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SignCLIP: Connecting Text and Sign Language by Contrastive Learning

This document is a guideline for using the code and models and reproducing the findings introduced in our research paper:

SignCLIP: Connecting Text and Sign Language by Contrastive Learning

Please cite and refer to our paper for full discussion and details:

    title = "{S}ign{CLIP}i: Connecting Text and Sign Language by Contrastive Learning",
    author = {Jiang, Zifan  and
      Sant, Gerard and
      Moryossef, Amit  and
      M{\"u}ller, Mathias and
      Sennrich, Rico  and
      Ebling, Sarah},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Miami, USA",

Table of Contents


The codebase is an adaption of VideoCLIP, where general videos (e.g., HowTo100M) are replaced by specific sign language videos (e.g., How2Sign) to bring together text and sign language under a same latent space.

See VideoCLIP's original README for an overall introduction to multimodal video understanding and instructions on installing and using the packages:

cd fairseq
pip install .    # no need to make changes to the fairseq package
pip install -e . # need to make changes to the fairseq package

cd examples/MMPT 
pip install -e .

The code is developed under Python=3.8.8, Pytorch=1.8, cuda=11.0 with fairseq=1.0.0a0+af0389f and tested under Python=3.8.8 pytorch=1.9 cuda=11.0 fairseq=1.0.0a0+8e7bc73 during code release. Most models require transformers==3.4 for API compatibility pip install transformers==3.4. In addition, some downstream tasks may need conda install pandas.

Our repo additionally requires the following packages for the development of SignCLIP:

pip install tensorflow_datasets
pip install mediapipe
pip install scikit-learn

pip install sign-language-datasets
pip install pose-format

pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+

Background: Sign Language Representation

Video is the most available and rawest representation format containing human motion and sign language. However, videos are very dense both temporally (FPS, frame per second) and spatially (resolution), which are not computationally efficient and thus require a video encoder to extract informative features with reduced dimensionalities for downstream tasks.

VideoCLIP uses an S3D model pretrained on the HowTo100M instructional videos as the video encoder and it produces one video token per second. It is possible to use a similar video encoder pretrained on sign language videos for sign language. A prominent one is the I3D model pretrained specifically on the sign language recognition task of British Sign Language (BSL).

A potentially more interpretable and universal way of extracting sign language-related features from videos is human pose estimation, for example by MediaPipe Holistic. Recently, quantization-based approaches (such as SignVQNet) have also appeared as an alternative to convert continuous representations of sign language (videos/poses) to discrete tokens similar to spoken language (sub-)words.

Given a 10-second 480p (640×480) RGB (3 channels) video with 30 FPS, we make a rough comparison between the dimensionalities of different video encoders:

Encoder Temporal dim. Spatial dim.
Original video 10x30 640×480x3
S3D (pretrained on HowTo100M) 10 512
I3D (pretrained on BSL) 10 1024
MediaPipe Holistic 10x30 543x3
SignVQNet 10 1024

On the text side, we follow VideoCLIP and use the pretrained BERT model. One additional idea is to use SignWriting as a phonetic text representation of sign language.

FingerCLIP - Fingerspelling Understanding as a Proof-of-concept

We start with a simple dataset, RWTH German Fingerspelling Database, which contains 35 gestures with video sequences for the signs A to Z and SCH, the German umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, and for the numbers 1 to 5. Five of the gestures contain inherent motion (J, Z, Ä, Ö, and Ü). We call the model FingerCLIP, a mini version of SignCLIP since fingerspelling is a small and special part of sign language.


We test the viability of the idea using different combinations of video encoders/features:

  • S3D HowTo100M video features
  • I3D BSL video features (code)
    • the original 1024 dimensionality
    • the S3D 512 dimensionality downsampled by average pooling
  • Mediapipe pose estimation (code)
    • (all poses are 2D normalized and the legs are removed)
    • full body
    • dominant hand only
    • 3D hand normalization
    • 2D pose augmentation (training only)

and training strategies:

  • (zero-shot VideoCLIP, no training)
  • fine-tune VideoCLIP
  • from scratch

The same as the original VideoCLIP model training, in all experiments, the video encoders are frozen and only the weights of the two separate trainable Transformers (one each for video and text) are updated, initialized with the pre-trained bert-base-uncased. We train 25 epochs from scratch and 10 epochs for finetuning, respectively.

We place all config files for FingerCLIP under the directory projects/retri/fingerclip/. For example, to start the training for the experiment named rwthfs_scratch_pose (E3 in paper), run the following command with the desired config file:

python projects/retri/fingerclip/rwthfs_scratch_pose.yaml --jobtype local_single


We evaluate the models by viewing fingerspelling understanding as a text-video/video-text retrieval task. For both directions, the candidates are ranked by the cosine similarity to the text/video query in the latent space. To run the inference and evaluation on the test set:

python projects/retri/fingerclip/test_rwthfs_scratch_pose.yaml --jobtype local_predict


To collect evaluation results for all experiments:


This will store the results in results_rwthfs.csv.


  • Neither zero-shot nor fine-tuned VideoCLIP is helpful, just train from scratch.
  • I3D features pretrained on BSL works better than S3D features pretrained on HowTo100M.
  • Pose estimation as a feature extractor works better than 3D-CNN-based video encoders, probably because it is more universal. It is also more interpretable and operable (for data normalization and augmentation).
  • For fingerspelling, it is beneficial to focus on just the dominant hand.
  • Video-text retrieval is more challenging than text-video retrieval. Video-text retrieval is also more valuable since it involves sign language video recognition and understanding, while text-video retrieval can sometimes be easily implemented as a sign language dictionary lookup.
  • FingerCLIP solves both directions well, i.e., FingerCLIP understands isolated fingerspelling of the letters in German Sign Language (DGS).


We record a video of signing the letter A and convert it to pose by the transcription library:

video_to_pose -i zifan_A.mediapipe.mp4 --format mediapipe -o zifan_A.mediapipe.pose

And run the inference on this pose and some pre-defined text prompts with the best model rwthfs_scratch_hand_dominant_aug:

python /data/zifjia/zifan_A.mediapipe.pose

Compare the similarities:

('random text', 40.20402145385742)
('Fingerspell the letter Z in German Sign Language.', 59.460140228271484)
('Fingerspell the letter C in German Sign Language.', 65.52384948730469)
('Fingerspell the letter S in German Sign Language.', 52.56050491333008)
('Fingerspell the letter A.', 61.64430618286133)
('Fingerspell the letter a in German Sign Language.', 70.70125579833984)
('Fingerspell the letter A in German Sign Language.', 70.70125579833984)

As expected, the model scores the lowest with random text and higher with the designed prompts. It also scores the correct prompt for the letter A the highest, and it scores the same for upper and lower cases since we use bert-base-uncased which is case-insensitive.

SignCLIP v0 - Isolated Sign Language Recognition (ISLR)

NOTE: This section is a preliminary exploration and not part of the paper, skip if irrelevant.

We continue our exploration with the Google - Isolated Sign Language Recognition dataset, which was released for the Kaggle competition on classifying isolated American Sign Language (ASL) signs. The dataset contains the pose estimation (by MediaPipe Holistic) of 94,478 signing videos of 250 different individual signs. We split them randomly into training, dev, and test sets at the ratio of 9:0.5:0.5.


Following the practice in FingerCLIP, we make each batch a collection of unique signs (maximumly 250) with text prompts 'Sign the sign <sign_name> in American Sign Language.' at training time. We try to implement some of the techniques employed in the top solutions of the competition (although most of them use a dedicated classification model instead of a CLIP-like model):

  • a selective subset of the keypoints from pose estimation
  • a 1D CNN layer before the video Transformer
  • aggressive dropout

We always train the models from scratch and inherit the training setup from FingerCLIP. To start the training, run the following command with the desired config file (under projects/retri/signclip/):

python projects/retri/signclip/asl_signs_face.yaml --jobtype local_single


The same evaluation protocol as in FingerCLIP is used, i.e., the ISLR task can be formulated as video-text retrieval, except that now the search space is bigger since the test set's size increases to 4723 and the number of unique text prompts increases to 250. To run the inference and evaluation on the test set:

python projects/retri/signclip/test_asl_signs_face.yaml --jobtype local_predict

Please refer to results_asl_signs.csv for the evaluation results. Takeaways:

  • The effectiveness of our approach is proved not only on fingerspelling but also for ISLR.
  • Including the face should help understand signs, but only with a selective subset of the keypoints (nose, lips, eyes) because the full set is too dense.
  • 1D CNN and aggressive dropout do not further improve the performance.
  • Compared to the public leaderboard, there is a margin between video-text retrieval-based classification using SignCLIP and a dedicated classifier trained for the ISLR task.

SignCLIP v1

To fully realize the power and versatility of SignCLIP, in this version, we do not focus on a single dataset and a single task anymore. Instead, we train the models on more diverse sign language datasets with as large a batch size as we can afford (the original CLIP was trained with batch size 32,768).

As a reference, CLIP was trained on 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet and VideoCLIP was pretrained on 1.1M HowTo100M videos, and the duration of each is ∼6.5 minutes with ∼110 clip-text pairs.

Dataset Comparison

We present some existing datasets:

Dataset Language Type #examples #signs #signers
RWTH German Fingerspelling DGS Isolated Fingerspelling 1400 35 20
ChicagoFSWild ASL Continuous fingerspelling 7,304 - 160
ChicagoFSWild+ ASL Continuous fingerspelling 55,232 - 260
Google - American Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition ASL Continuous fingerspelling 67,208 - 100
Google - Isolated Sign Language Recognition ASL ISLR 94,477 250 21
WLASL ASL ISLR 21,083 2,000 100
Sem-Lex ASL ISLR 91,148 3,149 41
ASL Citizen ASL ISLR 84,000 2,700 -
ASL-LEX ASL Phonological Database - 2,723 -
How2Sign ASL Continuous 35,000 16,000 11
Spreadthesign Multilingual Dictionary ~500,000 - -

We choose Spreadthesign as our pretraining dataset for its large-scale and multilingual nature.

Dataset Analysis


This generates some CSV and log files that we use for making statistical plots:

Training and Evaluation

The final experiments reported in the paper are under projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/ and the experiments that finetune SignCLIP on three ASL ISLR datasets are under projects/retri/signclip_asl/ (some preliminary config files are placed under the directory projects/retri/signclip_v1/).

For example, to train E7.2, as described in the paper:

python projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/baseline_temporal.yaml --jobtype local_single

and test on in-domain data :

python projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/test_baseline_temporal.yaml --jobtype local_predict

and test on out-of-domain data:

python projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/test_baseline_temporal_zs.yaml --jobtype local_predict

and apply pose flipping at test time (E8):

python projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/test_baseline_temporal_zs_flip.yaml --jobtype local_predict

and apply pose anonymization at test time (E8.1):

python projects/retri/signclip_v1_1/test_baseline_temporal_zs_anonym.yaml --jobtype local_predict

The training and testing process can be automated by:


and collect final results into results_paper.csv by:


Downstream Datasets

To train from scratch or fine-tune on ASL ISLR datasets, take ASL Citizen for example:

python projects/retri/signclip_asl/asl_citizen_scratch.yaml --jobtype local_single
python projects/retri/signclip_asl/asl_citizen_finetune.yaml --jobtype local_single

and test:

python projects/retri/signclip_asl/test_asl_citizen_scratch.yaml --jobtype local_predict
python projects/retri/signclip_asl/test_asl_citizen_finetune.yaml --jobtype local_predict

Demo and Model Weights

Similar to FingerCLIP, we run a demo for the sign "house" in ASL from Spreadthesign:

python /home/ubuntu/house_sp.pose
('random text', 62.97612380981445)
('house', 67.9032211303711)
('<en> <ase> house', 93.79232788085938)
('<en> <gsg> house', 80.39485931396484)
('<en> <fsl> house', 83.63579559326172)
('<en> <ase> sun', 72.60753631591797)
('<en> <ase> police', 81.2123031616211)
('<en> <ase> how are you?', 80.26660919189453)

We released the model weights for:

  • E3.2: rwthfs_hand_dominant_aug,
  • E7.2: baseline_temporal,
  • and ones fine-tuned for the three ASL datasets

here (others are available on request):

API Server

To set up an API server for the above-mentioned model, first install dependencies:

pip install flask
pip install flask_cors

then run locally for debugging:

python -m flask --app app run --host= --port=3030

or use a Gunicorn server for production:

gunicorn -t 300 -w 4 -b app:app

To test locally:


or simply by cURL:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3030/api/embed/text' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "text": [
        "random text."

We set this up on a public URL<modality> for demo purposes, please do not abuse it.

Additional demo and analysis is done using a Colab notebook with the API:

This notebook shows how to get SignCLIP embeddings given text and sign language videos via the API.


Mathias Müller (@bricksdont) proposes the initial idea of a CLIP-like model for sign language.