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SMA16 Architecture Document



The SMA16 architecture is a simple somewhat minimal RISC-ish architecture. It is simple enough to implement a virtual machine for quickly, and has minimal instructions to comprehend. This has its trade-offs as the minimal-ish nature makes self-modifying code almost a necessity to create more complex programs (if fact, it is required for Turing completeness).


Throughout this document the following shorthand will be used to refer to components of the architecture.

  • Values starting with 0x are encoded in hexadecimal (base 16).
  • Values starting with 0b are encoded in binary (base 2).
  • $X will refer to the register X which may be memory mapped.
  • @X will refer to named address X
  • X<Y> will refer to bit Y of X.
    • X<Y:> will refer to all bits of X starting with Y inclusive.
    • X<:Y> will refer to all bits of X ending with Y inclusive.
    • X<Y:Z> will refer to all bits of X between Y and Z inclusive, where Y less than or equal to Z.
  • X[Y] will refer to index Y of X by word (16 bits).
  • X.DATA will refer to bits 0 to 11 (inclusive) of X.
  • X.INST will refer to bits 12 to 15 (inclusive) of X.
  • $IR will refer to the instruction register.
  • $SR will refer to the status register.
    • $SR<H> will refer to the halt flag bit of the status register.
    • $SR<Z> will refer to the zero flag bit of the status register.
  • STACK will refer to the hardware stack.
  • MEMORY will refer to the main memory.


Word Segments

Each 16-bit word is typically split into two separate segments, the 12-bit DATA segment and the 4-bit INST segment. The DATA segment takes up the lower 12-bits of a word, and the INST segment takes up the other upper 4-bits. Some registers or memory will store both the INST segment and DATA segment, whereas others may only store the DATA or INST segment. Similarly, some instructions will act on just the DATA segment, whereas others will act on the whole word.


The SMA16 architecture is widely a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), this translates to it having a small number of instructions, preferring to chain them to implement features rather than implementing them in "complex" instructions.


The SMA16 aims to be widely minimal, while it is not truly minimal (a minimal machine would not have both a AND and an XOR instruction) it aims to be use-ably minimal, including certain quality-of-life instructions while staying small and simple.

System Registers


Name Shorthand Width Description
Program Counter $PC 12-bit The current program counter points to the memory location to next be loaded into the instruction register.
Instruction Register $IR 16-bit The instruction register contains the currently executing instruction and the data stored with it (which may be unrelated to the instruction).
Accumulator $ACC 16-bit The accumulator is the only general purpose register.
Status Register $SR 2-bit The status register contains the bit flags halt and zero.


Name Shorthand Address Width Description
Interrupt Reason Register $INTERRUPT_REASON 0x008 16-bit The interrupt reason register contains the reason for the last interrupt.
Interrupt Return Register $INTERRUPT_RETURN 0x009 12-bit The interrupt return register stores the program counter at the point the last interrupt occurred plus one.
Stack Size Register $STACK_SIZE 0x00D 16-bit The stack size register is set to the hardware stack size on startup. This register can be overwritten after startup, typically by a software stack replacement to indicate its maximum size. Stack sizes of greater than 0xffff are technically possible, therefore 0xffff represents equal to or greater than 0xffff stack size.
Reserved 0x00E
Reserved 0x00F

Interrupt Vectors

Name Shorthand Address Maximum Instructions Description
Reset Vector @RESET_VECTOR 0x000 1 Location which is JUMPed to when a reset or initial startup occurs.
Fault Vector @FAULT_VECTOR 0x001 1 Location which is JUMPed to when a fault occurs.
Software Vector @SOFTWARE_VECTOR 0x002-0x007 6 Location which is JUMPed to for software interrupts. @INTERRUPT_REASON describes why the software interrupt occurred.

Memory-Mapped Components

Console Output

Name Shorthand Address Width Description
Terminal Configuration Register $TERMINAL_CONFIG 0x00C 16-bit The terminal configuration register stores the configuration for the on-board serial output.
Console Output, ASCII @ASCII_OUT 0x00A 8-bit This memory address will output the ASCII character written to it to the system's primary console output (if any). NB: NULL is sent.
Console Output, SMALL @SMALL_OUT 0x00B 12-bit This memory address will output the SMALL (for SMALL encoding see Appendix A) character written to it to the system's primary console output (if any). NB: NULL is not sent, characters which are NULL are omitted.


The SMA16 typically has a hardware stack. The hardware stack must be at least 16 items deep if implemented in hardware, and can be any size if implemented in software (see below). The stack is optional and may not be implemented, though this is considered unusual. The stack stores 16-bit words and can only be interacted with via POP and PUSH.

If the stack is not-implemented, then using POP or PUSH will cause a fault as described in the Instruction Set section below. This can be used to implement a fall back software stack, if required.

The $STACK_SIZE register is set to the maximum stack depth available on startup. If no stack is available it will be set to 0x0000. If a software implementation exists, it should set $STACK_SIZE to the software implementation's maximum depth, after startup.


SMA16 has a 12-bit address space, with the first 16 addresses being special purpose. All other memory locations are generic memory, though implementations may map them to other functions as needed.

Initial Conditions

On startup the following registers will contain the following values:

Registers Value
$PC 0x000
$SR 0b00
$STACK_SIZE Size of stack, see Stack.

All other registers may contain any value, though will usually contain 0x0000.

Instruction Set

Instruction Format

All instructions fall under two categories and have the same format. All instructions are 16-bits long with a 4-bit INST segment (opcode) and a 12-bit DATA segment (operand). However, the DATA may not be used by the instruction, such as in the case of POP and PUSH. This means that data unrelated to the instruction may be stored with it to save memory.

Instruction Set Table

All instructions, unless otherwise noted, increment the program counter by 1.

Opcode Name Description
0x0 HALT Halts the CPU by setting $SR<H> to 0b1.
0x1 Reserved 1 Undefined. Some implementations may cause a fault, in which case they must cause the CPU to store the $PC plus 1 in the $INTERRUPT_RETURN register, jump to @FAULT_VECTOR, and set the $INTERRUPT_REASON register to 0x0ff1.
0x2 JUMP Set $PC to $IR.DATA. Does not increment program counter post instruction.
0x3 JUMPZ Set $PC to $IR.DATA if $SR<Z> is 0b1, else increment $PC as normal. Does not increment program counter post instruction.
0x6 LSHFT If $IR.DATA<0> is 0b1 then shift $ACC.DATA left by $IR.DATA<1:> , else shift $ACC left by $IR.DATA<1:> .
0x7 RSHFT If $IR.DATA<0> is 0b1 then shift $ACC.DATA right by $IR.DATA<1:> , else shift $ACC right by $IR.DATA<1:> .
0x8 XOR Set $ACC.DATA to $ACC.DATA bit-wise exclusive-or with $IR.DATA.
0x9 AND Set $ACC.DATA to $ACC.DATA bit-wise and with $IR.DATA.
0xB ADD Set $ACC.DATA to $ACC.DATA arithmetic add $IR.DATA, then set $SR<Z> to 0b1 if $ACC.DATA is now zero and 0b0 if it is not zero.
0xC Reserved 2 Undefined. Some implementations may cause a fault, in which case they must cause the CPU to store the $PC plus 1 in the $INTERRUPT_RETURN register, jump to @FAULT_VECTOR, and set the $INTERRUPT_REASON register to 0x0ffC.
0xD POP Pop an item off the STACK and set $ACC to the popped value. As spaces in the stack become empty they are filled with 0x000, so if you have a stack of 16 and pop 17 items the 17th item will definitely be 0x0000.
0xE PUSH Push the value of $ACC onto the STACK. If more items than the max stack size are stored, items should be lost, so if you have a stack of 16 and push 17 items on to it, the first item pushed will be lost.
0xF NOOP No operation.

Unimplemented Instructions

If an instruction is not implemented then implementations must cause a fault and store the $PC in the $INTERRUPT_RETURN register, jump to @FAULT_VECTOR, and set the $INTERRUPT_REASON register to 0x0ffX where X is the opcode of the instruction which is not implemented. This mirrors the behaviour of undefined instructions, however, it is required unlike for undefined instructions for which it is simply optional.

The only instructions which are which may make sense to omitted are the POP and PUSH instructions, as their functionality can be replicated in software, albeit at the cost of quite a sizeable number of instruction cycles.


Appendix A - SMALL Encoding

The SMALL encoding is a 6-bit character encoding designed to pack two characters into a 12-bit space. This is useful as it means that two characters can be output in a single STORE instruction. It also allows for two characters to be stored in the data segment of a memory address, allowing for efficient storage next to instructions which don't use their data segment.

Character Encoding (Decimal)
A 0
B 1
C 2
D 3
E 4
F 5
G 6
H 7
I 8
J 9
K 10
L 11
M 12
N 13
O 14
P 15
Q 16
R 17
S 18
T 19
U 20
V 21
W 22
X 23
Y 24
Z 25
a 26
b 27
c 28
d 29
e 30
f 31
g 32
h 33
i 34
j 35
k 36
l 37
m 38
n 39
o 40
p 41
q 42
r 43
s 44
t 45
u 46
v 47
w 48
x 49
y 50
z 51
0 52
1 53
2 54
3 55
4 56
5 57
6 58
7 59
8 60
9 61