- How to replace the internal HDD, due to either failure or for want of a larger HDD
- Files needed (gptutil.py, mkxboxfs-500gb.py, & xboxonehdd.py) can be found in the Scripts directory
- Forked from Juvenal1's GitHub and included to make the wiki more fluid
- Files needed (gptutil.py, mkxboxfs-500gb.py, & xboxonehdd.py) can be found in the Scripts directory
I will be updating this with a more simplistic Windows version, as performing the required steps via *nix is extremely convoluted and far more work than this should reasonably be.
- A wiki of an Xbox One teardown from iFixIt; however, until I can format this wiki, I've provided a direct link to it
Opening an Xbox One & breaking the sticker on the back DOES NOT void the OEM one year warranty
Due to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, the FTC has ruled "Warranty Void" stickers are illegal (2018.04.11)