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Jibran Syed edited this page Sep 9, 2013 · 46 revisions

XboxCtrlrInput Documentation


XboxCtrlrInput is a wrapper written in C# for Unity3D that handles Xbox 360 controller input. It's used in the same way as Unity's Input class. The goals of XboxCtrlrInput are:

  1. To be able to make simple calls to Xbox controller input that works on Mac, Windows, and Linux (Ubuntu),
  2. And to be able to handle multiple Xbox controllers that works as you expect.

XboxCtrlrInput.cs itself is not a Unity script and thus does not need to be attached to any GameObject, since it contains no MonoBehaviors. Unity's Input class works in a similar way. XboxCtrlrInput should work on older versions of Unity that support joystick input.

How to Use

Note for Mac users: Be sure to install the latest version of the Tattie Bogle drivers.

Note for Linux users: All of my Linux testing was done on Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit. To test 32-bit Unity builds on a 64-bit OS, I ran sudo apt-get install ia32-libs in a terminal. I am using the default Xbox controller driver that came with Ubuntu, which is known as xpad. I could not get Unity builds to cooperate with xboxdrv. Your milage may vary.

  1. Download the XboxCtrlrInput class file (Right Click -> Save As...) and then put it into your Unity project under the Assets/ folder. It can be anywhere in that folder.

  2. Next, take the a copy of Unity's Input Manager (either as a text asset or as a binary asset ) (Right Click -> Save As...). Place that copy into your project's /ProjectSettings folder. Then rename it InputManager.asset, this will replace the original file that was there.

  3. For any C# script where you want to Xbox input, place using XboxCtrlrInput; at the top of the script under using UnityEngine;.

  4. The XboxCtrlrInput namespace includes the class XCI, which you will use to get Xbox input, such as:

bool didPressA = XCI.GetButton(XboxButton.A);

Software Compatibility

  • The code in XboxCtrlrInput.cs should work in Unity 4.x and above.
  • It might work in previous versions as long as they support joystick input.
  • The example project requires Unity 4.2 or above (mostly due to the free text asset serialization).
  • This class was mostly designed for desktop OS games in mind (Mac/Windows/Linux). This probably won't work for console or mobile development.

What Works?

If you want to find out what currently works (such as button mappings), refer to the What Works page.


Please refer to the Issues page for the latest issues.

Coding Reference


XboxButton Used to identify different Xbox buttons.
XboxDPad Used to refer to the four D-Pad directions.
XboxAxis Used to identify all of the Xbox's analog inputs.

Static Variables

There are none, as of yet anyway.

Static Functions

GetButton() Returns true if the specified button is held down.
GetButtonDown() Returns true at the frame the specified button starts to press down (not held down).
GetButtonUp() Returns true at the frame the specified button is released.
GetDPad() Returns true if the specified D-Pad direction is pressed down.
GetAxis() Returns the analog number of the specified axis.
GetAxisRaw() Returns the analog number of the specified axis without Unity's smoothing filter.
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