Releases: J35P312/SVDB
SVDB merge will now add ./. instead of 0/0 to non-called variants
added a set INFO entry similar to GATK combine variants.
added the notag option, using that option, the set and varid entries will not be added to the info field
added version tags to vcf and command line output
Now the user may run database files without format fields
expanded the merge module to allow merging of vcf files having different sets of samples.
reduced memory consumption of the export and query modules.
Also fixed a bug in the DBSCAN export module and improved the manual
fixed a memory leak in the export module
some fixes to the merge module
the merge vcf step is compatible with gatk
Fixed the contig order of the vcf header. Now it will always be printed in the same order as the input vcf files
Changed the merge module:
*the info field of merged variants is the union of the similar variants
*added support for multi sample vcf files
changes to the export module
*made the overlap export module faster, but more memory consuming
Optimized the DBSCAN database export option, now it should be both faster and require less memory.
Float number is now acceptable epsilon setting.
Updated the readme file
SVDB 0.1.1
Updated manual
SVDB is installed using a setup script by Marcel.