Flip board &Girar tablero - + Match Partida - - Training - Entrenamiento + + Read moves ahead + Leer movidas adelante - - Auto Respond - Auto Responder + + Training + Entrenamiento - + Auto Player - Auto Jugador + Jugador automático - - + + Auto Analysis - Auto Análisis + Análisis automático - - - + + + Engine Match - Juego contra el Motor + Juego de motores - + &Go to &Ir a - + &Start &Inicio - + Go to first move Ir al primer movimiento - + &Previous move &Movimiento anterior - + &Next move &Movimiento próximo - + &End &Fin - + Go to last move Ir al último movimiento - + 5 moves &forward - 5 movimientos &adelante + &avanzar 5 movimientos - + 5 moves &backward - 5 movimientos &atrás + &retroceder 5 movimientos - + Enter Variation Ingresar variación - + Previous Variation Variación anterior - + Next Variation Variación próxima - + Back to main line Regresar a la línea principal - + Refactor - Modificar + Refactorizar - + + Uncomment - Quitar comentarios + Eliminar comentarios - + + Remove Variations - Quitar variantes + Eliminar variantes + + + + + Prune null moves + Curar líneas vacias - + Fi&nd Bus&car - + Search Buscar - + Find tag... Buscar etiqueta... - + Find position... - Buscar posición - - - &Reset filter - &Reajustar filtro + Buscar posición... - &Reverse filter - &Invertir filtro + + Filter identical games + Filtrar juegos idénticos - + &Database - &Base de Datos + &Base de datos - + &Switch to &Cambiar a - + &Copy games... &Copiar juegos... - + + Edit tag + Editar etiqueta + + + Clear clipboard Limpiar portapapeles - + &Help &Ayuda - + Help Ayuda - + Customize Keyboard... Personalizar teclado... - + &About ChessX &Acerca de ChessX - + Following databases are modified: - Las siguientes Bases de Datos están modificadas + Las siguientes bases de datos han sido modificadas: - + Save them? ¿Desea Guardarlas? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - + Start loading database... - Iniciar carga de BAse de Datos... + Iniciar carga de base de datos... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net - Nueva versión disponible en chessx.sourceforge.net + Existe una nueva versión, disponible en chessx.sourceforge.net - - + + New database - Nueva Base de Datos + Nueva base de datos - + PGN database (*.pgn) - Nase de Datos PGN (*.pgn) + Base de datos PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. - No se puede crear Base de Datos de ChessX + No se puede crear base de datos de ChessX. - - - Open database - Abrir Base de Datos + + Scid databases (*.si4) + Base de datos Scid (*.si4) - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - Bases de Datos PGN (*.pgn);;Libros Polyglot (*.bin) + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + Libros Polyglot (*.bin) - - PGN databases (*.pgn) - Bases de Datos PGN (*.pgn) + + Arena books (*.abk) + Libros Arena (*.abk) - The current database is modified! - La Base de Datos actual está modificada! + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + Libros Chessbase (*.ctg) - - Save it? - Guardarla? + + + Open database + Abrir base de datos - - Saving %1... - Guardando %1... + + + PGN databases (*.pgn) + Bases de datos PGN (*.pgn) - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk) - Bases de Datos PGN (*.pgn);;Libros Polyglot (*.bin);;Libros Arena (*.abk) + + Save it? + ¿Guardarla? - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - + + Saving %1... + Guardando %1... - + %1 saved %1 guardado - + The selected database is modified! - La Base de Datos seleccionada esta modificada! + La dase de datos seleccionada ha sido modificada! - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> - <html>La Base de Datos <i>%1</i> es de "sólo-lectura" y no puede salvarse.</html> + <html>La base de datos <i>%1</i> es de sólo-lectura y no puede guardarse.</html> - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> El texto en portapapeles no representa un FEN válido:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. - Ningún texto en portapapeles + No hay ningún texto en el portapapeles. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. - El portapapeles contiene un FEN, pero con posición ilegal. Sólo puede pegar esas posiciones en <b>Configurar posición</b> diálogo. + El portapapeles contiene un FEN, pero la posición es ilegal. Sólo puede pegar esas posiciones usando el diálogo de <b>Configurar posición</b>. - - + + Set starting board - Disponer el tablero de inicio + Ajustar un tablero inicial - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Imágenes (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over - Se acabo el tiempo + Se acabó el tiempo - + Red Square Cuadro rojo - + Yellow Square Cuadro amarillo - + Green Square Cuadro verde - + Remove Color Quitar color - + Red Arrow to here Flecha roja aquí - + Yellow Arrow to here Flecha amarilla aquí - + Green Arrow to here Flecha verde aquí - + Remove Arrow to here Quitar flecha aquí - + End of game - + Fin del juego - + End of line - + Fin de línea - + Line - Línea + Línea - + Main line - + Línea principal - + Load Game - Cargar Juego + Cargar juego - + Game number: Juego número: - - - + + + This database is read only. - Esta Base de Datos es de sólo lectura + Esta base de datos es de sólo lectura. - + Merge selected games Combinar juegos seleccionados - - Automatic responses - Respuesta automática - - - - Play both sides - Juegue ambos lados + + Prune null moves from all games? + ¿Curar movidas vacias en todos los juegos? - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - El Paner de Análisis 1 no está ejecutando un motor para el análisis automático. + El panel de análisis 1 no está ejecutando un motor de análisis automático. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - El Panel de Análisis 1 no está ejecutando un motor para el análisis automático. {2 ?} + El panel de análisis 2 no está ejecutando un motor de análisis automático. + + + + Game play + Jugar - + Game is drawn by insufficient material Juego en tablas por material insuficiente - + Game is drawn by repetition Juego en tablas por repetición - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule Juego en tablas por la regla de 50 movidas - + + White wins + Blancas ganan + + + + Black wins + Negras ganan + + + + Draw + Tablas + + + Engine %1 Motor %1 - + all Todo - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Agregar juego %1 a %2. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. Añadido %1 juegos a %2. - + Error appending games to %1 Error añadiendo juegos a %1 - + + Appending games failed (UTF8 mismatch %1 to %2) + Falló añadir juegos (UTF8 desajustado de %1 a %2) + + + + System Clipboard + Portapapeles del sistema + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + Agregar %1 juegos de %2 a %3. + + + + Set %1 games into system clipboard. + Colocar %1 juegos en el portapapeles del sistema. - + Searching... Buscando... - + Book build finished with Error - + Construcción de libro termino con Error - Clipboard - Portapapeles - - - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Agregar juegos %1 a %2. - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Usted necesita por lo menos dos Bases de Datos abiertas para copiar juegos - - - + %1. %2 (%3 games) %1. %2 (%3 juegos) - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Delete all comments from all games? + ¿Borrar todos los comentarios de todos los juegos? - - Search ended - Búsqueda finalizada + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + ¿Borrar todas las anotaciones de tiempo en todos los juegos? - Updating tree... - Actualizando árbol + + Delete all variations from all games? + ¿Borrar todas las variaciones en todos los juegos? - + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + Unir %1 juegos de %2 a %3. + + + + Search ended + Búsqueda finalizada + + + <b>New game</b> <b>Nuevo juego</b> - + Infinite Infinito - + Build book - + Construir libro - + Book built - + Libro construido - + Could not build book No se pudo construir libro - + Polyglot Error Error en Polyglot + + + MatchParameterDlg - Please configure your email preferences first. - Por favor configure los parámetros de su email. - - - Hello - Hola - - - the attachment provides new game data. - el adjunto provee datos de un nuevo juego. - - - You can open the file with ChessX. - Usted puede abrir el archivo con ChessX. - - - Edit game tags - Editar etiquetas del juego - - - EMail error - EMail error - - - EMail sent to - EMail enviado a - - - EMail sent - EMail enviado - - - - MatchParameterDlg - - - Match Parameters - Ajustar parametros + + Match Parameters + Ajustar parámetros @@ -3009,7 +3161,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Sudden Death - Muerte Súbita + Muerte súbita @@ -3024,12 +3176,12 @@ Shall I download a database? User Bonus - Bono de Usuario + Bono de usuario Annotate elapsed game time - Anotar Juego de Tiempo transcurrido + Anotar juego de tiempo transcurrido @@ -3059,7 +3211,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Engine starts - Comenzar el Motor de Juego + Comenzar el motor de Juego @@ -3113,8 +3265,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - - + [end] [fin] @@ -3122,593 +3273,636 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move Buen movimiento - + Poor Move - Mal Movimiento + Mal movimiento - + Very good Move - Excelente Movimiento + Excelente movimiento - + Blunder Un disparate - + Speculative Move Movimiento especulativo - + Dubious Move Movimiento dudoso - - + + Only Move Único movimiento - + Worst Move - El peor movimiento + Peor movimiento - - - + + + Equal Igual - + Unclear Incierto - + White has slight advantage - El Blanco tiene una ligera ventaja + Blancas tiene una ligera ventaja - + Black has slight advantage - El Negro tiene una ligera ventaja + Negras tiene una ligera ventaja - + White has moderate advantage - El Blanco tiene una ventaja moderada + Blancas tiene una ventaja moderada - + Black has moderate advantage - El Negro tiene una ventaja moderada + Negras tiene una ventaja moderada - + White has decisive advantage - El Blanco tiene una ventaja decisiva + Blancas tiene una ventaja decisiva - + Black has decisive advantage - El Negro tiene una ventaja decisiva + Negras tiene una ventaja decisiva - + White has crushing advantage - El Blanco tiene una ventaja aplastante + Blancas tiene una ventaja aplastante - + Black has crushing advantage - El Negro tiene una ventaja aplastante + Negras tiene una ventaja aplastante - - + + Zugzwang Zugzwang - - + + With slight space advantage - Con una ligera ventaja de espacio + Con ligera ventaja de espacio - - + + With moderate space advantage - Con una ventaja de espacio moderada + Con ventaja de espacio moderada - - + + With decisive space advantage - Con una ventaja de espacio decisiva + Con ventaja de espacio decisiva - - + + With slight development advantage - Con una ligera ventaja de desarrollo + Con ligera ventaja de desarrollo - - + + With moderate development advantage - Con una ventaja de desarrollo moderada + Con ventaja de desarrollo moderada - - + + With decisive development advantage - Con una ventaja de desarrollo decisiva + Con ventaja de desarrollo decisiva - - + + With initiative Con iniciativa - - + + With lasting initiative Con iniciativa duradera - - + + With attack Con ataque - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit - Con insuficiente compensación por falta de material + Con insuficiente compensación por la pérdida de material - - + + With compensation Con compensación - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit - Con compensación más que adecuada por falta de material + Con compensación más que adecuada por la pérdida de material - - + + With slight center control advantage - Con ligera ventaja por control del centro + Con ligera ventaja con control de centro - - + + With moderate center control advantage - Con moderada ventaja por control del centro + Con moderada ventaja por control de centro - - + + With decisive center control advantage - Con decisiva ventaja por control del centro + Con decisiva ventaja por control de centro - - + + With slight kingside control advantage - Con ligera ventaja por control del flanco del Rey + Con ligera ventaja por control de flanco Rey - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage - Con moderada ventaja por control del flanco del Rey + Con moderada ventaja por control de flanco Rey - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage - Con decisiva ventaja por control del flanco del Rey + Con decisiva ventaja por control de flanco Rey - - + + With slight queenside control advantage - Con ligera ventaja por control del flanco de la Dama + Con ligera ventaja por control de flanco Dama - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage - Con moderada ventaja por control del flanco de la Dama + Con moderada ventaja por control de flanco Dama - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage - Con decisiva ventaja por control del flanco de la Dama + Con decisiva ventaja por control de flanco Dama - - + + With vulnerable first rank - Con vulnerabilidad en primera fila + Con vulnerabilidad en la primera fila - - + + With well protected first rank - Con buena protección en primera fila + Con buena protección en la primera fila - - + + With poorly protected king - Con mala protección del Rey + Con mala protección a el Rey - - + + With well protected king - Con buena protección del Rey + Con buena protección a el Rey - - + + With poorly placed king - Con Rey mal colocado + Con el Rey mal colocado - - + + With well placed king - Con Rey bien colocado + Con el Rey bien colocado - - + + With very weak pawn structure - Con mucha debilidad de estructura de peones + Con mucha debilidad en la estructura de peones - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure - Con moderada debilidad de estructura de peones + Con moderada debilidad en la estructura de peones - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure - Con moderada fuerza de estructura de peones + Con estructura de peones moderadamente fuerte - - + + With very strong pawn structure - Con muy fuerte estructura de peones + Con estructura de peones muy fuerte - - + + With poor knight placement - Con mala colocación del Caballo + Con mala colocación de Caballo - - + + With good knight placement - Con buena colocación del Caballo + Con buena colocación de Caballo - - + + With poor bishop placement - Con mala colocación del Alfil + Con mala colocación de Alfil - - + + With good bishop placement Con buena colocación de Alfil - - + + With poor rook placement Con mala colocación de Torre - - + + With good rook placement Con buena colocación de Torre - - + + With poor queen placement Con mala colocación de Dama - - + + With good queen placement Con buena colocación de Dama - - + + With poor piece coordination Con mala coordinación de pieza - - + + With good piece coordination Con buena coordinación de pieza - + White played the opening very poorly - El Blanco jugó la apertura muy pobremente + Blancas jugaron la apertura muy mal - + Black played the opening very poorly - El Negro jugó la apertura muy pobremente + Negras jugaron la apertura muy mal - + White played the opening poorly - El Blanco jugó la apertura pobremente + Blancas jugaron la apertura mal - + Black played the opening poorly - El Negro jugó la apertura pobremente + Negras jugaron la apertura mal - + White played the opening well - El Blanco jugó bien la apertura + Blacas jugaron la apertura bien - + Black played the opening well - El Negro jugó bien la apertura + Negras jugaron la apertura bien - + White played the opening very well - El Blanco jugó la apertura muy bien + Blancas jugaron la apertura muy bien - + Black played the opening very well - El Negro jugó la apertura muy bien + Negras jugaron la apertura muy bien - + White played the middlegame very poorly - El Blanco jugó el medio juego muy pobremente + Blancas jugaron el medio juego muy mal - + Black played the middlegame very poorly - El Negro jugó el medio juego muy pobremente + Negras jugaron el medio juego muy mal - + White played the middlegame poorly - El Blanco jugó el medio juego pobremente + Blancas jugaron el medio juego mal - + Black played the middlegame poorly - El Negro jugó el medio juego pobremente + Negras jugaron el medio juego mal - + White played the middlegame well - El Blanco jugó el medio juego bien + Blancas jugaron el medio juego bien - + Black played the middlegame well - El Negro jugó el medio juego bien + Negras jugaron el medio juego bien - + White played the middlegame very well - El Blanco jugó el medio juego muy bien + Blancas jugaron el medio juego muy bien - + Black played the middlegame very well - El Negro jugó el medio juego muy bien + Negras jugaron el medio juego muy bien - + White played the ending very poorly - El Blanco jugó el final muy pobremente + Blancas jugaron el final muy mal - + Black played the ending very poorly - El Negro jugó el final muy pobremente + Negras jugaron el final muy mal - + White played the ending poorly - El Blanco jugó el final pobremente + Blancas jugaron el final mal - + Black played the ending poorly - El Negro jugó el final pobremente + Negras jugaron el final mal - + White played the ending well - El Blanco jugó el final bien + Blancas jugaron el final bien - + Black played the ending well - El Negro jugó el final bien + Negras jugaron el final bien - + White played the ending very well - El Blanco jugó el final muy bien + Blancas jugaron el final muy bien - + Black played the ending very well - El Negro jugó el final muy bien + Negras jugaron el final muy bien - - - + + + With counterplay Con contrajuego - - + + Moderate time control pressure Presión moderada de control de tiempo - - + + Severe time control pressure Presión severa de control de tiempo - + With the idea Con idea - + Aimed against Dirigido contra - + Better was Era mejor - + Worse was Era peor - + Equivalent was Era igualdad - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Punto débil - + Endgame Final de partida - + Line Línea - + Diagonal Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops Pareja de Alfiles - + Bishops of opposite color Alfiles de diferente color - + Bishops of the same color Alfiles del mismo color - + Diagram Diagrama + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + Diálogo + + + + Load Games + Cargar Juegos + + + + Handle + Nombre de usuario + + + + User handle, can be left empty + Nombre de usuario, puede dejarse vacio + + + + Starting from + Comenzando desde + + + + Tournament + Torneo + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + Nombre del torneo, puede dejarse vacio + + + + to + hasta + + OpeningTree - + Move Movida - + Count - Cantidad:% + Cantidad - + Score Resultado - + Rating Clasificación - + Year Año @@ -3721,59 +3915,44 @@ Shall I download a database? Forma - - Target - Objetivo - - - + Filter games Filtrar juegos - + Board Tablero - - Source - Fuente - - - + Pin Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database - Base de Datos + Base de datos - - + + Filter Filtro - - Progress - Progreso - - - + Undo Deshacer - + (Book) (Libro) @@ -3782,167 +3961,165 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style - Notación en estilo de columna + Notación en columna - + + Allow HTML in comments + Permitir HTML en los comentarios + + + + Show symbolic Nags - Muestra etiqueta simbólica + Mostrar etiquetas simbólicas - - + + Text width Ancho del texto - - + + Indent variations from Level - Margen de nivel de variaciones + Sangrar variaciones desde nivel - - + + Variation Indentation - Margen de variación + Sangrado de variación - + Comment indentation - Margen de comentario + Sangrado de comentario - - + + Main Line Color Color de línea principal - - + + Variation Color Color de variante - - + + Comment Color Color de comentario - - + + NAG Color - Color de etiqueta + Color de glifos de anotación - - + + Header Color Color de cabecera - - + + Show Header Mostrar cabecera - - + + Show Diagrams Mostrar diagramas - - + + Diagram Size Tamaño de diagrama - - + + Font for text - Fuente del texto + Fuente para texto - - + + Font for moves - Fuente de movimientos + Fuente para movimientos - + Comment Indentation - Margen de comentario + Sangrado de comentario PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> - <i>ningún juego</i> + <i>No hay juegos</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> - Total: %1<br>Blanco: %2<br>Negro: %3<br> + Total: %1<br>Blancas: %2<br>Negras: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - Juegos en Base de Datos <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> + Juegos en base de datos <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Clasificación: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Clasificación: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Fecha: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Fecha: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - Aperturas de las Blancas + Aperturas para Blancas - + Black Openings - Aperturas de las Negras - - - <p>White Openings:</p><ul> - <p>Aperturas Blanco:</p><ul> - - - </ul><p>Black Openings:</p><ul> - </ul><p>Aperturas Negro:</p><ul> + Aperturas para Negras PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Ningún jugador elegido.</i></html> @@ -3950,726 +4127,903 @@ Shall I download a database? PreferencesDialog - + Preferences Preferencias - &Board - &Tablero - - - + Highlight current move: Resaltar movimiento actual: - + Mouse Behaviour - Comportamiento del mouse - - - - &Guess move on left-click - &Adivinar movimiento con click izquierdo + Comportamiento del ratón - - Next guess on right click - Indicar posibles movimientos con click derecho - - - + Wheel sensitivity Sensibilidad de la rueda - + Fast Rápido - + Slow Lento - + &Chess set: - &Juego de ajedrez: + &Tablero de ajedrez: - + &Draw frame between squares - &Dibujar un marco entre cuadros - - - plain - plano - - - outline - contorno - - - outline+shadow - contorno+sombra + &Dibujar un contorno entre los cuadros - - + + + Never Nunca - - + + Frame Contorno - + Arrow Flecha - + Draw Coordinates - Dibujar Coordenadas + Mostrar coordenadas - + Board &style: - Tablero &estilo: + &Estilo del tablero : - + &Colors: &Colores: - + Game Juego - - Autoplayer - Autojugador - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next - Guardar automáticamente el juego y continuar con el próximo + Guardar juego automáticamente y continuar con el siguiente - + + Game Text - Texto de Juego + Texto del juego - + Show Diagrams - Mostrar Diagramas + Mostrar diagramas - + Column Style - Estilo de columnas + Estilo de las columnas - + Keep variations inline from level - Mantener variantes en línea del nivel + Mantener variantes a nivel de línea - + Diagram Size - Tamaño del diagrama + Tamaño de diagrama - + Pieces Piezas - - Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. - Poner piezas de inicio aquí, recuerda el espacio inicial - - - - KQRBN - Mind the initial space! - RDTAC - Recuerda el espacio inicial! - - - - - - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Colors: Colores: - - Auto Analysis backwards - Auto-Análisis retrógrado - - - + Automatic Promotion Promoción automática - + Always queen a pawn - Siempre coronar peón como dama - - - &Engines - &Motores + Siempre coronar peón a Dama - + Path to executable - Ruta de ejecución + Ruta a el programa ejecutable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books - Ruta donde se inicia el motor - generalmente lugar de libros + Ruta donde se inicia el motor - generalmente el lugar de libros - + Directory: Directorio: - + Protocol: - Protocolo + Protocolo: - + Name: Nombre: - + Options: Opciones: - + Command: Comando: - + Command Line Options Opciones de línea de comando - + Options Opciones - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Nombre arbitrario para identificar motor - + Down Abajo - + Remove Quitar - + Add... Añadir... - + Up Arriba - + Database - Base de Datos + Base de datos - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes - Clasificación automática con códigos ECO + Clasificar automáticamente los códigos ECO - + Build index file Construir archivo índice - + Commit Database after saving Game - Comprometer Base de Datos después de salvar juego + Someter la base de datos a disco al guardar juego - + Default path for storing files Ruta por defecto para guardar archivos - + Default Database Path: - Ruta por defecto para Base de Datos + Ruta por defecto para bases de datos: - + Number of recent files: - Número de archivos recientes + Número de archivos recientes: - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Editar archivos PGN más pequeños que: - + MB MB - + Appearance Apariencia - + Fonts for notation - Fuentes de notación + Fuentes para notación - + Texts Textos - + Moves Movimientos - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) - Fuentes con Símbolos de Ajedrez (Unicode) + Fuentes con símbolos de ajedrez (Unicode) - - + + Font Size Tamaño de fuente - + Application Aplicación - + Show move indicator Mostrar indicador de movimiento - + No hints in training mode Sin pistas en el modo de entrenamiento - + Automatic Automático - + + Always Siempre - + Copy Images - Copiar Imagenes + Copiar imagenes - + Colored copies Copias a color - + Fixed Size - Tamaño Ajustado + Tamaño fijo - + Always Scale Escalar siempre - + Turn board for player: - Girar tablero para Jugador: + Girar tablero para jugador: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - Entre un nombre o expresión tal como "Mi|Tú" + Entre un nombre o expresión, por ejemplo "Mi|Tú" - + Log Log - + Web Favorite - Web Favorita + Página Web favorita - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number - URL, use $1 para número de incremento automático + URL, use $1 para incrementar número automáticamente - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number - use $1 para número de incremento automático + use $1 para incrementar número automáticamente - + Icons visible in menus - Iconos visibles en menús + Iconos visibles en los menús - + Use vertical Tabs Usar pestañas verticales - + Additional PGN tags Tags PGN adicionales - + Additional tags, separate with blanks - Tags adicionales, separar con espacios + Tags adicionales, separadas con espacios - + Log in as guest - Inscríbase como invitado + Login como invitado - + + + Login - Inscripción + Login - + Board - Tablero + Tablero - + Engines - + Motores - + Send History - + Enviar historia - + + + Password Contraseña - + Try to use Timeseal - Intente utilziar el sello de tiempo + Usar timeseal - + Dark Theme - + Tema oscuro - + Show command line - + Mostrar la línea de comandos - + App App - + Internet Internet - + Use online tablebase servers - Usar servidores con tablero online + Usar servidores con tablebase en línea - + Nalimov-6 Nalimov-6 - + + On mouse over + Con el ratón encima + + + + Show guess + Mostrar sugerencia + + + + Right mouse button + Botón derecho de ratón + + + + Go back / remove one move + Retroceder / remover una movida + + + + Next guess + Siguiente sugerencia + + + + Colorize square + Colorear casilla + + + + Automatic Analysis + Análisis automático + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + Análisis retrogrado (Hacia adelante únicamente añade símbolos '!', '?') + + + + Mainline only + Únicamente línea principal + + + + Always annotate engine score + Siempre anotar el resultado del motor de análisis + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + Anadir anotación en el final de línea + + + + Marks auto-generated move + Marcar movida auto-generadas + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + Límite de verificacion de disparate (centi-peón) + + + + Enable HTML comments + Aceptar comentarios HTML + + + + Hide special annotations + Esconder anotaciones especiales + + + + Indent Comments + Sangrar comentarios + + + + Only Mainline + Únicamente línea principal + + + + Put the initials of the pieces here. + Coloque las iniciales de las piezas aquí. + + + + KQRBN + RDTAC + + + + Local Databases + Bases de datos locales + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + Preservar los códigos ECO existentes + + + + Add source tag when merging files + Añadir etiqueta origen cuand se junten archivos + + + + Source tag name + Nombre de etiqueta original + + + + Append to file + Añadir a archivo + + + + Raise list of games after filtering + Elevar la lista de juegos despues de filtrado + + + + Show background image + Mostrar imagen de fondo + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + Cambiar el tema requiere reiniciar la aplicación! + + + + Icon Size + Tamaño de ícono + + + + Tiny + Diminuto + + + + Huge + Gigante + + + Syzygy-7 Syzygy-7 - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs - Chequear actualizaciones (al iniciar) y paquetes de lenguaje + Verificar actualizaciones y paquetes de lenguaje al inicio + + + + FICS + FICS + + + + Lichess + Lichess + + + + + not required + No requerida + + + + chess.com + chess.com - + Localization Localización - + Language Lenguaje - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! - Cambiar el lenguaje requiere reiniciar la aplicación! + Cambiar el lenguaje. Requiere reiniciar la aplicación! - + Load language file from Server: - Cargar el lenguaje desde un Servidor + Cargar archivo de lenguaje desde el servidor: - + Load! Cargar! - + External Tools - Herramientas Externas + Herramientas externas - + Parameters Parámetros - + Path Ruta - + Path and filename of external program - Ruta y nombre de archivo de programa externo + Ruta y nombre de archivo del programa externo - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Línea de comando, también $(Ingrese ruta), $(Ingrese archivo) - + Sound Sonido - - Indicate opponent's move - Indicar el movimiento del oponente + + Number of plies to read ahead + Número de turnos a revisar hacia adelante + + + + Sound making moves + Sonido al hacer movidas + + + + Sound while moving through games + Sonido mientras se mueve a través de los juegos + + + + No sounds + Sin sonido + + + + Indication sounds + Indicación de sonidos + + + + Speak moves + Hablar las movidas + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + Retraso entre movidas [ms] + + + + Volume + Volumen - + Portable Preferences - + Preferencias portables - + Save to application folder - + Guardar en el directorio de aplicación - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. - Para actualizar la versión de traducción en red necesita ser habilitada la comprobación. + Para actualizar las traducciones en linea, se necesita habilitar la verificacion de version. - + Select engine directory Seleccionar directorio del motor - + Select external executable Seleccionar ejecutable externo - + Select databases folder - Seleccionar carpeta de Base de Datos + Seleccionar directorio de base de datos - + New Engine Nuevo motor - + Select engine executable - Seleccionar motor ejecutable + Seleccionar el ejecutable del motor - + Could not load server language file dictionary - No pudo cargar del servidor el archivo de diccionario del lenguaje + No se pudo cargar el archivo de diccionario del lenguaje desde el servidor - + Could not load or install language pack - No se puede cargar o instalar el paquete de idioma + No se puedo cargar o instalar el paquete de idioma - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! - Archivo de traducción cargado - seleccionar el idioma agregado de arriba! + Archivo de traducción cargado - Seleccionar el idioma agregado de arriba! - + No further translations online available! No hay más traducciones disponibles en línea! - + Clear all application settings? Borrar todos los ajustes de la aplicación? - + Warning Advertencia - + Light squares Casillas claras - + Dark squares Casillas oscuras - + Highlighted squares - Casillas destacadas + Casillas marcadas + + + + Coordinates + Coordenadas - + Current move Movimiento actual - + Stored move Movimiento guardado - + + Variation move + Variación de movida + + + Threat Amenaza - + Targets Objetivos - + Check Jaque - + Wall Pared - + Underprotected Desprotegidas - + + Engine Move + Movida del motor + + + + New database + Nueva base de datos + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Base de datos PGN (*.pgn) + + + [plain colors] [Colores planos] - + Main Line - Línea Principal + Línea principal - + Variations Variantes - + Comments Comentarios - + NAGs - Etiquetas - - - TLS encryption - TLS seguridad - - - Sender address - Dirección electronica + glifos de anotación (NAGs) @@ -4710,12 +5064,12 @@ Shall I download a database? Value or Range like 2000-2300 - Valor o rango como 2000-2500 + Valor o rango, por ejemplo 2000-2300 Options - Opciones + Opciones @@ -4740,7 +5094,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Search whole database - Buscar en toda la Base de Datos + Buscar en toda la base de datos @@ -4760,12 +5114,12 @@ Shall I download a database? Match tags from beginning - + Hallar coincidencias en el comienzo Match to end of tags - + Hallar coincidencias en el final @@ -4773,7 +5127,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Recipient Address - Dirección del Receptor + Dirección del destinatario @@ -4788,12 +5142,12 @@ Shall I download a database? Complete Database - Base de Datos completa + Base de datos completa - + This is no valid email address. - Esta no es una dirección de email válida + Esta no es una dirección de email válida. @@ -4801,12 +5155,12 @@ Shall I download a database? Rename Tags in Database - Renombrar etiquetas en Database + Renombrar etiquetas en la base de datos Rename all Occurrences ... - Renombrar todas las ocurrencias ... + Renombrar todas las ocurrencias... @@ -4834,7 +5188,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Save Game - Guardar Juego + Guardar juego @@ -4850,12 +5204,12 @@ Shall I download a database? &White: - &Blanco: + &Blancas: &Black: - &Negro: + &Negras: @@ -4866,12 +5220,12 @@ Shall I download a database? White Team - Equipo Blanco + Equipo Blancas Black Team - Equipo Negro + Equipo Negras @@ -4882,7 +5236,7 @@ Shall I download a database? White Start Time - Tiempo inicial del Blanco + Tiempo inicial de Blancas @@ -4893,7 +5247,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Black Start Time - Tiempo de inicio del Negro + Tiempo inicial de Negras @@ -4903,17 +5257,17 @@ Shall I download a database? Additional Information - + Información adicional Tag - Etiqueta + Etiqueta Value - Valor + Valor @@ -4923,7 +5277,7 @@ Shall I download a database? E&vent date: - Fecha e&vento: + Fecha del e&vento: @@ -4938,7 +5292,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Game Information - Información de Juego + Información de juego @@ -4955,19 +5309,10 @@ Shall I download a database? Result: Resultado: - - Clipboard - Portapapeles - - - Dates are not properly formatted! - Invalid Data - ¡Las fechas están mal formateadas! - Dates are not properly formatted! - ¡Las fechas están mal formateadas! + ¡El formato de las fechas es incorrecto! @@ -4985,7 +5330,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Resize visible Columns - Cambiar el tamaño de columnas visibles + Cambiar el tamaño de las columnas visibles @@ -5000,28 +5345,43 @@ Shall I download a database? Copy as Image - Copiar como Imagen + Copiar como imagen TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Filtro: - - Selected Item - Elemento seleccionado + + Filter games according to selected line + Filtrar juegos de acuerdo con la línea seleccionada - + Filter Filtro - + + Add games to the current filter + Añadir juegos a el filtro actual + + + + Add to Filter + Añadir a el filtro + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + Renombrar una etiqueta en la base de datos completa + + + Rename Renombrar @@ -5060,194 +5420,289 @@ Shall I download a database? Entre un valor... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + Curar movidas vacias. + + + + Remove all variations. + Remover todas las variaciones. + + + + Remove all comments. + Remover todos los comentarios. + + + + Remove all time annotations. + Remover todas las anotaciones. + + + + Always classify games. + Siempre clasificar juegos. + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + Mantener codigos eco existentes. Debe ser combinado con ec. + + + + Never classify games. + Nunca clasificar juegos. + + + + Output Locale. + Mostrar la configuración regional. + + + + Locale + Configuración regional + + + + Exit after processing. + Salir después de procesar. + + + + Input Database. + Entrar base de datos. + + + + Input + Entrar + + + + Output Database. + Salida de base de datos. + + + + Output + Salida + + TextEdit - + File Actions - Acciones de Archivo + Acciones de archivo - + File Archivo - + New Nuevo - + Open... - Abierto + Abrir... - + Save Guardar - + Save As... Guardar como... - + Print... Imprimir... - + Print Preview... - Preview de Impresión... + Vista preliminar de impresión... - + Export PDF... - Exportar PDF... + Exportar a PDF... - + Edit Actions - Editar Acciones + Editar acciones - + Edit Editar - + Undo Deshacer - + Redo Rehacer - + Cut Cortar - + Copy Copiar - + Paste Pegar - + Pick board - Tomar Tablero + Tomar tablero - + Format Actions - Acciones de Formato + Acciones de formato - + Format Formato - + Bold Negrita - + Italic Cursiva - + Underline Subrayar - + Resize Cambiar tamaño - - + + Left Izquierda - - + + Center Centro - - + + Right Derecha - + Justify Justificar - + Color... Color... - + Style Actions Acciones de estilo - + Application Aplicación - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - El Block de Notas ha sido modificado. + El bloc de notas ha sido modificado. Desea guardar los cambios? - + %1[*] %1[*] - + Open File... Abrir archivo... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - Archivos ODF (*.odt);;Archivos HTML (*.htm *.html);;Todos - los Archivos(*) + Archivos ODF (*.odt);;Archivos HTML (*.htm *.html);;Todos los Archivos(*) - + Save as... Guardar como... - + Print Document - Imprimir Documento + Imprimir documento + + + + TournamentSelectionDialog + + + Broadcasts + Transmisiones + + + + Tournament + Torneo + + + + Description + Descripción + + + + Link + Vínculo diff --git a/i18n/chessx_fr.ts b/i18n/chessx_fr.ts index 3d9718488..0d897020b 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_fr.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_fr.ts @@ -9,94 +9,93 @@ Échecs 960 - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Gestionnaires de parties d’échecs libre - - - + Version Version - + Copyright Copyright - + License Licence - + Maintainer Mainteneur - - Further Maintainers - Autres mainteneurs - - - - Testing - Testeur + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Codeurs - + Further Code Autres codeurs - + Translations Traductions - + Path Information Chemins - + Path for temporary files Emplacement des fichiers temporaires - + Program data path Emplacement des données - + Path to settings Chemin vers les paramètres - + FICS database Base de données FICS - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact Contact - + Homepage Page d’accueil - + Mailing List Liste de diffusion @@ -118,35 +117,31 @@ Gestionnaires de parties d’échecs libre Keyboard Shortcut Raccourci clavier - - ... - ... - Analysis - + Resigns Abandon - + Mate Mat - + Mate in %1 Mat en %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (profondeur %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (coup proposé) @@ -173,10 +168,6 @@ Gestionnaires de parties d’échecs libre Pin engine to current position Repère de position - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -189,104 +180,141 @@ Gestionnaires de parties d’échecs libre - + Analyze Analyser - + Stop Stop - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Une erreur est survenue (%1)durant l'execution du moteur <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Nulle - White wins in %n moves - + Les blancs gagnent en %n coup Les blancs gagnent en %n coups - Black wins in %n moves - + Les noirs gagnent en %n coup Les noirs gagnent en %n coups + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + - + White wins Les blancs gagnent - + Black wins Les noirs gagnent - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Analyse du coup %1 - + Click to add move to game Cliquez pour ajouter un coup - + Tablebase Table de finales - + Complexity Complexité - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> <i>Livre :</i> - BitBoard + AnnotationWidget - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - b%1\nn%2\n%3 à jouer. + + Form + Formulaire + + + + Enter comments and annotations here. + Ajouter des commentaires et des annotations. + + + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 %3 to move b%1\nn%2\n%3 à jouer - + White Blancs - + Black Noirs @@ -345,144 +373,132 @@ b%2 Définir une position - Board - Échiquier - - - + Clear Effacer - + Side to move: Trait aux : - + Move: Coup : - &Advanced - &Avançé - - - + En passant file: Rangée en passant : - Castling rights - Droits au roque - - - + Tools Outils - + Flip board Inverser l'échiquier - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Miroir vertical - + Mirror top and bottom Miroir horizontal - + Change colors for all pieces Changer la couleur pour toutes les pièces - + Castling Roque - + Black O-O Noirs O-O - + White O-O-O Blancs O-O-O - + White O-O Blancs O-O - + Black O-O-O Noirs O-O-O - + Advanced Avancée - + Halfmove clock: No equivalent in French Compteur demi-coups : - + Chess 960 Échecs 960 - + - - - + Random Position Position aléatoire - + FEN FEN - + Paste FEN Coller FEN - + Copy FEN Copier FEN - + Copy Text Copier au format texte - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -491,82 +507,82 @@ b%2 %1. - + No white king Pas de roi blanc - + No black king Pas de roi noir - + Both kings are in check Les deux rois sont en échec - + Side to move has opponent in check already Le camp qui a le trait est en échec - + Black has too many pawns Les Noirs ont trop de pions - + White has too many pawns Les Blancs ont trop de pions - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Des pions se trouvent sur la première ou sur la huitième rangée - + Too many kings Trop de rois - + Too many black pieces Trop de pièces noires - + Too many white pieces Trop de pièces blanches - + Bad castling rights Roque non autorisé - + En passant square is not correct La case en passant n'est pas correcte - + Unknown reason Raison inconnue - + Illegal position: %1 Position illégale : %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Le texte dans le presse-papier n'est pas au format FEN : <br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Pas de texte dans le presse-papier. @@ -574,54 +590,73 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Impossible de trouver les pièces. + Impossible de trouver les pièces. Merci de vérifier votre installation. - Cannot find board data. Please check your installation. - Impossible de trouver les données de l’échiquier. + Impossible de trouver les données de l’échiquier. Merci de vérifier votre installation. + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + + BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion Demander quelle pièce en cas de promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move Remplacer le reste de la partie par un nouveau coup - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves Insérer un nouveau coup et essayer de garder les coups restants - + Force adding a variation Forcer l'ajout d’une variante - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation Dessiner une flèche ou colorier une case - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - + Query the engine for the best reply @@ -629,143 +664,134 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. BoardViewEx - Form - Formulaire - - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. - Les commentaires et annotations sont affichées ici. Vous pouvez également les modifier. + Les commentaires et annotations sont affichées ici. Vous pouvez également les modifier. - - Enter comments and annotations here. - Ajouter des commentaires et des annotations. + Ajouter des commentaires et des annotations. ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Ajouter un commentaire au début... - - + + Add game comment... Ajouter un commentaire... - + Comment... Commentaire... - + Add move symbol Ajouter symbole de coup - + Add evaluation symbol Ajouter symbole d'évaluation - + Add other symbol Ajouter autre symbole - + Bishops Fous - + Remove symbols Supprimer les symboles - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Enumérer Variations A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Enumerer Variations a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Promouvoir vers la ligne principale - + Move variation up Remonter la variante - + Move variation down Descendre la variante - + Remove variation Supprimer la variante - + Remove previous moves Supprimer les coups précédents - + Remove next moves Supprimer les coups suivants - - + + Insert threat Insérer une menace - + Copy Html Copier Html - + Copy Text Copier Text - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Restructurer - + Uncomment Décommenter - + Remove Variations Supprimer variantes - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Presse-papiers - - CommentDialog @@ -798,6 +824,11 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. H:mm:ss H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Evaluation + CopyDialog @@ -840,66 +871,67 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Bases de données - + Activate Activer - + Open Ouvrir - + Close Fermer - + Keep file Garder le fichier - + Two star favorite Favori 2 étoiles - + Three star favorite Favori 3 étoiles - + Open at startup Ouvrir au démarrage - + Set active at startup - Add to favorites - Ajouter aux favoris + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Supprimer des favoris - + Show in Finder Montrer dans l’arborescence - + Make a Polyglot book... Créer un livre d'ouvertures Polyglot… @@ -907,58 +939,74 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Favori - + Name Nom - + Size Taille - - + + Open Ouvrir - + Path Chemin - + Format Format - + Date Date - + Read Accès - + Closed Fermé - DigitalClock + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + - Digital Clock - Horloge digitale + + Replace with + @@ -1067,12 +1115,12 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Pas de code ECO choisi.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Pas de code ECO choisi.</i></html> @@ -1111,12 +1159,12 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. - + Score Score - + Black Player Joueur Noirs @@ -1197,10 +1245,6 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1215,8 +1259,8 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Pas d'évenement choisi.</i></html> @@ -1232,7 +1276,7 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Connecté à FICS en tant que %1 avec %2 @@ -1245,264 +1289,264 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. Formulaire - + Messages Messages - + Say to opponent Dire à l'adversaire - - - - + + + + ... - + White Blancs - + Black Noirs - - - + + + History Historique - + Double click to examine game Cliquez 2 fois pour examiner la partie - + Finger Finger - + Games Parties - - + + Double click to follow game Cliquez 2 fois pour suivre la partie - - + + Relay Relayer - - + + Puzzle Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle Puzzle = problem Cliquez 2 fois pour avoir un puzzle - + Rated only Évaluées seulement - + Human only Humain seulement - + Elo Elo - + Propose a game Proposer une partie - + Get Mate Voir un mat - + Get Study Voir une étude - + Get Tactics Voir tactiques - + Messages from Puzzlebot Messages du bot Puzzles - + Players Joueurs - + Rating Classement - + User Utilisateur - - + + Seeks Recherches - + Time Control Contrôle de temps - + Lightning Éclair - + Blitz Blitz - + Standard Standard - + Minutes Minutes - + Increment Incrément - + rated classé - + unrated non classé - + Seek Chercher - + Don't care Sans importance - + No play list Pas de liste de jeu - + Enter command here Tapez votre commande - - + + Accept Accepter - + Draw Nulle - + Decline Refuser - + Abort Can be read as "Cancel" Annuler - + Resign Abandonner - + Rematch Rejouer - + Hint Conseil - + Cancel Annuler - + Disconnect Déconnection - + Disconnected Déconnecté - + Retrieving relayed games... Récupération des parties relayées... - + Observe Observer - + Examine Examiner @@ -1510,286 +1554,181 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. FilterModel - + Nr - + White Blancs - + Black Noirs - + White Elo Elo des blancs - + Black Elo Elo des noirs - + Event Évènement - + Site Lieu - + Round Ronde - + Date Date - + Result Résultat - + ECO ECO - + Moves Coups - - Game - - - - Add move - Ajouter un coup - - - - Merge game - Fusionner des parties - - - - Replace move - Remplacer le coup - - - Add Variation - Ajouter variante - - - Promote Variation - Promouvoir variante - - - - Copy game - Copier la partie - - - - Add line - - - - - - - Add variation - Ajouter une variante - - - - Promote variation - Promouvoir la variante - - - - Remove variation - Supprimer la variante - - - - Truncate variation - Tronquer la variante - - - - Remove variations - Supprimer les variantes - - - - Remove comments - Supprimer les commentaires - - - - Set annotation - Ajouter une annotation - - - - Colorize square - Colorier la case - - - - Paint arrow - Flèche - - - - Add nag - Ajouter NAG - - - - Set nags - Ajouter NAGs - - - - - Move variation - Remonter la variante - - - - Enumerate variations - Lister les variations - - - - Set result - Ajouter le résultat - - - - Set variant - Définir la variante - - GameList - - + + Game list Liste des parties - + Find tag... Rechercher un critère... - + Hide Column Cacher la colonne - + Resize visible Columns Redimensionner les colonnes visibles - + Show all Columns Montrer toutes les colonnes - + Copy games... Copier les parties… - + + Filter exact twins + + + + Filter twins Filtrer les doublons - + Merge into current game Fusionner dans la partie en cours - + All Games Toutes les parties - + Filter Filtrer - + Selected games Parties sélectionnées - + Toggle deletions - + Undelete games - + Undelete game - + Delete game Supprimer la partie - + Delete games Supprimer les parties - + Hide game Masquer la partie - + Hide games Masquer les parties - + Hide deleted games Masquer les parties supprimées - + + Select All + + + + Reset filter Réinitialiser le filtre - + Reverse filter Inverser le filtre @@ -1802,40 +1741,157 @@ Merci de vérifier votre installation. MainWindow - + + New Game + + + + Move Coup - + Evaluation Evaluation - + Other Autre - HelpBrowserShell + GameX - - MainWindow - FenêtrePrincipale + + Copy game + Copier la partie - - Search Text - Texte à chercher + + + Add move + Ajouter un coup - - Type in text to search for... - Tapez le texe à rechercher… + + Merge game + Fusionner des parties - + + Replace move + Remplacer le coup + + + + Add line + + + + + + + Add variation + Ajouter une variante + + + + Promote variation + Promouvoir la variante + + + + Remove variation + Supprimer la variante + + + + Truncate variation + Tronquer la variante + + + + Remove variations + Supprimer les variantes + + + + Remove null lines + + + + + Remove comments + Supprimer les commentaires + + + + Remove time comments + + + + + Set annotation + Ajouter une annotation + + + + Colorize square + Colorier la case + + + + Paint arrow + Flèche + + + + Add nag + Ajouter NAG + + + + Set nags + Ajouter NAGs + + + + + Move variation + Remonter la variante + + + + Enumerate variations + Lister les variations + + + + Set result + Ajouter le résultat + + + + HelpBrowserShell + + + MainWindow + FenêtrePrincipale + + + + Search Text + Texte à chercher + + + + Type in text to search for... + Tapez le texe à rechercher… + + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards Chercher encore, appuyer sur Shit pour chercher en arrière @@ -1878,1065 +1934,1232 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? MainWindow - - Game Text - Texte de la partie - - - + Game List Liste des parties - + Opening Tree Arbre d'ouvertures - + Move Interval: Intervalle de jeu auto: - + Loading ECO file... Chargement du fichier ECO… - + ECO Loaded. ECO chargé. - + Opening %1... Ouverture de %1... - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). La base %1 n'est pas accessible au moment (%2). - + Cannot open file Impossible d'ouvir le fichier - + %1 opened %1 ouvert - + Export games Exporter les parties - + PGN file (*.pgn) Fichier PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Page HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) Document LaTeX (*.tex) - + &File &Fichier - + File Fichier - + &New database... &Nouvelle base de données… - + &Open... &Ouvrir… - + Open in UTF8... Ouvrir en UTF8… - Open &recent... - Fichiers &récents... - - - + Commit Database to disk Enregistrer la base de données - + &Export... E&xporter... - + Current Game Partie en cours - + &Games in filter &Parties filtrées - + &All games &Toutes les parties - + Export Image Exporter en tant qu’image - + Mail PGN... ou Publiposter le PGN ? Envoyer le PGN par courrier électronique… - + &Close &Fermer - + &Quit &Quitter - + &Edit &Édition - + Edit Éditer - + Undo Annuler - + Redo Rétablir - + Comment Commentaire - + Comment Before Commenter avant - + Variation Variante - + Promote Promouvoir - + Promote Variation Promouvoir la variante - + Remove Supprimer - + Remove Variation Supprimer la variante - + &Remove &Supprimer - + Moves from the beginning Coups depuis le début - + Moves to the end Coups restants - + Setup &position... Définir une &position... - + Brush Pinceau - + Green Vert - + Yellow Jaune - + Red Rouge - + Erase Effacer - + View Vue - + Show target fields Voir les zones cibles - + Show threat Montrer les menaces - + Show covered squares from White Montrer les cases contrôlées par les Blancs - + Show covered squares from Black Montrer les cases contrôlées par les Noirs - + Show underprotected white pieces Montrer les pièces Blanches sous-protégées - + Show underprotected black pieces Montrer les pièces Noires sous-protégées - + Load recent Charger récent - + &Save... &Enregistrer... - + Save Enregistrer - + Edit tags... Données de jeu... - + Match Match - - Auto Respond - Réponse automatique - - - - - + + + Engine Match Match de moteurs - + Refactor Réorganiser - + + Uncomment Décommenter - + + + Remove Time + + + + + Remove Variations Supprimer les variantes - + Find tag... Rechercher un critère... - + Find position... Trouver la position... - + Filter duplicate games Filtrer les parties dupliquées - + Filter duplicate headers Filtrer les entêtes dupliquées - + Reset filter Réinitialiser le filtre - + Reverse filter Inverser le filtre - + + Refactor Database + + + + Clear clipboard Effacer le presse-papier - - + + Scratch Pad Mémoire tampon - + Load Sample Database Charger des données d'exemple - + Report a bug... Signaler un bug... - + Start loading database... Début du chargement de la base... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net Une nouvelle version est disponible sur chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Preferences... &Préférences... - + &View &Vue - + &Flip board &Retourner l'échiquier - + &Game &Partie - + &Load &Charger - + &Next &Suivante - + &Previous P&récédente - + &Go to game... &Aller à la partie n°… - + &Random A&léatoire - + &Go to Aller &vers - + &Start &Début - + &End &Fin - + &Next move Coup &suivant - + &Previous move Coup &précédent - + Game Time Cadence ? (dépend du contexte) Temps de la partie - + FICS Console Console FICS - + + Notation + + + + + Annotations + + + + Players Joueurs - + Events Évènements - + ECO ECO - + Databases Bases de données - + Analysis 1 Analyseur 1 - + Analysis 2 Analyseur 2 - + Search Depth: - + ECO Load Error. Erreur de chargement ECO. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. La base %1 n'est pas accessible pour le moment. - + Open FICS Ouvrir FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite Favori Web - + Open recent Ouvrir récent - + Save Database Enregistrer la base - + Export Image... Exporter en tant qu’image... - + Copy PGN Copier PGN - + Copy FEN Copier FEN - + Copy Position Copier Position - + Copy Image Copier image - + Toolbars Barres d’outils - + Stay on Top Rester au dessus - + Close current board Fermer l’échiquier en cours - + + Show variation arrows + + + + Game Partie - + Database Base de parties - + + Read moves ahead + + + + Training Entrainement - + + Train both sides + + + + Auto Player Joueur automatique - - + + Auto Analysis Analyse automatique - + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + Go to first move Aller au premier coup - + Go to last move Aller au dernier coup - + 5 moves &forward 5 coups en a&vant - + 5 moves &backward 5 coups en &arriere - + Enter Variation Entrer une variante ou Entrer dans la variante ? (dépend du contexte) Entrer variante - + Previous Variation Variante précédente - + Next Variation Variante suivante - + Back to main line Retour sur la ligne principale - + + + Prune null moves + + + + + Filter identical games + + + + + Edit tag + + + + + None + + + + + King + + + + + Queen + Dame + + + + Rook + Tour + + + + Bishop + Fou + + + + Knight + Cavalier + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + à + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + &New &Nouvelle - + Paste into new game Coller dans une nouvelle partie - + Paste Coller - + Fi&nd &Rechercher - + Search Chercher - &Reset filter - &Réinitialiser le filtre - - - &Reverse filter - &Inverser le filtre - - - + &Database &Base de parties - + &Switch to &Basculer vers - + &Copy games... &Copier les parties... - + &Help &Aide - + Help Aide - + Customize Keyboard... Définir des raccourcis clavier personnalisés... - + &About ChessX À &propos de ChessX - + Following databases are modified: Les bases de parties suivantes ont été modifiées : - + Save them? Enregistrer les changements ? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - - + + New database Nouvelle base de parties - + PGN database (*.pgn) Base de parties PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Impossible de créer une base de données ChessX. - - + + Open database Ouvrir une base de parties - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - Pas sûr si les 3 derniers formats sont des livres d’ouvertures ou des bases de parties - Bases de parties PGN (*.pgn);;Livre d’ouvertures Polyglot (*.bin);;Livre d’ouvertures Arena (*.abk);;Livre d’ouvertures Chessbase (*.ctg) - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) Base de parties PGN (*.pgn) - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>La base de données <i>%1</i> est en lecture seule et ne pas être enregistrée.</html> - + Saving %1... Enregistrement %1... - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - Base de données PGN (*.pgn);;Livres d'ouvertures (*.bin) - - - The current database is modified! - La base en cours a été modifiée! - - - + Save it? Enregistrer ? - + %1 saved %1 Enregistré - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + The selected database is modified! La base de parties sélectionnée a été modifiée ! - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Le texte du presse-papier n'est pas au format FEN :<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Pas de texte dans le presse-papier. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Le presse-papier contient une position FEN non réglementaire. Vous ne pouvez coller ce genre de position que dans la boîte de dialogue <b>Définir une position</b>. - - + + Set starting board Définir une position - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over Temps écoulé - + Red Square Case rouge - + Yellow Square Case jaune - + Green Square Case verte - + Remove Color Supprimer la couleur - + Red Arrow to here Flèche rouge ici - + Yellow Arrow to here Flèche jaune ici - + Green Arrow to here Flèche verte ici - + Remove Arrow to here Supprimer la flèche ici - + End of game Fin de la partie - + Main line Ligne principale - + Load Game Charger une partie - + Game number: Partie n° : - - - + + + This database is read only. Cette base de parties est en lecture seule. - + Merge selected games Fusionner les parties sélectionnées - - Automatic responses - Réponses automatiques - - - - Play both sides - Jouer les 2 camps + + Prune null moves from all games? + - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. On pourrait trouver mieux que « le panneau » Le panneau d'analyse 1 n'a pas de moteur d'analyse actif. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. On pourrait trouver mieux que « le panneau » Le panneau d'analyse 2 n'a pas de moteur d'analyse actif. - + Game is drawn by insufficient material La partie est nulle par insuffisence de matériel - + Game is drawn by repetition La partie est nulle par répétition - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule La partie est nulle (règle des 50 coups) - + Engine %1 Moteur %1 - + all ou tout (dépend du contexte) tous - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Ajouter partie %1 à %2. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. Ajouté %1 parties à %2 - + Error appending games to %1 Impossible d’ajouter des parties à %1 - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Ajouter des parties de %1 à %2. - + + System Clipboard + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + Searching... Recherche en cours… - + <b>New game</b> <b>Nouvelle partie</b> - + Infinite en boucle - + Build book le livre d’ouvertures ? Créer le livre - + Book built d’ouvertures ? Livre créé - + Could not build book Impossible de créer le livre d’ouvertures - + Polyglot Error Erreur de Polyglot - + Book build finished with Error d’ouvertures ? Une erreur est survenue lors de la création du livre - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Vous avez besoin au moins d’ouvrir deux bases de données pour copier des parties + Vous avez besoin au moins d’ouvrir deux bases de données pour copier des parties - + End of line Fin de la ligne - + Line Ligne - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 parties) + + Delete all comments from all games? + - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - - Search ended - Recherche terminée + + Delete all variations from all games? + - Updating tree... - Mise à jour de l'arbre... + + Game play + - - - MatchParameterDlg + + + White wins + Les blancs gagnent + + + + Black wins + Les noirs gagnent + + + + Draw + Nulle + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 parties) + + + %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX + + + + Search ended + Recherche terminée + + + + MatchParameterDlg Match Parameters @@ -3059,8 +3282,7 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? MoveData - - + [end] [fin] @@ -3068,594 +3290,632 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? NagSet - + Good Move Bon coup - + Poor Move Coup faible - + Very good Move Très bon coup - + Blunder Gaffe - + Speculative Move Hasardeux ? Coup spéculatif - + Dubious Move Coup douteux - - + + Only Move Seul coup - + Worst Move Plus mauvais coup - - - + + + Equal Egal - + Unclear Pas clair - + White has slight advantage Les blancs ont un léger avantage - + Black has slight advantage Les noirs ont un léger avantage - + White has moderate advantage Les blancs on un avantage modéré - + Black has moderate advantage Les noirs ont un avantage modéré - + White has decisive advantage Les blancs ont un avantage décisif - + Black has decisive advantage Les noirs ont un avantage décisif - + White has crushing advantage Les blancs ont un avantage écrasant - + Black has crushing advantage Les noirs ont un avantage écrasant - - + + Zugzwang Zugzwang - - + + With slight space advantage Avec un léger avantage d'espace - - + + With moderate space advantage Avec un avantage d'espace modéré - - + + With decisive space advantage Avec un avantage d'espace décisif - - + + With slight development advantage Avec un léger avantage de développement - - + + With moderate development advantage Avec un avantage de développement modéré - - + + With decisive development advantage Avec un avantage décisif de développement - - + + With initiative Avec l'initiative - - + + With lasting initiative Avec Initiave durable - - + + With attack Avec l'attaque - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit Avec compensation insuffisante pour le déficit matériel - - + + With compensation Avec compensation - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit Avec plus qu'une compensation suffisante pour le déficit matériel - - + + With slight center control advantage Avec léger avantage au centre - - + + With moderate center control advantage Avec un contrôle modéré du centre - - + + With decisive center control advantage Avec un contrôle décisif du centre - - + + With slight kingside control advantage Avec un léger contrôle de l'aile roi - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage Avec un contrôle modéré de l'aile roi - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage Avec un contrôle décisif de l'aile roi - - + + With slight queenside control advantage Avec un léger contrôle de l'aile dame - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage Avec un contrôle modéré de l'aile dame - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage Avec un contrôle décisif de l'aile dame - - + + With vulnerable first rank Avec faiblesse de la 1ère rangée - - + + With well protected first rank Avec une 1ère rangée bien protégée - - + + With poorly protected king Avec un roi faiblement protégé - - + + With well protected king Avec un roi bien protégé - - + + With poorly placed king Avec un roi mal placé - - + + With well placed king Avec un roi bien placé - - + + With very weak pawn structure Avec une structure de pions très faible - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure Avec une structure de pions faible - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure Avec un structure de pions modérément forte - - + + With very strong pawn structure Avec une très solide structure de pions - - + + With poor knight placement Avec un faible placement du cavalier - - + + With good knight placement Avec un bon placement du cavalier - - + + With poor bishop placement Avec un faible placement du fou - - + + With good bishop placement Avec un bon placement du fou - - + + With poor rook placement Avec un faible placement de la tour - - + + With good rook placement Avec un bon placement de la tour - - + + With poor queen placement Avec un faible placement de la dame - - + + With good queen placement Avec un bon placement de la dame - - + + With poor piece coordination Avec une faible coordination des pièces - - + + With good piece coordination Avec une bonne coordination des pièces - + White played the opening very poorly Les blancs ont très mal joué l'ouverture - + Black played the opening very poorly Les noirs ont très mal joué l'ouverture - + White played the opening poorly Les blancs ont mal joué l'ouverture - + Black played the opening poorly Les noirs ont mal joué l'ouverture - + White played the opening well Les blancs ont bien joué l'ouverture - + Black played the opening well Les noirs ont bien joué l'ouverture - + White played the opening very well Les blancs ont très bien joué l'ouverture - + Black played the opening very well Les noirs ont très bien joué l'ouverture - + White played the middlegame very poorly Les blancs ont très mal joué le milieu de jeu - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Les nois ont très mal joué le milieu de jeu - + White played the middlegame poorly Les blancs ont mal joué le milieu de partie - + Black played the middlegame poorly Les noirs ont mal joué le milieu de partie - + White played the middlegame well Les blancs ont bien joué le milieu de partie - + Black played the middlegame well Les noirs ont bien joué le milieu de partie - + White played the middlegame very well Les blancs ont très bien joué le milieur de partie - + Black played the middlegame very well Les noirs ont très bien joué le milieur de partie - + White played the ending very poorly Les blancs ont très mal joué la finale - + Black played the ending very poorly Les noirs ont très mal joué la finale - + White played the ending poorly Les blancs ont mal joué la finale - + Black played the ending poorly Les noirs ont mal joué la finale - + White played the ending well Les blancs ont tbien joué la finale - + Black played the ending well Les noirs ont bien joué la finale - + White played the ending very well Les blancs ont très bien joué la finale - + Black played the ending very well Les noirs ont très bien joué la finale - - - + + + With counterplay Contre-jeu blanc - - + + Moderate time control pressure Contrôle de temps modéré - - + + Severe time control pressure Contrôle de temps sévère - + With the idea Avec l'idée - + Aimed against Dirigé contre - + Better was Meilleur était - + Worse was Pire était - + Equivalent was Equivalent était - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Point faible - + Endgame Finale - + Line Ligne - + Diagonal Diagonale - - + + Pair of bishops Paire de fous - + Bishops of opposite color Fous de couleur opposée - + Bishops of the same color Fous de la même couleur - + Diagram Diagramme + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Tournoi + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Coup - + Count Compte - + Score Score - + Rating Classement - + Year Année @@ -3668,59 +3928,56 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? Formulaire - Target - Objet + Objet - + Filter games Filtrer les parties - + Board Échiquier - Source - Source + Source - + Pin Clouage - + ... - - + + Database Base de parties - - + + Filter Filtre - Progress - Progression + Progression - + Undo Annuler - + (Book) (Livre) @@ -3729,102 +3986,108 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Notation en style Colonne - + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Show symbolic Nags Montrer les Nags - - + + Text width Largeur du texte - - + + Indent variations from Level Pas certain. Indenter variantes depuis niveau - - + + Variation Indentation Indentation variante - + Comment indentation Indentation Commentaire - - + + Main Line Color Couleur de la ligne principale - - + + Variation Color Couleur de la variante - - + + Comment Color Couleur du commentaire - - + + NAG Color Couleur NAG - - + + Header Color Couleur entête - - + + Show Header Montrer entête - - + + Show Diagrams Montrer les diagrammes - - + + Diagram Size Taille du diagramme - - + + Font for text Police pour le texte - - + + Font for moves Police pour les coups - + Comment Indentation Indentation Commentaire @@ -3832,48 +4095,48 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> <i>Pas de parties</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Total : %1<br>Blancs : %2<br>Noirs : %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Parties dans la base <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Classement : <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Classement : <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Date : <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Date : <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings Ouvertures blancs - + Black Openings Ouvertures noirs @@ -3881,8 +4144,8 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Aucun joueur sélectionné.</i></html> @@ -3895,76 +4158,73 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? Préférences - + Database Base de parties - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Classification automatique avec les codes ECO - + Build index file Construire le fichier d'index - + Commit Database after saving Game Écrire la base après sauvegarde de la partie - + Number of recent files: Nombre de fichiers récents : - + Default Database Path: Chemin par defaut de la base : - + Default path for storing files Chemin par defaut de stockage des fichiers - + Appearance Apparence - + + Game Text Texte de la partie - + Colored copies Copies couleur - Show threat - Montrer les menaces - - - + No hints in training mode Entrainement sans aide - + Copy Images Copier images - + Fixed Size Taille fixe - + Always Scale @@ -3974,638 +4234,810 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? Échiquier - + Turn board for player: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + Colorier la case + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + Show Diagrams Montrer Diagrammes - + Column Style Style Colonne - + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + Keep variations inline from level Limiter les variantes au niveau - + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + Diagram Size Taille du diagramme - + Pieces Pièces - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. Que peut vouloir dire l'expression "mind the initial space" ??? Mettre les initiales des pièces ici, garder l'espace initial. - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! KQRBN - Garder l'espace initial! - + Colors: Couleurs: - - Auto Analysis backwards - Analyse automatique en arrière - - - + Automatic Promotion Promption automatique - + Always queen a pawn Toujours damer un pion - + Engines - + Send History - + Log Log - + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + Web Favorite Favori web - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number URL, utiliser $1 comme numéro d'auto-increment - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number Utiliser $1 pour l'auto-increment - + + Append to file + + + + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + + Show background image + + + + Dark Theme - + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + Additional PGN tags Tags PGN supplémentaires - + Additional tags, separate with blanks Tags supplémentaires, séparés par des espaces - + + FICS + + + + Log in as guest Se connecter en tant qu'invité - + + + Password Mot de passe - + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + Portable Preferences - + Save to application folder - + Try to use Timeseal Essayer d'utiliser Timeseal - + Show command line - + App App - + Internet Internet - + Nalimov-6 - + Syzygy-7 - + Language Langue - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Changer la langue nécessite de relancer l'application! - + Load language file from Server: Télécharger la traduction: - + Load! Télécharger! - + Sound Son - - Indicate opponent's move - Indiquer le coup adverse - - - + Use vertical Tabs Utiliser tabulations verticales - + Highlight current move: Surbrillance du dernier coup: - + + + Login Identifiant - + External Tools Programme externe - + Parameters Paramètres - + Path Chemin - + Path and filename of external program Chemin d'un programme externe - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Paramètres de ligne de commande - &Board - &Echiquier - - - + &Chess set: &Pièces : - plain - pas certain. - Simple - - - outline - Bordure - - - outline+shadow - Bordure + ombre - - - + &Draw frame between squares &Bordure entre les cases - - &Guess move on left-click - &Anticipation du coup au clic gauche - - - + Board &style: &Style du Plateau : - + &Colors: &Couleurs : - &Engines - &Moteurs - - - + Fonts for notation Police pur le texte de la partie - + Texts Textes - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Name: Nom : - + Command: Commande: - + Options: Options: - + Mouse Behaviour Comportement souris - - Next guess on right click - Coup suggéré sur click droit - - - + Wheel sensitivity Sensibilité de la roulette - + Fast Rapide - + Slow Lent - + Arrow Flèche - + Draw Coordinates Dessiner Coordonnées - + Game Partie - - Autoplayer - Joueur auto - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Sauver automatiquement partie et continuer suivant - + Path to executable Chemin vers l'executable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Chemin lorsque le moteur est démarré - Place des books - + Directory: Dossier : - + Protocol: Protocole : - + Command Line Options Options ligne de commande - + Options Options - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Nom arbitraire pour identifier le moteur - + Down Vers le bas - + Remove Supprimer - + Add... Ajouter... - + Up Vers le haut - + Moves Coups - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Police avec des Caractères unicode d'échecs - - + + Font Size Taille police - + Application Application - + Show move indicator - + Automatic Automatique - + + Always Toujours - - + + + Never Jamais - + Icons visible in menus Icônes visibles dans les menus - + Use online tablebase servers Utiliser table de finale en ligne - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Vérifier les mise-à-jour au démarrage - + Localization Localisation - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Modifier fichiers PGN inférieurs à : - + MB Mo - + XBoard Xboard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. Une vérification de version en ligne est nécéessaire pour la MAJ des traductions. - + Select databases folder Choisir le dossier des bases - + New Engine Nouveau moteur - + Could not load server language file dictionary Ne peut charger le dictionnaire de langue du serveur - + Could not load or install language pack Ne peut charger ou installer le pack de langue - + No further translations online available! Aucune autre traduction disponible en ligne! - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! Fichier de traduction chargé - Selectionez la langue ajoutée au dessus! - + Select external executable Choisir l'exécutable externe - + Clear all application settings? Effacer tous les réglagles de l'application? - + Warning Attention - + Light squares Cases claires - + Dark squares Cases foncées - + Highlighted squares Cases en surbrillance - - + + Frame Bordure - + Main Line Ligne principale - + Variations Variantes - + Comments Commentaires - + NAGs NAGs - + Select engine directory Choisir le dossier du moteur - + Select engine executable Choisir l'exécutable du moteur - + Current move Coup actuel - + Stored move Coup gardé - + + Variation move + + + + Threat Menace - + Targets Cibles - + Check Echec - + Wall - + Underprotected - + + Engine Move + + + + + New database + Nouvelle base de parties + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Base de parties PGN (*.pgn) + + + [plain colors] [couleurs simples] @@ -4729,7 +5161,7 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? Base de parties entière - + This is no valid email address. Adresse mail invalide. @@ -4907,27 +5339,27 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? TableView - + Hide Column Cacher la colonne - + Resize visible Columns Redimensionner les colonnes visibles - + Show all Columns Montrer toutes les colonnes - + Copy as HTML Copier comme HTML - + Copy as Image Comme comme image @@ -4935,22 +5367,37 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Filtre : - - Selected Item - Item sélectionné + + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Filtrer - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Renommer @@ -4989,191 +5436,254 @@ Dois-je télécharger une base ? Entrer la valeur... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions Actions sur les fichiers - + File Fichier - + New Nouveau - + Open... Ouvrir… - + Save Enregistrer - + Save As... Enregistrer sous... - + Print... Imprimer... - + Print Preview... Aperçu avant impression... - + Export PDF... Exporter en PDF… - + Edit Actions Actions Éditer - + Edit Éditer - + Undo Annuler - + Redo Rétablir - + Cut Couper - + Copy Copier - + Paste Coller - + Pick board Sélectionner l’échiquier - + Format Actions Actions Format - + Format Format - + Bold Gras - + Italic Italique - + Underline Souligné - + Resize Redimensionner - - + + Left Gauche - - + + Center Centre - - + + Right Droite - + Justify Justifier - + Color... Couleur… - + Style Actions Actions Style - + Application Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? La mémoire tampon a été modifiée. VOulez-vous sauvegarder les changements ? - + %1[*] %1[*] - + Open File... Ouvrir fichier… - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) ODF (*.odt);;HTML(*.htm *.html);;Tous fichiers(*) - + Save as... Enregistrer sous… - + Print Document Imprimer le document diff --git a/i18n/chessx_it.ts b/i18n/chessx_it.ts index 6bdc6ef9d..1a522b74a 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_it.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_it.ts @@ -9,95 +9,93 @@ Informazioni su ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - Translated as "free as in beer". - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Database Scacchistico Gratuito - - - + Version Versione - + Copyright Copyright - + License Licenza - + Maintainer Sviluppatore - - Further Maintainers - Ulteriori sviluppatori - - - - Testing - Controllo + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Programmatori - + Further Code Ulteriore programmazione - + Translations Traduttori - + Path Information Informazioni sul percorso - + Path for temporary files Percorso per file temporanei - + Program data path Percorso per i dati del programma - + Path to settings Percorso per i settaggi - + FICS database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact Contatto - + Homepage Pagina principale - + Mailing List Lista di discussione @@ -119,35 +117,31 @@ Database Scacchistico Gratuito Keyboard Shortcut Abbreviazione da tastiera - - ... - ... - Analysis - + Resigns - + Mate Matto - + Mate in %1 Matto in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (profondità %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (mossa suggerita) @@ -156,78 +150,108 @@ Database Scacchistico Gratuito AnalysisWidget - + Analyze Analizza - + Stop Stop - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Si è verificato un errore (%1) durante l'esecuzione del motore <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Patta - White wins in %n moves - + Il Bianco vince in %n mossa Il Bianco vince in %n mosse - Black wins in %n moves - + Il Nero vince in %n mossa Il Nero vince in %n mossa + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + - + White wins - + Black wins - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Analisi fermata alla mossa %1 - + Click to add move to game Clicca per aggiungere una mossa alla partita - + Tablebase Tablebase - + Complexity Complessità - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> <br><b>Macchinosità:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> @@ -251,10 +275,6 @@ Database Scacchistico Gratuito Pin engine to current position Ferma il motore alla posizione corrente - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -267,17 +287,22 @@ Database Scacchistico Gratuito - BitBoard + AnnotationWidget - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - w%1 -b%2 -%3 per muovere. + + Form + Da - + + Enter comments and annotations here. + + + + + BitBoard + + w%1 b%2 %3 to move @@ -286,12 +311,12 @@ b%2 %3 per muovere - + White Bianco - + Black Nero @@ -344,7 +369,7 @@ b%2 BoardSetupDialog - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -353,82 +378,82 @@ b%2 %1. - + No white king Re bianco assente - + No black king Re nero assente - + Both kings are in check Entrambi i re sono in scacco - + Side to move has opponent in check already Il colore che ha la mossa ha l'avversario già sotto scacco - + Black has too many pawns Il Nero ha troppi pedoni - + White has too many pawns Il Bianco ha troppi pedoni - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Ci sono pedoni sulla prima o ottava traversa - + Too many kings Troppi re - + Too many black pieces Troppi pezzi neri - + Too many white pieces Troppi pezzi bianchi - + Bad castling rights Diritti d'arrocco errati - + En passant square is not correct La casella per la cattura en passant non è corretta - + Unknown reason Motivo non noto - + Illegal position: %1 Posizione illegale: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Il testo negli appunti non rappresenta un FEN valid:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Non c'è testo nella clipboard. @@ -438,138 +463,126 @@ b%2 Setta la posizione - Board - Scacchiera - - - + Clear Svuota - + Side to move: Colore a cui tocca la mossa: - + Move: Mosse: - &Advanced - &Avanzate - - - + En passant file: Colonna per la presa en passant: - Castling rights - Diritti d'arrocco - - - + Tools Strumenti - + Flip board Inverti scacchiera - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Inverti sinistra e destra - + Mirror top and bottom Inverti alto e basso - + Change colors for all pieces Cambia i colori per tutti i pezzi - + Castling - + Black O-O Nero O-O - + White O-O-O Bianco O-O-O - + White O-O Bianco O-O - + Black O-O-O Nero O-O-O - + Advanced - + Halfmove clock: Indice delle semimosse: - + Chess 960 - + - - + Random Position - + FEN FEN - + Paste FEN Incolla FEN - + Copy FEN Copia FEN - + Copy Text Copia testo @@ -577,198 +590,192 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Non si trovano i dati relativi ai pezzi. + Non si trovano i dati relativi ai pezzi. Controllare l'installazione. - - Cannot find board data. -Please check your installation. + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation - - Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - - - Query the engine for the best reply + + Spray color annotations - - - BoardViewEx - - Form - Da - - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - Enter comments and annotations here. + + Query the engine for the best reply ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Aggiungi commento iniziale... - - + + Add game comment... Aggiungi commento alla partita... - + Comment... Commento... - + Add move symbol Aggiungi simbolo alla mossa - + Add evaluation symbol Aggiungi simbolo di valutazione - + Add other symbol Aggiungi altro simbolo - + Bishops Alfieri - + Remove symbols Elimina simbolo - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Enumera le Varianti A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Enumera le Varianti A) B) C) - + Promote to main line Promuovi a linea principale - + Move variation up Muovi in su la variante - + Move variation down Muovi in giù la variante - + Remove variation Elimina variante - + Remove previous moves Elimina le mosse precedenti - + Remove next moves Rimuovi le mosse successive - - + + Insert threat - + Copy Html I rather prefer "HTML" to Html Copia HTML - + Copy Text Copia testo - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Riaggiusta - + Uncomment Elimina commento - + Remove Variations Rimuovi varianti - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Appunti - - CommentDialog @@ -801,6 +808,11 @@ Please check your installation. H:mm:ss H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Valutazione + CopyDialog @@ -843,66 +855,67 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Database - + Activate Attiva - + Open Apri - + Close Chiudi - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - + Open at startup - + Set active at startup - Add to favorites - Aggiungi ai preferiti + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Rimuovi dai preferiti - + Show in Finder Mostra in ricerca - + Make a Polyglot book... Crea un libro Polyglot... @@ -910,54 +923,77 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Preferito - + Name Nome - + Size Dimensioni - - + + Open I am not sure if it is the opposite of Open or Opened... Apri - + Path Percorso - + Format Formato - + Date Data - + Read Accesso - + Closed Chiuso + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -1065,12 +1101,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Nessun codice ECO scelto.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nessun codice ECO scelto.</i></html> @@ -1109,12 +1145,12 @@ Please check your installation. - + Score Risultato - + Black Player Giocatore Nero @@ -1195,10 +1231,6 @@ Please check your installation. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Data: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1213,8 +1245,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nessun evento scelto.</i></html> @@ -1230,7 +1262,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Connesso a FICS come %1 utilizzando %2 @@ -1243,268 +1275,268 @@ Please check your installation. Da - + Messages Messaggi - + Say to opponent Dici all'avversario - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Bianco - + Black Nero - - - + + + History Cronologia - + Double click to examine game Doppio click per esaminare la partita - + Finger Finger - + Games Partite - - + + Double click to follow game Doppio click per seguire la partita - - + + Relay Trasmissione - - + + Puzzle The word in English is sufficiently well known and used in Italian. Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle Doppio click per avere un puzzle - + Rated only - + Human only - + Elo Elo - + Propose a game Proponi una partita - + Get Mate Ottieni Matto - + Get Study Ottieni Studio - + Get Tactics Ottieni Tattica - + Messages from Puzzlebot Hard to translate Puzzlebot with a single word. Messaggio dal programma bot del puzzle - + Players Giocatori - + Rating Punteggio - + User Utente - - + + Seeks This is not really clear without context. Cerca - + Time Control Controllo del tempo - + Lightning Lampo - + Blitz Same in Italian as in English. Blitz - + Standard Same in Italian as in English. Standard - + Minutes Minuti - + Increment Incremento - + rated con punteggio - + unrated senza punteggio - + Seek Cerca - + Don't care - + No play list I am not sure which play list it refers to. Nessuna lista di gioco - + Enter command here Inserisci comando qui - - + + Accept Accetta - + Draw Patta - + Decline Rifiuta - + Abort Annulla - + Resign Abbandona - + Rematch - + Hint Suggerimento - + Cancel Cancella - + Disconnect Disconnetti - + Disconnected Disconnesso - + Retrieving relayed games... Recupero partite trasmesse... - + Observe Osserva - + Examine Esamina @@ -1512,287 +1544,181 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr Nr - + White Bianco - + Black Nero - + White Elo Elo Bianco - + Black Elo Elo Nero - + Event Evento - + Site Luogo - + Round Turno - + Date Data - + Result Risultato - + ECO ECO - + Moves Mosse - - Game - - - - Add move - Aggiungi mossa - - - - Merge game - Unisci partita - - - - Replace move - Sostituisci mossa - - - Add Variation - Aggiungi variante - - - Promote Variation - Promuovi variante - - - - Copy game - - - - - Add line - - - - - - - Add variation - - - - - Promote variation - - - - - Remove variation - Elimina variante - - - - Truncate variation - Tronca variante - - - - Remove variations - Rimuovi varianti - - - - Remove comments - Rimuovi commento - - - - Set annotation - Immetti annotazione - - - - Colorize square - Colora casella - - - - Paint arrow - Paint in "paint arrow" and colorize in "colorize square" are translated with the same term - Colora freccia - - - - Add nag - Aggiungi NAG - - - - Set nags - Imposta NAG - - - - - Move variation - Variante di mossa - - - - Enumerate variations - Enumera le Varianti - - - - Set result - Imposta risultato - - - - Set variant - - - GameList - - + + Game list Elenco delle partite - + Find tag... Trova etichetta... - + Hide Column Nascondi colonna - + Resize visible Columns Ridimensiona le colonne visibili - + Show all Columns Mostra tutte le colonne - + Copy games... Copia partite... - + + Filter exact twins + + + + Filter twins - + Merge into current game Includi nella partita corrente - + All Games Tutte le partite - + Filter Filtro - + Selected games Partite selezionate - + Toggle deletions - + Undelete games - + Undelete game - + Delete game Elimina partita - + Delete games - + Hide game Nascondi partita - + Hide games - + Hide deleted games - + + Select All + + + + Reset filter - + Reverse filter @@ -1805,25 +1731,142 @@ Please check your installation. MainWindow - + + New Game + + + + Move Mossa - + Evaluation Valutazione - + Other Altro - HelpBrowserShell + GameX - + + Copy game + + + + + + Add move + Aggiungi mossa + + + + Merge game + Unisci partita + + + + Replace move + Sostituisci mossa + + + + Add line + + + + + + + Add variation + + + + + Promote variation + + + + + Remove variation + Elimina variante + + + + Truncate variation + Tronca variante + + + + Remove variations + Rimuovi varianti + + + + Remove null lines + + + + + Remove comments + Rimuovi commento + + + + Remove time comments + + + + + Set annotation + Immetti annotazione + + + + Colorize square + Colora casella + + + + Paint arrow + Colora freccia + + + + Add nag + Aggiungi NAG + + + + Set nags + Imposta NAG + + + + + Move variation + Variante di mossa + + + + Enumerate variations + Enumera le Varianti + + + + Set result + Imposta risultato + + + + HelpBrowserShell + + MainWindow MainWindow @@ -1881,1056 +1924,1224 @@ Devo caricare un database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Testo della partita - - - + Game List Elenco delle partite - + Opening Tree Albero delle aperture - + Loading ECO file... Caricamento del file ECO... - + ECO Loaded. ECO Caricato. - + Opening %1... Apertura di %1... - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). Non è possibile accedere al database%1 al momento (%2). - + Cannot open file Impossibile aprire il file - + %1 opened %1 aperto - + Export games Esporta partite - + PGN file (*.pgn) File PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Pagina HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) Documento LaTeX (*.tex) - + &File &File - + File File - + &New database... &Nuovo database... - + &Open... &Apri... - Open &recent... - Apri file &recente... - - - + Commit Database to disk Commit is not easy to translate... Metti il database su disco - + &Export... &Esporta... - + Current Game Copia partita - + &Games in filter &Partite presenti nel filtro - + &All games &Tutte le partite - + Export Image Esporta immagine - + Mail PGN... Translated as "Send PGN by mail". Invia PGN via mail... - + &Close &Chiudi - + &Quit &Esci - + &Edit &Modifica - + Edit Modifica - + Undo Annulla - + Redo Ripeti - + Comment Commento - + Comment Before Commento prima - + Variation Variante - + Promote Promuovi - + Promote Variation Promuovi variante - + Remove Elimina - + Remove Variation Rimuovi variante - + &Remove &Elimina - + Moves from the beginning Mosse dall'inizio - + Moves to the end Mosse fino alla fine - + Setup &position... Setta la &posizione... - + Paste into new game Incolla in nuova partita - + Paste Incolla - + Brush - + Green - + Yellow - + Red - + Erase - + View - + Show target fields - + Show threat - + Show covered squares from White - + Show covered squares from Black - + Show underprotected white pieces - + Show underprotected black pieces - + Load recent - + &Save... &Salva... - + Save Salva - + Edit tags... Modifica etichetta... - + Match Match - - Auto Respond - Auto-rispondi - - - - - + + + Engine Match - + Refactor This is difficult to translate Riaggiusta - + + Uncomment Elimina commento - + + + Remove Time + + + + + Remove Variations Rimuovi varianti - + Find tag... Trova etichetta... - + Find position... Trova posizione... - + Filter duplicate games - + Filter duplicate headers - + Reset filter - + Reverse filter - + + Refactor Database + + + + Clear clipboard Cancella appunti - - + + Scratch Pad - + Customize Keyboard... Personalizza tastiera... - + Load Sample Database Carica database campione - + Report a bug... Segnala un bug... - + Start loading database... Inizia a caricare il database... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net Una nuova versione è disponibile all'indirizzo chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Preferences... &Preferenze... - + &View &Visualizza - + &Flip board &Inverti scacchiera - + &Game &Partita - + &Load &Carica - + &Next &Successivo - + &Previous &Precedente - + &Go to game... &Vai a partita... - + &Random &Random - + &Go to &Vai a - + &Start &Inizio - + &End &Fine - + &Next move Mossa &successiva - + &Previous move Mossa &precedente - + Game Time Tempo della partita - + FICS Console Console FICS - + + Notation + + + + + Annotations + + + + Players Giocatori - + Events Eventi - + ECO ECO - + Databases Database - + Analysis 1 Analisi 1 - + Analysis 2 Analisi 2 - + Move Interval: Intervallo di mossa: - + Search Depth: - + ECO Load Error. Errore nel caricamento dell'ECO. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. Non è possibile accedere al database%1 al momento. - + Open in UTF8... Apri in UTF8... - + Open FICS Apri FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite - + Open recent - + Save Database Salva Database - + Export Image... Esporta immagine... - + Copy PGN Copia PGN - + Copy FEN Copia FEN - + Copy Position Copia posizione - + Copy Image Copia immagine - + Toolbars Strumenti - + Stay on Top Lascia in alto - + Close current board Chiudi la scacchiera corrente - + + Show variation arrows + + + + Game Partita - + Database Database - + + Read moves ahead + + + + Training Allenamento - + + Train both sides + + + + Auto Player Auto-gioco - - + + Auto Analysis Auto-analisi - + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + Go to first move Vai alla prima mossa - + Go to last move Vai all'ultima mossa - + 5 moves &forward &Avanti 5 mosse - + 5 moves &backward &Indietro 5 mosse - + Enter Variation Inserisci variante - + Previous Variation Variante precedente - + Next Variation Variante successiva - + Back to main line Torna alla linea principale - + + + Prune null moves + + + + + Filter identical games + + + + + Edit tag + + + + + None + + + + + King + + + + + Queen + Donna + + + + Rook + Torre + + + + Bishop + Alfiere + + + + Knight + Cavallo + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + a + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + &New &Nuovo - + Fi&nd &Trova - + Search Trova - &Reset filter - &Resetta il filtro - - - &Reverse filter - &Inverti il filtro - - - + &Database &Database - + &Switch to &Passa a - + &Copy games... &Copia partite... - + &Help &Aiuto - + Help Aiuto - + &About ChessX &Informazioni su ChessX - + Following databases are modified: I seguenti database sono modificati: - + Save them? Salvarli? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - - + + New database Nuovo database - + PGN database (*.pgn) Database PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Impossibile creare un database di ChessX. - - + + Open database Apri database - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) Database PGN (*.pgn) - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>Il database <i>%1</i>è di sola lettura e non può essere salvato.<html> - + Saving %1... Salvataggio %1... - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - Database PGN (*.pgn);;Libri Polyglot (*.bin) - - - The current database is modified! - Il database corrente è stato modificato! - - - + Save it? Salvare? - + %1 saved %1 salvato - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + The selected database is modified! - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Il testo negli appunti non rappresenta un FEN valido:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Nessun testo negli appunti. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. non sono sicuro della traduzione di "dialog" Gli appunti contengono un FEN, ma con posizione illegale. Puoi solo copiare questa posizione nella finestra <b>Setta posizione</b>. - - + + Set starting board Imposta la scacchiera di partenza - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Immagine (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over - + Red Square Casella rossa - + Yellow Square Casella gialla - + Green Square Casella verde - + Remove Color Rimuovi colore - + Red Arrow to here Freccia rossa verso qui - + Yellow Arrow to here Freccia gialla verso qui - + Green Arrow to here Freccia verde verso qui - + Remove Arrow to here Rimuovi la freccia verso qui - + End of game - + Main line - + Load Game Carica Partita - + Game number: Partita numero: - - - + + + This database is read only. Questo database è di sola lettura. - + Merge selected games Includi partite selezionate - - Automatic responses - - - - - Play both sides + + Prune null moves from all games? - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Il pannello di Analisi 1 non sta eseguendo un motore per l'analisi automatica. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Il pannello di Analisi 1 non sta eseguendo un motore per l'analisi automatica. {2 ?} - + + Game play + + + + Game is drawn by insufficient material - + Game is drawn by repetition - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule - + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Patta + + + Engine %1 Motore %1 - + all tutto - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Aggiungi partita %1 in coda a %2. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. Aggiunto in coda %1 partite a %2. - + Error appending games to %1 - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Aggiungi in coda le partite da %1 a %2. - + + System Clipboard + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + Searching... - + Infinite Infinito - + Build book - + Book built - + Could not build book Impossibile creare libro - + Polyglot Error Errore di Polyglot - + Book build finished with Error - + <b>New game</b> <b>Nuova partita</b> - + End of line - + Line Linea - + + Delete all comments from all games? + + + + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + + + + + Delete all variations from all games? + + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + You need at least two open databases to copy games - Occorrone almeno due database aperti per copiare partite + Occorrone almeno due database aperti per copiare partite - + %1. %2 (%3 games) %1. %2 (%3 partite) - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX - + Search ended Ricerca terminata - - Updating tree... - Aggiornamento albero... - MatchParameterDlg @@ -3058,8 +3269,7 @@ Devo caricare un database? MoveData - - + [end] [fine] @@ -3067,598 +3277,636 @@ Devo caricare un database? NagSet - + Good Move Mossa buona - + Poor Move Mossa infelice - + Very good Move Mossa molto buona - + Blunder Svista - + Speculative Move Mossa speculativa - + Dubious Move Mossa dubbia - - + + Only Move Mossa unica - + Worst Move Mossa peggiore - - - + + + Equal Pari - + Unclear Poco chiaro - + White has slight advantage Il Bianco ha un leggero vantaggio - + Black has slight advantage Il Nero ha un leggero vantaggio - + White has moderate advantage Il Bianco ha un vantaggio moderato - + Black has moderate advantage Il Nero ha un vantaggio moderato - + White has decisive advantage Il Bianco ha un vantaggio decisivo - + Black has decisive advantage Il Nero ha un vantaggio decisivo - + White has crushing advantage Il Bianco ha un vantaggio schiacciante - + Black has crushing advantage Il Nero ha un vantaggio schiacciante - - + + Zugzwang Same in Italian as in English. Zugzwang - - + + With slight space advantage Con leggero vantaggio di spazio - - + + With moderate space advantage Con moderato vantaggio di spazio - - + + With decisive space advantage Con decisivo vantaggio di spazio - - + + With slight development advantage Con leggero vantaggio di sviluppo - - + + With moderate development advantage Con moderato vantaggio di sviluppo - - + + With decisive development advantage Con decisivo vantaggio di sviluppo - - + + With initiative Con iniziativa - - + + With lasting initiative Con iniziativa durevole - - + + With attack Con attacco - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit Con insufficiente compenso per il deficit di materiale - - + + With compensation Con compenso - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit Con più che adeguato compenso per il deficit di materiale - - + + With slight center control advantage Con leggero vantaggio nel controllo del centro - - + + With moderate center control advantage Con moderato vantaggio nel controllo del centro - - + + With decisive center control advantage Con decisivo vantaggio nel controllo del centro - - + + With slight kingside control advantage Con leggero vantaggio nel controllo del lato di re - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage Con moderato vantaggio nel controllo del lato di re - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage Con decisivo vantaggio nel controllo del lato di re - - + + With slight queenside control advantage Con leggero vantaggio nel controllo del lato di donna - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage Con moderato vantaggio nel controllo del lato di donna - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage Con decisivo vantaggio nel controllo del lato di donna - - + + With vulnerable first rank Con vulnerabilità della prima traversa - - + + With well protected first rank Con buona protezione della prima traversa - - + + With poorly protected king Con infelice protezione del re - - + + With well protected king Con buona protezione del re - - + + With poorly placed king Con infelice posizionamento del re - - + + With well placed king Con buon posizionamento del re - - + + With very weak pawn structure Con stuttura pedonale molto debole - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure Con struttura pedonale moderatamente debole - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure Con struttura pedonale moderatamente forte - - + + With very strong pawn structure Con struttura pedonale molto forte - - + + With poor knight placement Con infelice posizionamento del cavallo - - + + With good knight placement Probably in English is "good placement of knight(s)", translated in Italian with singular ("of knight") only. Con buon posizionamento del cavallo - - + + With poor bishop placement Con infelice posizionamento dell'alfiere - - + + With good bishop placement Probably in English is "good placement of bishop(s)", translated in Italian with singular ("of bishop") only. Con buon posizionamento dell'alfiere - - + + With poor rook placement Con infelice posizionamento della torre - - + + With good rook placement Probably in English is "good placement of rook(s)", translated in Italian with singular ("of rook") only. Con buon posizionamento della torre - - + + With poor queen placement Con infelice posizionamento della donna - - + + With good queen placement Con buon posizionamento della regina - - + + With poor piece coordination Con infelice coordinazione dei pezzi - - + + With good piece coordination Con buona coordinazione dei pezzi - + White played the opening very poorly Il Bianco ha giocato l'apertura in modo molto infelice - + Black played the opening very poorly Il Nero ha giocato l'apertura in modo molto infelice - + White played the opening poorly Il Bianco ha giocato l'apertura in modo infelice - + Black played the opening poorly Il Nero ha giocato l'apertura in modo infelice - + White played the opening well Il Bianco ha giocato l'apertura bene - + Black played the opening well Il Nero ha giocato l'apertura bene - + White played the opening very well Il Bianco ha giocato l'apertura molto bene - + Black played the opening very well Il Nero ha giocato l'apertura molto bene - + White played the middlegame very poorly Il Bianco ha giocato il mediogioco in modo molto infelice - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Il Nero ha giocato il mediogioco in modo molto infelice - + White played the middlegame poorly Il Bianco ha giocato il mediogioco in modo infelice - + Black played the middlegame poorly Il Nero ha giocato il mediogioco in modo infelice - + White played the middlegame well Il Bianco ha giocato il mediogioco bene - + Black played the middlegame well Il Nero ha giocato il mediogioco bene - + White played the middlegame very well Il Bianco ha giocato il mediogioco molto bene - + Black played the middlegame very well Il Nero ha giocato il mediogioco molto bene - + White played the ending very poorly Il Bianco ha giocato il finale in modo molto infelice - + Black played the ending very poorly Il Nero ha giocato il finale in modo molto infelice - + White played the ending poorly Il Bianco ha giocato il finale in modo infelice - + Black played the ending poorly Il Nero ha giocato il finale in modo infelice - + White played the ending well Il Bianco ha giocato il finale bene - + Black played the ending well Il Nero ha giocato il finale bene - + White played the ending very well Il Bianco ha giocato il finale molto bene - + Black played the ending very well Il Nero ha giocato il finale molto bene - - - + + + With counterplay Con controgioco - - + + Moderate time control pressure Moderata pressione dovuta al controllo del tempo - - + + Severe time control pressure Grave pressione dovuta al controllo del tempo - + With the idea Con l'idea - + Aimed against Non-literal translation. Per contrastare - + Better was Era migliore - + Worse was Era peggiore - + Equivalent was Equivalente era - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Punto debole - + Endgame Finale - + Line Linea - + Diagonal Diagonale - - + + Pair of bishops Coppia degli alfieri - + Bishops of opposite color Alfieri di colore opposto - + Bishops of the same color Alfieri dello stesso colore - + Diagram Diagramma + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Torneo + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Mossa - + Count Conteggio - + Score Risultato - + Rating Punteggio - + Year Anno @@ -3672,59 +3920,56 @@ Devo caricare un database? Da - Target - Destinazione + Destinazione - + Filter games Filtro partite - + Board Scacchiera - Source - Sorgente + Sorgente - + Pin Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database Database - - + + Filter Filtro - Progress - Progresso + Progresso - + Undo Annulla - + (Book) (Libro) @@ -3733,102 +3978,108 @@ Devo caricare un database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Notazione nello stile della colonna - - + + Show symbolic Nags Should not it be NAG instead of Nag? Mostra NAG simbolici - - + + Text width Larghezza del testo - - + + Indent variations from Level Indenta le varianti dal livello - - + + Variation Indentation - + Comment indentation Indentazione del commento - - + + NAG Color Colore del NAG - - + + Main Line Color Colore della linea principale - - + + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Variation Color Colore per la variante - - + + Comment Color Colore del commento - - + + Header Color Colore dell'intestazione - - + + Show Header Mostra intestazione - - + + Show Diagrams Mostra diagrammi - - + + Diagram Size Dimensioni del diagramma - - + + Font for text Carattere per il testo - - + + Font for moves Carattere per le mosse - + Comment Indentation Indentazione del commento @@ -3836,48 +4087,48 @@ Devo caricare un database? PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> <i>nessuna partita</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Totale: %1<br>Bianco: %2<br>Nero: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Partite nel database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Punteggio: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Punteggio: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings Aperture del Bianco - + Black Openings Aperture del Nero @@ -3885,8 +4136,8 @@ Devo caricare un database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nessun giocatore scelto.</i></html> @@ -3894,149 +4145,169 @@ Devo caricare un database? PreferencesDialog - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. Per aggiornare le traduzioni occorre abilitare il controllo di versione online. - + Select external executable Seleziona eseguibile esterno - + Select databases folder Seleziona cartella per i database - + New Engine Nuovo motore - + Could not load server language file dictionary "server" has not been translated. Impossibile caricare il dizionario del file di linguaggio - + Could not load or install language pack Impossibile caricare o installare il pacchetto di linguaggio - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! File di traduzione caricato - selezionare il linguaggio aggiunto sopra! - + No further translations online available! Nessuna ulteriore traduzione online disponibile! - + Clear all application settings? Azzera tutti i settaggi per l'applicazione? - + Warning Avvertenza - + Light squares Caselle bianche - + Dark squares Caselle nere - + Highlighted squares Caselle evidenziate - - + + New database + Nuovo database + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Database PGN (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Cornice - + Main Line Linea principale - + Variations Varianti - + Comments Commenti - + NAGs NAGs - + Select engine directory Seleziona cartella per il motore d'analisi - + Select engine executable Seleziona l'eseguibile per il motore d'analisi - + Current move Mossa corrente - + Stored move Mossa conservata - + + Variation move + + + + Threat - + Targets - + Check - + Wall - + Underprotected - + + Engine Move + + + + [plain colors] puri? [colori puri] @@ -4047,73 +4318,74 @@ Devo caricare un database? Preferenze - + Database Database - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Classificazione automatica con codici ECO - + Build index file Costruisci il file di indice - + Commit Database after saving Game Commit is not easy to translate... Metti il database su disco dopo aver salvato la partita - + Number of recent files: Numero di file recenti: - + Default Database Path: Percorso di default per database: - + Default path for storing files Percorso di default per conservare i file - + Appearance Aspetto - + + Game Text Testo della partita - + Colored copies - + No hints in training mode - + Copy Images - + Fixed Size - + Always Scale @@ -4123,496 +4395,647 @@ Devo caricare un database? Scacchiera - + Turn board for player: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + Colora casella + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + Show Diagrams Mostra diagrammi - + Column Style Stile della colonna - + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + Keep variations inline from level Conserva l'indentazione delle varianti dal livello - + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + Diagram Size Dimensioni del diagramma - + Pieces Pezzi - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. Metti qui le iniziali per i pezzi, attenzione allo spazio iniziale. - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! .RDTAC - Attenzione allo spazio iniziale! - + Colors: Colori: - - Auto Analysis backwards - Auto-analisi alla rovescia - - - + Automatic Promotion Promozione automatica - + Always queen a pawn Promuovi sempre un pedone a donna - + Engines - + Send History - + Log - + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + Web Favorite - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + + Append to file + + + + Fonts for notation Caratteri per notazione - + Texts Testi - + Moves Mosse - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Caratteri con simboli scacchistici (Unicode) - - + + Font Size Dimensioni del carattere - + Application Applicazione - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + + FICS + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + Portable Preferences - + Save to application folder - + Show move indicator Mostra indicatore di mossa - + Automatic Automatico - + + Always Sempre - + Sound Suono - - Indicate opponent's move - Indica mossa dell'avversario - - - - + + + Never Mai - + Icons visible in menus Incone visibile nei menu - + App App - + Internet Internet - + Language Linguaggio - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Modificare il linguaggio richiede il riavvio dell'applicazione! - + Use vertical Tabs Usa tabulazioni verticali - + Highlight current move: Evidenzia la mossa corrente: - + Additional PGN tags - + Additional tags, separate with blanks - + Log in as guest Guest is ok in Italian. Accedi come guest - + + + Login Login - + Try to use Timeseal Teamseal was not translated. Prova a usare Timeseal - + Dark Theme - + Show command line - + Nalimov-6 - + Syzygy-7 - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Controlla aggiornamenti (all'avvio) e pacchetti di linguaggio - + Localization Localizzazione - + Load language file from Server: Carica file di linguaggio dal server: - + Load! Carica! - + External Tools Strumenti esterni - + Parameters Parametri - + Path Percorso - + Path and filename of external program Percorso e nome file del programma esterno - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Linea di comando, anche $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - &Board - &Scacchiera - - - + &Chess set: &Pezzi: - plain - non sono sicuro proprio per niente! - puro - - - outline - non sono sicuro - bordo - - - outline+shadow - bordo+ombra - - - + &Draw frame between squares &Traccia cornice tra le caselle - - &Guess move on left-click - &Indovina la mossa al click del tasto sinistro - - - + Board &style: &Stile della scacchiera: - + &Colors: &Colori: - &Engines - &Motori d'analisi - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Name: Nome: - + Command: Comando: - + Options: Opzioni: - + Mouse Behaviour Comportamento del mouse - - Next guess on right click - Indovina successiva al click del tasto destro - - - + Wheel sensitivity Sensibilità della rotella - + Fast Veloce - + Slow Lento - + Arrow Freccia - + Draw Coordinates Segna le coordinate - + Game Partita - - Autoplayer - Auto-gioco - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Salva automaticamente la partita e continua con la successiva - + Path to executable Percorso per l'eseguibile - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Percorso dove il motore inizia - di solito posizione dei libri - + Directory: Directory: - + Protocol: Protocollo: - + Command Line Options Opzioni della linea di comando - + Options Opzioni - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Why is there a space at the end of the string? Nome arbitrario per identificare il motore - + Down Abbassa - + Remove Elimina - + Add... Aggiungi... - + Up alza e abbassa... non so se va bene Alza - + + + Password Parola d'accesso - + Use online tablebase servers Usa server per le tablebase online - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Modifica file PGN più piccoli di: - + MB MB @@ -4738,7 +5161,7 @@ Devo caricare un database? - + This is no valid email address. Questo non è un indirizzo mail valido. @@ -4918,27 +5341,27 @@ Devo caricare un database? TableView - + Hide Column Nascondi colonna - + Resize visible Columns Ridimensiona le colonne visibili - + Show all Columns Mostra tutte le colonne - + Copy as HTML - + Copy as Image @@ -4946,23 +5369,37 @@ Devo caricare un database? TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Filtro: - - Selected Item - Not sure if "oggetto" is the right translation for "item" here. - Oggetto selezionato + + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Filtro - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Rinomina @@ -5001,190 +5438,253 @@ Devo caricare un database? Inserisci valore... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File File - + New - + Open... - + Save Salva - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit Modifica - + Undo Annulla - + Redo Ripeti - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste Incolla - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format Formato - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application Applicazione - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document diff --git a/i18n/chessx_nl.ts b/i18n/chessx_nl.ts index e3845457c..8cc460963 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_nl.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_nl.ts @@ -9,93 +9,93 @@ Over ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - - - - + Further Code - + Translations - + License - - Version - - - - - Maintainer + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database - - Copyright + + Version - - Further Maintainers + + Maintainer - - Testing + + Copyright - + Coders - + Path Information - + Path for temporary files - + Program data path - + Path to settings - + FICS database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact - + Homepage - + Mailing List @@ -121,27 +121,27 @@ Free Chess Database Analysis - + Resigns - + Mate - + Mate in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) - + (suggested move) @@ -168,10 +168,6 @@ Free Chess Database Pin engine to current position - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -184,100 +180,141 @@ Free Chess Database - + Analyze Analyseer - + Stop Stop - Error - Fout - - - There was an error running engine <b>%1</b>. - Er treedt een fout op tijdens gebruik van de engine. - - - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Remise - White wins in %n moves - + Wit wint in %n zetten - Black wins in %n moves - + Zwart wint in %n zetten + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + - + Analysis pinned to move %1 - + Click to add move to game - + Tablebase - + Complexity - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> + + + AnnotationWidget + + + Form + + - <b>Tablebase:</b> - <b>Tablebase:</b> + + Enter comments and annotations here. + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 -%3 to move. +%3 to move - + White Wit - + Black Zwart @@ -290,14 +327,14 @@ b%2 - - + + Previous - - + + Next @@ -335,190 +372,131 @@ b%2 Zet stelling op - Board - Bord - - - + Clear Wis - &Reset - &Reset - - - + Side to move: Kant aan zet: - + Move: Zet: - &Advanced - &Geavanceerd - - - + En passant file: En passant rij: - Castling rights - Rechten om te rokeren - - - + Black O-O Zwart O-O - + White O-O-O Wit O-O - + White O-O Wit O-O - + Tools - + Flip board - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right - + Mirror top and bottom - + Change colors for all pieces - + Castling - + Black O-O-O Zwart O-O-O - + Advanced - + + Chess 960 - + - - - + Random Position - + FEN - a - a - - - b - b - - - c - c - - - d - d - - - e - e - - - f - f - - - g - g - - - h - h - - - + Halfmove clock: Halve zet klok: - + Paste FEN Plak FEN - + Copy FEN Copieer FEN - &Ok - &Ok - - - &Cancel - &Annuleer - - - Invalid position - Ongeldige stelling - - - + Copy Text - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -527,86 +505,82 @@ b%2 %1 - + No white king Witte koning ontbreekt - + No black king Zwarte koning ontbreekt - + Both kings are in check Beide koningen staan schaak - + Side to move has opponent in check already Degene aan zet heeft al een tegenstander die schaak staat - + Black has too many pawns Zwart heeft teveel pionnen - + White has too many pawns Wit heeft teveel pionnen - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Er staan pionnen op de eerste of achtste rij - + Too many kings Teveel koningen - + Too many black pieces Teveel zwarte stukken - + Too many white pieces Teveel witte stukken - + Bad castling rights Ongeldige rokkade - + En passant square is not correct Veld voor en passant is ongeldig - + Unknown reason Onbekende reden - FEN: %1 - FEN: %1 - - - + Illegal position: %1 Illegale stelling: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Tekst in klembord bevat ongeldige FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Er is geen tekst in het klembord @@ -614,41 +588,67 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Error - Fout - - - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Kan geen gegevens vinden van de stukken + Kan geen gegevens vinden van de stukken Controleer uw installatie alstublieft + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + + BoardView - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target + + + + + Query the engine for the best reply + + + + + Draw a square or arrow annotation @@ -656,131 +656,120 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Voeg startcommentaar toe - Add comment... - Voeg commentaat toe... - - - - + + Add game comment... - + Comment... - + Add move symbol Voeg zet commentaar - + Add evaluation symbol Voeg evaluatieteken toe - + Add other symbol Voeg een ander teken toe - + Bishops - + Remove symbols Verwijder tekens - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Promoveer tot hoofdvariant - + Move variation up - + Move variation down - + Remove variation Verwijder variant - + Remove previous moves Verwijder vorige zetten - + Remove next moves Verwijder volgende zetten - - + + Insert threat - + Copy Html - + Copy Text - - Refactor + + Copy selected Text - - Uncomment + + Refactor - - Remove Variations + + Uncomment - Small font - Klein lettertype - - - - ClipboardDatabase - - - Clipboard + + Remove Variations @@ -816,6 +805,11 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + + CopyDialog @@ -858,106 +852,144 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft DatabaseList - + Databases - + Activate - + Open - + Close - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - + + Open at startup + + + + + Set active at startup + + + + Remove from Favorites - + Show in Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... + + + Set dirty + + DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite - + Name - + Size - - + + Open - + Path - + Format - + Date Datum - + Read - + Closed + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -976,47 +1008,87 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft - + Max Ply - + Min Game - + + Repertoire for + + + + + Both sides + + + + + White + Wit + + + + Black + Zwart + + + + Filter out games + + + + + Use them all + + + + + White victories + + + + + Black victories + + + + Uniform Probabilities - + Output Path - + Enter the complete target path - + ... ... - + Clipboard - + New book - + Polyglot Book (*.bin) @@ -1024,12 +1096,12 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> @@ -1042,38 +1114,38 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2 - + Rating: <b>%1</b> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b> - + White Player - - + + Score - + Black Player @@ -1125,42 +1197,42 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft EventInfo - + <i>no games</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2<br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> + + Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> - + <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> @@ -1168,8 +1240,8 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> @@ -1185,7 +1257,7 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 @@ -1198,252 +1270,262 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft - + Messages - + Say to opponent - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Wit - + Black Zwart - - - + + + History Geschiedenis - + Double click to examine game - + Finger - + Games - - + + Double click to follow game - - + + Relay - - + + Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle - + Messages from Puzzlebot - + Players Spelers - + Rating - + User - - + + Seeks - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Rated only - + Human only - + Time Control - + Minutes - + Increment - + Elo - + Propose a game - + rated - + unrated - + Seek - + + Don't care + + + + No play list - + Enter command here - + Get Mate - + Get Study - + Get Tactics - - + + Accept - + Draw Remise - + Decline - + Abort - + Resign - + + Rematch + + + + Hint - + Cancel - + Disconnect - + Disconnected - + Retrieving relayed games... - + Observe - + Examine @@ -1451,357 +1533,346 @@ Controleer uw installatie alstublieft FilterModel - + Nr - + White Wit - + White Elo Elo wit - + Black Zwart - + Black Elo Elo zwart - + Event Evenement - + Site Plaats - + Round Ronde - + Date Datum - + Result Resultaat - + ECO ECO - + Moves - Game + GameList - - Copy game - + + + Game list + Lijst met partijen - - - Add move + + Find tag... - - Merge game + + Hide Column - - Replace move + + Resize visible Columns - - - - Add variation + + Show all Columns - - Promote variation + + Copy games... - - Remove variation - Verwijder variant + + Filter exact twins + - - Truncate variation + + Filter twins - - Remove variations - - - - - Remove comments - - - - - Set annotation - - - - - Colorize square + + Merge into current game - - Paint arrow + + All Games - - Add nag + + Filter - - Set nags + + Selected games - - - Move variation + + Toggle deletions - - Enumerate variations + + Undelete games - - Set result + + Undelete game - - Set variant + + Delete game - - - GameList - - - - Game list - Lijst met partijen - - - Find tag... + + Delete games - - Hide Column + + Hide game - - Resize visible Columns + + Hide games - - Show all Columns + + Hide deleted games - - Copy games... + + Select All - - Filter twins + + Reset filter - - Merge into current game + + Reverse filter + + + GameWindow - - All Games + + MainWindow - - Filter + + New Game - - Selected games + + Move - - Delete game + + Evaluation - - Hide game + + Other - GameWindow + GameX - - MainWindow + + Copy game - - Move + + + Add move - - Evaluation + + Merge game - - Other + + Replace move - - - HelpBrowserShell - - MainWindow + + Add line - - - HelpWindow - - ChessX - help viewer - ChessX - hulp raadplegen - - &Open ... - &Open ... - - - Opens a help page - Opent een hulppagina + + + + Add variation + - &Print - &Druk af + + Promote variation + - Prints the current page - Drukt de huidige pagina af + + Remove variation + Verwijder variant - E&xit - Sluit af + + Truncate variation + - Exits the help browser - Sluit de hulp af + + Remove variations + - &Forward - &Volgende + + Remove null lines + - Next document in history - Volgend document in geschiedenis + + Remove comments + - &Back - &Terug + + Remove time comments + - Go back in history - Ga terug in de geschiedenis + + Set annotation + - &Home - &Begin + + Colorize square + - Open the start page of the helpsystem - Open de startpagina van het helpsysteem + + Paint arrow + - &About - &Over + + Add nag + - About ChessX - Over ChessX + + Set nags + - History - Geschiedenis + + + Move variation + - &File - &Bestand + + Enumerate variations + - Na&vigate - Na&vigeer + + Set result + + + + HelpBrowserShell - &Help - &Help + + MainWindow + - Ready - Gereed + + Search Text + - Select a help file ... - Selecteer een helpbestand + + Type in text to search for... + - Help pages (*.html *.htm ) - Hulp pagina's (*.html *.htm ) + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards + @@ -1841,1026 +1912,1219 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Partij Tekst - - - + Game List Partij Lijst - + Opening Tree Openingen boom - Analysis - Analyse - - - + Loading ECO file... ECO bestand laden... - + ECO Loaded. ECO geladen. - [Clipboard] - [Klembord] - - - Database %1 is already opened. - Database %1 is reeds geopend. - - - + Opening %1... Opening %1... - + Cannot open file Kan geen bestand openen - + %1 opened %1 geopend - + Export games Export partijen - + PGN file (*.pgn) PGN bestand (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) HTML pagina (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) LaTeX document (*.tex) - + &File &Bestand - + &New database... &Nieuwe database... - + &Open... &Open... - Open &recent... - Open &recent... - - - &Save - &Bewaar - - - + &Export... &Export... - + &Games in filter &Partijen in filter - + &All games &Alle partijen - + &Close &Sluit - + &Quit &Afsluiten - + &Edit &Bewerk - + Comment Commentaar - + Variation Variant - + Promote Promoveer - + Remove Verwijder - + &Remove &Verwijder - + Moves from the beginning Zetten vanaf startpositie - + Moves to the end Zetten tot einde - + Setup &position... Opzetten &stelling... - &Copy FEN - &Copieer FEN - - - &Paste FEN - &Plak FEN - - - + &Preferences... &Voorkeuren... - + &View &Bekijk - + &Flip board &Draai bord - &Player information... - &Spelers informatie - - - + &Game &Partij - + &Load &Laad - &First - &Eerste - - - &Last - &Laatste - - - + &Next &Volgende - + &Previous &Vorige - + FICS Console - + + Notation + + + + Game Time - + + Annotations + + + + Players Spelers - + Events - + ECO ECO - + Databases - + Analysis 1 - + Analysis 2 - + Move Interval: - + + Search Depth: + + + + ECO Load Error. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). - + File - + Open in UTF8... - + Open FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite - + Open recent - + Save Database - + Commit Database to disk - + Current Game - + Export Image... - + Mail PGN... - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Comment Before - + Promote Variation - + Remove Variation - + Copy PGN - + Copy FEN Copieer FEN - + Copy Position - + Copy Image - + Paste into new game - + Paste - - Toolbars + + Brush - - Stay on Top + + Green - - Close current board + + Yellow - - Game + + Red - - Database + + Erase - - Load recent + + Toolbars - - &Go to game... - &Ga naar partij... + + Stay on Top + - - &Random - &Willekeurig + + Close current board + - - &Save... + + View - - Save + + Show target fields - - Edit tags... + + Show threat - - Match + + Show variation arrows - - Training + + Show covered squares from White - - Auto Respond + + Show covered squares from Black - - Auto Player + + Show underprotected white pieces - - - Auto Analysis + + Show underprotected black pieces - - - - Engine Match + + Game - - &Go to - &Ga naar + + Database + - - &Start - &Begin + + Load recent + - - Go to first move - + + &Go to game... + &Ga naar partij... - - &End - &Einde + + &Random + &Willekeurig - - Refactor + + &Save... - - Uncomment + + Save - - Remove Variations + + Edit tags... - - Search + + Match - - Find tag... + + Read moves ahead - - Find position... + + Training - - Filter duplicate games + + + Prune null moves - - Filter duplicate headers + + Filter identical games - - Reset filter + + Edit tag - - Reverse filter + + Pawn - - Help + + idea - - Customize Keyboard... + + castles short - - Load Sample Database + + castles long - - Report a bug... + + takes - - Start loading database... + + to - - A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net + + promotes to - - &Next move - &Volgende zet + + check mate + - - &Previous move - &Vorige zet + + check + - - Go to last move + + Auto Player - - 5 moves &forward - 5 zetten &vooruit + + + Auto Analysis + - - 5 moves &backward - 5 zetten &terug + + Play engine + - - Enter Variation + + Match against engine - - Previous Variation + + + + Engine Match - - Next Variation + + &Go to + &Ga naar + + + + &Start + &Begin + + + + Go to first move - - Back to main line - Terug naar hoofdvariant + + &End + &Einde - - &New - &Nieuw + + Refactor + - &Save.... - &Bewaar + + + Uncomment + - &Analyze - &Analyseer + + + Remove Time + - - Fi&nd - Zoe&k + + + Remove Variations + + + + + Search + + + + + Find tag... + + + + + Find position... + + + + + Filter duplicate games + + + + + Filter duplicate headers + + + + + Reset filter + + + + + Reverse filter + + + + + Refactor Database + + + + + Help + + + + + Customize Keyboard... + - Find &tag - Zoek &tag + + Load Sample Database + + + + + Report a bug... + + + + + Start loading database... + + + + + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net + + + + + &Next move + &Volgende zet + + + + Train both sides + + + + + &Previous move + &Vorige zet + + + + Go to last move + + + + + 5 moves &forward + 5 zetten &vooruit + + + + 5 moves &backward + 5 zetten &terug + + + + Enter Variation + + + + + Previous Variation + + + + + Next Variation + - Find &position - Zoek &stelling + + Back to main line + Terug naar hoofdvariant - &Reset filter - &Reset filter + + &New + &Nieuw - &Reverse filter - &Omgekeerde filter + + Fi&nd + Zoe&k - + &Database &Database - + &Switch to &Schakel naar - + &Copy games... &Copieer partijen... - + Clear clipboard - - + + Scratch Pad - + &Help &Help - &Report a bug... - &Meld een fout... - - - + &About ChessX &Over ChessX - &Debug - &Debug - - - + Following databases are modified: De volgende databases zijn gewijzigd: - + Save them? Bewaren? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - Compiled with 'fastbits' option<br> - Gecompileerd met 'fastbits' optie<br> - - - About ChessX - Over ChessX - - - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 ChessX developers<p>Current developer and maintainer: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michal Rudolf</a><p>Testing, usability and website: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Additional coding: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 ChessX developers<p>Current developer and maintainer: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michal Rudolf</a><p>Testing, usability and website: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Additional coding: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - - - + New database Nieuwe database - + PGN database (*.pgn) PGN database (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Kan geen ChessX database aanmaken. - - + + Open database Open database - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) PGN databases (*.pgn) - - The current database is modified! - - - - + Save it? - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>De database <i>%1</i> is alleen lezen en kan niet worden opgeslagen.</html> - - + + Set starting board - + Export Image - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - + + + + Time is over + + + + Red Square - + Yellow Square - + Green Square - + Remove Color - + Red Arrow to here - + Yellow Arrow to here - + Green Arrow to here - + Remove Arrow to here - + + End of game + + + + + End of line + + + + + Main line + + + + + Line + + + + Merge selected games - - Automatic responses + + Prune null moves from all games? - - Play both sides + + System Clipboard - - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + + Book build finished with Error + + + + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Engine %1 - + all - - - Append game %1 to %2. - - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. - + Error appending games to %1 - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. - + Search ended - + Searching... - + <b>New game</b> - + Infinite - + + Build book + + + + + Book built + + + + Could not build book - + Polyglot Error - + Saving %1... Opslaan %1... - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + %1 saved %1 opgeslagen - + + The selected database is modified! + + + + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Tekst in het klembord bevat geen geldige FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Er is geen tekst in het klembord. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Het klembord bevat FEN, maar met een illegale stelling. U kunt alleen zulke stellingen plakken in <b>Opzetten stelling<b> scherm. + Queen - Dame + Dame - Rook - Toren + + None + - Bishop - Loper + + King + - Knight - Paard + + Rook + Toren - Promotion - Promotie + + Bishop + Loper - Promote to: - Promoveer tot: + + Knight + Paard - + Load Game Laad partij - + Game number: Partij nummer: - - - + + + This database is read only. Deze database is alleen lezen. - <b><a href="tag:white">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:black">%3</a></b> %4 - <b><a href="tag:wit">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:zwart">%3</a></b> %4 + You need at least two open databases to copy games + Er moeten tenminste twee databases open zijn om partijen te copieren - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 partijen) - %1: %2/%3 - %1: %2/%3 + + Delete all comments from all games? + - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Er moeten tenminste twee databases open zijn om partijen te copieren + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 partijen) + + Delete all variations from all games? + - - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Game play + + + + + Game is drawn by insufficient material + + + + + Game is drawn by repetition + + + + + Game is drawn by 50 move rule + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Remise + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Updating tree... - Aanpassen boom... + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Tree updated - Boom aangepast + %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX @@ -2876,62 +3140,62 @@ Shall I download a database? - + User Bonus - + Increment - + Time - + Gong - + Sudden Death - + Annotate elapsed game time - + Book - + Allow use of books - + Best move - + Random selection - + Weighted selection - + Engine starts @@ -2987,7 +3251,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - + [end] @@ -2995,593 +3259,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move - + Poor Move - + Very good Move - + Blunder - + Speculative Move - + Dubious Move - - + + Only Move - + Worst Move - - - + + + Equal - + Unclear - + White has slight advantage - + Black has slight advantage - + White has moderate advantage - + Black has moderate advantage - + White has decisive advantage - + Black has decisive advantage - + White has crushing advantage - - Black has crushing advantage - - - - - - Zugzwang - - - - - - With slight space advantage - - - - - - With moderate space advantage - - - - - With decisive space advantage + Black has crushing advantage - With slight development advantage + Zugzwang - With moderate development advantage + With slight space advantage - With decisive development advantage + With moderate space advantage - With initiative + With decisive space advantage - With lasting initiative + With slight development advantage - With attack + With moderate development advantage - With insufficient compensation for material deficit + With decisive development advantage - With compensation + With initiative - With more than adequate compensation for material deficit + With lasting initiative - With slight center control advantage + With attack - With moderate center control advantage + With insufficient compensation for material deficit - With decisive center control advantage + With compensation - With slight kingside control advantage + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit - With moderate kingside control advantage + With slight center control advantage - With decisive kingside control advantage + With moderate center control advantage - With slight queenside control advantage + With decisive center control advantage - With moderate queenside control advantage + With slight kingside control advantage - With decisive queenside control advantage + With moderate kingside control advantage - With vulnerable first rank + With decisive kingside control advantage - With well protected first rank + With slight queenside control advantage - With poorly protected king + With moderate queenside control advantage - With well protected king + With decisive queenside control advantage - With poorly placed king + With vulnerable first rank - With well placed king + With well protected first rank - With very weak pawn structure + With poorly protected king - With moderately weak pawn structure + With well protected king - With moderately strong pawn structure + With poorly placed king - With very strong pawn structure + With well placed king - With poor knight placement + With very weak pawn structure - With good knight placement + With moderately weak pawn structure - With poor bishop placement + With moderately strong pawn structure - With good bishop placement + With very strong pawn structure - With poor rook placement + With poor knight placement - With good rook placement + With good knight placement - With poor queen placement + With poor bishop placement - With good queen placement + With good bishop placement - With poor piece coordination + With poor rook placement - With good piece coordination + With good rook placement + + With poor queen placement + + + + + + With good queen placement + + + + + + With poor piece coordination + + + + + + With good piece coordination + + + + White played the opening very poorly - + Black played the opening very poorly - + White played the opening poorly - + Black played the opening poorly - + White played the opening well - + Black played the opening well - + White played the opening very well - + Black played the opening very well - + White played the middlegame very poorly - + Black played the middlegame very poorly - + White played the middlegame poorly - + Black played the middlegame poorly - + White played the middlegame well - + Black played the middlegame well - + White played the middlegame very well - + Black played the middlegame very well - + White played the ending very poorly - + Black played the ending very poorly - + White played the ending poorly - + Black played the ending poorly - + White played the ending well - + Black played the ending well - + White played the ending very well - + Black played the ending very well - - - - - - + + + + + + With counterplay - - + + Moderate time control pressure - - + + Severe time control pressure - + With the idea - + Aimed against - + Better was - + Worse was - + Equivalent was - + RR - + N - + Weak point - + Endgame - + Line - + Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops - + Bishops of opposite color - + Bishops of the same color - + Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Toernooi + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move - + Count - + Score - + Rating - + Year @@ -3594,59 +3896,44 @@ Shall I download a database? - - Target - - - - + Filter games - + Board Bord - - Source - - - - + Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database - - + + Filter - - Progress - - - - + Undo - + (Book) @@ -3655,184 +3942,156 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style - - Show symbolic Nags + + Allow HTML in comments - - Text width + + Show symbolic Nags - - Indent variations from Level + + Text width - - Variation Indentation + + Indent variations from Level + + Variation Indentation + + + + Comment indentation - - + + Main Line Color - - + + Variation Color - - + + Comment Color - - + + NAG Color - - + + Header Color - - + + Show Header - - + + Show Diagrams - - + + Diagram Size - - + + Font for text - - + + Font for moves - + Comment Indentation - - PlayerDialog - - Player Information - Spelers informatie - - - &Players - &Spelers - - - &Find: - &Zoek - - - &Show player - &Laat speler zien - - - &Update list - &Ververs lijst - - - &Information - &Informatie - - - &Update player - &Ververs speler - - - <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> - <html><i>Geen speler gekozen.</i></html> - - PlayerInfo - + + <i>no games</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - + Black Openings @@ -3840,8 +4099,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Geen speler gekozen.</i></html> @@ -3854,669 +4113,885 @@ Shall I download a database? Voorkeuren - &Ok - &Ok + + Mouse Behaviour + - &Apply - &Pas toe + + Wheel sensitivity + - &Cancel - &Annuleer + + Fast + - - &Board - &Bord + + Slow + - - Mouse Behaviour + + + + Never - - Next guess on right click + + Arrow - - Wheel sensitivity + + Colored copies - - Fast + + &Chess set: + &Schaakstukken set: + + + + Show move indicator - - Slow + + Draw Coordinates - - - Never + + Highlight current move: - - Arrow + + &Draw frame between squares + &Teken rand om velden + + + + Board &style: + Bord &stijl: + + + + &Colors: + &Kleuren: + + + + Automatic - - Colored copies + + + Always - - &Chess set: - &Schaakstukken set: + + No hints in training mode + - - Show threat + + Board + Bord + + + + Always Scale + + + + + Turn board for player: - - plain - puur + + Copy Images + - - outline - rand + + Fixed Size + - outline+shadow - rand+schaduw + + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" + - - Show move indicator + + On mouse over - - Draw Coordinates + + Show guess - - Highlight current move: + + Right mouse button - - &Draw frame between squares - &Teken rand om velden + + Go back / remove one move + - - &Guess move on left-click - &Voorspel zet bij linker muisklik + + Next guess + - - Board &style: - Bord &stijl: + + Colorize square + - - &Colors: - &Kleuren: + + Game + - - shadow + + Automatic Analysis - - Automatic + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") - - Always + + Mainline only - - No hints in training mode + + Always annotate engine score - - Copy Images + + Add Annotation at end of line - - Fixed Size + + Marks auto-generated move - - Game + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) - + + Game Text Partij Tekst - + Show Diagrams - + Column Style - + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + Keep variations inline from level - + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + Diagram Size - + Pieces - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. - - KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + + + + Colors: + + + + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves - - Colors: + + Delay between moves [ms] - - Autoplayer + + Portable Preferences - - Automatically save game and continue with next + + Save to application folder - - Auto Analysis backwards + + Automatically save game and continue with next - + Automatic Promotion - + Always queen a pawn - - &Engines - &Engines - - - + Log - + Web Favorite - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Appearance - + Fonts for notation - + Texts - + Moves - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) - - + + Font Size - + Application - + Icons visible in menus - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + Use vertical Tabs - + + Dark Theme + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + Additional PGN tags - + Additional tags, separate with blanks - + + Nalimov-6 + + + + + Syzygy-7 + + + + + FICS + + + + Log in as guest - + + + Login - + + + Password - + Try to use Timeseal - + App - + Internet - + + Engines + + + + + Send History + + + + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs - + + Show command line + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + Localization - + Language - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! - + Load language file from Server: - + Load! - + External Tools - + Parameters - + Path - + Path and filename of external program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + Sound - - Indicate opponent's move - - - - WinBoard - WinBoard - - - UCI - UCI - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Path to executable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books - + Name: Naam: - + Command: Commando: - + Options: Opties: - + Directory: Directory: - + Protocol: Protocol: - + Down Minder - + Remove Verwijder - + Add... Meer - + Up Omhoog - &Advanced - &Geavanceerd - - - + Use online tablebase servers Gebruik online tablebase servers - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Bewerk PGN bestanden kleiner dan: - + Command Line Options - + Options - + Arbitrary name to identify engine - + Database - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes - + Build index file - + Commit Database after saving Game - + Default path for storing files - + Default Database Path: - + Number of recent files: - + MB MB - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. - + Select external executable - + Select databases folder - + New Engine - + Could not load server language file dictionary - + Could not load or install language pack - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! - + No further translations online available! - + Clear all application settings? - + Warning Waarschuwing - + Light squares Witte velden - + Dark squares Donkere velden - + Highlighted squares Opgelichte velden - + + Variation move + + + + + Targets + + + + + Check + + + + + Wall + + + + + Underprotected + + + + + Engine Move + + + + Main Line - + Variations - + Comments - + NAGs - - + + New database + Nieuwe database + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + PGN database (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Rand - + Select engine directory Kies directory van de engine - + Select engine executable Selecteer programmabestand van de engine - + Current move - + Stored move - + Threat - + [plain colors] [pure kleuren] @@ -4556,107 +5031,66 @@ Shall I download a database? Quick Tag Search Snelle Tag Zoekopdracht - - Game number - Partij nummer - - - White - Wit - - - White Elo - Elo wit - - - Black - Zwart - - - Black Elo - Elo zwart - - - Event - Evenement - - - Site - Plaats - - - Round - Ronde - - - Date - Datum - - - Result - Resultaat - - - ECO - ECO - - - Length - Lengte - - - &Find - &Zoek - - - &Cancel - &Annuleer - &Value: &Waarde: - + &Tag: &Tag: - + &Mode: &Mode: - + Value or Range like 2000-2300 - + + Options + + + + Find in current filter Zoek in huidige filter - + Search whole database Doorzoek hele database - + Add to current filter Voeg toe aan huidige filter - + Remove from current filter - + Find + + + Match tags from beginning + + + + + Match to end of tags + + RecipientAddressDialog @@ -4671,7 +5105,17 @@ Shall I download a database? - + + Current Game + + + + + Complete Database + + + + This is no valid email address. @@ -4716,14 +5160,6 @@ Shall I download a database? Save Game Bewaar Partij - - &OK - &OK - - - &Cancel - &Annuleer - Players @@ -4740,22 +5176,6 @@ Shall I download a database? &White: &Wit: - - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Player name in <span style=" font-weight:600;">surname, name</span><span style=" font-weight:600; font-style:italic;"> </span>format. Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Kasparov, Garry</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Tal, Mikhail N</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Granda Zuniga, Julio E</p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Player name in <span style=" font-weight:600;">surname, name</span><span style=" font-weight:600; font-style:italic;"> </span>format. Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Kasparov, Garry</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Tal, Mikhail N</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Granda Zuniga, Julio E</p></body></html> - &Black: @@ -4778,175 +5198,94 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } - - + + Time Control - + White Start Time - - + + H:mm:ss - + Black Start Time - + e.g. 40/7200:3600 for 2h/40 moves + 1h - + + Additional Information + + + + + Tag + + + + + Value + + + + Tournament Toernooi - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Date of the first round of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">YYYY.MM.DD</span> format. Replace trailing part with ?? if necessary.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">2007.03.03</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">2006.05.?? </p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1935.??.?? </p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Date of the first round of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">YYYY.MM.DD</span> format. Replace trailing part with ?? if necessary.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">2007.03.03</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">2006.05.?? </p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1935.??.?? </p></body></html> - - - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Site of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">Place CNT</span> format, where CNT is three-letter country code. Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Ontario CAN</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Warsaw POL</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">New York USA</p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Site of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">Place CNT</span> format, where CNT is three-letter country code. Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">Ontario CAN</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">Warsaw POL</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">New York USA</p></body></html> - - - + E&vent date: Datum e&venement - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> -<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"></p></body></html> - - - + &Site: &Plaats: - + &Event: &Evenement: - + Game Information Partij informatie - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Round number. For rounds with more than one game (usually in knock out or team tournaments) <span style=" font-weight:600;">X.Y </span>format is used.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">3</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1.4</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">8.15</p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Round number. For rounds with more than one game (usually in knock out or team tournaments) <span style=" font-weight:600;">X.Y </span>format is used.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">3</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1.4</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">8.15</p></body></html> - - - + &Round: &Ronde: - + &Date: &Datum: - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Date of this round of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">YYYY.MM.DD</span> format. Replace trailing part with ?? if necessary.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">2007.03.03</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">2006.05.?? </p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1935.??.?? </p></body></html> - <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> -p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } -</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Verdana'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none;"> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Date of this round of the tournament in <span style=" font-weight:600;">YYYY.MM.DD</span> format. Replace trailing part with ?? if necessary.</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Some examples:</p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-style:italic;">2007.03.03</span></p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">2006.05.?? </p> -<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-style:italic;">1935.??.?? </p></body></html> - - - + Result: Resultaat: - 1-0 - 1-0 - - - 1/2-1/2 - 1/2-1/2 - - - 0-1 - 0-1 - - - * - * - - - + Dates are not properly formatted! - + Invalid Data @@ -4954,44 +5293,65 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } TableView - Small font - Klein lettertype - - - + Hide Column - + Resize visible Columns - + Show all Columns + + + Copy as HTML + + + + + Copy as Image + + TagDetailWidget - + Filter: - Selected Item + Filter games according to selected line - + Filter - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename @@ -5030,190 +5390,253 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File - + New - + Open... - + Save - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document diff --git a/i18n/chessx_pl.ts b/i18n/chessx_pl.ts index 2c7f91150..420b19cf6 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_pl.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_pl.ts @@ -9,93 +9,93 @@ O programie ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - - - - + Further Code - + Translations - + License - - Version - - - - - Maintainer + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database - - Copyright + + Version - - Further Maintainers + + Maintainer - - Testing + + Copyright - + Coders - + Path Information - + Path for temporary files - + Program data path - + Path to settings - + FICS database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact - + Homepage - + Mailing List @@ -121,35 +121,27 @@ Free Chess Database Analysis - Mate in - Mat w - - - (depth %1) - (głębokość %1) - - - + Resigns - + Mate - + Mate in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) - + (suggested move) @@ -157,80 +149,112 @@ Free Chess Database AnalysisWidget - + Stop Stop - Error - Błąd - - - There was an error running engine <b>%1</b>. - Wystąpił błąd podczasu uruchamiania programu <b>%1</b>. - - - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Remis - White wins in %n moves - + Białe wygrywają w %n posunięciu Białe wygrywają w %n posunięciach Białe wygrywają w %n posunięciach - Black wins in %n moves - + Czarne wygrywają w %n posunięciu Czarne wygrywają w %n posunięciach Czarne wygrywają w %n posunięciach + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + White wins + + - + + Black wins + + + + Analysis pinned to move %1 - + Click to add move to game - + Tablebase - + Complexity - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> - - <b>Tablebase:</b> - <b>Tablica końcówek</b> - &Lines: @@ -246,10 +270,6 @@ Free Chess Database Pin engine to current position - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -262,40 +282,45 @@ Free Chess Database - + Analyze Start - Mate in - Mat w + + Analysis + Analiza + + + AnnotationWidget - F2 - F2 + + Form + - - Analysis - Analiza + + Enter comments and annotations here. + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 -%3 to move. +%3 to move - + White Białe - + Black Czarne @@ -308,14 +333,14 @@ b%2 - - + + Previous - - + + Next @@ -348,125 +373,97 @@ b%2 BoardSetupDialog - + No white king Brak białego króla - + No black king Brak czarnego króla - + Both kings are in check Oba króle pod szachem - - Invalid position - Nieprawidłowa pozycja - - - White - Białe - - - Black - Czarne - Setup position Ustaw pozycję - Move: - Posunięcie: - - - + Clear Wyczyść - &Reset - &Resetuj - - - + Side to move: Strona na posunięciu: - + Move: Posunięcie: - &Ok - &Ok - - - &Cancel - &Anuluj - - - + Copy Text - + Side to move has opponent in check already Król strony nie na posunięciu jest pod szachem - + Black has too many pawns Zbyt dużo czarnych pionków - + White has too many pawns Zbyt dużo białych pionków - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Pionki na pierwszej lub ostatniej linii - + Too many kings Zbyt wiele króli - + Too many black pieces Zbyt dużo czarnych figur - + Too many white pieces Zbyt dużo białych figur - + Bad castling rights Nieprawidłowe prawa do roszady - + En passant square is not correct Nieprawidłowe pole bicia w przelocie - + Unknown reason Powód nieznany - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -475,172 +472,121 @@ b%2 %1. - FEN: %1 - FEN: %1 - - - + Illegal position: %1 Nieprawidłowa pozycja: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Tekst w schowku nie jest w formacie FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Brak tekstu w schowku. - Board - Pozycja - - - &Advanced - &Zaawanasowane - - - Ply: - Półruch: - - - + En passant file: Kolumna bicia w przelocie: - Castling rights - Roszada - - - + Black O-O Czarne O-O - + White O-O-O Białe O-O-O - + White O-O Białe O-O - + Tools - + Flip board - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right - + Mirror top and bottom - + Change colors for all pieces - + Castling - + Black O-O-O Czarne O-O-O - + Advanced - + + Chess 960 - + - - - + Random Position - + FEN - a - a - - - b - b - - - c - c - - - d - d - - - e - e - - - f - f - - - g - g - - - h - h - - - + Halfmove clock: Licznik ruchów: - + Paste FEN Wklej FEN - + Copy FEN Kopiuj FEN @@ -648,41 +594,67 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Error - Błąd - - - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Nie można znaleźć obrazków figur. + Nie można znaleźć obrazków figur. Proszę sprawdzić instalację. + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + + BoardView - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target + + + + + Query the engine for the best reply + + + + + Draw a square or arrow annotation @@ -690,135 +662,120 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. ChessBrowser - Remove - Usuń - - - + Add start comment... Dodaj komentarz początkowy... - Add comment... - Dodaj komentarz... - - - - + + Add game comment... - + Comment... - + Add move symbol Dodaj ocenę posunięcia - + Add evaluation symbol Dodaj ocenę pozycji - + Add other symbol Dodaj inny symbol - + Bishops - + Remove symbols Usuń symbole - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Zmień na główny wariant - + Move variation up - + Move variation down - + Remove variation Usuń wariant - + Remove previous moves Usuń poprzednie posunięcia - + Remove next moves Usuń następne posunięcia - - + + Insert threat - + Copy Html - + Copy Text - - Refactor + + Copy selected Text - - Uncomment + + Refactor - - Remove Variations + + Uncomment - Small font - Mała czcionka - - - - ClipboardDatabase - - - Clipboard + + Remove Variations @@ -854,6 +811,11 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + + CopyDialog @@ -896,106 +858,144 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. DatabaseList - + Databases - + Activate - + Open - + Close - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - + + Open at startup + + + + + Set active at startup + + + + Remove from Favorites - + Show in Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... + + + Set dirty + + DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite - + Name - + Size - - + + Open - + Path - + Format - + Date Data - + Read - + Closed + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -1014,47 +1014,87 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. - + Max Ply - + Min Game - + + Repertoire for + + + + + Both sides + + + + + White + Białe + + + + Black + Czarne + + + + Filter out games + + + + + Use them all + + + + + White victories + + + + + Black victories + + + + Uniform Probabilities - + Output Path - + Enter the complete target path - + ... ... - + Clipboard - + New book - + Polyglot Book (*.bin) @@ -1062,12 +1102,12 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> @@ -1080,49 +1120,42 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. <i>brak partii</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2 - + Rating: <b>%1</b> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b> - + White Player - - + + Score Wynik - + Black Player - - EngineData - - New engine - Nowy program - - EngineOptionDialog @@ -1170,42 +1203,42 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. EventInfo - + <i>no games</i> <i>brak partii</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2<br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Ranking: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Ranking: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Data: <b>????.??.??</b><br> + + Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> + - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> @@ -1213,8 +1246,8 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> @@ -1230,7 +1263,7 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 @@ -1243,252 +1276,262 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. - + Messages - + Say to opponent - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Białe - + Black Czarne - - - + + + History Historia - + Double click to examine game - + Finger - + Games - - + + Double click to follow game - - + + Relay - - + + Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle - + Messages from Puzzlebot - + Players Gracze - + Rating Ranking - + User - - + + Seeks - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Rated only - + Human only - + Time Control - + Minutes - + Increment - + Elo - + Propose a game - + rated - + unrated - + Seek - + + Don't care + + + + No play list - + Enter command here - + Get Mate - + Get Study - + Get Tactics - - + + Accept - + Draw Remis - + Decline - + Abort - + Resign - + + Rematch + + + + Hint - + Cancel - + Disconnect - + Disconnected - + Retrieving relayed games... - + Observe - + Examine @@ -1496,357 +1539,346 @@ Proszę sprawdzić instalację. FilterModel - + Nr - + White Białe - + White Elo Elo białych - + Black Czarne - + Black Elo Elo czarnych - + Event Turniej - + Site Miejsce - + Round Runda - + Date Data - + Result Wynik - + ECO ECO - + Moves - Game + GameList - - Copy game - - - - - - Add move - Dodaj posunięcie + + + Game list + Lista partii - - Merge game + + Find tag... - - Replace move + + Hide Column - - - - Add variation - Dodaj wariant - - - - Promote variation + + Resize visible Columns - - Remove variation - Usuń wariant - - - - Truncate variation + + Show all Columns - - Remove variations + + Copy games... - - Remove comments + + Filter exact twins - - Set annotation + + Filter twins - - Colorize square + + Merge into current game - - Paint arrow + + All Games - - Add nag + + Filter - - Set nags + + Selected games - - - Move variation + + Toggle deletions - - Enumerate variations + + Undelete games - - Set result + + Undelete game - - Set variant + + Delete game - - - GameList - - - - Game list - Lista partii - - - Find tag... + + Delete games - - Hide Column + + Hide game - - Resize visible Columns + + Hide games - - Show all Columns + + Hide deleted games - - Copy games... + + Select All - - Filter twins + + Reset filter - - Merge into current game + + Reverse filter + + + GameWindow - - All Games + + MainWindow - - Filter + + New Game - - Selected games - + + Move + Posunięcie - - Delete game + + Evaluation - - Hide game + + Other - GameWindow + GameX - - MainWindow + + Copy game - - Move - Posunięcie + + + Add move + Dodaj posunięcie - - Evaluation + + Merge game - - Other + + Replace move - - - HelpBrowserShell - - MainWindow + + Add line - - - HelpWindow - - ChessX - help viewer - ChessX - przeglądarka pomocy - - - &Open ... - &Otwórz... - - Opens a help page - Otwiera stronę pomocy + + + + Add variation + Dodaj wariant - &Print - &Drukuj + + Promote variation + - Prints the current page - Drukuje aktualną stronę + + Remove variation + Usuń wariant - E&xit - Za&kończ + + Truncate variation + - Exits the help browser - Zamyka przeglądarkę pomocy + + Remove variations + - &Forward - &Naprzód + + Remove null lines + - Next document in history - Następny dokument w historii + + Remove comments + - &Back - &Wstecz + + Remove time comments + - Go back in history - Poprzedni dokument w historii + + Set annotation + - &Home - &Spis treści + + Colorize square + - Open the start page of the helpsystem - Otwiera stronę początkową + + Paint arrow + - &About - &O programie + + Add nag + - About ChessX - O programie ChessX + + Set nags + - History - Historia + + + Move variation + - &File - &Plik + + Enumerate variations + - Na&vigate - &Nawigacja + + Set result + + + + HelpBrowserShell - &Help - Pomo&c + + MainWindow + - Ready - Gotowe + + Search Text + - Select a help file ... - Wybierz plik pomocy... + + Type in text to search for... + - Help pages (*.html *.htm ) - Pliki pomocy (*.html, *.htm) + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards + @@ -1886,1149 +1918,1217 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Tekst partii - - - + Game List Lista partii - + Loading ECO file... Wczytywanie pliku ECO... - + ECO Loaded. Plik ECO wczytany. - Quit - Zakończ - - - Do you want to quit? - Na pewno zakończyć? - - - [Clipboard] - [Schowek] - - - Database %1 is already opened. - Baza %1 już jest otwarta. - - - Database %1 opened successfully (%2 seconds). - Baza %1 odczytana pomyślnie (%2 s.). - - - - + + Open database Otwórz bazę - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>Baza <i>%1</i> jest tylko do odczytu i nie może zostać zapisana.</html> - + Saving %1... Zapisywanie %1... - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - - - - + %1 saved Zapisano %1 - - The current database is modified! - - - - + Save it? - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Tekst w schowku nie jest w formacie FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Brak tekstu w schowku. - - + + Set starting board - + Export Image - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - + + + + Time is over + + + + Red Square - + Yellow Square - + Green Square - + Remove Color - + Red Arrow to here - + Yellow Arrow to here - + Green Arrow to here - + Remove Arrow to here - - Merge selected games + + End of game - - Automatic responses + + End of line - - Play both sides + + Main line - - - Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. + + Line - - Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. + + Merge selected games - - Engine %1 + + Delete all comments from all games? - - all + + Delete all time annotations from all games? - - - Append game %1 to %2. + + Prune null moves from all games? - - - Appended %1 games to %2. + + Delete all variations from all games? - - Error appending games to %1 + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. - - - Append games from %1 to %2. + + System Clipboard - - Search ended + + Set %d games into system clipboard. - - Searching... + + Book build finished with Error - - <b>New game</b> + + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - - Infinite + + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - - Could not build book + + Game play - - Polyglot Error + + Game is drawn by insufficient material - Queen - Hetman + + Game is drawn by repetition + - Rook - Wieża + + Game is drawn by 50 move rule + - Bishop - Goniec + + White wins + - Knight - Skoczek + + Black wins + - Promotion - Promocja + + Engine %1 + - Promote to: - Promuj: + + all + - - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Appended %1 games to %2. + - Updating tree... - Uaktualnianie drzewa... + + Error appending games to %1 + - Tree updated - Drzewo uaktualnione + + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. + - Add move - Dodaj posunięcie + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. + - There is already next move in current game. What do you want to do? - W tej partii już jest następne posunięcie. Co zrobić? + + Search ended + - Add variation - Dodaj wariant + + Searching... + - Add new mainline - Dodaj nowe posunięcie + + <b>New game</b> + - Replace current move - Zastąp aktualne posunięcie + + Infinite + - Game %1: <b><a href="tag:white">%2</a> %3 - <a href="tag:black">%4</a> %5</b> - Partia %1: <b><a href="tag:white">%2</a> %3 - <a href="tag:black">%4</a> %5</b> + + Build book + - %1(%2) %3 - %1(%2) %3 + + Book built + - <i>%1(%2), %3, %4</i> - <i>%1(%2), %3, %4</i> + + Could not build book + - (Start of game) - (Początek partii) + + Polyglot Error + - (End of game) - (Koniec partii) + + Queen + Hetman - (End of line) - (Koniec wariantu) + + None + - Last move: %1 &nbsp; &nbsp; Next: %2 - Poprzednie: %1 &nbsp; &nbsp; Następne: %2 + + King + - (&lt;-Var) - (&lt;-War) + + Rook + Wieża - <br>Variations: &nbsp; - <br>Warianty: &nbsp;(sp) - - - Loses in %n move(s) - - Przegrywa w %n posunięciu - Przegrywa w %n posunięciach - Przegrywa w %n posunięciach - + + Bishop + Goniec - - Wins in %n move(s) - - Wygrywa w %n posunięciu - Wygrywa w %n posunięciach - Wygrywa w %n posunięciach - + + + Knight + Skoczek - Draw - Remis + %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX - <br>Tablebase: <a href="egtb:%1">%2%3 %1</a> -- %4 - <br>Tablica końcówek: <a href="egtb:%1">%2%3 %1</a> -- %4 + + Draw + Remis - + Load Game Wczytaj partię - + Game number: Numer partii: - <b><a href="tag:white">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:black">%3</a></b> %4 - <b><a href="tag:white">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:black">%3</a></b> %4 - - - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 - - - %1: %2/%3 - %1: %2/%3 - - - ChessX - %1 - ChessX - %1 - - - + &File &Plik - + &Open... &Otwórz... - + &Export... &Eksportuj... - + &Games in filter &Partie z filtra - + &All games &Wszystkie partie - + &Close &Zamknij - + &Quit Za&kończ - + &Edit &Edycja - &Copy FEN - Kopiuj &FEN - - - &Paste FEN - Wklej F&EN - - - Position &Setup... - &Ustaw pozycję... - - - + PGN database (*.pgn) Baza PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Nie można utworzyć bazy ChessX. - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) Bazy PGN (*.pgn) - + Opening %1... Otwieranie %1... - + Cannot open file Nie można otworzyć plikui - + %1 opened Wczytano %1 - + Comment Komentarz - + Variation Wariant - + Promote Zmień na wariant główny - + Remove Usuń - + Setup &position... Ustaw &pozycję... - + &Preferences... &Ustawienia... - &Player information... - &Informacje o graczu... - - - + &Game P&artia - + &Load &Wczytaj - &First - &Pierwszą - - - &Last - &Ostatnią - - - + &Next &Następną - + &Previous &Poprzednią - + FICS Console - + + Notation + + + + Game Time - + + Annotations + + + + Players Gracze - + Events - + ECO ECO - + Databases - + Analysis 1 - + Analysis 2 - + Move Interval: - + + Search Depth: + + + + ECO Load Error. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). - + File - + Open in UTF8... - + Open FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite - + Open recent - + Save Database - + Commit Database to disk - + Current Game - + Export Image... - + Mail PGN... - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Comment Before - + Promote Variation - + Remove Variation - + Copy PGN - + Copy FEN Kopiuj FEN - + Copy Position - + Copy Image - + Paste into new game - + Paste - + + Brush + + + + + Green + + + + + Yellow + + + + + Red + + + + + Erase + + + + Toolbars - + Stay on Top - + Close current board - + + View + + + + + Show target fields + + + + + Show threat + + + + + Show variation arrows + + + + + Show covered squares from White + + + + + Show covered squares from Black + + + + + Show underprotected white pieces + + + + + Show underprotected black pieces + + + + Game - + Database - + Load recent - + &Go to game... &Idź do partii... - + &Random &Losową - + &Save... - + Save - + Edit tags... - + Match - + + Read moves ahead + + + + Training - - Auto Respond + + + Prune null moves + + + + + Filter identical games + + + + + Edit tag + + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + + + + + promotes to - + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + Auto Player - - + + Auto Analysis - - - + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + + + Engine Match - + &Go to &Idź - + &Start &Początek - + Go to first move - + &End &Koniec - + + + Remove Time + + + + Filter duplicate games - + Filter duplicate headers - + Reset filter - + Reverse filter - + Start loading database... - + + Refactor Database + + + + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Next move &Następne posunięcie - + + Train both sides + + + + &Previous move &Poprzednie posunięcie - + Go to last move - + 5 moves &forward 5 posunięć naprzó&d - + 5 moves &backward 5 posunięć &wstecz - + Enter Variation - + Previous Variation - + Next Variation - + Back to main line Powrót do wariantu głównego - &Save.... - &Zapisz... - - - &Analyze - &Analiza - - - + Fi&nd &Znajdź - Find &tag - Znajdź &znacznik - - - Find &position - Znajdź &pozycję - - - &Reset filter - &Resetuj filtr - - - &Reverse filter - &Odwróć filtr - - - + Clear clipboard - - + + Scratch Pad - + Help - + Customize Keyboard... - + Load Sample Database - + Report a bug... - + Following databases are modified: Następujące bazy zostały zmienione: - + Save them? Zapisać je? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - &Current game - &Aktualną partię - - - + &View &Widok - + &Database &Baza - &Player Database... - Baza &graczy... - - - + &Flip board &Odwróć szachownicę - + &Help Pomo&c - &Tip of the day - &Podpowiedź dnia - - - &Report a bug... - &Raport o błędzie... - - - - + &About ChessX &O programie ChessX - &Debug - &Debugowanie - - - + Export games Exportuj partie - - - + + + This database is read only. Ta baza jest tylko do odczytu. - + Opening Tree Drzewo debiutowe - Analysis - Analiza - - - Database %1 successfully saved. - Zapisano bazę %1. - - - Compiled with 'fastbits' option<br> - Skompilowane z opcją 'fastbits'<br> - - - About ChessX - O programie ChessX - - - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 ChessX developers<p>Current developer and maintainer: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michal Rudolf</a><p>Testing, usability and website: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Additional coding: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Darmowa baza szachowa na licencji GPLv2.<br>Wersja %1<br>%2<p>Copyright 2005-2010 Autorzy ChessX<br>Główny programistai opiekun: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michał Rudolf</a><p>Testowanie, dopracowanie interfejsu, opieka nad stroną WWW: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Fragmentu kodu: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Strona domowa: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Lista dyskusyjna: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - - - &Save - &Zapisz - - - + &Remove &Usuń - + Moves from the beginning Ruchy od początku partii - + Moves to the end Ruchy do końca partii - + &New &Nowa - Tree updated (%1 s.) - Drzewo uaktualnione (%1 s.) - - - + PGN file (*.pgn) Plik PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Strona HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) Dokument LaTeX (*.tex) - + New database Nowa baza - - The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. - Schowek zawiera FEN, ale z nieprawidłową pozycję. Takie pozycje można wkleić tylko w oknie <b>Ustaw pozycję</b>. + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2<p>Copyright 2005-2007 ChessX developers<br>Core developers: Marius Roets, Michal Rudolf, Rico Zenklusen.<br>Additional coding: Sean Estabrooks, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<br><p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Darmowa baza szachowa na licencji GPLv2.<br>Wersja %1<br>%2<p>Copyright 2005-2007 Autorzy ChessX<br>Główni programiści: Marius Roets, Michal Rudolf, Rico Zenklusen.<br>Dodatkowy kod: Sean Estabrooks, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<br><p>Strona domowa: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Lista dyskusyjna: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net</a> + + The selected database is modified! + + + + + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. + Schowek zawiera FEN, ale z nieprawidłową pozycję. Takie pozycje można wkleić tylko w oknie <b>Ustaw pozycję</b>. - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Do kopiowania potrzebne są przynajmniej dwie otwarte bazy + Do kopiowania potrzebne są przynajmniej dwie otwarte bazy - + %1. %2 (%3 games) %1. %2 (%3 partii) - + &New database... &Nowa baza... - Open &recent... - Otwórz o&statnie... - - - + Refactor - + + Uncomment - + + Remove Variations - + Search - + Find tag... - + Find position... - + &Switch to &Przełącz - + &Copy games... &Kopiuj partie... @@ -3051,62 +3151,62 @@ Shall I download a database? - + User Bonus - + Increment - + Time - + Gong - + Sudden Death - + Annotate elapsed game time - + Book - + Allow use of books - + Best move - + Random selection - + Weighted selection - + Engine starts @@ -3162,7 +3262,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - + [end] [koniec] @@ -3170,593 +3270,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move - + Poor Move - + Very good Move - + Blunder - + Speculative Move - + Dubious Move - - + + Only Move - + Worst Move - - - + + + Equal - + Unclear - + White has slight advantage - + Black has slight advantage - + White has moderate advantage - + Black has moderate advantage - + White has decisive advantage - + Black has decisive advantage - + White has crushing advantage - + Black has crushing advantage - - + + Zugzwang - - + + With slight space advantage - - + + With moderate space advantage - - + + With decisive space advantage - - + + With slight development advantage - - + + With moderate development advantage - - + + With decisive development advantage - - + + With initiative - - - - With lasting initiative - - - - - - With attack - - - - - - With insufficient compensation for material deficit - - - - - - With compensation - - - With more than adequate compensation for material deficit + With lasting initiative - With slight center control advantage + With attack - With moderate center control advantage + With insufficient compensation for material deficit - With decisive center control advantage + With compensation - With slight kingside control advantage + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit - With moderate kingside control advantage + With slight center control advantage - With decisive kingside control advantage + With moderate center control advantage - With slight queenside control advantage + With decisive center control advantage - With moderate queenside control advantage + With slight kingside control advantage - With decisive queenside control advantage + With moderate kingside control advantage - With vulnerable first rank + With decisive kingside control advantage - With well protected first rank + With slight queenside control advantage - With poorly protected king + With moderate queenside control advantage - With well protected king + With decisive queenside control advantage - With poorly placed king + With vulnerable first rank - With well placed king + With well protected first rank - With very weak pawn structure + With poorly protected king - With moderately weak pawn structure + With well protected king - With moderately strong pawn structure + With poorly placed king - With very strong pawn structure + With well placed king - With poor knight placement + With very weak pawn structure - With good knight placement + With moderately weak pawn structure - With poor bishop placement + With moderately strong pawn structure - With good bishop placement + With very strong pawn structure - With poor rook placement + With poor knight placement - With good rook placement + With good knight placement - With poor queen placement + With poor bishop placement - With good queen placement + With good bishop placement - With poor piece coordination + With poor rook placement - With good piece coordination + With good rook placement + + With poor queen placement + + + + + + With good queen placement + + + + + + With poor piece coordination + + + + + + With good piece coordination + + + + White played the opening very poorly - + Black played the opening very poorly - + White played the opening poorly - + Black played the opening poorly - + White played the opening well - + Black played the opening well - + White played the opening very well - + Black played the opening very well - + White played the middlegame very poorly - + Black played the middlegame very poorly - + White played the middlegame poorly - + Black played the middlegame poorly - + White played the middlegame well - + Black played the middlegame well - + White played the middlegame very well - + Black played the middlegame very well - + White played the ending very poorly - + Black played the ending very poorly - + White played the ending poorly - + Black played the ending poorly - + White played the ending well - + Black played the ending well - + White played the ending very well - + Black played the ending very well - - - - - - + + + + + + With counterplay - - + + Moderate time control pressure - - + + Severe time control pressure - + With the idea - + Aimed against - + Better was - + Worse was - + Equivalent was - + RR - + N - + Weak point - + Endgame - + Line - + Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops - + Bishops of opposite color - + Bishops of the same color - + Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Turniej + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Posunięcie - + Count Liczba - + Score Wynik - + Rating Ranking - + Year Rok @@ -3769,59 +3907,44 @@ Shall I download a database? - - Target - - - - + Filter games - + Board Pozycja - - Source - - - - + Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database - - + + Filter - - Progress - - - - + Undo - + (Book) @@ -3830,188 +3953,156 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style - - Show symbolic Nags + + Allow HTML in comments - - Text width + + Show symbolic Nags - - Indent variations from Level + + Text width - - Variation Indentation + + Indent variations from Level - Comment indentation + + Variation Indentation - - - Main Line Color + + Comment indentation - - Variation Color + + Main Line Color - - Comment Color + + Variation Color - - NAG Color + + Comment Color - - Header Color + + NAG Color - - Show Header + + Header Color - + - Show Diagrams + Show Header - - Diagram Size + + Show Diagrams - - Font for text + + Diagram Size - - Font for moves + + Font for text - - Comment Indentation + + + Font for moves - - - PlayerDialog - - Player Database - Baza graczy - - - Player Information - Informacje o graczu - - &Players - &Gracze - - - &Find: - &Znajdź: - - - &Show player - &Pokaż gracza - - - &Update list - &Uaktualnij listę - - - &Information - &Informacja - - - &Update player - &Uaktualnij gracza - - - <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> - <html><i>Nie wybrano gracza.</i></html> + + Comment Indentation + PlayerInfo - + + <i>no games</i> <i>brak partii</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Razem: %1<br>Białe: %2<br>Czarne: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Partie w bazie <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Ranking: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Ranking: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Data: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - + Black Openings @@ -4019,8 +4110,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nie wybrano gracza.</i></html> @@ -4028,137 +4119,168 @@ Shall I download a database? PreferencesDialog - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. - + Select external executable - + Select databases folder - + Could not load server language file dictionary - + Could not load or install language pack - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! - + No further translations online available! - + Clear all application settings? - + Warning Ostrzeżenie - + Light squares Białe pola - + Dark squares Czarne pola - + Highlighted squares Podświetlenie - + + Variation move + + + + + Targets + + + + + Check + + + + + Wall + + + + + Underprotected + + + + + Engine Move + + + + Main Line - + Variations - + Comments - + NAGs - - + + New database + Nowa baza + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Baza PGN (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Obramowanie - + Select engine directory Wybierz katalog programu - + Select engine executable Wybierz program - + Current move - + Stored move - + Threat - + [plain colors] [dwukolorowa] - ChessX Preferences - Ustawienia ChessX - - - - &Board - &Szachownica - - - + &Colors: &Kolory: - + Board &style: &Styl szachownicy: @@ -4168,565 +4290,722 @@ Shall I download a database? Ustawienia - + Mouse Behaviour - - &Guess move on left-click - &Zgaduj ruchy przy lewym kliknięciu - - - - Next guess on right click - - - - + Wheel sensitivity - + Fast - + Slow - - + + + Never - + Arrow - + Colored copies - - Show threat - - - - + Show move indicator - + Draw Coordinates - + Highlight current move: - + &Draw frame between squares &Obramowanie między polami - + &Chess set: &Zestaw figur: - &General - &Ogólne - - - + Use online tablebase servers Użyj zdalnych baz końcówek - Confirm before quit - Potwierdź zakończenie + + XBoard + XBoard - &Ok - &OK + + New Engine + Nowy program - &Apply - &Zastosuj + + Automatic + - &Cancel - &Anuluj + + + Always + - Show Tip of the day on startup - Pokaż podpowiedź przy starcie + + No hints in training mode + - - XBoard - XBoard + + Game + - Select Directory in which Engine will run - Wybierz katalog programu szachowego + + + Game Text + Tekst partii - Select engine command file to run - Polecenie uruchamiające program szachowy + + Show Diagrams + - - New Engine - Nowy program + + Column Style + - - plain - zwykłe + + Keep variations inline from level + - - outline - z brzegiem + + Diagram Size + - - Automatic + + Pieces - - Always + + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. - - No hints in training mode + + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! - - Game + + Colors: - - Game Text - Tekst partii + + Automatically save game and continue with next + - - Show Diagrams + + Automatic Promotion - - Column Style + + Always queen a pawn - - Keep variations inline from level + + Command Line Options - - Diagram Size + + Options - - Pieces + + Arbitrary name to identify engine + + + + + Copy Images + + + + + Fixed Size + + + + + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" + + + + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square - Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. + Automatic Analysis - - KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + + Engines + + + + + Send History + + + + + Log + + + + + Database + + + + + Automatic classification with ECO Codes + + + + + Build index file + + + + + Commit Database after saving Game + + + + + Default path for storing files + + + + + Default Database Path: + + + + + Number of recent files: + + + + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Web Favorite + + + + + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + + + + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + + + + Append to file + + + + + Appearance - - Colors: + + Fonts for notation - - Autoplayer + + Texts - - Automatically save game and continue with next + + Moves - - Auto Analysis backwards + + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) - - Automatic Promotion + + + Font Size - - Always queen a pawn + + Application - - &Engines - &Programy + + Icons visible in menus + - - Command Line Options + + Raise list of games after filtering - - Options + + Use vertical Tabs - - Arbitrary name to identify engine + + Show background image - - shadow + + Dark Theme - - Copy Images + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! - - Fixed Size + + Icon Size - - Log + + Tiny - - Database + + Huge - - Automatic classification with ECO Codes + + Additional PGN tags - - Build index file + + Additional tags, separate with blanks - - Commit Database after saving Game + + Nalimov-6 - - Default path for storing files + + Syzygy-7 - - Default Database Path: + + FICS - - Number of recent files: + + Log in as guest - - Web Favorite + + + + Login - - URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + + + Password - - Use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + Number of plies to read ahead - - Appearance + + Sound while moving through games - - Fonts for notation + + No sounds - - Texts + + Indication sounds - - Moves + + Speak moves - - Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) + + Delay between moves [ms] - - - Font Size + + Portable Preferences - - Application + + Save to application folder - - Icons visible in menus + + Try to use Timeseal - - Use vertical Tabs + + App - - Additional PGN tags + + Internet - - Additional tags, separate with blanks - + + Board + Pozycja - - Log in as guest + + Always Scale - - Login + + Turn board for player: - - Password + + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs - - Try to use Timeseal + + Show command line - - App + + Lichess - - Internet + + + not required - - Check for updates (at startup) and language packs + + chess.com - + Localization - + Language - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! - + Load language file from Server: - + Load! - + External Tools - + Parameters - + Path - + Path and filename of external program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + Sound - - Indicate opponent's move - - - - WinBoard - WinBoard - - - UCI - UCI - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Path to executable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books - + Name: Nazwa: - + Command: Polecenie: - + Options: Opcje: - + Directory: Katalog: - + Protocol: Protokół: - + Down W dół - + Remove Usuń - + Add... Dodaj... - &Advanced - &Zaawansowane - - - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Edytuj pliki PGN mniejsze niż: - + MB MB - New - Nowy - - - + Up W górę - - outline+shadow - obramowanie i cień - PromotionDialog @@ -4764,105 +5043,64 @@ Shall I download a database? Szybkie wyszukiwanie - Game number - Numer partii - - - White - Białe - - - Black - Czarne - - - Event - Turniej - - - Site - Miejsce - - - Round - Runda - - - Date - Data - - - Result - Wynik - - - ECO - ECO - - - Length - Długość - - - &Cancel - &Anuluj - - - &Find - &Znajdź - - - + Find in current filter Przeszukaj aktualny filtr - + Search whole database Przeszukaj całą bazę - + Add to current filter Dodaj to aktualnego filtra - + Remove from current filter - + Find + + + Match tags from beginning + + + + + Match to end of tags + + &Value: &Wartość: - + &Tag: &Znacznik: - + &Mode: &Tryb: - + Value or Range like 2000-2300 - White Elo - Elo białych - - - Black Elo - Elo czarnych + + Options + @@ -4878,7 +5116,17 @@ Shall I download a database? - + + Current Game + + + + + Complete Database + + + + This is no valid email address. @@ -4924,20 +5172,12 @@ Shall I download a database? Zapisz partię - &OK - &OK - - - &Cancel - &Anuluj - - - + &Date: &Data: - + &Round: &Runda: @@ -4953,12 +5193,12 @@ Shall I download a database? &Czarne: - + &Site: &Miejsce: - + &Event: &Turniej: @@ -4989,75 +5229,74 @@ Shall I download a database? - - + + Time Control - + White Start Time - - + + H:mm:ss - + Black Start Time - + e.g. 40/7200:3600 for 2h/40 moves + 1h - + + Additional Information + + + + + Tag + + + + + Value + + + + Tournament Turniej - + E&vent date: Data &turnieju: - + Game Information Informacje o partii - + Result: Wynik: - 1-0 - 1-0 - - - 1/2-1/2 - 1/2-1/2 - - - 0-1 - 0-1 - - - * - * - - - + Dates are not properly formatted! - + Invalid Data @@ -5065,44 +5304,65 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - Small font - Mała czcionka - - - + Hide Column - + Resize visible Columns - + Show all Columns + + + Copy as HTML + + + + + Copy as Image + + TagDetailWidget - + Filter: - Selected Item + Filter games according to selected line - + Filter - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename @@ -5141,219 +5401,255 @@ Shall I download a database? + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File - + New Nowy - + Open... - + Save - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document - - TipOfDayDialog - - No tips available! - Brak podpowiedzi! - - - Tip of the day - Podpowiedź dnia - - - Show tip on startup - Pokaż podpowiedź przy starcie - - - &Previous - &Poprzednia - - - &Next - &Następna - - - &Close - &Zamknij - - diff --git a/i18n/chessx_pt_BR.ts b/i18n/chessx_pt_BR.ts index 12a395abc..1911bc4f6 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_pt_BR.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_pt_BR.ts @@ -9,93 +9,93 @@ Sobre ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - - - - + Further Code - + Translations - + License - - Version - - - - - Maintainer + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database - - Copyright + + Version - - Further Maintainers + + Maintainer - - Testing + + Copyright - + Coders - + Path Information - + Path for temporary files - + Program data path - + Path to settings - + FICS database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact - + Homepage - + Mailing List @@ -121,35 +121,27 @@ Free Chess Database Analysis - Mate in - Mate em - - - (depth %1) - (profundidade %1) - - - + Resigns - + Mate - + Mate in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) - + (suggested move) @@ -176,10 +168,6 @@ Free Chess Database Pin engine to current position - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -192,96 +180,141 @@ Free Chess Database - + Analyze Analisar - + Stop Parar - There was an error running engine <b>%1</b>. - Um erro foi encontrado rodando o motor <b>%1</b>. - - - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Empate - White wins in %n moves - + Brancas ganham em %n movimento Brancas ganham em %n movimentos - Black wins in %n moves - + Negras ganham em %n movimento Negras ganham em %n movimentos + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + White wins + + - + + Black wins + + + + Analysis pinned to move %1 - + Click to add move to game - + Tablebase - + Complexity - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> + + + AnnotationWidget + + + Form + + - <b>Tablebase:</b> - <b>Tabela base:</b> + + Enter comments and annotations here. + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 -%3 to move. +%3 to move - + White Brancas - + Black Negras @@ -294,14 +327,14 @@ b%2 - - + + Previous - - + + Next @@ -339,182 +372,131 @@ b%2 Definir posição - Board - Tabuleiro - - - + Clear Limpar - &Reset - &Reiniciar - - - + Side to move: Lado que move: - + Move: Mover: - &Advanced - &Avançado - - - + En passant file: Arquivo en passant: - + Black O-O Negras O-O - + White O-O-O Brancas O-O-O - + White O-O Brancas O-O - + Tools - + Flip board - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right - + Mirror top and bottom - + Change colors for all pieces - + Castling - + Black O-O-O Negras O-O-O - + Advanced - + + Chess 960 - + - - - + Random Position - + FEN - a - a - - - b - b - - - c - c - - - d - d - - - e - e - - - f - f - - - g - g - - - h - h - - - + Halfmove clock: - + Paste FEN Colar FEN - + Copy FEN Copiar FEN - &Ok - &OK - - - &Cancel - &Cancelar - - - + Copy Text - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -523,86 +505,82 @@ b%2 %1. - + No white king Sem rei branco - + No black king Sem rei negro - + Both kings are in check Ambos reis estão em cheque - + Side to move has opponent in check already Lado que move tem oponente já em cheque - + Black has too many pawns Negras tem muitos peões - + White has too many pawns Brancas tem muitos peões - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Existem peões na primeira ou última linha - + Too many kings Existem muitos reis - + Too many black pieces Existem muitas peças negras - + Too many white pieces Existem muitas peças brancas - + Bad castling rights Sem direto à rocar - + En passant square is not correct Casa do en passant não correta - + Unknown reason Razão desconhecida - FEN: %1 - FEN: %1 - - - + Illegal position: %1 Posição ilegal: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Texto na àrea de transferência não representa um FEN válido:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Não existe texto na área de transferência. @@ -610,37 +588,67 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Não encontrado dados sobre peça. + Não encontrado dados sobre peça. Por favor verifique sua instalação. + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + + BoardView - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target + + + + + Query the engine for the best reply + + + + + Draw a square or arrow annotation @@ -648,131 +656,120 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Adicionar comentário no começo... - Add comment... - Adicionar comentário... - - - - + + Add game comment... - + Comment... - + Add move symbol Adicionar símbolo ao movimento - + Add evaluation symbol Adicionar avaliação ao símbolo - + Add other symbol Adicionar outro símbolo - + Bishops - + Remove symbols Remover símbolos - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Promover para linha principal - + Move variation up - + Move variation down - + Remove variation Remover variante - + Remove previous moves Remover movimentos anteriores - + Remove next moves Remover próximos movimentos - - + + Insert threat - + Copy Html - + Copy Text - - Refactor + + Copy selected Text - - Uncomment + + Refactor - - Remove Variations + + Uncomment - Small font - Fonte pequena - - - - ClipboardDatabase - - - Clipboard + + Remove Variations @@ -808,6 +805,11 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + + CopyDialog @@ -850,106 +852,144 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. DatabaseList - + Databases - + Activate - + Open - + Close - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - + + Open at startup + + + + + Set active at startup + + + + Remove from Favorites - + Show in Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... + + + Set dirty + + DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite - + Name - + Size - - + + Open - + Path - + Format - + Date Data - + Read - + Closed + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -968,47 +1008,87 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. - + Max Ply - + Min Game - + + Repertoire for + + + + + Both sides + + + + + White + Brancas + + + + Black + Negras + + + + Filter out games + + + + + Use them all + + + + + White victories + + + + + Black victories + + + + Uniform Probabilities - + Output Path - + Enter the complete target path - + ... ... - + Clipboard - + New book - + Polyglot Book (*.bin) @@ -1016,12 +1096,12 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> @@ -1034,49 +1114,42 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. <i>sem jogos</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2 - + Rating: <b>%1</b> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b> - + White Player - - + + Score Resultado - + Black Player - - EngineData - - New engine - Novo motor - - EngineOptionDialog @@ -1124,42 +1197,42 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. EventInfo - + <i>no games</i> <i>sem jogos</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2<br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> + + Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> + - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> @@ -1167,8 +1240,8 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> @@ -1184,7 +1257,7 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 @@ -1197,252 +1270,262 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. - + Messages - + Say to opponent - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Brancas - + Black Negras - - - + + + History - + Double click to examine game - + Finger - + Games - - + + Double click to follow game - - + + Relay - - + + Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle - + Messages from Puzzlebot - + Players Jogadores - + Rating Rating - + User - - + + Seeks - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Rated only - + Human only - + Time Control - + Minutes - + Increment - + Elo - + Propose a game - + rated - + unrated - + Seek - + + Don't care + + + + No play list - + Enter command here - + Get Mate - + Get Study - + Get Tactics - - + + Accept - + Draw Empate - + Decline - + Abort - + Resign - + + Rematch + + + + Hint - + Cancel - + Disconnect - + Disconnected - + Retrieving relayed games... - + Observe - + Examine @@ -1450,257 +1533,322 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. FilterModel - + Nr - + White Brancas - + White Elo Elo das brancas - + Black Negras - + Black Elo Elo dasnegras - + Event Evento - + Site Local - + Round Round - + Date Data - + Result Resultado - + ECO ECO - + Moves - Game + GameList - - Copy game - + + + Game list + Lista de jogos - - - Add move + + Find tag... - - Merge game + + Hide Column - - Replace move + + Resize visible Columns - - - - Add variation + + Show all Columns - - Promote variation + + Copy games... - - Remove variation - Remover variante + + Filter exact twins + - - Truncate variation + + Filter twins - - Remove variations + + Merge into current game - - Remove comments + + All Games - - Set annotation + + Filter - - Colorize square + + Selected games - - Paint arrow + + Toggle deletions - - Add nag + + Undelete games - - Set nags + + Undelete game - - - Move variation + + Delete game - - Enumerate variations + + Delete games - - Set result + + Hide game + + + + + Hide games + + + + + Hide deleted games + + + + + Select All + + + + + Reset filter - - Set variant + + Reverse filter - GameList + GameWindow - - - Game list - Lista de jogos + + MainWindow + - - Find tag... + + New Game - - Hide Column + + Move + Mover + + + + Evaluation - - Resize visible Columns + + Other + + + GameX - - Show all Columns + + Copy game - - Copy games... + + + Add move - - Filter twins + + Merge game - - Merge into current game + + Replace move - - All Games + + Add line - - Filter + + + + Add variation - - Selected games + + Promote variation - - Delete game + + Remove variation + Remover variante + + + + Truncate variation - - Hide game + + Remove variations - - - GameWindow - - MainWindow + + Remove null lines - - Move - Mover + + Remove comments + - - Evaluation + + Remove time comments - - Other + + Set annotation + + + + + Colorize square + + + + + Paint arrow + + + + + Add nag + + + + + Set nags + + + + + + Move variation + + + + + Enumerate variations + + + + + Set result @@ -1711,6 +1859,21 @@ Por favor verifique sua instalação. MainWindow + + + Search Text + + + + + Type in text to search for... + + + + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards + + LoadQuery @@ -1749,1026 +1912,1219 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Texto do jogo - - - + Game List Lista de jogos - + Opening Tree Árvore de aberturas - Analysis - Análise - - - + Loading ECO file... Lendro arquivo ECO ... - + ECO Loaded. ECO lido. - [Clipboard] - [Área de transferencia] - - - Database %1 is already opened. - Base de dados %1 já está aberta. - - - + Opening %1... Abrindo %1... - + Cannot open file Não foi possível abrir o arquivo - + %1 opened %1 aberto - + Export games Exportar jogos - + PGN file (*.pgn) Arquivo PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Página HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) Documento LaTex (*.tex) - + &File &Arquivo - + &New database... &Nova base de dados... - + &Open... &Abrir... - Open &recent... - Abrir &recente... - - - &Save - &Salvar - - - + &Export... &Exportar... - + &Games in filter &Jogos no filtro - + &All games &Todos os jogos - + &Close &Fechar - + &Quit &Sair - + &Edit &Editar - + Comment Comentário - + Variation Variação - + Promote Promover - + Remove Remover - + &Remove &Remover - + Moves from the beginning Movimentos desde o começo - + Moves to the end Movimentos para o final - + Setup &position... Definir &posição... - &Copy FEN - &Copiar FEN - - - &Paste FEN - &Colar FEN - - - + &Preferences... &Preferencias... - + &View &Ver - + &Flip board &Inverter tabuleiro - &Player information... - &Informação do Jogador... - - - + &Game &Jogo - + &Load &Abrir - &First - &Primeiro - - - &Last - &Último - - - + &Next &Próximo - + &Previous &Prévio - + FICS Console - + + Notation + + + + Game Time - + + Annotations + + + + Players Jogadores - + Events - + ECO ECO - + Databases - + Analysis 1 - + Analysis 2 - + Move Interval: - + + Search Depth: + + + + ECO Load Error. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). - + File - + Open in UTF8... - + Open FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite - + Open recent - + Save Database - + Commit Database to disk - + Current Game - + Export Image... - + Mail PGN... - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Comment Before - + Promote Variation - + Remove Variation - + Copy PGN - + Copy FEN Copiar FEN - + Copy Position - + Copy Image - + Paste into new game - + Paste - + + Brush + + + + + Green + + + + + Yellow + + + + + Red + + + + + Erase + + + + Toolbars - + Stay on Top - + Close current board - + + View + + + + + Show target fields + + + + + Show threat + + + + + Show variation arrows + + + + + Show covered squares from White + + + + + Show covered squares from Black + + + + + Show underprotected white pieces + + + + + Show underprotected black pieces + + + + Game - + Database - + Load recent - + &Go to game... &Ir para o jogo... - + &Random &Aleatório - + &Save... - + Save - + Edit tags... - + Match - + + Read moves ahead + + + + Training - - Auto Respond + + + Prune null moves + + + + + Filter identical games + + + + + Edit tag + + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long - + + takes + + + + + to + + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + Auto Player - - + + Auto Analysis - - - + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + + + Engine Match - + &Go to &Ir para - + &Start &Iniciar - + Go to first move - + &End &Fim - + Refactor - + + Uncomment - + + + Remove Time + + + + + Remove Variations - + Search - + Find tag... - + Find position... - + Filter duplicate games - + Filter duplicate headers - + Reset filter - + Reverse filter - + + Refactor Database + + + + Help - + Customize Keyboard... - + Load Sample Database - + Report a bug... - + Start loading database... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Next move &Próximo movimento - - &Previous move + + Train both sides + + + + + &Previous move &Movimento anterior - + Go to last move - + 5 moves &forward 5 movimentos à &frente - + 5 moves &backward 5 movimentos para &trás - + Enter Variation - + Previous Variation - + Next Variation - + Back to main line Voltar para a linha principal - + &New &Novo - &Save.... - &Salvar... - - - &Analyze - &Analisar - - - + Fi&nd &Procurar - Find &tag - Procurar &tag - - - Find &position - Procurar &posição - - - &Reset filter - &Reiniciar filtro - - - &Reverse filter - &Reverter filtro - - - + &Database Base de &Dados - + &Switch to &Trocar para - + &Copy games... &Copiar jogos... - + Clear clipboard - - + + Scratch Pad - + &Help &Ajuda - &Report a bug... - &Reportar um problema... - - - + &About ChessX &Sobre ChessX - &Debug - &Depurar - - - + Following databases are modified: Seguintes base de dados foram modificadas: - + Save them? Salva-los? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - Compiled with 'fastbits' option<br> - Compilado com a opção 'fastbits' <br> - - - About ChessX - Sobre ChessX - - - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 ChessX developers<p>Current developer and maintainer: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michal Rudolf</a><p>Testing, usability and website: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Additional coding: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - <h1>ChessX</h1><p> Base de dados gratuito disponível sob a GPLv2.<br>Versão %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 Desenvolvedores ChessX<p>Atual desenvolvedor e mantenedor: <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">Michal Rudolf</a><p>Testes; usabilidade e página da web: Bruno Rizzuti<p>Código adicional: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Página:<a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Lista de discussão: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - - - + New database Nova base de dados - + PGN database (*.pgn) Base de dados PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Não foi possível criar a base de dados ChessX. - - + + Open database Abrir base de dados - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) Bases de dados PGN (*.pgn) - - The current database is modified! - - - - + Save it? - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>A base de dados <i>%1</i> é somente para leitura e não pode ser salva.<html> - - + + Set starting board - + Export Image - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - + + + + Time is over + + + + Red Square - + Yellow Square - + Green Square - + Remove Color - + Red Arrow to here - + Yellow Arrow to here - + Green Arrow to here - + Remove Arrow to here - + + End of game + + + + + End of line + + + + + Main line + + + + + Line + + + + Merge selected games - - Automatic responses + + Prune null moves from all games? + + + + + System Clipboard - - Play both sides + + Set %d games into system clipboard. - - + + Book build finished with Error + + + + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Engine %1 - + all - - - Append game %1 to %2. - - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. - + Error appending games to %1 - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. - + Search ended - + Searching... - + <b>New game</b> - + Infinite - + + Build book + + + + + Book built + + + + Could not build book - + Polyglot Error - + Saving %1... Salvando %1... - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + %1 saved %1 salvo - + + The selected database is modified! + + + + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Texto na área de transferência não representa um FEN válido:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Não existe texto na área de transferência. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. A área de transferencia contain FEN, mas com uma posição ilegal. Você somente pode colar posições na caixa de diálogo <b> Adjustar posição</b>. + Queen - Dama + Dama - Rook - Torre + + None + - Bishop - Bispo + + King + - Knight - Cavalo + + Rook + Torre - Promotion - Promoção + + Bishop + Bispo - Promote to: - Promover como: + + Knight + Cavalo - + Load Game Ler jogo - + Game number: Jogo número: - - - + + + This database is read only. Essa base de dados é somente para leitura. - <b><a href="tag:white">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:black">%3</a></b> %4 - <b><a href="tag:brancas">%1</a></b> %2 - <b><a href="tag:negras">%3</a></b> %4 + You need at least two open databases to copy games + You precisa de pelo menos duas base de dados abertas para copiar os jogos - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 - <b>%1</b> &nbsp; %2 + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 jogos) - %1: %2/%3 - %1: %2/%3 + + Delete all comments from all games? + - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - You precisa de pelo menos duas base de dados abertas para copiar os jogos + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 jogos) + + Delete all variations from all games? + - - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Game play + + + + + Game is drawn by insufficient material + + + + + Game is drawn by repetition + + + + + Game is drawn by 50 move rule + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Empate + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Updating tree... - Atualizando árvore... + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Tree updated - Árvore atualizada + %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX @@ -2784,62 +3140,62 @@ Shall I download a database? - + User Bonus - + Increment - + Time - + Gong - + Sudden Death - + Annotate elapsed game time - + Book - + Allow use of books - + Best move - + Random selection - + Weighted selection - + Engine starts @@ -2895,7 +3251,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - + [end] [fim] @@ -2903,593 +3259,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move - + Poor Move - + Very good Move - + Blunder - + Speculative Move - + Dubious Move - - + + Only Move - + Worst Move - - - + + + Equal - + Unclear - + White has slight advantage - + Black has slight advantage - + White has moderate advantage - + Black has moderate advantage - + White has decisive advantage - + Black has decisive advantage - + White has crushing advantage - - Black has crushing advantage - - - - - - Zugzwang - - - - - - With slight space advantage - - - - - - With moderate space advantage - - - - - With decisive space advantage + Black has crushing advantage - With slight development advantage + Zugzwang - With moderate development advantage + With slight space advantage - With decisive development advantage + With moderate space advantage - With initiative + With decisive space advantage - With lasting initiative + With slight development advantage - With attack + With moderate development advantage - With insufficient compensation for material deficit + With decisive development advantage - With compensation + With initiative - With more than adequate compensation for material deficit + With lasting initiative - With slight center control advantage + With attack - With moderate center control advantage + With insufficient compensation for material deficit - With decisive center control advantage + With compensation - With slight kingside control advantage + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit - With moderate kingside control advantage + With slight center control advantage - With decisive kingside control advantage + With moderate center control advantage - With slight queenside control advantage + With decisive center control advantage - With moderate queenside control advantage + With slight kingside control advantage - With decisive queenside control advantage + With moderate kingside control advantage - With vulnerable first rank + With decisive kingside control advantage - With well protected first rank + With slight queenside control advantage - With poorly protected king + With moderate queenside control advantage - With well protected king + With decisive queenside control advantage - With poorly placed king + With vulnerable first rank - With well placed king + With well protected first rank - With very weak pawn structure + With poorly protected king - With moderately weak pawn structure + With well protected king - With moderately strong pawn structure + With poorly placed king - With very strong pawn structure + With well placed king - With poor knight placement + With very weak pawn structure - With good knight placement + With moderately weak pawn structure - With poor bishop placement + With moderately strong pawn structure - With good bishop placement + With very strong pawn structure - With poor rook placement + With poor knight placement - With good rook placement + With good knight placement - With poor queen placement + With poor bishop placement - With good queen placement + With good bishop placement - With poor piece coordination + With poor rook placement - With good piece coordination + With good rook placement + + With poor queen placement + + + + + + With good queen placement + + + + + + With poor piece coordination + + + + + + With good piece coordination + + + + White played the opening very poorly - + Black played the opening very poorly - + White played the opening poorly - + Black played the opening poorly - + White played the opening well - + Black played the opening well - + White played the opening very well - + Black played the opening very well - + White played the middlegame very poorly - + Black played the middlegame very poorly - + White played the middlegame poorly - + Black played the middlegame poorly - + White played the middlegame well - + Black played the middlegame well - + White played the middlegame very well - + Black played the middlegame very well - + White played the ending very poorly - + Black played the ending very poorly - + White played the ending poorly - + Black played the ending poorly - + White played the ending well - + Black played the ending well - + White played the ending very well - + Black played the ending very well - - - - - - + + + + + + With counterplay - - + + Moderate time control pressure - - + + Severe time control pressure - + With the idea - + Aimed against - + Better was - + Worse was - + Equivalent was - + RR - + N - + Weak point - + Endgame - + Line - + Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops - + Bishops of opposite color - + Bishops of the same color - + Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Torneio + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Mover - + Count Contagem - + Score Resultado - + Rating Rating - + Year Ano @@ -3502,59 +3896,44 @@ Shall I download a database? - - Target - - - - + Filter games - + Board Tabuleiro - - Source - - - - + Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database - - + + Filter - - Progress - - - - + Undo - + (Book) @@ -3563,184 +3942,156 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style - - Show symbolic Nags + + Allow HTML in comments - - Text width + + Show symbolic Nags - - Indent variations from Level + + Text width - - Variation Indentation + + Indent variations from Level + + Variation Indentation + + + + Comment indentation - - + + Main Line Color - - + + Variation Color - - + + Comment Color - - + + NAG Color - - + + Header Color - - + + Show Header - - + + Show Diagrams - - + + Diagram Size - - + + Font for text - - + + Font for moves - + Comment Indentation - - PlayerDialog - - Player Information - Informação do Jogador - - - &Players - &Jogadores - - - &Find: - &Encontrar: - - - &Show player - &Mostrar jogador - - - &Update list - &Atualizar lista - - - &Information - &Informação - - - &Update player - &Atualizar jogador - - - <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> - <html><i>Nenhum jogador escolhido.</i></html> - - PlayerInfo - + + <i>no games</i> <i>sem jogos</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> al: %1<br>Brancas: %2<br>Negras: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Jogos na base de dados <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - + Black Openings @@ -3748,8 +4099,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nenhum jogador escolhido.</i></html> @@ -3762,669 +4113,885 @@ Shall I download a database? Preferências - &Ok - &Ok + + Mouse Behaviour + - &Apply - &Aplicar + + Wheel sensitivity + - &Cancel - &Cancelar + + Fast + - - &Board - &Tabuleiro + + Slow + - - Mouse Behaviour + + + + Never - - Next guess on right click + + Arrow - - Wheel sensitivity + + Colored copies - - Fast + + &Chess set: + &Conjunto de xadrez: + + + + Show move indicator - - Slow + + Draw Coordinates - - - Never + + Highlight current move: - - Arrow + + &Draw frame between squares + + + + + Board &style: + E&stilo do tabuleiro: + + + + &Colors: + &Cores: + + + + Automatic - - Colored copies + + + Always - - &Chess set: - &Conjunto de xadrez: + + No hints in training mode + - - Show threat + + Board + Tabuleiro + + + + Always Scale + + + + + Turn board for player: - - plain - plano + + Copy Images + - - outline - contorno + + Fixed Size + - outline+shadow - contorno+sombra + + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" + - - Show move indicator + + On mouse over - - Draw Coordinates + + Show guess - - Highlight current move: + + Right mouse button - - &Draw frame between squares - + + Go back / remove one move + - - &Guess move on left-click - &Sugerir movimento com clique esquerdo + + Next guess + - - Board &style: - E&stilo do tabuleiro: + + Colorize square + - - &Colors: - &Cores: + + Game + - - shadow + + Automatic Analysis - - Automatic + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") - - Always + + Mainline only - - No hints in training mode + + Always annotate engine score - - Copy Images + + Add Annotation at end of line - - Fixed Size + + Marks auto-generated move - - Game + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) - + + Game Text Texto do jogo - + Show Diagrams - - Column Style + + Column Style + + + + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + + Keep variations inline from level + + + + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + + Diagram Size + + + + + Pieces + + + + + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. + + + + + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + + + + Colors: + + + + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge - - Keep variations inline from level + + Number of plies to read ahead - - Diagram Size + + Sound while moving through games - - Pieces + + No sounds - - Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. + + Indication sounds - - KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + Speak moves - - Colors: + + Delay between moves [ms] - - Autoplayer + + Portable Preferences - - Automatically save game and continue with next + + Save to application folder - - Auto Analysis backwards + + Automatically save game and continue with next - + Automatic Promotion - + Always queen a pawn - - &Engines - &Motores - - - + Log - + Web Favorite - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Appearance - + Fonts for notation - + Texts - + Moves - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) - - + + Font Size - + Application - + Icons visible in menus - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + Use vertical Tabs - + + Dark Theme + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + Additional PGN tags - + Additional tags, separate with blanks - + + Nalimov-6 + + + + + Syzygy-7 + + + + + FICS + + + + Log in as guest - + + + Login - + + + Password - + Try to use Timeseal - + App - + Internet - + + Engines + + + + + Send History + + + + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs - + + Show command line + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + Localization - + Language - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! - + Load language file from Server: - + Load! - + External Tools - + Parameters - + Path - + Path and filename of external program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + Sound - - Indicate opponent's move - - - - WinBoard - WinBoard - - - UCI - UCI - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Path to executable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books - + Name: Nome: - + Command: Comando: - + Options: Opções: - + Directory: Diretório: - + Protocol: Protocolo: - + Down Para baixo - + Remove Remover - + Add... Adicionar... - + Up Para cima - &Advanced - &Avançado - - - + Use online tablebase servers Usar tabela base de servidores online - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Editrar arquivos PGN menores que: - + Command Line Options - + Options - + Arbitrary name to identify engine - + Database - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes - + Build index file - + Commit Database after saving Game - + Default path for storing files - + Default Database Path: - + Number of recent files: - + MB MB - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. - + Select external executable - + Select databases folder - + New Engine - + Could not load server language file dictionary - + Could not load or install language pack - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! - + No further translations online available! - + Clear all application settings? - + Warning Aviso - + Light squares Casas claras - + Dark squares Casas escuras - + Highlighted squares Destacar casas - + + Variation move + + + + + Targets + + + + + Check + + + + + Wall + + + + + Underprotected + + + + + Engine Move + + + + Main Line - + Variations - + Comments - + NAGs - - + + New database + Nova base de dados + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Base de dados PGN (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Frame - + Select engine directory Selecionar diretório do motor - + Select engine executable Selecionar motor executável - + Current move - + Stored move - + Threat - + [plain colors] [cores planas] @@ -4464,107 +5031,66 @@ Shall I download a database? Quick Tag Search Tag de procura rápida - - Game number - Número do jogo - - - White - Brancas - - - White Elo - Elo das brancas - - - Black - Negras - - - Black Elo - Elo dasnegras - - - Event - Evento - - - Site - Local - - - Round - Round - - - Date - Data - - - Result - Resultado - - - ECO - ECO - - - Length - Comprimento - - - &Find - &Encontrar - - - &Cancel - &Cancelar - &Value: &Valor: - + &Tag: &Tag: - + &Mode: &Modo: - + Value or Range like 2000-2300 - + + Options + + + + Find in current filter Encontrar no filtro atual - + Search whole database Buscar por toda base de dados - + Add to current filter Adicionar ao filtro atual - + Remove from current filter - + Find + + + Match tags from beginning + + + + + Match to end of tags + + RecipientAddressDialog @@ -4579,7 +5105,17 @@ Shall I download a database? - + + Current Game + + + + + Complete Database + + + + This is no valid email address. @@ -4624,14 +5160,6 @@ Shall I download a database? Save Game Salvar Jogo - - &OK - &OK - - - &Cancel - &Cancelar - Players @@ -4670,95 +5198,94 @@ Shall I download a database? - - + + Time Control - + White Start Time - - + + H:mm:ss - + Black Start Time - + e.g. 40/7200:3600 for 2h/40 moves + 1h - + + Additional Information + + + + + Tag + + + + + Value + + + + Tournament Torneio - + E&vent date: Data do e&vento: - + &Site: &Local: - + &Event: &Evento: - + Game Information Informação do Jogo - + &Round: &Round: - + &Date: &Data: - + Result: Resultado: - 1-0 - 1-0 - - - 1/2-1/2 - 1/2-1/2 - - - 0-1 - 0-1 - - - * - * - - - + Dates are not properly formatted! - + Invalid Data @@ -4766,44 +5293,65 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - Small font - Fonte pequena - - - + Hide Column - + Resize visible Columns - + Show all Columns + + + Copy as HTML + + + + + Copy as Image + + TagDetailWidget - + Filter: - Selected Item + Filter games according to selected line - + Filter - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename @@ -4842,190 +5390,253 @@ Shall I download a database? + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File - + New - + Open... - + Save - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document diff --git a/i18n/chessx_ro.ts b/i18n/chessx_ro.ts index 69a19e382..a47b07592 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_ro.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_ro.ts @@ -9,98 +9,93 @@ Despre ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Bază de date gratis pentru şah - - - + Version Versiune - + Copyright Copyright - + License Licenţă - + Maintainer Manager de proiect - - Further Maintainers - Alţi manageri de proiect - - - - Testing - Testare + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Programatori - + Further Code Alţi programatori - + Translations Traduceri - + Path Information Calea pentru informaţii - + Path for temporary files Calea pentru fişierele temporare - + Program data path Calea către datele programului - + Path to settings Calea către setări - + FICS database - sss - sss + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + - + Contact Contact - + Homepage Pagina principală - + Mailing List Lista mailuri @@ -122,39 +117,31 @@ Bază de date gratis pentru şah Keyboard Shortcut Scurtături tastatură - - Restore the original keyboard assignment - Restaurare asignările iniţiale ale tastaturii - - - Reset - Reiniţializare - Analysis - + Resigns - + Mate - + Mate in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (adâncime %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (mutare sugerată) @@ -181,10 +168,6 @@ Bază de date gratis pentru şah Pin engine to current position Poziţionează motorul la poziţia curentă - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -197,96 +180,147 @@ Bază de date gratis pentru şah - + Analyze Analizează - + Stop Stop - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. A fost o eroare (%1) la motorul care funcţionează <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Remiză - White wins in %n moves - + Albul câştigă în %n mutări - Black wins in %n moves - + Negrul câştigă în %n mutări + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Analiză la nivelul mutării %1 - + Click to add move to game - + Tablebase - + Complexity - + <i>Book:</i> - <a href="0" title="Click to add move to game">[+]</a> <b>Tablebase:</b> - <a href="0" title="Click pentru a adăuga mutări la partidă">[+]</a> <b>Tablebase:</b>. + + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> + + + + + AnnotationWidget + + + Form + Formă - - <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> + + Enter comments and annotations here. BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 -%3 to move. - w%1 -n%2 -%3 la mutare. +%3 to move + - + White Alb - + Black Negru @@ -299,14 +333,14 @@ n%2 - - + + Previous - - + + Next @@ -344,154 +378,131 @@ n%2 Aranjare poziţie - Board - Tablă - - - + Tools Unelte - + Side to move: Partea la mutare: - + Move: Mutarea: - + Flip board Roteşte tabla - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Oglindă stânga şi dreapta - + Mirror top and bottom Oglindă sus şi jos - + Change colors for all pieces Schimbă culorile pentru toate piesele - + Clear Curăţă - &Reset - &Reiniţializare - - - &Advanced - &Avansat - - - Castling rights - Drept la rocadă - - - + Black O-O Negru O-O - + White O-O-O Alb O-O-O - + White O-O Alb O-O - + Castling - + Black O-O-O Negru O-O-O - + Advanced - + En passant file: Linie en passant: - + Halfmove clock: Ceas jumătate de mutare: - + + Chess 960 - + - - + Random Position - + FEN FEN - + Paste FEN Lipeşte FEN - + Copy FEN Copiază FEN - + Copy Text Copiază text - &Ok - &Ok - - - &Cancel - &Cancel - - - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -500,82 +511,82 @@ n%2 %1. - + No white king Fără rege alb - + No black king Fără rege negru - + Both kings are in check Amândoi regii sunt în şah - + Side to move has opponent in check already Partea la mutare are deja oponentul în şah - + Black has too many pawns Negrul are prea mulţi pioni - + White has too many pawns Albul are prea mulţi pioni - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Există pioni pe prima sau ultima linie - + Too many kings Prea mulţi regi - + Too many black pieces Prea multe piese negre - + Too many white pieces Prea multe piese albe - + Bad castling rights Fără drept de rocadă - + En passant square is not correct Câmpul en passant nu este corect - + Unknown reason Motiv necunoscut - + Illegal position: %1 Poziţie ilegală: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Textul din clipboard nu este în formatul FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Nu există text în clipboard. @@ -583,170 +594,190 @@ n%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Nu au putut fi gasite date despre piese. Vă rugăm verificaţi instalarea. + Nu au putut fi gasite date despre piese. Vă rugăm verificaţi instalarea. + + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + BoardView - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - - Draw a square or arrow annotation + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - BoardViewEx - Form - Formă + + Query the engine for the best reply + + + + + + Draw a square or arrow annotation + ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Adăugare comentariu de început... - - + + Add game comment... Adăugare comentariu la joc... - + Comment... Comentariu... - + Add move symbol Adăugare simbol mutare - + Add evaluation symbol Adăugare simbol de evaluare - + Add other symbol Adăugare alt simbol - + Bishops Nebuni - + Remove symbols Eliminare simboluri - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Enumerare Variantele A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Enumerare Variantele a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Promovare ca şi linie principală - + Move variation up Promovare variantă - + Move variation down Retrogradare variantă - + Remove variation Eliminare variantă - + Remove previous moves Elimină mutările antrioare - + Remove next moves Elimină mutările următoare - - + + Insert threat Introdu ameninţarea - + Copy Html Copiază Html - + Copy Text Copiază text - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Refactor - + Uncomment Eliminare comentariu - + Remove Variations Elimină Varianta - - ClipboardDatabase - - - Clipboard - Clipboard - - CommentDialog @@ -776,12 +807,9 @@ Please check your installation. Mutare - Elapsed time - Timp scurs - - - Clock time - Timp ceas + + Evaluation + @@ -830,56 +858,67 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Baze de date - + Activate Activare - + Open Deschide - + Close Închide - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - Add to favorites - Adaugă la favorite + + Open at startup + + + + + Set active at startup + + + + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Elimină din favorite - + Show in Finder Arată în Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... @@ -887,57 +926,76 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Favorit - + Name Nume - + Size Mărime - - + + Open Deschide - + Path Cale - + Format Format - + Date Dată - + Read - Clipboard - Clipboard - - - + Closed Închis + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -956,47 +1014,87 @@ Please check your installation. - + Max Ply - + Min Game - + + Repertoire for + + + + + Both sides + + + + + White + Alb + + + + Black + Negru + + + + Filter out games + + + + + Use them all + + + + + White victories + + + + + Black victories + + + + Uniform Probabilities - + Output Path - + Enter the complete target path - + ... ... - + Clipboard Clipboard - + New book - + Polyglot Book (*.bin) @@ -1004,12 +1102,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Nu a fost selectat cod ECO.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nu a fost selectat cod ECO.</i></html> @@ -1023,49 +1121,41 @@ Please check your installation. <i>no games</i> - + Total: %1 Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2 Jocuri în baza de date %1: %2 - + Rating: <b>%1</b> Clasificare: <b>%1</b> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b> Clasificare: <b>%1-%2</b> - + White Player - - + + Score Scor - + Black Player - - <table><tr><th>White Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <table><tr><th>Jucătorul cu albele</th><th>Score</th></tr> - - - <a name='ListBlack'></a><table><tr><th>Black Player</th><th>Score</th></tr> - <a name='ListBlack'></a><table><tr><th>Jucătorul cu negrele</th><th>Score</th></tr> - EngineOptionDialog @@ -1074,10 +1164,6 @@ Please check your installation. Engine Options Opţiuni motor - - Reset - Reset - EngineOptionList @@ -1118,42 +1204,42 @@ Please check your installation. EventInfo - + <i>no games</i> <i>nu există jocuri</i> - + Total: %1 Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2<br> Jocuri în baza de date %1: %2<br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Clasificare: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Clasificare: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> + + Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> + - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> <table><tr><th>Participanţi</th><th>Scor</th></tr> @@ -1161,8 +1247,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Nu a fost selectat niciun eveniment.</i></html> @@ -1178,7 +1264,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 @@ -1191,252 +1277,262 @@ Please check your installation. Formă - + Messages - + Say to opponent - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Alb - + Black Negru - - - + + + History - + Double click to examine game - + Finger - + Games - - + + Double click to follow game - - + + Relay - - + + Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle - + Rated only - + Human only - + Elo - + Propose a game - + Get Mate - + Get Study - + Get Tactics - + Messages from Puzzlebot - + Players Jucători - + Rating Clasificare - + User - - + + Seeks - + Time Control Controlul timpului - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Minutes - + Increment - + rated - + unrated - + Seek - + + Don't care + + + + No play list - + Enter command here - - + + Accept - + Draw Remiză - + Decline - + Abort - + Resign - + + Rematch + + + + Hint - + Cancel - + Disconnect - + Disconnected - + Retrieving relayed games... - + Observe - + Examine @@ -1444,273 +1540,322 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr Nr - + White Alb - WhiteElo - Elo Alb - - - + Black Negru - BlackElo - Elo Negru - - - + White Elo Elo Alb - + Black Elo Elo Negru - + Event Eveniment - + Site Locaţie - + Round Rundă - + Date Data - + Result Rezultat - + ECO ECO - + Moves Mutări - Game + GameList - - - Add move - + + + Game list + Lista jocurilor - - Merge game + + Find tag... - - Replace move - + + Hide Column + Ascunde Coloană - Promote Variation - Promovează Variantă + + Resize visible Columns + Redimensionează coloanele vizibile - - Copy game - + + Show all Columns + Arată toate Coloannele - - - - Add variation - + + Copy games... + Copiază jocuri... - - Promote variation + + Filter exact twins - - Remove variation - Eliminare variantă + + Filter twins + - - Truncate variation - + + Merge into current game + Fuzionează în partida curentă - - Remove variations - + + All Games + Toate jocurile - - Remove comments + + Filter + Filtrează + + + + Selected games - - Set annotation + + Toggle deletions - - Colorize square + + Undelete games - - Paint arrow + + Undelete game - - Add nag + + Delete games - - Set nags + + Hide game - - - Move variation + + Hide games - - Enumerate variations + + Hide deleted games - - Set result + + Select All + + + + + Reset filter - - Set variant + + Reverse filter + + + Delete game + Sterge joc + - GameList + GameWindow - - - Game list - Lista jocurilor + + MainWindow + - - Find tag... + + New Game - - Hide Column - Ascunde Coloană + + Move + Mutare - - Resize visible Columns - Redimensionează coloanele vizibile + + Evaluation + - - Show all Columns - Arată toate Coloannele + + Other + + + + GameX - - Copy games... - Copiază jocuri... + + Copy game + - - Filter twins + + + Add move - - Merge into current game - Fuzionează în partida curentă + + Merge game + - - All Games - Toate jocurile + + Replace move + - - Filter - Filtrează + + Add line + - - Selected games + + + + Add variation - - Hide game + + Promote variation - Selected game - Jocul selectat + + Remove variation + Eliminare variantă - - Delete game - Sterge joc + + Truncate variation + - - - GameWindow - - MainWindow + + Remove variations - - Move - Mutare + + Remove null lines + - - Evaluation + + Remove comments - - Other + + Remove time comments + + + + + Set annotation + + + + + Colorize square + + + + + Paint arrow + + + + + Add nag + + + + + Set nags + + + + + + Move variation + + + + + Enumerate variations + + + + + Set result @@ -1721,6 +1866,21 @@ Please check your installation. MainWindow + + + Search Text + + + + + Type in text to search for... + + + + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards + + LoadQuery @@ -1759,950 +1919,1219 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Text Joc - - - + Game Time Timp Joc - + Game List Notaţie Joc - + Players Jucători - + Events Evenimente - + ECO ECO - + Databases Baze de date - + Opening Tree Arbore Deschideri - + Analysis 1 Analiză 1 - + Analysis 2 Analiză 2 - + Move Interval: Timp Mutare: - + Loading ECO file... Încarcă fişier ECO... - + ECO Loaded. ECO Încărcat. - + ECO Load Error. Eroare la încărcare ECO. - [Clipboard] - [Clipboard] - - - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. Baza de date %1 nu poate fi accesată momentan. - + Opening %1... Deschide %1... - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). Baza de date %1 nu poate fi accesată momentan (%2). - + Cannot open file Nu se poate deschide fişierul - + %1 opened %1 deschis - + Export games Exportă jocurile - + PGN file (*.pgn) Fişier PGN (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) Pagină HTML (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) Document.LaTeX (*.tex) - + &File &Fişier - + File Fişier - + &New database... Bază de date &nouă... - + &Open... &Deschide... - + Open in UTF8... Deschide în UTF8... - Open &recent... - Deschide &recent... - - - &Save - &Salvează - - - + Commit Database to disk Scrie baza de date pe disc - + &Export... &Exportă... - + Current Game Jocul curent - + &Games in filter &Partide filtrate - + &All games &Toate partidele - + Export Image - + Mail PGN... - + &Close &Închide - + &Quit &Ieşi - + &Edit &Editează - + Edit Editează - + Undo - + Redo - + Comment Comentariu - + Comment Before Comentează înainte - + Variation Variantă - + Promote Promovează - + Promote Variation Promovează Variantă - + Remove Elimină - + Remove Variation Elimină Varianta - + &Remove &Elimină - + Moves from the beginning Mutări de la început Mutări de la început - + Moves to the end Mutări până la sfârşit - + Setup &position... Aranjare &poziţie... - + Copy PGN Copiază PGN - + Copy FEN Copiază FEN - + Copy Position Copiază Poziţie - + Copy Image Copiază Imagine - - Load recent + + Brush - - - - Engine Match + + Green - - Find tag... + + Yellow - - Find position... + + Red - - Filter duplicate games + + Erase - - Filter duplicate headers + + View - - Reset filter + + Show target fields - - Reverse filter + + Show threat - - - Scratch Pad + + Show variation arrows - - Load Sample Database + + Show covered squares from White - - Report a bug... + + Show covered squares from Black - &Paste - &Lipeşte + + Show underprotected white pieces + - - &Preferences... - &Preferinţe... + + Show underprotected black pieces + - - &View - &Vedere + + Load recent + - - Toolbars - Bare de instrumente + + Read moves ahead + - - Stay on Top - Mereu Deasupra + + Train both sides + - New board - Tablă nouă + + Play engine + - - Close current board - Închide tabla curentă + + Match against engine + - - &Game - &Partidă + + + + Engine Match + - - Game - Partidă + + + Remove Time + - - Database - Baza de date + + + Prune null moves + - - &New - &Nou + + Find tag... + - - &Load - &Încarcă + + Find position... + - - &Next - &Următoarea + + Filter duplicate games + - - &Previous - &Precedenta + + Filter identical games + - - &Go to game... - &Mergi la partida... + + Filter duplicate headers + - - &Random - &Aleatoriu + + Reset filter + - &Save.... - &Salvează.... + + Reverse filter + - - &Flip board - &Roteşte tabla + + Refactor Database + - - Training - Antrenament + + Edit tag + - - Auto Respond - Răspuns automat + + + Scratch Pad + - - Auto Player - Jucător automat + + Load Sample Database + - - - Auto Analysis - Analiză automată + + Report a bug... + - - &Go to - &Mergi la + + None + - - &Start - &Start + + King + - - Go to first move - Mergi la prima mutare + + Queen + Damă - - &End - &Final + + Rook + Turn - - Go to last move - Mergi la ultima mutare + + Bishop + Nebun - - &Previous move - &Mutarea anterioară + + Knight + Cal - - FICS Console + + Pawn - - Open FICS + + idea - - Web Favorite + + castles short - - Open recent + + castles long - - Save Database + + takes - - Export Image... - + + to + la + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + + &Preferences... + &Preferinţe... + + + + &View + &Vedere + + + + Toolbars + Bare de instrumente + + + + Stay on Top + Mereu Deasupra + + + + Close current board + Închide tabla curentă + + + + &Game + &Partidă + + + + Game + Partidă + + + + Database + Baza de date + + + + &New + &Nou + + + + &Load + &Încarcă + + + + &Next + &Următoarea + + + + &Previous + &Precedenta + + + + &Go to game... + &Mergi la partida... + + + + &Random + &Aleatoriu + + + + &Flip board + &Roteşte tabla + + + + Training + Antrenament + + + + Auto Player + Jucător automat + + + + + Auto Analysis + Analiză automată + + + + &Go to + &Mergi la + + + + &Start + &Start + + + + Go to first move + Mergi la prima mutare + + + + &End + &Final + + + + Go to last move + Mergi la ultima mutare + + + + &Previous move + &Mutarea anterioară + + + + FICS Console + - + + Notation + + + + + Annotations + + + + + Search Depth: + + + + + Open FICS + + + + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + + Web Favorite + + + + + Open recent + + + + + Save Database + + + + + Export Image... + + + + Paste into new game - + Paste - + &Save... - + Save - + Edit tags... - + Match - + &Next move &Următoarea mutare - + 5 moves &forward 5 mutări &înainte - + 5 moves &backward 5 mutări în &urmă - + Enter Variation Intră Variantă - + Previous Variation Varianta Anterioară - + Next Variation Varianta Următoare - + Back to main line Înapoi la linia principală - + Refactor Refactor - + + Uncomment Eliminare comentariu - + + Remove Variations Elimină Varianta - + Fi&nd Gă&seşte - + Search Caută - Find &tag - Găseşte &etichetă - - - Find &position - Găseşte &poziţie - - - &Reset filter - &Reiniţializare filtru - - - &Reverse filter - &Inversează filtru - - - + &Database &Baza de date - + &Switch to &Comută la - + &Copy games... &Copiază jocuri.... - + Clear clipboard - + &Help &Ajutor - + Help Ajutor - + Customize Keyboard... Personalizează tastatură... - &Report a bug... - &Raportează un bug... - - - + &About ChessX &Despre ChessX - + Following databases are modified: Următoarele baze de date sunt modificate: - + Save them? Salvaţi? - + (%1 s.) (%1 s.) - + Start loading database... Începe încărcarea bazei de date... - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net O nouă versiune este disponibilă la chessx.sourceforge.net - + New database Bază de date nouă - + PGN database (*.pgn) Bază de date PGN (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. Nu se poate creea o bază de date ChessX. - - + + Open database Deschide baza de date - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) Baze de date PGN (*.pgn) - - The current database is modified! - Baza de date curentă este modificată! - - - + Save it? Salvaţi? - + Saving %1... Salvez %1... - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + %1 saved %1 salvat - + + The selected database is modified! + + + + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>Baza de date <i>%1</i> se poate doar citi şi nu poate fi salvată.</html> - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Textul din clipboard nu este în formatul FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Nu există text în clipboard. - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Clipboard-ul conţine text FEN, dar cu poziţie ilegală. Puteţi doar lipi astfel de poziţii în dialogul<b>Aranjează poziţia</b>. - - + + Set starting board - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - + + + + Time is over + + + + Red Square Câmp Roşu - + Yellow Square Câmp Galben - + Green Square Câmp Verde - + Remove Color Îndepărtează Culoarea - + Red Arrow to here Săgeată Roşie până aici - + Yellow Arrow to here Săgeată Galbenă până aici - + Green Arrow to here Săgeată Verde până aici - + Remove Arrow to here Îndepărtează săgeata care indică aici - + + End of game + + + + + End of line + + + + + Main line + + + + + Line + Linie + + + Load Game Încarcă partida - + Game number: Partida numărul: - - - + + + This database is read only. Baza de date se poate doar citi. - + Merge selected games - - Automatic responses + + Prune null moves from all games? - - Play both sides + + System Clipboard - - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + + Book build finished with Error + + + + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. În panoul 1 de analiză nu rulează un motor pentru analiză automată. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. În panoul 1 de analiză nu rulează un motor pentru analiză automată. {2 ?} - + Engine %1 - + all - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Ataşează partida %1 la %2. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. - + Error appending games to %1 - + Searching... - Clipboard - Clipboard - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Adaugă partidele de la %1 la %2. - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Aveţi nevoie de cel puţin două baze de date deschise pentru a copia partide + Aveţi nevoie de cel puţin două baze de date deschise pentru a copia partide - + %1. %2 (%3 games) %1. %2 (%3 partide) - - + + Delete all comments from all games? + + + + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + + + + + Delete all variations from all games? + + + + + Game play + + + + + Game is drawn by insufficient material + + + + + Game is drawn by repetition + + + + + Game is drawn by 50 move rule + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Remiză + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX - + Search ended Căutarea finalizată - Updating tree... - Actualizează arborele... - - - + <b>New game</b> <b>Joc nou</b> - + Infinite Infinit - + + Build book + + + + + Book built + + + + Could not build book - + Polyglot Error @@ -2720,62 +3149,62 @@ Shall I download a database? - + User Bonus - + Increment - + Time - + Gong - + Sudden Death - + Annotate elapsed game time - + Book - + Allow use of books - + Best move - + Random selection - + Weighted selection - + Engine starts @@ -2831,7 +3260,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - + [end] [final] @@ -2839,593 +3268,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move Mutare Bună - + Poor Move Mutare Slabă - + Very good Move Mutare foarte bună - + Blunder Gafă - + Speculative Move Mutare Speculativă - + Dubious Move Mutare Îndoielnică - - + + Only Move Mutare Forţată - + Worst Move - - - + + + Equal Egal - + Unclear Neclar - + White has slight advantage Albul are uşor avantaj - + Black has slight advantage Negrul are uşor avantaj - + White has moderate advantage Albul are avantaj mediu - + Black has moderate advantage Negrul are avantaj mediu - + White has decisive advantage Albul are avantaj decisiv - + Black has decisive advantage Negrul are avantaj decisiv - + White has crushing advantage Albul are avantaj covârşitor - + Black has crushing advantage Negrul are avantaj covârşitor - - - + + + Zugzwang Zugzwang - - + + With slight space advantage Cu puţin avantaj de spaţiu - - + + With moderate space advantage Cu avantaj de spaţiu moderat - - + + With decisive space advantage Cu avantaj decisiv de spaţiu - - + + With slight development advantage Cu uşor avantaj de dezvotare - - + + With moderate development advantage Cu avantaj moderat de dezvoltare - - + + With decisive development advantage Cu avantaj decisiv de dezvoltare - - + + With initiative Cu iniţiativă - - + + With lasting initiative Cu iniţiativă durabilă - - + + With attack Cu atac - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit Cu insuficientă compensaţie pentru deficitul de material - - + + With compensation Are compensaţie - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit Cu mai mult decât compensaţie suficientă pentru deficitul de material - - + + With slight center control advantage Cu un uşor avantaj în controlul centrului - - + + With moderate center control advantage Cu avantaj moderat în controlul centrului - - + + With decisive center control advantage Cu avantaj decisiv în controlul centrului - - + + With slight kingside control advantage Cu un uşor avantaj în controlul flancului regelui - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage Cu avantaj moderat în controlul flancului regelui - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage Cu avantaj decisiv în controlul flancului regelui - - + + With slight queenside control advantage Cu un uşor avantaj în controlul flancului damei - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage Cu avantaj moderat în controlul flancului damei - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage Cu avantaj decisiv în controlul flancului damei - - + + With vulnerable first rank Cu primă linie vulnerabilă - - + + With well protected first rank Cu prima linie foarte bine apărată - - + + With poorly protected king Cu rege slab apărat - - + + With well protected king Cu rege apărat bine - - + + With poorly placed king Cu rege plasat rău - - + + With well placed king Cu rege plasat bine - - + + With very weak pawn structure Cu structură de pioni foarte slabă - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure Cu structură de pioni moderat de slabă - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure Cu structură de pioni moderat de puternică - - + + With very strong pawn structure Cu structură de pioni foarte puternică - - + + With poor knight placement Cu poziţionare slaba a calului - - + + With good knight placement Cu poziţionare buna a calului - - + + With poor bishop placement Cu poziţionare slabă a nebunului - - + + With good bishop placement Cu poziţionare bună a nebunului - - + + With poor rook placement Cu poziţionare slabă a turnului - - + + With good rook placement Cu poziţionare bună a turnului - - + + With poor queen placement Cu poziţionare slabă a damei - - + + With good queen placement Cu poziţionare bună a damei - - + + With poor piece coordination Cu slabă coordonare a pieselor - - + + With good piece coordination Cu o bună coordonare a pieselor - + White played the opening very poorly Albul a jucat foarte slab deschiderea - + Black played the opening very poorly Negrul a jucat foarte slab deschiderea - + White played the opening poorly Albul a jucat slab deschiderea - + Black played the opening poorly Negrul a jucat slab deschiderea - + White played the opening well Albul a jucat bine deschiderea - + Black played the opening well Negrul a jucat bine deschiderea - + White played the opening very well Albul a jucat deschiderea foarte bine - + Black played the opening very well Negrul a jucat deschiderea foarte bine - + White played the middlegame very poorly Albul a jucat foarte slab jocul de mijloc - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Negrul a jucat foarte slab jocul de mijloc - + White played the middlegame poorly Albul a jucat slab jocul de mijloc - + Black played the middlegame poorly Negrul a jucat slab jocul de mijloc - + White played the middlegame well Albul a jucat bine jocul de mijloc - + Black played the middlegame well Negrul a jucat bine jocul de mijloc - + White played the middlegame very well Albul a jucat foarte bine jocul de mijloc - + Black played the middlegame very well Negrul a jucat foarte bine jocul de mijloc - + White played the ending very poorly Albul a jucat foarte slab finalul - + Black played the ending very poorly Negrul a jucat foarte slab finalul - + White played the ending poorly Albul a jucat slab finalul - + Black played the ending poorly Negrul a jucat slab finalul - + White played the ending well Albul a jucat bine finalul - + Black played the ending well Negrul a jucat bine finalul - + White played the ending very well Albul a jucat finalul foarte bine - + Black played the ending very well Negrul a jucat finalul foarte bine - - - - - - + + + + + + With counterplay Există contrajoc - - + + Moderate time control pressure Criză de timp moderată - - + + Severe time control pressure Criză de timp severă - + With the idea Cu ideea - + Aimed against Îndreptat impotriva - + Better was Era mai bine - + Worse was Era mai rău - + Equivalent was Era echivalent - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Punct slab - + Endgame Final de partidă - + Line Linie - + Diagonal Diagonală - - + + Pair of bishops Pereche de nebuni - + Bishops of opposite color Nebuni de culori diferite - + Bishops of the same color Nebuni de aceeaşi culoare - + Diagram Diagramă + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Turneu + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Mutare - + Count Total - + Score Scor - + Rating Clasificare - + Year An @@ -3438,59 +3905,56 @@ Shall I download a database? Formă - Target - Ţintă + Ţintă - + Filter games Filtrează partide - + Board Tablă - Source - Sursă + Sursă - + Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database Bază de date - - + + Filter Filtrează - Progress - Progres + Progres - + Undo - + (Book) @@ -3499,101 +3963,107 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Notaţie sub formă de coloană - + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Show symbolic Nags Arată semne de comentariu - - + + Text width Lăţimea textului - - + + Indent variations from Level Indentarea variantelor de la Level - - + + Variation Indentation Indentarea variantei - + Comment indentation Indentarea comentariului - - + + Main Line Color Culoarea Liniei Principale de Joc - - + + Variation Color Culoarea Variantei - - + + Comment Color Culoarea Comentariului - - + + NAG Color Culoare NAG - - + + Header Color Culoare Header - - + + Show Header Arată Header - - + + Show Diagrams Arată Diagrame - - + + Diagram Size Mărimea Diagramei - - + + Font for text Font pentru text - - + + Font for moves Font pentru mutări - + Comment Indentation Indentarea Comentariului @@ -3601,65 +4071,58 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerInfo - + + <i>no games</i> <i>nicio partidă</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Total: %1<br>Albul: %2<br>Negrul: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Partide în baza de date <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Clasificare: <b>%1</b><br> Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Clasificare: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Data: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Data: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - + Black Openings - - <p>White Openings:</p><ul> - <p>Deschiderile Albului:</p><ul> - - - </ul><p>Black Openings:</p><ul> - </ul><p>Deschiderile negrului:</p><ul> - PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Jucatorul nu a facut nicio alegere.</i></html> @@ -3672,668 +4135,888 @@ Shall I download a database? Preferinte - &Ok - &Ok - - - &Apply - &Aplică - - - &Reset - &Reiniţializare - - - &Cancel - &Cancel - - - - &Board - &Tablă de şah - - - + &Colors: &Culori: - - plain - simplu - - - - outline - contur - - - outline+shadow - contur+umbră - - - Highlight current move - Evidenţiază mutarea curentă - - - + &Draw frame between squares &Desenează spaţiul dintre câmpuri - + &Chess set: &Set de şah: - + Mouse Behaviour Comportamentul mouse-ului - - &Guess move on left-click - &Ghiceşte mutarea la click stânga - - - - Next guess on right click - Mutare sugerată la click dreapta - - - + Wheel sensitivity Sensibilitatea rotiţei - + Fast Repede - + Slow Încet - + Board &style: &Stilul tablei de sah: - + Draw Coordinates Desenează coordonatele - + Game Partidă - - Autoplayer - Jucător automat - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Salvează automat jocul şi continuă - - &Engines - &Motoare de joc - - - + Path to executable Calea către executabil - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Directorul unde motorul de joc se iniţializează-de obicei locaţia cărţilor - + Directory: Director: - + Protocol: Protocol: - + Name: Nume: - + Options: Opţiuni: - + Command: Comandă: - + Command Line Options Opţiuni linie de comandă - + Options Opţiuni - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Nume arbitrar pentru identificarea motorului de joc - + Down Jos - + Remove Elimină - + Add... Adaugă... - + Up Sus - + Database Baza de date - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Clasificare automată cu ajutorul codurilor ECO - + Build index file Constituire fişier index - + Commit Database after saving Game Scrie baza de date după salvarea partidei - + MB MB - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Editează fişiere PNG mai mici decât: - + Number of recent files: Numărul fişierelor recente: - + Default Database Path: Calea prestabilită către baza de date: - + Default path for storing files Calea prestabilită pentru salvarea fişierelor - + Appearance Vedere - + Fonts for notation Fonturi pentru notaţie - + Texts Texte - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Moves Mutări - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Font cu simboluri de şah (Unicod) - - + + Font Size Mărime Font - + + Game Text Text Partidă - + Highlight current move: - - + + + Never - + Arrow - + Show Diagrams Arată Diagramele - + Column Style Stil Coloană - + Keep variations inline from level Limitază variantele la nivelul - + Diagram Size Mărimea Diagramei - + Pieces Piese - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. de văzut Pune iniţialele pieselor aici, păstrează spaţiul iniţial. - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! de văzut KQRBN - Păstrează spaţiul iniţial! - + Colors: Culori: - - Auto Analysis backwards - - - - + Automatic Promotion - + Always queen a pawn - + Application - + Show move indicator - - Colored copies + + Colored copies + + + + + Automatic + + + + + + Always + + + + + No hints in training mode + + + + + Copy Images + + + + + Fixed Size + + + + + Log + + + + + Web Favorite + + + + + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + + + + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + + + + Icons visible in menus + + + + + Additional PGN tags + + + + + Additional tags, separate with blanks + + + + + Log in as guest + + + + + + + Login + + + + + + + Password + + + + + Try to use Timeseal + + + + + App + App + + + + Internet + Internet + + + + Board + Tablă + + + + Always Scale + + + + + Turn board for player: + + + + + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" + + + + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) - - Show threat + + Enable HTML comments - - shadow + + Hide special annotations - - Automatic + + Indent Comments - - Always + + Only Mainline - - No hints in training mode + + Engines - - Copy Images + + Send History - - Fixed Size + + Local Databases - - Log + + Preserve existing ECO Codes - - Web Favorite + + Add source tag when merging files - - URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + Source tag name - - Use $1 for auto-incrementing number + + Append to file - - Icons visible in menus + + Raise list of games after filtering - - Additional PGN tags + + Show background image - - Additional tags, separate with blanks + + Dark Theme - - Log in as guest + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! - - Login + + Icon Size - - Password + + Tiny - - Try to use Timeseal + + Huge - - App - App + + Nalimov-6 + - - Internet - Internet + + Syzygy-7 + - + Use online tablebase servers de văzut Utilizează serverele onlinel pentru tablebase - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Verifică update-urile (la startup) şi pachetele de limbi străine - + + FICS + + + + + Show command line + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + Localization Localizare - + Language Limbă - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Schimbarea limbii necesită repornirea aplicaţiei! - + Load language file from Server: Încarca fişierul de limbaj de pe Server: - + Load! Încarcă! - + External Tools - + Parameters - + Path Cale - + Path and filename of external program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + Sound - - Indicate opponent's move + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + + Portable Preferences + + + + + Save to application folder - + Use vertical Tabs Utilizează taburi verticale - + XBoard XBoard - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. Pentru actualizarea traducerilor onlinie opţiunea verificare versiune trebuie să fie activată. - + Select engine directory Selectează directorul motor de joc - + Select external executable - + Select databases folder Selectează directorul baza de date - + New Engine Motor de joc nou - + Select engine executable Selectează executabilul motorului de joc - + Could not load server language file dictionary Nu se poate încărca de pe server fişierul dicţionar al limbii - + Could not load or install language pack Nu se poate încărca sau instala pachetul pentru limbă - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! Fişierul traducere încărcat-selectaţi limba adăugată de mai sus! - + No further translations online available! Nu există alte traduceri disponibile online! - + Clear all application settings? Ştergeţi toate setările aplicaţiei? - + Warning Avertisment - + Light squares Câmpuri albe - + Dark squares Câmpuri negre - + Highlighted squares Câmpuri evidenţiate - - + + New database + Bază de date nouă + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + Bază de date PGN (*.pgn) + + + + Frame Margini - + Current move Mutarea curentă - + Stored move - + + Variation move + + + + Threat - + + Targets + + + + + Check + + + + + Wall + + + + + Underprotected + + + + + Engine Move + + + + [plain colors] [culori simple] - + Main Line Linie Principală - + Variations Variante - + Comments Comentarii - + NAGs NAG-uri @@ -4375,63 +5058,7 @@ Shall I download a database? Căutare Rapidă Tag - Game Number - Numărul Partidei - - - White - Alb - - - White Elo - Elo Alb - - - Black - Negru - - - Black Elo - Elo Negru - - - Event - Eveniment - - - Site - Loc - - - Round - Rundă - - - Date - Data - - - Result - Rezultat - - - ECO - ECO - - - Number of Moves - Număr de Mutări - - - &Find - &Găseşte - - - &Cancel - &Cancel - - - + Value or Range like 2000-2300 Valoare sau Rang 2000-2300 @@ -4441,40 +5068,55 @@ Shall I download a database? &Valoare: - + &Tag: &Element: - + + Options + Opţiuni + + + &Mode: &Mod: - + Find in current filter Găseşte în filtrul curent - + Search whole database Caută în toată baza de date - + Add to current filter Adaugă la filtrul curent - + Remove from current filter - + Find + + + Match tags from beginning + + + + + Match to end of tags + + RecipientAddressDialog @@ -4489,7 +5131,17 @@ Shall I download a database? - + + Current Game + Jocul curent + + + + Complete Database + + + + This is no valid email address. @@ -4527,10 +5179,6 @@ Shall I download a database? Rename Redenumeşte - - Close - Închide - SaveDialog @@ -4539,18 +5187,6 @@ Shall I download a database? Save Game Salvează partida - - &Discard Changes - &Respinge schimbările - - - &Cancel - &Cancel - - - &OK - &OK - Players @@ -4589,88 +5225,94 @@ Shall I download a database? Echipa Negrului - - + + Time Control Controlul timpului - + White Start Time Timpul de începere a albului - - + + H:mm:ss H:mm:ss - + Black Start Time Timp de Pornire Negru - + e.g. 40/7200:3600 for 2h/40 moves + 1h de exemplu. 40/7200:3600 pentru 2h/40 mutări + 1h - + + Additional Information + + + + + Tag + + + + + Value + Valoare + + + Tournament Turneu - + E&vent date: Data e&venimentului: - + &Site: &Loc: - + &Event: &Eveniment: - + Game Information Informaţii despre partidă - + &Round: &Rundă: - + &Date: &Dată: - + Result: Rezultat: - Clipboard - Clipboard - - - Dates are not properly formatted! - Invalid Data - Datele nu sunt formatate corespunzător! - - - + Dates are not properly formatted! Datele nu sunt formatate corespunzător! - + Invalid Data @@ -4678,44 +5320,65 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - + Hide Column Ascunde Coloană - + Resize visible Columns Redimensionează coloanele vizibile - + Show all Columns Arată toate Coloannele + + + Copy as HTML + + + + + Copy as Image + + TagDetailWidget - Form - Formă - - - + Filter: Filtru: - Selected Item - Item Selectat + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Filtru - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Redenumeşte @@ -4754,190 +5417,253 @@ Shall I download a database? + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File Fişier - + New - + Open... - + Save - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit Editează - + Undo - + Redo - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format Format - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document diff --git a/i18n/chessx_ru.ts b/i18n/chessx_ru.ts index 3e6e9acbd..a340bd576 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_ru.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_ru.ts @@ -9,98 +9,93 @@ О программе ChessX - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Шахматная база - - - + Version Версия - + Copyright Права копирования - + License Лицензия - + Maintainer Руководитель проекта - - Further Maintainers - Помощники руководителя проекта - - - - Testing - Тестирование + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database + - + Coders Программирование - + Further Code Программисты - + Translations Локализация - + Path Information Информация о программе - + Path for temporary files Временные файлы - + Program data path Путь к базе данных - + Path to settings Файл настроек - + FICS database База FICS - - Contact - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + - Контакты - Kontakt + + Contact + - + Homepage Страничка - + Mailing List Эл. Почта @@ -126,27 +121,27 @@ Free Chess Database Analysis - + Resigns Сдаюсь - + Mate Мат - + Mate in %1 мат в %1 - + (depth %1, %2) (глубина %1, %2) - + (suggested move) (Лучший ход) @@ -154,75 +149,109 @@ Free Chess Database AnalysisWidget - + Stop Стоп - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. Обнаружена ошибка (%1) при запуске движка <b>%2</b>. - + Draw Ничья - White wins in %n moves - + Победа белых в %n ход Победа белых в %n ходов - Black wins in %n moves - + Победа черных в %n ход Победа черных в %n ходов + + + White mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + + + + + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + - + White wins - + Black wins - + Analysis pinned to move %1 Анализ для хода %1 зафиксирован - + Click to add move to game Кликните для добавления хода в партию - + Tablebase Табличные базы - + Complexity Сложность - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> <br><b>Сложность:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> <i>Дебютная книга:</i> @@ -241,10 +270,6 @@ Free Chess Database Pin engine to current position Движок на этой позиции фиксирован - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -257,7 +282,7 @@ Free Chess Database - + Analyze Анализировать @@ -268,29 +293,34 @@ Free Chess Database - BitBoard + AnnotationWidget - w%1 -b%2 -%3 to move. - w%1 -b%2 -%3 в ходе. + + Form + Форма + + + + Enter comments and annotations here. + + + + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 %3 to move - + White Белые - + Black Черные @@ -343,17 +373,17 @@ b%2 BoardSetupDialog - + No white king Нет белого короля - + No black king Нет черного короля - + Both kings are in check Король(и) под шахом @@ -363,98 +393,98 @@ b%2 Установка позиции - + Clear Очистить - + Side to move: Кто ходит: - + Chess 960 Шахматы 960 - + - - - + Random Position Случайная позиция - + FEN FEN - + Move: Ход: - + Copy Text Копирование текста - + Side to move has opponent in check already Ходящая сторона находится под шахом - + Black has too many pawns У черных много пешек - + White has too many pawns У белых много пешек - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank Пешка на первой или восьмой горизонтали - + Too many kings Много королей - + Too many black pieces Много черных фигур - + Too many white pieces Много белых фигур - + Bad castling rights Неверная рокировка - + En passant square is not correct Поле взятия на проходе неверно - + Unknown reason Неизвестная ошибка - + Current position is not valid. %1. @@ -463,112 +493,100 @@ b%2 %1. - + Illegal position: %1 Ошибочная позиция: %1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Текст из буфера обмена содержит неверный FEN: <br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. Буфер обмена пустой. - Board - Brett - - - &Advanced - &Продвинутый - - - + En passant file: Линия взятия на проходе: - Castling rights - Рокировки - - - + Tools Инструменты - + Flip board Переворот доски - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right Отзеркалить слева на право - + Mirror top and bottom Отзеркалить сверзу вниз - + Change colors for all pieces Изменить цвет всех фигур - + Castling Рокировки - + Black O-O Черные O-O - + White O-O-O Белые O-O-O - + White O-O Белые O-O - + Black O-O-O Черные O-O-O - + Advanced Продвинутый - + Halfmove clock: Счетчик полуходов: - + Paste FEN Вставить FEN - + Copy FEN Копировать FEN @@ -576,199 +594,193 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - Не найдены данные фигур. + Не найдены данные фигур. Проверьте установку программы. - - Cannot find board data. -Please check your installation. + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. BoardView - + Query for piece in case of promotion Запрос фигуры при превращении - + Replace remainder of game with new move Заменить окончание партии с новым ходом - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves Вставить новый ход с сохранением предыдущих ходов - + Force adding a variation Форсировать вставку варианта - + + Draw a square or arrow annotation Помечать поля (стрелками) из аннотации - - Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - - - Query the engine for the best reply + + Spray color annotations - - - BoardViewEx - - Form - Форма - - - Comments and annotations will be displayed here. You can modify them, too. + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target - - - Enter comments and annotations here. + + Query the engine for the best reply ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... Начало комментария… - - + + Add game comment... Добавить комментарий… - + Comment... Комментарий… - + Add move symbol Добавить символ хода - + Add evaluation symbol Добавить символ оценки - + Add other symbol Добавить другие символы - + Bishops Меню для 3 видов: пойманный слон, разноцвет, одноцветностях Слоны - + Remove symbols Удалить символы - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) Варианты A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) Нумерация вариантов a) b) c) - + Promote to main line Сделать основным вариантом - + Move variation up Поднять вариант - + Move variation down Опустить вариант - + Remove variation Удалить вариант - + Remove previous moves Удалить предыдущие ходы - + Remove next moves Удалить следующие ходы - - + + Insert threat Вставить угрозу - + Copy Html Копировать в HTML - + Copy Text Копировать текст - + + Copy selected Text + + + + Refactor Рефакторинг - + Uncomment Разкомментировать - + Remove Variations Удалить варианты - - ClipboardDatabase - - Clipboard - Буфер обмена - - CommentDialog @@ -801,6 +813,11 @@ Please check your installation. H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + Оценка + CopyDialog @@ -843,66 +860,67 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases Базы данных - + Open Открыть - + Activate Активировать - + Close Закрыть - + Keep file Сохранить файл - + Two star favorite Два основных избранных - + Three star favorite Три основных избранных - + Open at startup - + Set active at startup - Add to favorites - Добавить в избранное + + Set dirty + - + Remove from Favorites Удалить из избранного - + Show in Finder Посмотреть в Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... Создать Polyglot книгу… @@ -910,53 +928,76 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite Избранное - + Name Название - + Size Размер - - + + Open Открыть - + Path Путь - + Format Формат - + Date Дата - + Read Прочитано - + Closed Закрыто + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -1063,12 +1104,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> <html><body><i>Не выбран ECO код.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> Не выбран ECO код @@ -1107,12 +1148,12 @@ Please check your installation. - + Score Результат - + Black Player Игрок черными @@ -1193,10 +1234,6 @@ Please check your installation. Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> Дата: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Дата: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - Date: <b>%1</b><br> @@ -1211,8 +1248,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Турнир не выбран.</i></html> @@ -1228,7 +1265,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 Соединение с FICS как %1 использовано %2 @@ -1241,262 +1278,262 @@ Please check your installation. Форма - + Messages Сообщения - + Say to opponent Сказать противнику - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White Белые - + Black Черные - - - + + + History История - + Double click to examine game Двойной клик для просмотра партии - + Finger Фингер - + Games Партии - - + + Double click to follow game Двойной клик для присоединения к партии - - + + Relay Live-передача - - + + Puzzle Задача - + Double click to get a puzzle Двойной клик для задачи - + Rated only Только рейтинговые - + Human only Только человек - + Elo Эло - + Propose a game Предложить партию - + Get Mate Задача на мат - + Get Study Обучение - + Get Tactics Задача на тактику - + Messages from Puzzlebot Сообщение от бота - + Players Игроки - + Rating Рейтинг - + User Пользователь - - + + Seeks Искать - + Time Control Контроль - + Lightning Пуля - + Blitz Блитц - + Standard Стандарт - + Minutes Минут - + Increment Добавление - + rated рейтинговый - + unrated без рейтинга - + Seek Искать - + Don't care - + No play list Без партий - + Enter command here Введите команду - - + + Accept Принять - + Draw Ничья - + Decline Отклонить - + Abort Прервать - + Resign Сдаться - + Rematch - + Hint Подсказка - + Cancel Отмена - + Disconnect Разрыв соединения - + Disconnected Соединение разорвано - + Retrieving relayed games... Восстановление переданных партий… - + Observe Наблюдать - + Examine Проверять @@ -1504,286 +1541,181 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr Nr - + White Белые - + Black Черные - + White Elo ELO белых - + Black Elo ELO черных - + Event Турнир - + Site Сайт - + Round Тур - + Date Дата - + Result Результат - + ECO ECO - + Moves Ходы - - Game - - - - Add move - Добавить ход - - - - Merge game - Склеить партии - - - - Replace move - Заменить ход - - - Add Variation - Добавить вариант - - - Promote Variation - Поднять вариант - - - - Copy game - Копировать партию - - - - Add line - - - - - - - Add variation - Добавить вариант - - - - Promote variation - Поднять вариант - - - - Remove variation - Удалить вариант - - - - Truncate variation - Обрезать вариант - - - - Remove variations - Удалить вариант - - - - Remove comments - Удалить комментарии - - - - Set annotation - Комментарии устанавливают - - - - Colorize square - Цвета полей - - - - Paint arrow - Рисовать стрелки - - - - Add nag - Добавить награду - - - - Set nags - Установить награду - - - - - Move variation - Варианты ходов - - - - Enumerate variations - Нумерация вариантов - - - - Set result - Установить результат - - - - Set variant - Установить вариант - - GameList - - + + Game list Список партий - + Find tag... Поиск партии… - + Hide Column Скрыть колонку - + Resize visible Columns Изменить размер колонки - + Show all Columns Смотреть все колонки - + Copy games... Копировать партии… - + + Filter exact twins + + + + Filter twins Фильтр дублей - + Merge into current game Склеить с текущей партией - + All Games Все партии - + Filter Фильтр - + Selected games Выбранные партии - + Toggle deletions - + Undelete games - + Undelete game - + Delete game Удалить партию - + Delete games - + Hide game Скрыть партию - + Hide games - + Hide deleted games - + + Select All + + + + Reset filter Сброс фильтра - + Reverse filter Реверс фильтра @@ -1796,21 +1728,138 @@ Please check your installation. Основное окно - + + New Game + + + + Move Ход - + Evaluation Оценка - + Other Другой + + GameX + + + Copy game + Копировать партию + + + + + Add move + Добавить ход + + + + Merge game + Склеить партии + + + + Replace move + Заменить ход + + + + Add line + + + + + + + Add variation + Добавить вариант + + + + Promote variation + Поднять вариант + + + + Remove variation + Удалить вариант + + + + Truncate variation + Обрезать вариант + + + + Remove variations + Удалить вариант + + + + Remove null lines + + + + + Remove comments + Удалить комментарии + + + + Remove time comments + + + + + Set annotation + Комментарии устанавливают + + + + Colorize square + Цвета полей + + + + Paint arrow + Рисовать стрелки + + + + Add nag + Добавить награду + + + + Set nags + Установить награду + + + + + Move variation + Варианты ходов + + + + Enumerate variations + Нумерация вариантов + + + + Set result + Установить результат + + HelpBrowserShell @@ -1871,1049 +1920,1213 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - Нотация - - - + Game List Список - + Loading ECO file... Загрузка ECO файла… - + ECO Loaded. ECO загружен. - - + + Open database Открыть базу данных - + PGN database (*.pgn) PGN база (*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. ChessX не может создать базу данных. - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin);;Arena books (*.abk);;Chessbase books (*.ctg) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) PGN база (*.pgn) - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>База данных <i>%1</i> только для чтения - не может быть сохранена.</html> - + Saving %1... Сохраняю %1... - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - PGN база (*.pgn);;Polyglot книга (*.bin) - - - The current database is modified! - Текущая база изменена! - - - + Save it? Сохранить? - + %1 saved %1 сохранено - + + Scid databases (*.si4) + + + + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + + + + + Arena books (*.abk) + + + + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + + + + The selected database is modified! - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> Текст в буфере обмена не является FEN позицией: <br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. В буфере обмена нет текста. - - + + Set starting board Установить начальную доску - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) Изображения (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - - - + + + Time is over - + Red Square Красные поля - + Yellow Square Желтые поля - + Green Square Зеленые поля - + Remove Color Удалить цвет - + Red Arrow to here Красная стрелка - + Yellow Arrow to here Желтая стрелка - + Green Arrow to here Зеленая стрелка - + Remove Arrow to here Убрать стрелку - + End of game - + Main line - + Merge selected games Склейка выбранных партий - - Automatic responses - Автоответы - - - - Play both sides - Играть за обе стороны + + Prune null moves from all games? + - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Анализ 2 не может запустить движок для автоанализа. - + Game is drawn by insufficient material - + Game is drawn by repetition - + Game is drawn by 50 move rule - + Engine %1 Движок %1 - + all все - - - Append game %1 to %2. - Партия %1 в %2 добавлена. - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. %1 партия в %2 добавлена. - + Error appending games to %1 Ошибка добавления партии в %1 - - - - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. Партия из %1 в %2 добавлена. - + + System Clipboard + + + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. - + + Set %d games into system clipboard. + + + + Searching... Поиск… - + <b>New game</b> <b>Новая партия</b> - + Infinite Бесконечно - + Build book - + Book built - + Could not build book Не могу создать книгу - + Polyglot Error Polyglot ошибка - + Book build finished with Error - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. Анализ 1 не может запустить движок для автоанализа. - - %1 - ChessX - - - - + Search ended Поиск завершен - Updating tree... - Обновление дерева… - - - + Load Game Загрузка партии - + Game number: Номер партии: - - - + + + This database is read only. База данных только для чтения. - + &File &Файл - + &Open... &Открыть… - + &Export... &Экспорт… - + &Games in filter &Партии в фильтре - + &All games &Все партии - + &Close &Закрыть - + &Quit &Выход - + &Edit &Редактировать - + Comment Комментарий - + Variation Вариант - + Promote Проднятие - + Remove Удаление - + Setup &position... Установка &позиции… - + ECO Load Error. Ошибка загрузки ECO-файла. - + Move Interval: Интервал хода: - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). База данных %1 в настоящий момент без доступа (%2). - + File Файл - + Open in UTF8... Открыть в UTF-8 кодировке… - + Commit Database to disk Сохранить изменения в базе - + Current Game Текущая партия - + Export Image Экспорт изображения - + Edit Редактировать - + Undo Отменить - + Redo Восстановить - + Promote Variation Поднять вариант - + Remove Variation Удалить вариант - + Toolbars Панель инструментов - + Stay on Top Всегда сверху - + &Game &Партия - + Game Партия - + Database База данных - + &Load &Загрузить - + &Next &Следующий - + &Previous &Предыдущий - + &Go to game... &К партии… - + &Random &Случайно - + Training Тренировка - - Auto Respond - Авто ответ - - - + Auto Player Авто игрок - - + + Auto Analysis Авто анализ - + &Go to &Перейти к - + &Start &Старт - + Go to first move К началу партии - + &End &Конец - + Go to last move В конец партии - + &Next move &Следующий ход - + Start loading database... Загрузка базы данных… - + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net Eсть новая версия программы на chessx.sourceforge.net - + &Previous move &Предыдущий ход - + 5 moves &forward 5 ходов &вперед - + 5 moves &backward 5 ходов &назад - + Enter Variation Ввод варианта - + Back to main line Вернуться к главной линии - + Events Турнир - + FICS Console FICS консоль - + ECO ECO - + Open FICS Открыть FICS - + Save Database Сохранить базу - + Export Image... Экспорт изображения… - + Mail PGN... Отправить эл.почтой PGN... - + Copy PGN Копировать PGN - + Copy FEN Копировать FEN - + Copy Position Копировать позицию - + Copy Image Копировать изображение - + Close current board Закрыть текущую доску - + &Save... &Сохранить… - + Save Сохранить - + Edit tags... Редактировать… - + Match Матч - - - + + + Engine Match Матч движков - + Refactor Рефакторинг - + + Uncomment Разкомментировать - + + Remove Variations Удалить вариант - + Fi&nd &Поиск - &Reset filter - &Сброс фильтра - - - &Reverse filter - &Обратить фильтр - - - + Clear clipboard Очистить буфер обмена - - + + Scratch Pad Черновик - + Help Помощь - + Customize Keyboard... Настройка клавиатуры… - + Load Sample Database Загрузить пример базы - + Report a bug... Отправить сообщение о баге… - + Following databases are modified: База данных изменена: - + Save them? Сохранить это? - + (%1 s.) - + &View &Просмотр - + + Notation + + + + Game Time Время - + + Annotations + + + + Players Игроки - + Databases База данных - + Analysis 1 Анализ 1 - + Analysis 2 Анализ 2 - + Search Depth: - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. База данных %1 в данный момент не может быть открыта. - + Opening %1... Деб.книга %1... - + Cannot open file Не могу открыть файл - + %1 opened %1 открыт - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite Web избранное - + Open recent Загрузить ранее открытую БД - + Comment Before Комментарий перед - + Paste into new game Вставить как новую партию - + Paste Вставить - + Brush - + Green - + Yellow - + Red - + Erase - + &Preferences... &Настройки… - + View - + Show target fields - + Show threat Показывать угрозу - + + Show variation arrows + + + + Show covered squares from White - + Show covered squares from Black - + Show underprotected white pieces - + Show underprotected black pieces - + Load recent Загрузить ранее открытую - + + Read moves ahead + + + + + Train both sides + + + + + Play engine + + + + + Match against engine + + + + Previous Variation Предыдущий вариант - + Next Variation Следующий вариант - + + + Remove Time + + + + + + Prune null moves + + + + Search Поиск - + Find tag... Поиск партии… - + Filter duplicate games Фильтр дублей - + + Filter identical games + + + + Filter duplicate headers Фильтр дублей заголовков - + Reset filter Сброс фильтра - + Reverse filter Реверс фильтра - + &Database &База данных - + + Edit tag + + + + + None + + + + + King + + + + + Queen + Ферзя + + + + Rook + Ладью + + + + Bishop + Слона + + + + Knight + Коня + + + + Pawn + + + + + idea + + + + + castles short + + + + + castles long + + + + + takes + + + + + to + куда + + + + promotes to + + + + + check mate + + + + + check + + + + &Flip board &Перевернуть доску - + Find position... Найти позицию… - + + Refactor Database + + + + &Help &Помощь - + &About ChessX &О программе ChessX - + Export games Экспорт партий - + Opening Tree Дебютная библиотека - + &Remove &Удалить - + Moves from the beginning Ходы от начала - + Moves to the end Ходы до конца - + &New &Новая - + PGN file (*.pgn) PGN-база (*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) HTML-страница (*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) LaTeX документ (*.tex) - - + + New database Создать базу данных - + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. Буфер обмена содержит FEN с неверной позицией. Вы можете вставить позицию в <b>Установка позиции</b> (меню). - + End of line - + Line Линия - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - Вам нужны две открытых базы данных, чтобы скопировать партии + + Delete all comments from all games? + - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 партий) + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - - &New database... - &Новая база данных… + + Delete all variations from all games? + - Open &recent... - &Letzte öffnen... + + Game play + - - &Switch to - &Переключиться на + + White wins + - + + Black wins + + + + + Draw + Ничья + + + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + + + + You need at least two open databases to copy games + Вам нужны две открытых базы данных, чтобы скопировать партии + + + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 партий) + + + + &New database... + &Новая база данных… + + + + &Switch to + &Переключиться на + + + &Copy games... &Копирование партий… @@ -3042,8 +3255,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - - + [end] @@ -3051,593 +3263,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move Хороший ход - + Poor Move Плохой ход - + Very good Move Очень хороший ход - + Blunder Зевок - + Speculative Move Подозрительный ход - + Dubious Move Сомнительный ход - - + + Only Move Единственный ход - + Worst Move Худший ход - - - + + + Equal Еквивалентно - + Unclear Неясно - + White has slight advantage У белых небольшое приемущество - + Black has slight advantage У черных небольшое приемущество - + White has moderate advantage У белых есть перевес - + Black has moderate advantage У черных есть перевес - + White has decisive advantage У белых приемущество - + Black has decisive advantage У черных приемущество - + White has crushing advantage У белых явное приемущество - + Black has crushing advantage У черных явное приемущество - - + + Zugzwang Цугцванг - - + + With slight space advantage С небольшим перевесом в пространстве - - + + With moderate space advantage С хорошим перевесом в пространстве - - + + With decisive space advantage С явным перевесом в пространстве - - + + With slight development advantage С небольшим позиционным перевесом - - + + With moderate development advantage С хорошим позиционным перевесом - - + + With decisive development advantage С явным позиционным перевесом - - + + With initiative С инициативой - - + + With lasting initiative С длительной инициативой - - + + With attack С атакой - - + + With insufficient compensation for material deficit С компенсацией за материал - - + + With compensation С компенсацией - - + + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit С явной компенсацией за материал - - + + With slight center control advantage С небольшим контролем центра - - + + With moderate center control advantage С хорошим контролем центра - - + + With decisive center control advantage С явным контролем центра - - + + With slight kingside control advantage С небольшим перевесом на королевском фланге - - + + With moderate kingside control advantage С хорошим перевесом на королевском фланге - - + + With decisive kingside control advantage С явным перевесом на королевском фланге - - + + With slight queenside control advantage С небольшим перевесом на ферзевом фланге - - + + With moderate queenside control advantage С хорошим перевесом на ферзевом фланге - - + + With decisive queenside control advantage С явным перевесом на ферзевом фланге - - + + With vulnerable first rank Ослаблена первая горизонталь - - + + With well protected first rank Защищенная первая горизонталь - - + + With poorly protected king С плохо защищенным королем - - + + With well protected king С хорошо защищенным королем - - + + With poorly placed king С плохо расположенным королем - - + + With well placed king С хорошо расположенным королем - - + + With very weak pawn structure С слабой пешечной структурой - - + + With moderately weak pawn structure С неплохой пешечной структурой - - + + With moderately strong pawn structure С хорошей пешечной структурой - - + + With very strong pawn structure С сильной пешечной структурой - - + + With poor knight placement С плохо расположенным конем - - + + With good knight placement С хорошо расположенным конем - - + + With poor bishop placement С плохо расположенным слоном - - + + With good bishop placement С хорошо расположенным слоном - - + + With poor rook placement С плохо расположенной ладьей - - + + With good rook placement С хорошо расположенной ладьей - - + + With poor queen placement С плохо расположенным ферзем - - + + With good queen placement С хорошо расположенным ферзем - - + + With poor piece coordination С плохой координацией фигур - - + + With good piece coordination С хорошей координацией фигур - + White played the opening very poorly Белые разыграли дебют очень слабо - + Black played the opening very poorly Черные разыграли дебют очень слабо - + White played the opening poorly Белые разыграли дебют слабо - + Black played the opening poorly Черные разыграли дебют слабо - + White played the opening well Белые разыграли дебют хорошо - + Black played the opening well Черные разыграли дебют хорошо - + White played the opening very well Белые разыграли дебют очень хорошо - + Black played the opening very well Черные разыграли дебют очень хорошо - + White played the middlegame very poorly Белые сыграли в миттельшпиле очень плохо - + Black played the middlegame very poorly Черные сыграли в миттельшпиле очень плохо - + White played the middlegame poorly Белые сыграли в миттельшпиле плохо - + Black played the middlegame poorly Черные сыграли в миттельшпиле плохо - + White played the middlegame well Белые сыграли в миттельшпиле нормально - + Black played the middlegame well Черные сыграли в миттельшпиле нормально - + White played the middlegame very well Белые сыграли в миттельшпиле хорошо - + Black played the middlegame very well Черные сыграли в миттельшпиле хорошо - + White played the ending very poorly Белые сыграли в эндшпиле очень плохо - + Black played the ending very poorly Черные сыграли в эндшпиле очень плохо - + White played the ending poorly Белые сыграли в эндшпиле плохо - + Black played the ending poorly Черные сыграли в эндшпиле плохо - + White played the ending well Белые сыграли в эндшпиле нормально - + Black played the ending well Черные сыграли в эндшпиле нормально - + White played the ending very well Белые сыграли в эндшпиле хорошо - + Black played the ending very well Черные сыграли в эндшпиле хорошо - - - + + + With counterplay С контригрой - - + + Moderate time control pressure Небольшой перевес по времени - - + + Severe time control pressure Серьезный перевес по времени - + With the idea С идеей - + Aimed against Нацелено против - + Better was Лучше было - + Worse was Хуже было - + Equivalent was Аналогично было - + RR RR - + N N - + Weak point Слабый пункт - + Endgame Эндшпиль - + Line Линия - + Diagonal Диагональ - - + + Pair of bishops Запертый слон - + Bishops of opposite color Разноцветные слоны - + Bishops of the same color Одноцветные слоны - + Diagram Диаграмма + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + Турнир + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move Ход - + Count Кол-во - + Score Оценка - + Rating Рейтинг - + Year Год @@ -3650,59 +3900,56 @@ Shall I download a database? Форма - Target - Цель + Цель - + Filter games Фильтр партий - + Board Доска - Source - Источник + Источник - + Pin Прикрепить - + ... ...... - - + + Database База данных - - + + Filter Фильтр - Progress - Прогресс + Прогресс - + Undo Отмена - + (Book) (Книга) @@ -3711,101 +3958,107 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style Примечания в стиле колонки - - + + Show symbolic Nags Показать символы наград - - + + Text width Ширина текста - - + + Indent variations from Level Изменения вариантов от уровня - - + + Variation Indentation Отступ варианта - + Comment indentation Отступ комментария - - + + NAG Color Цвет награды - - + + Main Line Color Основной цвет линий - - + + + Allow HTML in comments + + + + + Variation Color Цвет вариантов - - + + Comment Color Цвет комментариев - - + + Header Color Цвет заголовка - - + + Show Header Показывать заголовок - - + + Show Diagrams Показывать диаграмму - - + + Diagram Size Размер диаграммы - - + + Font for text Шрифт текста - - + + Font for moves Шрифт ходов - + Comment Indentation Отступ комментария @@ -3813,48 +4066,48 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerInfo - - + + <i>no games</i> <i>нет партий</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> Всего: %1<br>Белые: %2<br>Черные: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> Партий в базе <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> Рейтинг: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> Рейтинг: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> Дата: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> Дата: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings Дебюты за белых - + Black Openings Дебюты за черных @@ -3862,8 +4115,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>Игрок не выбран.</i></html> @@ -3871,219 +4124,230 @@ Shall I download a database? PreferencesDialog - + Light squares Светлые поля - + Dark squares Темные поля - + Highlighted squares Выделенное поле - - + + Frame Рамка - + Select engine directory Выбор папки движка - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. Для обновления локализации необходимо включить онлайн обновление. - + Select databases folder Выбор папки базы данных - + Select engine executable Выбор файла движка - + Could not load server language file dictionary Не могу загрузить с сервера языковый файл - + Could not load or install language pack Не могу загрузить или установить языковый файл - + No further translations online available! Данной локализации нет в онлайне! - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! Локализация загружена - выберите добавленный файл! - + Select external executable Выбор внешнего файла - + Clear all application settings? Сбросить все настройки программы? - + Warning Внимание - + Current move Текущий ход - + Stored move Сохраненный ход - + + Variation move + + + + Threat Угроза - + Targets - + Check - + Wall - + Underprotected - + + Engine Move + + + + + New database + Создать базу данных + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + PGN база (*.pgn) + + + [plain colors] [простые цвета] - + Main Line Главная линия - + Variations Варианты - + Comments Комментарии - + NAGs Награды - + Use online tablebase servers Использовать онлайн эндшпильные базы - &Board - &Доска - - - + &Colors: &Цвета: - + Board &style: Стиль &доски: - - &Guess move on left-click - &Быстрый ход по левому клику - - - + &Draw frame between squares &Рисовать рамку между полями - + &Chess set: &Набор фигур: - + Database База данных - + Commit Database after saving Game "Сохранить партию " Зафиксировать изменения в базе после сохранения партии - + Number of recent files: Кол-во ранее открытых файлов: - + Default Database Path: База по умолчанию: - + Default path for storing files Путь по умолчанию для хранения файлов - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) Шрифт с шахматными символами (Unicode) - - + + Font Size Размер шрифта - + Colors: Цвет: - + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs Проверять обновления (при старте) и файл локализации @@ -4093,502 +4357,661 @@ Shall I download a database? Настройки - + Appearance Внешний вид - + Fonts for notation Шрифт нотации - + Texts Текст - + Moves Ходы - + + Game Text Текст партии Board - + Доска - + Arrow Стрелки - + + On mouse over + + + + + Show guess + + + + + Right mouse button + + + + + Go back / remove one move + + + + + Next guess + + + + + Colorize square + Цвета полей + + + + Automatic Analysis + + + + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") + + + + + Mainline only + + + + + Always annotate engine score + + + + + Add Annotation at end of line + + + + + Marks auto-generated move + + + + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + Show Diagrams Смотреть диаграмму - + Column Style Стиль колонок - + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + Keep variations inline from level Сохранить варианты из уровня - + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + Diagram Size Размер диаграммы - + Pieces Фигуры - + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. Вставте начало фигур здесь (следите за начальным местом). - + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! KQRBN - следите за начальным местом! - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Engines - + Send History - + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + Application Приложение - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge + + + + + FICS + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + + Number of plies to read ahead + + + + + Sound while moving through games + + + + + No sounds + + + + + Indication sounds + + + + + Speak moves + + + + + Delay between moves [ms] + + + + Portable Preferences - + Save to application folder - + Show move indicator Показывать индикатор хода - + Automatic Автоматически - + + Always Всегда - - + + + Never Никогда - + Icons visible in menus Показывать в меню иконки - + + + Login Логин - + Localization Локализация - + Load language file from Server: Загрузка языка с сервера: - + Load! Загружено! - + Use vertical Tabs Использовать вертикальную табуляцию - + Copy Images Копировать изображение - + Fixed Size Фиксированный размер - + Always Scale - + Turn board for player: - + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - + Log Лог - + Web Favorite Web избранное - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number URL, используйте $1 для автоинкремента номера - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number Используйте $1 для автоинкремента номера - + Log in as guest Войти как гость - + + + Password Пароль - + Try to use Timeseal Попробовать использовать задержку времени - + Dark Theme - + Show command line - + App Прил - + Internet Интернет - + Nalimov-6 - + Syzygy-7 - + Language Язык - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! Для смены языка требуется перезагрузка программы! - + External Tools Внешние инструменты - + Parameters Параметры - + Path Путь - + Path and filename of external program Путь и имя файла для внешней программы - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) Командная строка, также $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + XBoard XBoard - + New Engine Новый движок - plain - простой - - - outline - вне строки - - - &Engines - &Движки - - - + Name: Название: - + Command: Команда: - + Options: Опции: - + Highlight current move: Подсвечивать текущий ход: - + Mouse Behaviour Поведение мыши - - Next guess on right click - Следующий быстрый ход по правому клику - - - + Wheel sensitivity Чувствительность колесика - + Fast Быстро - + Slow Медленно - + Draw Coordinates Показывать координаты - Show threat - Показывать угрозу - - - + Colored copies Цветные копии - + No hints in training mode Без подсказок в режиме тренировки - + Game Партия - - Autoplayer - Автоигра - - - + Automatically save game and continue with next Автоматически сохранять партию и переходить к следующей - - Auto Analysis backwards - Возврат автоанализа - - - + Automatic Promotion Автоматически превращать - + Always queen a pawn Всегда в ферзя - + Path to executable Путь к исполняемому файлу - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books Папка движка - для использования книги - + Directory: Папка: - + Protocol: Протокол: - + Command Line Options Опции командной строки - + Options Опции - + Arbitrary name to identify engine Произвольное имя движка - + Additional PGN tags Дополнительные PGN тэги - + Additional tags, separate with blanks Дополнительные тэги, отдельно от чистых - + Sound Звук - - Indicate opponent's move - Озвучивать ход - - - + Down Вниз - + Remove Удалить - + Add... Добавить... - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes Автоматически классифицировать с ECO кодом - + Build index file Сделать индексный файл - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: &Редактировать PGN-файлы меньше чем: - + MB Мб - + Up Вверх - - outline+shadow - внестроки+тень - PromotionDialog @@ -4709,7 +5132,7 @@ Shall I download a database? - + This is no valid email address. Не верный адрес. @@ -4887,27 +5310,27 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - + Hide Column Скрыть колонку - + Resize visible Columns Изменить видимые колонки - + Show all Columns Показать все колонки - + Copy as HTML - + Copy as Image @@ -4915,22 +5338,37 @@ Shall I download a database? TagDetailWidget - + Filter: Фильтр: - - Selected Item - Выбранное значение + + Filter games according to selected line + - + Filter Фильтр - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename Переименовать @@ -4969,191 +5407,254 @@ Shall I download a database? Ввести значение... + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions Работа с файлом - + File Файл - + New Новый - + Open... Открыть... - + Save Сохранить - + Save As... Сохранить как... - + Print... Печать... - + Print Preview... Предварительный просмотр... - + Export PDF... Экспорт в PDF... - + Edit Actions Редактировать действие - + Edit Редактировать - + Undo Отменить - + Redo Вернуть - + Cut Вырезать - + Copy Копировать - + Paste Вставить - + Pick board Выбрать доску - + Format Actions Формат - + Format Формат - + Bold Жирный - + Italic Курсив - + Underline С подчеркиванием - + Resize Размер - - + + Left Влево - - + + Center По центру - - + + Right Вправо - + Justify Выравнивать - + Color... Цвет... - + Style Actions Стиль - + Application Приложение - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? Настройки были изменены. Сохранить изменения? - + %1[*] - + Open File... Открыть файл... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) ODF фаайлы (*.odt);;HTML-файлы (*.htm *.html);;Все файлы (*) - + Save as... Сохранить как... - + Print Document Печать документа diff --git a/i18n/chessx_zh.ts b/i18n/chessx_zh.ts index 0fc249def..4aa2e14c5 100644 --- a/i18n/chessx_zh.ts +++ b/i18n/chessx_zh.ts @@ -9,93 +9,93 @@ - - <b>ChessX</b><br> -Free Chess Database - - - - + Further Code - + Translations - + License - - Version - - - - - Maintainer + + <b>ChessX</b><br> +Free Chess Database - - Copyright + + Version - - Further Maintainers + + Maintainer - - Testing + + Copyright - + Coders - + Path Information - + Path for temporary files - + Program data path - + Path to settings - + FICS database - + + Path to documents + + + + + ddd + + + + Contact - + Homepage - + Mailing List @@ -121,27 +121,27 @@ Free Chess Database Analysis - + Resigns - + Mate - + Mate in %1 - + (depth %1, %2) - + (suggested move) @@ -168,10 +168,6 @@ Free Chess Database Pin engine to current position - - ... - ... - Select an engine @@ -184,94 +180,123 @@ Free Chess Database - + Analyze 分析 - + Stop 停止 - Error - 错误 - - - There was an error running engine <b>%1</b>. - 引擎运行时错误: <b>%1</b>. - - - + There was an error (%1) running engine <b>%2</b>. - + Draw 和棋 - - White wins in %n moves + + White mates in %n move(s) - - Black wins in %n moves + + Black mates in %n move(s) + + + White wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + Black wins (reset in %n move(s)) + + + + + + + White wins + + + + + Black wins + + - + Analysis pinned to move %1 - + Click to add move to game - + Tablebase - + Complexity - + <br><b>Complexity:</b> %1<br> - + <i>Book:</i> + + AnnotationWidget + + + Form + + + + + Enter comments and annotations here. + + + BitBoard - + w%1 b%2 -%3 to move. +%3 to move - + White - + Black @@ -284,14 +309,14 @@ b%2 - - + + Previous - - + + Next @@ -329,244 +354,213 @@ b%2 设置位置 - Board - 棋盘 - - - + Clear 清除 - &Reset - 重置(&R) - - - + Side to move: 先走棋的一方: - + Move: 走棋: - &Advanced - 高级选项(&A) - - - + En passant file: 过路兵: - Castling rights - 王车易位权利 - - - + Black O-O 黑方 O-O - + White O-O-O 白方 O-O-O - + White O-O 白方 O-O - + Tools - + Flip board - - - - + + + + ... ... - + Mirror left and right - + Mirror top and bottom - + Change colors for all pieces - + Castling - + Black O-O-O 黑方 O-O-O - + Advanced - + + Chess 960 - + - - - + Random Position - + FEN - + Halfmove clock: 半成时钟: - + Paste FEN 粘贴FEN - + Copy FEN 复制FEN - &Ok - 确定(&O) - - - &Cancel - 取消(&C) - - - Invalid position - 无效位置 - - - + Copy Text - + Current position is not valid. %1. 当前位置无效. %1. - + No white king 白方王不存在 - + No black king 黑方王不存在 - + Both kings are in check 双方王都被将军 - + Side to move has opponent in check already 走棋方已经将军 - + Black has too many pawns 黑方多兵 - + White has too many pawns 白方多兵 - + There are pawns on the first or eighth rank 兵已经在第一行或者第八行 - + Too many kings 王太多 - + Too many black pieces 黑方棋子太多 - + Too many white pieces 白方棋子太多 - + Bad castling rights 没有易位权限 - + En passant square is not correct 吃过路兵方法错误 - + Unknown reason 未知原因 - FEN: %1 - FEN:%1 - - - + Illegal position: %1 非法位置:%1 - + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> 剪贴板上的FEN无效:<br><i>%1</i> - + There is no text in clipboard. 剪贴板为空. @@ -574,40 +568,66 @@ b%2 BoardTheme - Error - 错误 - - - Cannot find piece data. Please check your installation. - 无法找到棋子数据.\n请检查您的安装是否正确. + 无法找到棋子数据.\n请检查您的安装是否正确. + + + + Could not load pieces pixmap from '%1'. + + + + + Pieces file at '%1' has neither 6:2 nor 12:1 ratio. + + + + + The board pixmap at '%1' does not have 2:1 ratio. + BoardView - + + Spray color annotations + + + + Query for piece in case of promotion - + Replace remainder of game with new move - + Insert new move and keep as much as possible of remaining moves - + Force adding a variation - + + Query the engine as if piece was located at target + + + + + Query the engine for the best reply + + + + + Draw a square or arrow annotation @@ -615,131 +635,120 @@ Please check your installation. ChessBrowser - + Add start comment... 添加开始评论... - Add comment... - 添加评论... - - - - + + Add game comment... - + Comment... - + Add move symbol 添加走棋符号 - + Add evaluation symbol 添加棋局评估符 - + Add other symbol 添加其他符号 - + Bishops - + Remove symbols 移除符号 - + Enumerate Variations A) B) C) - + Enumerate Variations a) b) c) - + Promote to main line 升级为主线 - + Move variation up - + Move variation down - + Remove variation 移除变种 - + Remove previous moves 悔棋 - + Remove next moves 取消悔棋 - - + + Insert threat - + Copy Html - + Copy Text - - Refactor + + Copy selected Text - - Uncomment + + Refactor - - Remove Variations + + Uncomment - Small font - 小字体 - - - - ClipboardDatabase - - - Clipboard + + Remove Variations @@ -775,6 +784,11 @@ Please check your installation. H:mm:ss + + + Evaluation + + CopyDialog @@ -817,106 +831,144 @@ Please check your installation. DatabaseList - + Databases - + Activate - + Open - + Close - + Keep file - + Two star favorite - + Three star favorite - + + Open at startup + + + + + Set active at startup + + + + Remove from Favorites - + Show in Finder - + Make a Polyglot book... + + + Set dirty + + DatabaseListModel - - + + Favorite - + Name - + Size - - + + Open - + Path - + Format - + Date 比赛日期 - + Read - + Closed + + DatabaseTagDialog + + + Dialog + + + + + Edit Tags in complete Database + + + + + Current Text + + + + + Replace with + + + DlgSaveBook @@ -935,47 +987,87 @@ Please check your installation. - + Max Ply - + Min Game - + + Repertoire for + + + + + Both sides + + + + + White + + + + + Black + + + + + Filter out games + + + + + Use them all + + + + + White victories + + + + + Black victories + + + + Uniform Probabilities - + Output Path - + Enter the complete target path - + ... ... - + Clipboard - + New book - + Polyglot Book (*.bin) @@ -983,12 +1075,12 @@ Please check your installation. ECOListWidget - + <html><body><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></body></html> - + <html><i>No ECO code chosen.</i></html> @@ -1001,38 +1093,38 @@ Please check your installation. - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2 - + Rating: <b>%1</b> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b> - + White Player - - + + Score - + Black Player @@ -1084,42 +1176,42 @@ Please check your installation. EventInfo - + <i>no games</i> - + Total: %1 - + Games in database %1: %2<br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - - Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> + + Date: <b>????.??.??</b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> - + <table><tr><th>Participants</th><th>Score</th></tr> @@ -1127,8 +1219,8 @@ Please check your installation. EventListWidget - - + + <html><i>No event chosen.</i></html> @@ -1144,7 +1236,7 @@ Please check your installation. FicsClient - + Connected to FICS as %1 using %2 @@ -1157,252 +1249,262 @@ Please check your installation. - + Messages - + Say to opponent - - - - + + + + ... ... - + White - + Black - - - + + + History 历史 - + Double click to examine game - + Finger - + Games - - + + Double click to follow game - - + + Relay - - + + Puzzle - + Double click to get a puzzle - + Messages from Puzzlebot - + Players 选手 - + Rating - + User - - + + Seeks - + Lightning - + Blitz - + Standard - + Rated only - + Human only - + Time Control - + Minutes - + Increment - + Elo - + Propose a game - + rated - + unrated - + Seek - + + Don't care + + + + No play list - + Enter command here - + Get Mate - + Get Study - + Get Tactics - - + + Accept - + Draw 和棋 - + Decline - + Abort - + Resign - + + Rematch + + + + Hint - + Cancel - + Disconnect - + Disconnected - + Retrieving relayed games... - + Observe - + Examine @@ -1410,357 +1512,346 @@ Please check your installation. FilterModel - + Nr - + White - + White Elo 白方得分 - + Black - + Black Elo 黑方得分 - + Event 比赛 - + Site 比赛地点 - + Round 轮数 - + Date 比赛日期 - + Result 比赛结果 - + ECO 开局 - + Moves - Game + GameList - - Copy game + + + Game list + 棋局列表 + + + + Find tag... - - - Add move - 添加一步棋 + + Hide Column + - - Merge game + + Resize visible Columns - - Replace move + + Show all Columns - - - - Add variation - 添加变种 + + Copy games... + - - Promote variation + + Filter exact twins - - Remove variation - 移除变种 + + Filter twins + - - Truncate variation + + Merge into current game - - Remove variations + + All Games - - Remove comments + + Filter - - Set annotation + + Selected games - - Colorize square + + Toggle deletions - - Paint arrow + + Undelete games - - Add nag + + Undelete game - - Set nags + + Delete game - - - Move variation + + Delete games - - Enumerate variations + + Hide game - - Set result + + Hide games - - Set variant + + Hide deleted games - - - GameList - - - Game list - 棋局列表 - - - - Find tag... - - - - - Hide Column - - - - - Resize visible Columns - - - - - Show all Columns + + Select All - - Copy games... - - - - - Filter twins + + Reset filter - - Merge into current game + + Reverse filter + + + GameWindow - - All Games + + MainWindow - - Filter + + New Game - - Selected games + + Move - - Delete game + + Evaluation - - Hide game + + Other - GameWindow + GameX - - MainWindow + + Copy game - - Move - + + + Add move + 添加一步棋 - - Evaluation + + Merge game - - Other + + Replace move - - - HelpBrowserShell - - MainWindow + + Add line - - - HelpWindow - - ChessX - help viewer - ChessX - 帮助 - - - &Open ... - 打开(&O)... - - Opens a help page - 打开帮助页面 + + + + Add variation + 添加变种 - &Print - 打印(&P) + + Promote variation + - Prints the current page - 打印当前页 + + Remove variation + 移除变种 - E&xit - 退出(&x) + + Truncate variation + - Exits the help browser - 退出帮助浏览器 + + Remove variations + - &Forward - 前进(&F) + + Remove null lines + - Next document in history - 下一页 + + Remove comments + - &Back - 倒退(&B) + + Remove time comments + - Go back in history - 上一页 + + Set annotation + - &Home - 主页(&H) + + Colorize square + - Open the start page of the helpsystem - 打开帮助起始页 + + Paint arrow + - &About - 关于(&A) + + Add nag + - About ChessX - 关于ChessX + + Set nags + - History - 历史 + + + Move variation + - &File - 文件(&F) + + Enumerate variations + - Na&vigate - 导航(&v) + + Set result + + + + HelpBrowserShell - &Help - 帮助(&H) + + MainWindow + - Ready - 就绪 + + Search Text + - Select a help file ... - 选择帮助文件... + + Type in text to search for... + - Help pages (*.html *.htm ) - 帮助网页(*.html *.htm) + + Repeat search, press Shift to search backwards + @@ -1800,1102 +1891,1219 @@ Shall I download a database? MainWindow - - Game Text - 棋谱 - - - + Game List 棋局列表 - + Opening Tree 打开目录数 - Analysis - 分析 - - - + Loading ECO file... 载入开局文件... - + ECO Loaded. 开局文件已载入. - [Clipboard] - [剪贴板] - - - Database %1 is already opened. - 数据库 %1 已经打开. - - - + Opening %1... 打开中 %1... - + Cannot open file 无法打开文件 - + %1 opened %1 已打开 - + Export games 输出 棋局 - + PGN file (*.pgn) PGN 文件(*.pgn) - + HTML page (*.html) HTML 网页(*.html) - + LaTeX document (*.tex) LaTeX 文档(*.tex) - Edit comment - 编辑注释 - - - Comment: - 注释: - - - Loses in %n move(s) - - 在 %n 步时输棋 - - - - Wins in %n move(s) - - 在 %n 步时赢棋 - - - + Draw - 和棋 - - - <br>Tablebase: <a href="egtb:%1">%2%3 %1</a> -- %4 - <br>桌面数据: <a href="egtb:%1">%2%3 %1</a> -- %4 + 和棋 - + &File 文件(&F) - + &New database... 新数据库(&N)... - + &Open... 打开(&O)... - Open &recent... - 打开最近(&r)... - - - &Save - 保存(&S) - - - + &Export... 输出(&E)... - + &Games in filter 过滤器中的棋局(&G) - + &All games 所有棋局(&A) - + &Close 关闭(&C) - + &Quit 退出(&Q) - + &Edit 编辑(&E) - + Setup &position... 设置位置(&p)... - + &Remove 移除(&R) - + FICS Console - + + Notation + + + + Game Time - + + Annotations + + + + Players 选手 - + Events - + ECO 开局 - + Databases - + Analysis 1 - + Analysis 2 - + Move Interval: - + + Search Depth: + + + + ECO Load Error. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment. - + Database %1 cannot be accessed at the moment (%2). - + File - + Open in UTF8... - + Open FICS - + + Open Lichess + + + + + Open chess.com + + + + Web Favorite - + Open recent - + Save Database - + Commit Database to disk - + Current Game - + Export Image... - + Mail PGN... - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Comment - + Comment Before - + Variation - + Promote - + Promote Variation - + Remove 移除 - + Remove Variation - + Moves from the beginning 回到开始 - + Moves to the end 跳到结束 - - Load recent + + Brush - - Refactor + + Green - - Uncomment + + Yellow - - Remove Variations + + Red - - Search + + Erase - - Find tag... + + View - - Find position... + + Show target fields - - Filter duplicate games + + Show threat - - Filter duplicate headers + + Show variation arrows - - Reset filter + + Show covered squares from White - - Reverse filter + + Show covered squares from Black - - Help + + Show underprotected white pieces - - Customize Keyboard... + + Show underprotected black pieces - - Load Sample Database + + Load recent - - Report a bug... + + Read moves ahead - - Start loading database... + + Train both sides - - A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net + + Play engine - &Copy FEN - 复制FEN(&C) - - - &Paste FEN - 粘贴FEN(&P) - - - - &Preferences... - 偏好(&P)... - - - - &View - 视图(&V) + + Match against engine + - - &Flip board - 翻转棋盘(&F) + + Refactor + - &Player information... - 选手信息(&P)... + + + Uncomment + - - &Game - 棋局(&G) + + + Remove Time + - - &Load - 载入(&L) + + + Remove Variations + - &First - 第一局(&F) + + + Prune null moves + - &Last - 最后一局(&L) + + Search + - - &Next - 下一局(&N) + + Find tag... + - - &Previous - 上一局(&P) + + Find position... + - - Copy PGN + + Filter duplicate games - - Copy FEN - 复制FEN + + Filter identical games + - - Copy Position + + Filter duplicate headers - - Copy Image + + Reset filter - - Paste into new game + + Reverse filter - - Paste + + Refactor Database - - Toolbars + + Edit tag - - Stay on Top + + Help - - Close current board + + Customize Keyboard... - - Game + + Load Sample Database - - Database + + Report a bug... - - &Go to game... - 选择局数(&G)... + + Pawn + - - &Random - 随机(&R) + + idea + - - &Save... + + castles short - - Save + + castles long - - Edit tags... + + takes - - Match + + to - - Training + + promotes to - - Auto Respond + + check mate - - Auto Player + + check - - - Auto Analysis + + Start loading database... - - - - Engine Match + + A new version is available at chessx.sourceforge.net - - &Go to + + &Preferences... + 偏好(&P)... + + + + &View + 视图(&V) + + + + &Flip board + 翻转棋盘(&F) + + + + &Game + 棋局(&G) + + + + &Load + 载入(&L) + + + + &Next + 下一局(&N) + + + + &Previous + 上一局(&P) + + + + Copy PGN + + + + + Copy FEN + 复制FEN + + + + Copy Position + + + + + Copy Image + + + + + Paste into new game + + + + + Paste + + + + + Toolbars + + + + + Stay on Top + + + + + Close current board + + + + + Game + + + + + Database + + + + + &Go to game... + 选择局数(&G)... + + + + &Random + 随机(&R) + + + + &Save... + + + + + Save + + + + + Edit tags... + + + + + Match + + + + + Training + + + + + Auto Player + + + + + + Auto Analysis + + + + + + + Engine Match + + + + + &Go to 跳到(&G) - + &Start 开始(&S) - + Go to first move - + &End 结束(&E) - + &Next move 下一步(&N) - + &Previous move 上一步(&P) - + Go to last move - + 5 moves &forward 向前走5步(&f) - + 5 moves &backward 向后退5步(&b) - + Enter Variation - + Previous Variation - + Next Variation - + Back to main line - + &New 新建(&N) - &Save.... - 保存(&S)... - - - &Analyze - 分析(&A) - - - + Fi&nd 查找(&n) - Find &tag - 查找标签(&t) - - - Find &position - 查找位置(&p) - - - &Reset filter - 重置过滤器(&R) - - - &Reverse filter - 反转过滤器(&R) - - - + &Database 数据库(&D) - + &Switch to 切换到(&S) - + &Copy games... 复制棋局(&C)... - + Clear clipboard - - + + Scratch Pad - + &Help 帮助(&H) - &Report a bug... - 报告缺陷(&R)... - - - + &About ChessX 关于ChessX(&A) - &Debug - 调试(&D) - - - + Following databases are modified: 以下数据库已被修改: - + Save them? 保存? - + (%1 s.) (%1 妙) - Compiled with 'fastbits' option<br> - 编译是添加'fastbit'选项<br> - - - About ChessX - 关于 ChessX - - - <h1>ChessX</h1><p>Free chess database available under GPLv2.<br>Version %1<br>%2Copyright 2005-2010 ChessX developers<p>Current developer and maintainer: Michal Rudolf <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">&lt;mrudolf@kdewebdev.org&gt;</a><p>Additional coding: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>Homepage: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>Mailing list: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - <h1>ChessX></h1><p>基于GPLv2的免费国际象棋数据库.<br>版本 %1<br>%2 版权 2005-2010 ChessX 开发人员<p>当前开发和维护者:Michal Rudolf <a href="mailto:mrudolf@kdewebdev.org">&lt;mrudolf@kdewebdev.org&gt;</a><p>其它编码人员: Marius Roets, Sean Estabrooks, Rico Zenklusen, Ejner Borgbjerg, Heinz Hopfgartner, William Hoggarth.<p>主页: <a href="http://chessx.sf.net">http://chessx.sf.net</a><br>邮件列表: <a href="mailto:chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net">chessx-users@lists.sourceforge.net - - - + New database 新数据库 - + PGN database (*.pgn) PGN 数据库(*.pgn) - + Cannot create ChessX database. 无法创建ChessX数据库. - - + + Open database 打开数据库 - - PGN databases (*.pgn);;Polyglot books (*.bin) - - - - + + PGN databases (*.pgn) PGN 数据库(*.pgn) - - The current database is modified! - - - - + Save it? - + <html>The database <i>%1</i> is read-only and cannot be saved.</html> <html>数据库<i>%1</i>是只读的并且无法保存.</html> - - + + Set starting board - + Export Image - + Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp) - + + + + Time is over + + + + Red Square - + Yellow Square - + Green Square - + Remove Color - + Red Arrow to here - + Yellow Arrow to here - + Green Arrow to here - + Remove Arrow to here - + + End of game + + + + + End of line + + + + + Main line + + + + + Line + + + + Merge selected games - - Automatic responses + + Prune null moves from all games? + + + + + System Clipboard + + + + + Set %d games into system clipboard. - - Play both sides + + Book build finished with Error - - + + + Analysis Pane 1 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Analysis Pane 2 is not running an engine for automatic analysis. - + Engine %1 - + all - - - Append game %1 to %2. - - - - - + Appended %1 games to %2. - + Error appending games to %1 - - + + + + + Append games from %1 to %2. - + Search ended - + Searching... - + <b>New game</b> - + Infinite - + + Build book + + + + + Book built + + + + Could not build book - + Polyglot Error - + Saving %1... 保存中 %1... - - %1 saved - %1 已保存 - - - - Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - 剪贴板上不是有效的FEN:<br><i>%1</i> + + Scid databases (*.si4) + - - There is no text in clipboard. - 剪贴板为空. + + Polyglot books (*.bin) + - - The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. - 剪贴板上包含FEN, 但是位置无效. 只能忽略.. + + Arena books (*.abk) + - Queen - 皇后 + + Chessbase books (*.ctg) + - Rook - + + %1 saved + %1 已保存 - Bishop - + + The selected database is modified! + - Knight - + + Text in clipboard does not represent valid FEN:<br><i>%1</i> + 剪贴板上不是有效的FEN:<br><i>%1</i> - Promotion - 升级 + + There is no text in clipboard. + 剪贴板为空. - Promote to: - 升级为: + + The clipboard contains FEN, but with illegal position. You can only paste such positions in <b>Setup position</b> dialog. + 剪贴板上包含FEN, 但是位置无效. 只能忽略.. - Add move - 添加一步棋 + + Queen + 皇后 - There is already next move in current game. What do you want to do? - 当前棋局已经有下一步棋了。 你想做什么? + + None + - Add variation - 添加变种 + + King + - Add new mainline - 添加新的主线 + + Rook + - Replace current move - 替换当前的一步棋 + + Bishop + - Game %1: <b><a href="tag:white">%2</a> %3 - <a href="tag:black">%4</a> %5</b> - 棋局 %1: <b><a href="标签:白方">%2</a> %3 - <a href="标签:黑方">%4</a> %5</b> + + Knight + - %1(%2) %3 - %1(%2)%3 + + Load Game + 载入棋局 - <i>%1(%2), %3, %4</i> - <i>%1(%2), %3, %4</i> + + Game number: + 棋局号: - (Start of game) - (棋局开始) + + + + This database is read only. + 数据库为只读. - (End of game) - (棋局结束) + You need at least two open databases to copy games + 复制棋局至少需要打开两个数据库 - (End of line) - (分支结束) + + %1. %2 (%3 games) + %1. %2 (%3 棋局) - Last move: %1 &nbsp; &nbsp; Next: %2 - 上一步:%1 &nbsp; &nbsp; 下一步: %2 + + Delete all comments from all games? + - (&lt;-Var) - (当前;变种) + + Delete all time annotations from all games? + - <br>Variations: &nbsp; - <br>变种: &nbsp; + + Delete all variations from all games? + - - Load Game - 载入棋局 + + Game play + - - Game number: - 棋局号: + + Game is drawn by insufficient material + - - - - This database is read only. - 数据库为只读. + + Game is drawn by repetition + - %1: %2/%3 - %1: %2/%3 + + Game is drawn by 50 move rule + - - You need at least two open databases to copy games - 复制棋局至少需要打开两个数据库 + + White wins + - - %1. %2 (%3 games) - %1. %2 (%3 棋局) + + Black wins + - - - %1 - ChessX - %1 - ChessX + + Appended %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Updating tree... - 更新目录树... + + Append %1 games from %2 to %3. + - Tree updated - 目录树已更新 + %1 - ChessX + %1 - ChessX @@ -2911,62 +3119,62 @@ Shall I download a database? - + User Bonus - + Increment - + Time - + Gong - + Sudden Death - + Annotate elapsed game time - + Book - + Allow use of books - + Best move - + Random selection - + Weighted selection - + Engine starts @@ -3022,7 +3230,7 @@ Shall I download a database? MoveData - + [end] @@ -3030,593 +3238,631 @@ Shall I download a database? NagSet - + Good Move - + Poor Move - + Very good Move - + Blunder - + Speculative Move - + Dubious Move - - + + Only Move - + Worst Move - - - + + + Equal - + Unclear - + White has slight advantage - + Black has slight advantage - + White has moderate advantage - + Black has moderate advantage - + White has decisive advantage - + Black has decisive advantage - + White has crushing advantage - - Black has crushing advantage - - - - - - Zugzwang - - - - - - With slight space advantage - - - - - - With moderate space advantage - - - - - With decisive space advantage + Black has crushing advantage - With slight development advantage + Zugzwang - With moderate development advantage + With slight space advantage - With decisive development advantage + With moderate space advantage - With initiative + With decisive space advantage - With lasting initiative + With slight development advantage - With attack + With moderate development advantage - With insufficient compensation for material deficit + With decisive development advantage - With compensation + With initiative - With more than adequate compensation for material deficit + With lasting initiative - With slight center control advantage + With attack - With moderate center control advantage + With insufficient compensation for material deficit - With decisive center control advantage + With compensation - With slight kingside control advantage + With more than adequate compensation for material deficit - With moderate kingside control advantage + With slight center control advantage - With decisive kingside control advantage + With moderate center control advantage - With slight queenside control advantage + With decisive center control advantage - With moderate queenside control advantage + With slight kingside control advantage - With decisive queenside control advantage + With moderate kingside control advantage - With vulnerable first rank + With decisive kingside control advantage - With well protected first rank + With slight queenside control advantage - With poorly protected king + With moderate queenside control advantage - With well protected king + With decisive queenside control advantage - With poorly placed king + With vulnerable first rank - With well placed king + With well protected first rank - With very weak pawn structure + With poorly protected king - With moderately weak pawn structure + With well protected king - With moderately strong pawn structure + With poorly placed king - With very strong pawn structure + With well placed king - With poor knight placement + With very weak pawn structure - With good knight placement + With moderately weak pawn structure - With poor bishop placement + With moderately strong pawn structure - With good bishop placement + With very strong pawn structure - With poor rook placement + With poor knight placement - With good rook placement + With good knight placement - With poor queen placement + With poor bishop placement - With good queen placement + With good bishop placement - With poor piece coordination + With poor rook placement - With good piece coordination + With good rook placement + + With poor queen placement + + + + + + With good queen placement + + + + + + With poor piece coordination + + + + + + With good piece coordination + + + + White played the opening very poorly - + Black played the opening very poorly - + White played the opening poorly - + Black played the opening poorly - + White played the opening well - + Black played the opening well - + White played the opening very well - + Black played the opening very well - + White played the middlegame very poorly - + Black played the middlegame very poorly - + White played the middlegame poorly - + Black played the middlegame poorly - + White played the middlegame well - + Black played the middlegame well - + White played the middlegame very well - + Black played the middlegame very well - + White played the ending very poorly - + Black played the ending very poorly - + White played the ending poorly - + Black played the ending poorly - + White played the ending well - + Black played the ending well - + White played the ending very well - + Black played the ending very well - - - - - - + + + + + + With counterplay - - + + Moderate time control pressure - - + + Severe time control pressure - + With the idea - + Aimed against - + Better was - + Worse was - + Equivalent was - + RR - + N - + Weak point - + Endgame - + Line - + Diagonal - - + + Pair of bishops - + Bishops of opposite color - + Bishops of the same color - + Diagram + + OnlineBase + + + Dialog + + + + + Load Games + + + + + Handle + + + + + User handle, can be left empty + + + + + Starting from + + + + + Tournament + 比赛 + + + + Tournament handle, can be left empty + + + OpeningTree - + Move - + Count - + Score - + Rating - + Year @@ -3629,59 +3875,44 @@ Shall I download a database? - - Target - - - - + Filter games - + Board 棋盘 - - Source - - - - + Pin - + ... ... - - + + Database - - + + Filter - - Progress - - - - + Undo - + (Book) @@ -3690,184 +3921,156 @@ Shall I download a database? OutputOptions - + Notation in Column Style - - Show symbolic Nags + + Allow HTML in comments - - Text width + + Show symbolic Nags - - Indent variations from Level + + Text width - - Variation Indentation + + Indent variations from Level + + Variation Indentation + + + + Comment indentation - - + + Main Line Color - - + + Variation Color - - + + Comment Color - - + + NAG Color - - + + Header Color - - + + Show Header - - + + Show Diagrams - - + + Diagram Size - - + + Font for text - - + + Font for moves - + Comment Indentation - - PlayerDialog - - Player Information - 选手信息 - - - &Players - 选手(&P) - - - &Find: - 查找(&F): - - - &Show player - 显示选手(&S) - - - &Update list - 更新列表(&U) - - - &Information - 信息(&I) - - - &Update player - 更新选手信息(&U) - - - <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> - <html><i>没有选择选手</i></html> - - PlayerInfo - + + <i>no games</i> - + Total: %1<br>White: %2<br>Black: %3<br> - + Games in database <i>%1</i>: <b>%2</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1</b><br> - + Rating: <b>%1-%2</b><br> - + Date: <b>????.??.??<b><br> - + Date: <b>%1</b><br> - + White Openings - + Black Openings @@ -3875,8 +4078,8 @@ Shall I download a database? PlayerListWidget - - + + <html><i>No player chosen.</i></html> <html><i>没有选择选手</i></html> @@ -3889,669 +4092,885 @@ Shall I download a database? 选项 - &Ok - 确定(&O) + + Mouse Behaviour + - &Apply - 应用(&A) + + Wheel sensitivity + - &Cancel - 取消(&C) + + Fast + - - &Board - 棋盘(&B) + + Slow + - - Mouse Behaviour + + + + Never - - Next guess on right click + + Arrow - - Wheel sensitivity + + Colored copies - - Fast + + &Chess set: + 棋子样式(&C): + + + + Show move indicator - - Slow + + Draw Coordinates - - - Never + + Highlight current move: - - Arrow + + &Draw frame between squares + 棋盘方格间带线条(&D) + + + + Board &style: + 棋盘样式(&s): + + + + &Colors: + 颜色(&C): + + + + Automatic - - Colored copies + + + Always - - &Chess set: - 棋子样式(&C): + + No hints in training mode + - - Show threat + + Board + 棋盘 + + + + Always Scale - - plain - 简单 + + Turn board for player: + - - outline - 轮廓 + + Copy Images + - outline+shadow - 轮廓阴影 + + Fixed Size + - - Show move indicator + + Enter a name or expression like "Me|You" - - Draw Coordinates + + On mouse over - - Highlight current move: + + Show guess - - &Draw frame between squares - 棋盘方格间带线条(&D) + + Right mouse button + - - &Guess move on left-click - 点击左键,预测下一步(&G) + + Go back / remove one move + - - Board &style: - 棋盘样式(&s): + + Next guess + - - &Colors: - 颜色(&C): + + Colorize square + - - shadow + + Game - - Automatic + + Automatic Analysis - - Always + + Analyse backwards (forward only adds NAGs '!','?'") - - No hints in training mode + + Mainline only - - Copy Images + + Always annotate engine score - - Fixed Size + + Add Annotation at end of line - - Game + + Marks auto-generated move - + + Blunder Check Limit (centi-pawn) + + + + + Game Text 棋谱 - + Show Diagrams - - Column Style + + Column Style + + + + + Enable HTML comments + + + + + Hide special annotations + + + + + Keep variations inline from level + + + + + Indent Comments + + + + + Only Mainline + + + + + Diagram Size + + + + + Pieces + + + + + Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. + + + + + KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + + + + Colors: + + + + + Local Databases + + + + + Preserve existing ECO Codes + + + + + Add source tag when merging files + + + + + Source tag name + + + + + Append to file + + + + + Show background image + + + + + Icon Size + + + + + Tiny + + + + + Huge - - Keep variations inline from level + + Number of plies to read ahead - - Diagram Size + + Sound while moving through games - - Pieces + + No sounds - - Put the initials of the pieces here, mind the initial space. + + Indication sounds - - KQRBN - Mind the initial space! + + Speak moves - - Colors: + + Delay between moves [ms] - - Autoplayer + + Portable Preferences - - Automatically save game and continue with next + + Save to application folder - - Auto Analysis backwards + + Automatically save game and continue with next - + Automatic Promotion - + Always queen a pawn - - &Engines - 引擎(&E) - - - + Log - + Web Favorite - + URL, use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Use $1 for auto-incrementing number - + Appearance - + Fonts for notation - + Texts - + Moves - + Font with Chess Symbols (Unicode) - - + + Font Size - + Application - + Icons visible in menus - + + Raise list of games after filtering + + + + Use vertical Tabs - + + Dark Theme + + + + + Changing the theme requires restarting the application! + + + + Additional PGN tags - + Additional tags, separate with blanks - + + Nalimov-6 + + + + + Syzygy-7 + + + + + FICS + + + + Log in as guest - + + + Login - + + + Password - + Try to use Timeseal - + App - + Internet - + + Engines + + + + + Send History + + + + Check for updates (at startup) and language packs - + + Show command line + + + + + Lichess + + + + + + not required + + + + + chess.com + + + + Localization - + Language - + Changing the language requires restarting the application! - + Load language file from Server: - + Load! - + External Tools - + Parameters - + Path - + Path and filename of external program - + Command line, also $(InputPath), $(InputFile) - + Sound - - Indicate opponent's move - - - - WinBoard - WinBoard - - - UCI - UCI - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + ... ... - + Path to executable - + Path where engine is started - usually place of books - + Name: 名字: - + Command: 指令: - + Options: 选项: - + Directory: 目录: - + Protocol: 通信协议: - + Down 向下 - + Remove 移除 - + Add... 添加... - + Up 向上 - &Advanced - 高级选项(&A) - - - + Use online tablebase servers 使用在线象棋服务器 - + &Edit PGN files smaller than: 编辑的PGN文件小于(&E): - + Command Line Options - + Options - + Arbitrary name to identify engine - + Database - + Automatic classification with ECO Codes - + Build index file - + Commit Database after saving Game - + Default path for storing files - + Default Database Path: - + Number of recent files: - + MB 兆(MB) - + XBoard X棋盘 - + For updating translations online version checking needs to be enabled. - + Select external executable - + Select databases folder - + New Engine - + Could not load server language file dictionary - + Could not load or install language pack - + Translation file loaded - select added language above! - + No further translations online available! - + Clear all application settings? - + Warning 警告 - + Light squares 浅格颜色 - + Dark squares 深格颜色 - + Highlighted squares 高亮显示的棋格颜色 - + + Variation move + + + + + Targets + + + + + Check + + + + + Wall + + + + + Underprotected + + + + + Engine Move + + + + Main Line - + Variations - + Comments - + NAGs - - + + New database + 新数据库 + + + + PGN database (*.pgn) + PGN 数据库(*.pgn) + + + + Frame 边线颜色 - + Select engine directory 选择引擎目录 - + Select engine executable 选择引擎可执行文件 - + Current move - + Stored move - + Threat - + [plain colors] [简单颜色] @@ -4591,107 +5010,66 @@ Shall I download a database? Quick Tag Search 标签快速查找 - - Game number - 棋局号 - - - White - - - - White Elo - 白方得分 - - - Black - - - - Black Elo - 黑方得分 - - - Event - 比赛 - - - Site - 比赛地点 - - - Round - 轮数 - - - Date - 比赛日期 - - - Result - 比赛结果 - - - ECO - 开局 - - - Length - 长度 - - - &Find - 查找(&F) - - - &Cancel - 取消(&C) - &Value: 值(&V): - + &Tag: 标签(&T): - + &Mode: 模式(&M): - + Value or Range like 2000-2300 - + + Options + + + + Find in current filter 在当前过滤器中查找 - + Search whole database 查询整个数据库 - + Add to current filter 加入当前过滤器 - + Remove from current filter - + Find + + + Match tags from beginning + + + + + Match to end of tags + + RecipientAddressDialog @@ -4706,7 +5084,17 @@ Shall I download a database? - + + Current Game + + + + + Complete Database + + + + This is no valid email address. @@ -4751,14 +5139,6 @@ Shall I download a database? Save Game 保存棋局 - - &OK - 确定(&O) - - - &Cancel - 取消(&C) - Players @@ -4797,95 +5177,94 @@ Shall I download a database? - - + + Time Control - + White Start Time - - + + H:mm:ss - + Black Start Time - + e.g. 40/7200:3600 for 2h/40 moves + 1h - + + Additional Information + + + + + Tag + + + + + Value + + + + Tournament 比赛 - + E&vent date: 比赛日期(&v): - + &Site: 比赛地点(&S): - + &Event: 比赛项目(&E): - + Game Information 棋局信息 - + &Round: 轮数(&R): - + &Date: 比赛日期(&D): - + Result: 结果: - 1-0 - 1-0 - - - 1/2-1/2 - 1/2-1/2 - - - 0-1 - 0-1 - - - * - * - - - + Dates are not properly formatted! - + Invalid Data @@ -4893,44 +5272,65 @@ Shall I download a database? TableView - Small font - 小字体 - - - + Hide Column - + Resize visible Columns - + Show all Columns + + + Copy as HTML + + + + + Copy as Image + + TagDetailWidget - + Filter: - Selected Item + Filter games according to selected line - + Filter - + + Add games to the current filter + + + + + Add to Filter + + + + + Rename a tag in the complete database + + + + Rename @@ -4969,190 +5369,253 @@ Shall I download a database? + + TestAdapter + + + Prune null moves. + + + + + Remove all variations. + + + + + Remove all comments. + + + + + Remove all time annotations. + + + + + Always classify games. + + + + + Keep existing eco codes. Must be combined with ec. + + + + + Never classify games. + + + + + Exit after processing. + + + + + Input Database. + + + + + Input + + + + + Output Database. + + + + + Output + + + TextEdit - + File Actions - + File - + New - + Open... - + Save - + Save As... - + Print... - + Print Preview... - + Export PDF... - + Edit Actions - + Edit - + Undo - + Redo - + Cut - + Copy - + Paste - + Pick board - + Format Actions - + Format - + Bold - + Italic - + Underline - + Resize - - + + Left - - + + Center - - + + Right - + Justify - + Color... - + Style Actions - + Application - + The scratchpad has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - + %1[*] - + Open File... - - + + ODF files (*.odt);;HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*) - + Save as... - + Print Document diff --git a/resources.qrc b/resources.qrc index 40bb8a394..70b8be9a1 100644 --- a/resources.qrc +++ b/resources.qrc @@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ data/help/about3.html data/help/about4.html data/help/about5.html + data/help/ES/about0.html + data/help/ES/about1.html + data/help/ES/about1a.html + data/help/ES/about2.html + data/help/ES/about3.html + data/help/ES/about4.html + data/help/ES/about5.html data/images/accept.png data/images/annotate.png data/images/arrow_green.png diff --git a/src/gui/helpbrowser.cpp b/src/gui/helpbrowser.cpp index 88d397475..66850f7f4 100644 --- a/src/gui/helpbrowser.cpp +++ b/src/gui/helpbrowser.cpp @@ -33,8 +33,13 @@ QVariant HelpBrowser::loadResource(int type, const QUrl &name) void HelpBrowser::SetStartPage() { - setSource(QUrl("qrc:/help/about0.html")); - reload(); // Workaround bug in Qt + QString lang = AppSettings->getValue("/General/language").toString(); + setSource(QUrl("qrc:/help/about0.html")); + //hardcodes Spanish help Pages if language is set to Spanish + if (lang=="es"){ + setSource(QUrl("qrc:/help/ES/about0.html")); + } + reload(); // Workaround bug in Qt } void HelpBrowser::slotSourceChanged(const QUrl& url) diff --git a/translations.qrc b/translations.qrc index d0428c8b4..75b24f05e 100644 --- a/translations.qrc +++ b/translations.qrc @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ i18n/chessx_de.qm + i18n/chessx_es.qm