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58 lines (58 loc) · 22.5 KB
let hc={'<':'<','&':'&',"'":''','"':'"'},he=x=>x.replace(/[<&'"]/g,c=>hc[c]) //html chars and escape fn
,tcs="v!¡|c¢^E£^o¤=Y¥^|¦oC©^_¬oR®^uµ/2½v?¿CE€AEÆC,Ç-DÐ~NÑ^*×/OØOEŒ|PÞ^Sßaeæc,ç^dð^iı^jȷ~nñ^/÷/oøoeœ|pþ\\n¶^0°^1¹^2²^3³^4⁴^5⁵^6⁶^7⁷^8⁸^9⁹^+⁺^-⁻^=⁼^(⁽^)⁾`BƁC'Ƈ`DƊ,FƑG'ƓK'ƘM,Ɱ,NƝ`PƤ`TƬ`UƲZ,Ȥ`bɓc'ƈd'ɗ,fƒg'ɠh'ɦk'ƙm,ɱ,nɲp'ƥq'ʠ,rɼ,sʂt'ƭ`uʋz,ȥ.AẠ.BḄ.DḌ.EẸ.HḤ.IỊ.KḲ.LḶ.MṂ.NṆ.OỌ.RṚ.SṢ.TṬ.UỤ.VṾ.WẈ.YỴ.ZẒA.ȦB.ḂC.ĊD.ḊE.ĖF.ḞG.ĠH.ḢI.İL.ĿM.ṀN.ṄO.ȮP.ṖR.ṘS.ṠT.ṪW.ẆX.ẊY.ẎZ.Ż.aạ.bḅ.dḍ.eẹ.hḥ.iị.kḳ.lḷ.mṃ.nṇ.oọ.rṛ.sṣ.tṭ.uụ.vṿ.wẉ.yỵ.zẓa.ȧb.ḃc.ċd.ḋe.ėf.ḟg.ġh.ḣl.ŀm.ṁn.ṅo.ȯp.ṗr.ṙs.ṡt.ṫw.ẇx.ẋy.ẏz.ż<<«>>»^'‘^,’^" //\"“\"\"”"
,lbs=["®®\nnilad\nRestore; retrieve the value of the register. Initially 0.","³³\nnilad\nReturn the third command line argument (first input) or 100.","⁴⁴\nnilad\nReturn the fourth command line argument (second input) or 16.","⁵⁵\nnilad\nReturn the fifth command line argument (third input) or 10.","⁶⁶\nnilad\nReturn the sixth command line argument (fourth input) or ' '.","⁷⁷\nnilad\nReturn the seventh command line argument (fifth input) or '\\n'.","⁸⁸\nnilad\nReturn the link's left argument or [].","⁹⁹\nnilad\nReturn the link's right argument or 256.","ƓƓ\nnilad\nRead and evaluate a single line from STDIN.","ƈƈ\nnilad\nRead a single character from STDIN.","ɠɠ\nnilad\nRead a single line from STDIN."," \nSYNTAX\nToken separator.","¬¬\nmonad\nLogical NOT: if z is zero or empty, then 1, else 0.","½½\nmonad\nSquare root.\n\nƽ\nmonad\nCompute the integer square root of z.","!!\nmonad\nFactorial or Pi function.\n\nÆ!\nmonad\nConvert from integer to factorial base.\n\nŒ!\nmonad\nAll permutations of z. May contain duplicates.","AA\nmonad\nAbsolute value.\n\nØA\nnilad\nAlphabet; yield 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.\n\nÆA\nmonad\nArccosine.\n\næA\ndyad\nArctangent with two arguments, i.e., atan2().","BB\nmonad\nConvert from integer to binary.\n\nØB\nnilad\nBase digits; yield '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.\n\nŒB\nmonad\nBounce; yield z[:-1] + z[::-1]. Vectorizes at depth 1.","CC\nmonad\nComplement; compute 1 − z.\n\nØC\nnilad\nConsonants; yield 'BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'.\n\nÆC\nmonad\nCount the primes less or equal to z.","DD\nmonad\nConvert from integer to decimal.\n\nØD\nnilad\nDigits; yield '0123456789'.\n\nÆD\nmonad\nCompute the array of z's divisors.\n\nŒD\nmonad\nDiagonals of a matrix. Starts with the main diagonal.","EE\nmonad\nCheck if all elements of z are equal.\n\nÆE\nmonad\nCompute the array of exponents of z's prime factorization. Includes zero exponents.","FF\nmonad\nFlatten list.\n\nÆF\nmonad\nCompute z's prime factorization as [prime, exponent] pairs.","GG\nmonad\nAttempt to format z as a grid.\n\nŒG\nmonad\nGET request z. http:// is prepended by default.","HH\nmonad\nHalve; compute z ÷ 2.\n\nØH\nnilad\nHexadecimal digits; yield '0123456789ABCDEF'.","II\nmonad\nIncrements; compute the differences of consecutive elements of z.","JJ\nmonad\nReturns [1 … len(z)].\n\nØJ\nnilad\nYield Jelly's codepage.","KK\nmonad\nJoin z, separating by spaces.","LL\nmonad\nLength.\n\nÐL\nQuick\nLoop. Repeat until the results are no longer unique.\n<link>ÐL","MM\nmonad\nReturn all indices of z that correspond to maximal elements.","NN\nmonad\nNegative; compute −z.\n\nÆN\nmonad\nGenerate the z<sup>th</sup> prime.","OO\nmonad\nOrd; cast to number.","PP\nmonad\nProduct of a list.\n\nØP\nnilad\nPi\n\nÆP\nmonad\nIf z is a prime, then 1, else 0.\n\nŒP\nmonad\nPowerset of z. May contain duplicates.","QQ\nmonad\nReturn the unique elements of z, sorted by first appearance.\n\nØQ\nnilad\nQwerty; yield ['QWERTYUIOP', 'ASDFGHJKL', 'ZXCVBNM'].\n\nŒQ\nmonad\nDistinct sieve.","RR\nmonad\nInclusive range [1 … z].\n\nÆR\nmonad\nRange; generate all primes between 2 and z.\n\næR\ndyad\nInclusive prime range, from x to y.\n\nŒR\nmonad\nList from −abs(z) to abs(z) inclusive (shorthand for Ar@N$).","SS\nmonad\nSum of a list.\n\nÆS\nmonad\nSine.\n\nœS\ndyad\nAfter sleeping for y seconds, return x.","TT\nmonad\nReturn all indices of z that correspond to truthy elements.\n\nÆT\nmonad\nTangent.\n\nŒT\nmonad\nFormat time: Let the last three bits of z be abc. If a is 1, include the time; if b is 1, include the minute; if c is 1, include the second.","UU\nmonad\nUpend; reverse an array.","VV\nmonad\nEval z as Jelly code, with no arguments. If z is a list, it maps Python's str function to all of z's elements, concatenates them and then eval's the result. Vectorizes at depth 1.\n\nØV\nnilad\nYield 'ṘV' (a cheat for writing a quine\n\nŒV\nmonad\nEvaluate Python code z.","WW\nmonad\nWrap; return [z].\n\nØW\nnilad\nWord; yield 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'","XX\nmonad\nRandom; choose a random item from z if z is a list, or from 1 to z inclusive if z is a positive integer. If z = 0, return z. Error if z is negative or a decimal.","YY\nmonad\nJoin z, separating by linefeeds.\n\nØY\nnilad\nConsonants; yield 'BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'.","ZZ\nmonad\nZip; push the array of all columns of z.","~~\nmonad\nBitwise NOT.","°°\nmonad\nConvert z from degrees to radians.\n\nÆ°\nmonad\nConvert z from radians to degrees.","¹¹\nmonad\nIdentity; return z.","²²\nmonad\nSquare.\n\nƲ\nmonad\nIf z is a square, then 1, else 0.","ẠẠ\nmonad\nAll; return 0 if z contains a falsey value, else 1.\n\nÆẠ\nmonad\nCosine.","ḄḄ\nmonad\nConvert from binary to integer.\n\nŒḄ\nmonad\nBounce; yield z[:-1] + z[::-1]. Does not vectorize.","ḌḌ\nmonad\nConvert from decimal to integer.\n\nÆḌ\nmonad\nProper divisors.\n\nŒḌ\nmonad\nReconstruct matrix from its diagonals.","ẸẸ\nmonad\nAny; return 1 if z contains a truthy value, else 0.\n\nÆẸ\nmonad\nInverse of ÆE.","ḤḤ\nmonad\nDouble; compute 2z.","ỊỊ\nmonad\nInsignificant; return abs(z) ≤ 1.","ḲḲ\nmonad\nSplit z at spaces.","ḶḶ\nmonad\nLowered range; return [0 … z−1].\n\nÐḶ\nQuick\nLike ÐL. Collects all results in the loop.","ṂṂ\nmonad\nMinimum.\n\nÐṂ\nQuick\nKeep elements with minimal link value; [e for e in z if link(e) == min(map(link, z))].\n<link>ÐṂ","ṆṆ\nmonad\nLogical NOT. Does not vectorize.","ỌỌ\nmonad\nChr; cast to character.","ṚṚ\nmonad\nReverse z. Does not vectorize.","ṢṢ\nmonad\nSort the list z.\n\nÆṢ\nmonad\nArcsine.","ṬṬ\nmonad\nReturn a Boolean array with 1's at the indices in z.\n\nÆṬ\nmonad\nArctangent.","ỤỤ\nmonad\nGrade the list z up, i.e., sort its indices by their values.","ṾṾ\nmonad\nUneval; right inverse of V.","ỴỴ\nmonad\nSplit z at linefeeds.","ȦȦ\nmonad\nAny and all; return 0 if z is empty, or contains a falsey value when flattened, else 1.","ḂḂ\nmonad\nBit; return z % 2.\n\nŒḂ\nmonad\nCheck if z is a palindrome. For integers, short for DŒḂ$.","ĊĊ\nmonad\nCeil; round z up to the nearest integer. Imag. part for complex z.\n\nÆĊ\nmonad\nReturns the zth Catalan number","ḊḊ\nmonad\nDequeue; return z[1:].\n\nÆḊ\nmonad\nDeterminant. For non-square z, computes det(zz<sup>T</sup>)<sup>½</sup>; if z is a row vector, this is its norm.\n\nŒḊ\nmonad\nDepth.","ĖĖ\nmonad\nEnumerate; return [ [1,y[1]] , [2,y[2]], ... ].","ḞḞ\nmonad\nFloor; round z down to the nearest integer. Real part for complex z.\n\nÆḞ\nmonad\nReturns the zth item in the Fibonacci sequence.","ĠĠ\nmonad\nGroup the indices of z by their corresponding values.","ḢḢ\nmonad\nHead; pop and return the first element of z. Modifies z.","İİ\nmonad\nInverse; compute 1 ÷ z.","ṀṀ\nmonad\nMaximum.\n\nÐṀ\nQuick\nKeep elements with maximal link value; [e for e in z if link(e) == max(map(link, z))].\n<link>ÐṀ","ṄṄ\nmonad\nPrint z and a linefeed. Returns z.","ȮȮ\nmonad\nPrint z. Returns z.","ṖṖ\nmonad\nPop; return z[:-1].\n\nØṖ\nnilad\nYield the set of printable ASCII chars.\n\nŒṖ\nmonad\nPartition of z (z must be a list).","ṘṘ\nmonad\nPrint a string representation of z, without a linefeed. Returns z.\n\nŒṘ\nmonad\nPython's string representation.","ṠṠ\nmonad\nSign of z. Conjugate for complex z.","ṪṪ\nmonad\nTail; pop and return the last element of z. Modifies z.\n\nÆṪ\nmonad\nTotient function.","ẆẆ\nmonad\nSublists; all non-empty contiguous slices of z.","ẊẊ\nmonad\nShuffle; return a random permutation of z.","ẎẎ\nmonad\nTighten; dump all lists inside z.","‘‘\nmonad\nIncrement; compute z + 1.","’’\nmonad\nDecrement; compute z − 1."," \nSYNTAX\nToken separator.","××\ndyad\nMultiplication.\n\næ×\ndyad\nMatrix multiplication.","÷÷\ndyad\nFloating point division.","%%\ndyad\nModulus.\n\næ%\ndyad\nSymmetric modulo 2y; map x in the interval (−y, y]. Try 100Ræ%4 to get the hang of it.","&&\ndyad\nBitwise AND.\n\nœ&\ndyad\nMultiset intersection.","**\ndyad\nExponentiation with base x.\n\næ*\ndyad\nMatrix power.","++\ndyad\nAddition.",",,\ndyad\nPair; return [x, y].","::\ndyad\nInteger division.",";;\ndyad\nConcatenate.","<<\ndyad\nIf x is less than y, then 1, else 0.","==\ndyad\nIf x equals y, then 1, else 0. Vectorizes.",">>\ndyad\nIf x is greater than y, then 1, else 0.","^^\ndyad\nBitwise XOR.\n\nœ^\ndyad\nMultiset symmetric difference.","__\ndyad\nSubtraction.","aa\ndyad\nLogical AND. Vectorizes with depth 0.\n\nØa\nnilad\nAlphabet; yield 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.","bb\ndyad\nConvert from integer to base y.\n\nØb\nnilad\nBase64 digits; yield 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'","cc\ndyad\nCombinations; compute xCy.\n\nØc\nnilad\nVowels; yield 'AEIOUaeiou'.\n\nÆc\nmonad\nCarmichael function.\n\næc\ndyad\nConvolution of x and y.\n\nŒc\nmonad\nUnordered pairs (œc2).\n\nœc\ndyad\nCombinations without replacement.","dd\ndyad\nDivmod.\n\nÆd\nmonad\nDivisor count.","ee\ndyad\nIf x occurs in y, then 1, else 0.\n\nØe\nnilad\nEuler's number\n\nÆe\nmonad\nExponential function.","ff\ndyad\nFilter; remove the elements from x that are not in y.\n\nÆf\nmonad\nCompute the array of primes whose product is z.\n\nÐf\nQuick\nFilter. Keep all items that satisfy a condition.\n<condition>Ðf","gg\ndyad\nGreatest common divisor (GCD, HCF).\n\nŒg\nmonad\nGroup runs of equal elements.","hØh\nnilad\nHexadecimal digits; yield '0123456789abcdef'.","ii\ndyad\nFind the first index of element y in list x, or 0.\n\næi\ndyad\nModular inverse of x, modulo y, or if none exists, 0.","jj\ndyad\nJoin list x with separator y.","ll\ndyad\nLogarithm with base y.\n\nÆl\nmonad\nNatural logarithm.\n\næl\ndyad\nLowest common multiple (LCM).\n\nŒl\nmonad\nLower case.\n\nœl\ndyad\nTrim all elements of y from the left side of x.","mm\ndyad\nModular; return every y th element of x. If y is zero, mirror: prepend x to its reverse.\n\nÆm\nmonad\nArithmetic mean.","nn\ndyad\nNot equals. If x equals y, then 0, else 1. Vectorizes.\n\nÆn\nmonad\nNext; generate the closest prime strictly greater than z.","oo\ndyad\nLogical OR. Vectorizes with depth 0.","pp\ndyad\nCartesian product.\n\nØp\nnilad\nPhi (golden ratio)\n\nÆp\nmonad\nPrevious; generate the closest prime strictly less than z.\n\næp\ndyad\nPrecision; round x to y significant figures.\n\nŒp\nmonad\nCartesian product of z's items.\n\nœp\ndyad\nPartition y at all truthy indices of x, without keeping the borders.","qØq\nnilad\nQwerty; yield ['qwertyuiop', 'asdfghjkl', 'zxcvbnm'].","rr\ndyad\nInclusive range. Descending if x > y.\n\nÆr\nmonad\nFind the roots of a polynomial, given a list of coefficients.\n\nær\ndyad\nRound x to the nearest multiple of 10<sup>−y</sup>.\n\nŒr\nmonad\nRun-length encode. “aab”Œr is [['a', 2], ['b', 1]].\n\nœr\ndyad\nTrim all elements of y from the right side of x.","ss\ndyad\nSplit x into slices of length y.\n\nÆs\nmonad\nDivisor sum.\n\nŒs\nmonad\nSwap case.\n\nœs\ndyad\nSplit x into y chunks of similar lengths.","tt\ndyad\nTrim all elements of y from both sides of x.\n\nŒt\nmonad\nTitle case.","uŒu\nmonad\nUpper case.","vv\ndyad\nEval x as Jelly code, with argument y.\n\nØv\nnilad\nYield 'Ṙv'.\n\nÆv\nmonad\nCount distinct prime factors.","ww\ndyad\nFind the first index of sublist y within list x, or 0.","xx\ndyad\nTimes; repeat the elements of x y times.","yy\ndyad\nTranslate the elements of y according to the mapping in x.\n\nØy\nnilad\nVowels; yield 'AEIOUYaeiouy'.","zz\ndyad\nZip; transpose x with filler y.","||\ndyad\nBitwise OR.\n\nœ|\ndyad\nMultiset union.","⁼⁼\ndyad\nEquals. Does not vectorize.","⁻⁻\ndyad\nNot equals. Does not vectorize.","ạạ\ndyad\nAbsolute difference.","ḅḅ\ndyad\nConvert from base y to integer.","ḍḍ\ndyad\nIf x divides y, then 1, else 0.\n\nÆḍ\nmonad\nProper divisor count.","ịị\ndyad\nReturn the element of y at index x % len(y). If floor(x) and ceil(x) aren't equal, return the elements of y at indices floor(x) % len(y) and ceil(x) % len(y).","ḷḷ\ndyad\nLeft argument; return x.","ṃṃ\ndyad\nBase decompression; convert x to base length(y) then index into y.\n\nÆṃ\nmonad\nMode. Vectorizes.","ọọ\ndyad\nOrder, multiplicity, valuation; how many times is x divisible by y?","ṛṛ\ndyad\nRight argument; return y.\n\nÆṛ\nmonad\nConstruct the polynomial with roots z. Returns list of coefficients.","ṣṣ\ndyad\nSplit list x at occurrences of y.\n\nÆṣ\nmonad\nProper divisor sum.\n\nœṣ\ndyad\nSplit x around sublists equal to y.","ṭṭ\ndyad\nTack; append x to y.","ȧȧ\ndyad\nLogical AND. Does not vectorize.","ḃḃ\ndyad\nConvert from integer to bijective base y.","ċċ\ndyad\nCount the occurrences of y in x.\n\næċ\ndyad\nCeil x to the nearest power of y.\n\nŒċ\nmonad\nUnordered pairs with replacement (œċ2).\n\nœċ\ndyad\nCombinations with replacement.","ḟḟ\ndyad\nFilter; remove the elements from x that are in y.\n\næḟ\ndyad\nFloor x to the nearest power of y.\n\nÐḟ\nQuick\nFilter. Discard all items that satisfy a condition.\n<condition>Ðḟ","ḣḣ\ndyad\nHead; return x[:y].","ṁṁ\ndyad\nMold; reshape the content of x like the content of y. Reuses the content of x if necessary.\n\nÆṁ\nmonad\nMedian. Vectorizes.","ȯȯ\ndyad\nLogical OR. Does not vectorize.","ṗṗ\ndyad\nCartesian power.\n\nŒṗ\nmonad\nInteger partitions of z (ways to sum positive integers to z)\n\nœṗ\ndyad\nPartition y at all truthy indices of x.","ṙṙ\ndyad\nRotate x y units to the left.\n\nŒṙ\nmonad\nRun-length decode. Right inverse of Œr.","ṡṡ\ndyad\nReturn all (overlapping) slices of length y of x.\n\nœṡ\ndyad\nSplit x at the first occurrence of y.","ṫṫ\ndyad\nTail; return x[y - 1:].","ẋẋ\ndyad\nRepeat list x y times.","ẇẇ\ndyad\nSublist exists; return 1 if x is a contiguous sublist of y, else 0.","żż\ndyad\nZip; interleave x and y.","««\ndyad\nMinimum of x and y.\n\næ«\ndyad\nBit shift; compute x × 2<sup>y</sup>.","»»\ndyad\nMaximum of x and y.\n\næ»\ndyad\nBit shift; compute x × 2<sup>−y</sup>. Returns an integer."," \nSYNTAX\nToken separator.","©©\nQuick\nCopy link result to register (® atom to retrieve).\n<link>©","ßß\nQuick\nThis link, with the same arity.\nß","¢¢\nQuick\nLast link as a nilad.\n¢","ÇÇ\nQuick\nLast link as a monad.\nÇ","çç\nQuick\nLast link as a dyad.\nç","ÑÑ\nQuick\nNext link as a monad.\nÑ","ññ\nQuick\nNext link as a dyad.\nñ","££\nQuick\nLink at index n as a nilad.\n<index>£","ĿĿ\nQuick\nLink at index n as a monad.\n<index>Ŀ\n\nÆĿ\nmonad\nReturns the zth Lucas number\n\nÐĿ\nQuick\nLike ÐL. Collects all intermediate results.","ŀŀ\nQuick\nLink at index n as a dyad.\n<index>ŀ","¦¦\nQuick\nApply link to items at specific indices.\n<link><indices>¦","¡¡\nQuick\nRepeat n times.\n<link><repetitions>¡\n\nÆ¡\nmonad\nConvert from factorial base to integer.\n\nС\nQuick\nLike ¡. Collects all intermediate results.","¿¿\nQuick\nWhile loop.\n<body><condition>¿\n\nÆ¿\nmonad\nConvert from primorial base to integer.\n\nŒ¿\nmonad\nIndex of permutation z in a lexicographically sorted list of all permutations of z's items.\n\nœ¿\ndyad\nIndex of permutation x in a list of all permutations of x's items sorted by their index in y.\n\nп\nQuick\nLike ¿. Collects all intermediate results.","//\nQuick\nReduce or n-wise reduce.\n<dyad>/ or <dyad><nilad>/","\\\\\nQuick\nCumulative reduce or n-wise overlapping reduce.\n<dyad>\\ or <dyad><nilad>\\","¤¤\nQuick\nNilad followed by links as a nilad.","$$\nQuick\nLast two links (if not part of an LCC) as a monad","¥¥\nQuick\nLast two links (if not part of an LCC) as a dyad","##\nQuick\nnfind: Count up, collecting first n matches.\n<condition><amount>#","??\nQuick\nTernary if.\n<if-clause><else-clause><condition>?\n\nÆ?\nmonad\nConvert from integer to primorial base.\n\nŒ?\nmonad\nShortest permutation of items [1,2,...,N] which would yield z via Œ¿.\n\nœ?\ndyad\nPermutation at index x of the items in y (where y defines the sort order of those items).","⁺⁺\nQuick\nDuplicates the previous link.","@@\nQuick\nSwaps operands.\n<dyad>@","``\nQuick\nMake a monad from a dyad by repeating the argument.\n<dyad>`","\"\"\nQuick\nVectorize/zipwith.\n<dyad>\"","''\nQuick\nFor monads, flat. For dyad, spawn.\n<monad/dyad>'","þþ\nQuick\nOuter product/table.\n<dyad>þ","{{\nQuick\nTurn a monad into a dyad. Uses the left argument.\n<monad>{","}}\nQuick\nTurn a monad into a dyad. Uses the right argument.\n<monad>}","€€\nQuick\nEach. Map a link over its left argument.\n<monad/dyad>€\n\nЀ\nQuick\nEach. Map a link over its right argument.\n<dyad>Ѐ","ÞÞ\nQuick\nSort by some key function.\n<monad>Þ","ƤƤ\nQuick\nMap a link over prefixes, and if given a <nilad>, overlapping infixes if positive, or the overlapping outfixes of abs(<nilad>) if negative.\n<monad>Ƥ or <monad><nilad>Ƥ\n\nÐƤ\nQuick\nMap a link over suffixes, and if given a <nilad>, non-overlapping infixes if positive, or the non-overlapping outfixes of abs(<nilad>) if negative.\n<monad>ÐƤ or <monad><nilad>ÐƤ","ƙƙ\nQuick\nKey. Map a link over the groups formed by identical items.\n<monad>ƙ","ƭƭ\nQuick\nTie. Cycle through a number of links each time called."," \nSYNTAX\nToken separator.","00\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 0.","11\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 1.","22\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 2.","33\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 3.","44\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 4.","55\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 5.","66\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 6.","77\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 7.","88\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 8.","99\nSYNTAX\nThe literal 9.","““\nSYNTAX\nBegins a string literal, and separates a list of strings inside a string literal. “12“34”","””\nSYNTAX\nTerminates a regular string or a list of strings. Without “, a character literal. “1234”","»»\nSYNTAX\nTerminates a dictionary-compressed string. “1234»","‘‘\nSYNTAX\nTerminates a code-page index list. Jelly's version of ord(). “12“34‘","’’\nSYNTAX\nTerminates a base-250 number. “1234’","⁾⁾\nSYNTAX\nBegins a 2-char string literal. ⁾12","⁽⁽\nSYNTAX\nBegins a 2-digit base-250 number. If the number is larger than 31500, subtracts 62850, otherwise adds 750.⁽12","¶¶\nSYNTAX\nStarts a new link <link><newline><line>","øø\nSYNTAX\nStarts a separate niladic chain. ø<link>","µµ\nSYNTAX\nStarts a separate monadic chain. µ<link>","ðð\nSYNTAX\nStarts a separate dyadic chain. ð<link>","ɓɓ\nSYNTAX\nStarts a separate dyadic chain with reversed arguments. ɓ<link>","ıı\nSYNTAX\nComplex number. Without arguments, 1j. xıy","ȷȷ\nSYNTAX\nDecimal number, as in 2e6 for 2000000. Without arguments, 1000. xȷy","--\nSYNTAX\nNegative number. Without arguments, -1. -5\n\nœ-\ndyad\nMultiset difference.","..\nSYNTAX\nDecimal number. Without arguments, 0.5. 1.2\n\næ.\ndyad\nDot product of two vectors (real/complex).",",,\nSYNTAX\nSeparate elements of a list. If any of the arguments is not a literal, or spaces separate the arguments, , will be treated as the \"pair\" atom instead. x,y","[[\nSYNTAX\nBegins a comma-separated list. [2]","]]\nSYNTAX\nEnds a comma-separated list. [2]"]
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