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Jacques Carette edited this page Sep 21, 2021 · 12 revisions

This is a question-driven exploration of future work on Drasil.

  1. What artifacts occur in software projects?
    • it would be useful to know the relative frequency, as a very crude means of prioritization
      • what kinds of software projects? A: for the purposes of artifacts, 'any'. The more popular the project, the higher weight it can be given.
      • where to find software projects? A: github (and gitlab and ...)
      • how many projects in sample? A: as many as automated tools will support
      • projects may be missing important artifacts/ infrequent important artifacts, even in large sample? A: how important can an artifact be if it's rare? As an artifact, it can't be. Note that the information that ought to be in such artifacts (example: requirements) really could be missing.
      • does frequency in the sample truly reflect best practice? A: absolutely not. It reflects common practice only.
      • what can we do with this information? A: get a sample of artifacts used in common practice, and reverse-engineer from them the information that they contain.
  2. What information is contained in those artifacts?
    • more precisely, how can the information be classified into different kinds?
  3. How would one encode those different kinds information (so as to be re-usable)?
    • ex: math expressions, sentences, semi-structured sentences, semi-structured sets of these, 'theories', etc.
  4. What is the provenance of that information?
    • provenance will reveal meta-artifacts that may not typically be in projects, but exist nonetheless
  5. When taking all the information in a set of of artifacts as a coherent whole,
    • what is the joint information?
    • what is the unique information?
  6. How does one transform encoded information into the form it appears in final artifacts?
    • i.e. this is a reverse operation to the encoding step(s) above
  7. How to store a 'database' of such information so that it can be reused?
  8. How does one specify a set of transformations that makes up a 'recipe' from information to artifacts?
  9. How does one make that set of transformation modular?
  10. Observation: a software system (like Drasil) is itself a software project - could Drasil be encoded in Drasil?
    • inspired by compilers, micro-passes is probably a good way to go

Stuff to add to above:

  • new backends (Matlab, C, Rust, ...)
  • testing as a cross-cutting approach
  • version control
  • workflow, idealized (Drasil) process
  • very different domains
  • embedded computational knowledge
  • best practices
  • generalized definition of developer productivity
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