Release 1.17.2 15 July 2024
- Rename trapz function to support latest scipy version healpy#953
Release 1.17.1 25 May 2024
Just fixing an issue in the PyPI publish action
Release 1.17.0 22 May 2024
The most important modification is that now scipy and matplotlib are optional dependencies, install them with pip install healpy[all]. Also includes a lot of packaging fixes, see below.
- Optional dependencies by @swyatt7 in healpy#910
- Fix errors with Matplotlib 3.9 by @QuLogic in healpy#944
- [doc] pull docstrings from dist2holes and hotspots cython functions by @zonca in healpy#920
- Improve docs of read_alm by @zonca in healpy#930
- update C++ sources to SVN commit 1238 by @zonca in healpy#917
- update healpix sources to r1239 by @zonca in healpy#941
- Use alice3 from libhealpix_cxx by @lpsinger in healpy#939
- Fix pytest-cython errors by requiring pytest<8 by @lpsinger in healpy#913
Packaging fixes:
- Exclude C, C++, and Cython sources from wheels by @lpsinger in healpy#915
- Remove deleted file from MANIFEST.in by @lpsinger in healpy#940
- Update build-system.requires settings by @lpsinger in healpy#934
- Remove unused imports by @lpsinger in healpy#918
- Unpin pytest by @lpsinger in healpy#932
- Update bundled cfitsio to 4.3.1, use official GH mirror by @lpsinger in healpy#908
- Guide devs toward pip install -e, not python setup.py by @lpsinger in healpy#926
- Build wheels for macOS arm64 by @lpsinger in healpy#896
- Move cibuildwheel conf to pyproject.toml, fix OpenMP for macOS by @lpsinger in healpy#898
- Remove wheel from build-system requires by @lpsinger in healpy#901
- Move packages, package data, and scripts to pyproject.toml by @lpsinger in healpy#902
- Remove obsolete files from MANIFEST.in by @lpsinger in healpy#903
- Shrink wheels by building dependencies as shared libraries by @lpsinger in healpy#905
- Shrink wheels by not linking against libcurl by @lpsinger in healpy#906
- Move vendored sources to cextern directory by @lpsinger in healpy#923
- Declare support for Python 3.12 in classifiers by @lpsinger in healpy#935
- Build against Numpy>=2.0.0rc1 by @lpsinger in healpy#933
- Exclude tests from installation by @lpsinger in healpy#921
Release 1.16.6 3 October 2023
- Release to generate packages for Python 3.12 healpy#890
Release 1.16.5 16 August 2023
- Fixed more packaging issues healpy#870
Release 1.16.4 11 August 2023
- Updated HEALPix C++ to fix compilation issue, no actual changes to the library healpy#875
- Fix support for latest Cython healpy#862
- Minor changes to packaging and actions healpy#872 healpy#865 healpy#864 healpy#863
Release 1.16.3 4 July 2023
- Drop support for Python 3.7 healpy#821
- Added wheels for aarch64 under emulation in Github Actions healpy#819
- Allow pixelfunc.get_interp_val to operate on multiple maps healpy#816
- Add healpy-specific HealpyDeprecationWarning instead of using astropy's healpy#822
- Bugfix in Rotator in rmul healpy#810
Release 1.16.2 26 October 2022
- Add resize_alm function to change a Alm array to a different ell max healpy#803
- Build wheels for Python 3.11 healpy#793
- Instructions on how to build an optimized package for healpy healpy#779
Release 1.16.1 22 July 2022, included in HEALPix 3.8.2
- Updated CFITSIO included in healpy to 4.1.0, necessary for compatibility with Apple ARM chips healpy#776
Release 1.16.0 17 July 2022
- Update HEALPix C++ sources to revision 1206 (just maintenance commits) healpy#772
- Do not normalize binary arrays healpy#767
- Fix unncessary log warning message in plots healpy#763
- Fixed double application of margins in visualization functions when using subplot syntax and implemented margins parameter for mollview, orthview, and azeqview when subplot syntax is not used healpy#757
- Fixed reuse_axes=True for cartview and gnomview healpy#755
- New features in projview: subplots, remove monopole-dipole, labels, tickmarks, graticule, Planck and WMAP colormaps healpy#752
- Fixed the CFITSIO version mismatch warning healpy#764
- Added colorbar ticks and normalization healpy#751
- New map2alm_lsq function to iteratively estimate Alm from a map and assess residual error healpy#734
Release 1.15.2 24 January 2022, included in HEALPix 3.8.1
- Fix the ABI version signature of the C++ sources healpy#746
Release 1.15.1 20 January 2022
- new function hp.blm_gauss to generate alm of a gaussian beam healpy#735
- implement rotation in the graticule of projview healpy#732
- explain how to create a local datapath for pixel weights healpy#720
- improvement on is_seq to avoid synalm breaking on JAX input arrays, added unit tests healpy#716
- upgraded HEALPix C++ sources to HEALPix 3.8.1, fixing incompatibility with CFITSIO 4 healpy#727 and healpy#743
Release 1.15.0 22 June 2021, included in HEALPix 3.8.0
- write_map keeps dtype of input map array instead of float32 healpy#688
- read_map keeps dtype of FITS file instead of upcasting to float64 healpy#688
- write_cl uses dtype of input cl instead of float64 healpy#688
- Changed all warnings to using the logging module, deprecated all verbose keywords healpy#693
- Experimental projview function to plot maps using projections from matplotlib healpy#695
- Flip sign for spin-0 alm2map_spin and map2alm_spin healpy#707
- Support transparency in plotting with the alpha parameter healpy#696
- Removed the note that we will change order of cl in synfast and synalm, we will leave new=False default healpy#687
- Added convenice functions order2npix and npix2order healpy#685
- Support nested maps hp.smoothing healpy#678
- Improvements of the build system healpy#660 healpy#661
- Automatically build wheels for Linux/MacOS on Github actions healpy#656
- Drop support for Python 2.7-3.5 healpy#658
- Allow OBJECT FITS header not to be a string healpy#665
- Fixed indexing issue in bl2beam healpy#667
- Fixed map2alm_spin bug for masked input healpy#651
- Minor bugfixes: Accept None for cls in synalm healpy#711, Get nside from length of array in read_map healpy#710, Fix spin 0 transforms in alm2map_spin healpy#708, Raise exception for rotate_alm with complex64 inputs healpy#704, Replace deprecated numpy aliases healpy#698
Release 1.14.0 22 July 2020, included in HEALPix 3.70, Last release with Python 2 support
- Fixed FITS files that were left open healpy#631
- Line Integral Convolution plots to plot polarization healpy#617
- reworked verbose, see hp.disable_warnings healpy#630
- increased precision in coordinate transforms healpy#633
- colormaps now are not overwritten by plotting functions healpy#627
- fix propagation on mmax in smoothing healpy#612
- updated HEALPix C++ to 3.70 healpy#632
- Updated to cfitsio 3.48 (used only if missing) healpy#597
- Local datapath for pixel weights healpy#611
- Support pixel weights for NSIDE 8192 healpy#595
- Minor bugfixes healpy#626, healpy#624, healpy#618, healpy#614
Release 1.13.0 3 Dec 2019, included in HEALPix 3.60
- updated HEALPix C++ to 3.60 healpy#589
- different handling of default dtype in read_cl, write_cl and read_map healpy#586
- implemented dist2holes, distance from pixel center to closest invalid pixel healpy#581
- allow not-power-of-2 NSIDE for RING healpy#584
Release 1.12.10 9 Sep 2019
- fix overflow in nside2npix at NSIDE8192 healpy#573
- option to set UNSEEN color in plots healpy#551
- option to rotate alms in place healpy#555
- option to keep the FITS dtype in read_map healpy#554
- fix compatibility with matplotlib 3 healpy#563 and healpy#566
Release 1.12.9 21 Mar 2019, related to the healpy JOSS paper
- lmax support in hp.pixwin healpy#544
- use_pixel_weights support in hp.smoothing healpy#545
- improved test coverage healpy#541
- tutorial as a Jupyter Notebook https://github.com/healpy/healpy/blob/master/doc/healpy_tutorial.ipynb
Release 1.12.8 7 Dec 2018, included in HEALPix 3.5.0
- Update HEALPix C++ to latest 3.5.0 commits
Release 1.12.7 6 Dec 2018
- Rebuild of broken release 1.12.6, it was built with Cython 0.26 instead of a newer version needed for Python 3.7 support
Release 1.12.6 5 Dec 2018
- Broken release due to a packaging issue
- Important bugfix that affected only 1.12.5, synfast had a fixed seed healpy#510
- Updated HEALPix C++ to 3.5.0, dynamic AVX support healpy#514
Release 1.12.5 13 Nov 2018
- Explicitely set Numpy version requirement to = 1.13 healpy#506
- Implemented hp.Rotator.rotate_map_alms and hp.Rotator.rotate_map_pixel to rotate maps in spherical harmonics and pixel domain healpy#489
Release 1.12.4, 25 Ago 2018
- Support for Python 3.7 on PyPi
- Update minimum healpix-cxx version required healpy#478
Release 1.12.3, 30 Giu 2018
- No changes, just fixed Unicode Error on README.rst
Release 1.12.2, 29 Giu 2018
- No changes, just fixed upload issue to PyPI
Release 1.12.1, 29 Giu 2018
- Fixed bug in polarization rotation in hp.Rotator.rotate_map healpy#459
- Fixed packaging issue: Add six to setup_requires healpy#457
Release 1.12.0, 12 Giu 2018
- New hp.Rotator.rotate_map function to change reference frame of a full map healpy#450
- Implementation of pixel weights for map2alm that makes transform exact healpy#442
- Change default output FITS column names to agree with other HEALPix packages healpy#446
- Reformatted the Python code with black, this made a huge changeset healpy#454
Release 1.11.0, 8 Aug 2017
- Remove NSIDE restriction to be a power of 2 for RING healpy#377
- Implement Coordsys2euler zyz healpy#399
- Return multiple maps as a single 2D array instead of a tuple of 1D arrays healpy#400
- Support for galactic cut in anafast and map2alm healpy#406
- Change in write_map default behavior: healpy#379 and healpy#386
Release 1.10.1, 8 Nov 2016
- Removed support for Python 2.6
- Implemented Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection healpy#354
- Bugfix: write multiple alms healpy#342
- Depend on astropy instead of pyfits healpy#337
Release 1.9.1, 17 Nov 2015, Last version to support Python 2.6
- Remove C++ 11 features healpy#297
- Streamlined setup.py healpy#298
- Plotting fixes for Python 3 healpy#303, healpy#304
- Numpy 1.10 fix healpy#305
Release 1.9.0, 17 Sep 2015
- updated healpix CXX to 786 (trunk) healpy#280
- drop support for Python 2.6 healpy#268
- option to read all fields with read_map healpy#258
- write_map and read_map support for partial sky maps healpy#254
- Allow read_map to also take an HDUList or HDU instance healpy#249
Release 1.8.6, 23 Apr 2015
- Renamed get_neighbours to get_interp_weights healpy#240
- Updated HEALPix C++ to fix bug in query_disc healpy#229
Release 1.8.4, 16 Jan 2015
- Fixed another permission issue on install-sh
Release 1.8.3, 16 Jan 2015
- Fix permission issue in the release tarball healpy#220
Release 1.8.2, 13 Jan 2015
- Several fixes in the build process
- Support for astropy.fits healpy#213
Release 1.8.1, 22 Jun 2014
- Added common.pxd to source tarball
- Check that nside is less than 2^30 healpy#193
Release 1.8.0, 21 Jun 2014
- Python 3 support healpy#186
- Fixed bug in get_interpol_ring: healpy#189
- Performance improvements in _query_disc.pyx: healpy#184
Release 1.7.4, 26 Feb 2014
- Fix bug for MAC OS X build healpy#159
Release 1.7.3, 28 Jan 2014
- Minor cleanup for submitting debian package
Release 1.7.2, 27 Jan 2014
- now package does not require autotools, fixes #155
Release 1.7.1, 23 Jan 2014
- bugfix for Anaconda/Canopy on MAC OSX #152, #153
- fixed packaging issue #154
Release 1.7.0, 14 Jan 2014
- rewritten spherical harmonics unit tests, now it uses low res maps included in the repository
- fix in HEALPix C++ build flags allows easier install on MAC-OSX and other python environments (e.g. anaconda)
- orthview: orthografic projection
- fixed bug in monopole removal in anafast
Release 1.6.3, 26 Aug 2013:
- updated C++ sources to 3.11
- verbose=True default for most functions
Release 1.6.2, 11 Jun 2013:
- ez_setup, switch from distribute to the new setuptools
Release 1.6.0, 15th March 2013:
- support for NSIDE8192, this broke compatibility with 32bit systems
- using the new autotools based build system of healpix_cxx
- pkg-config based install for cfitsio and healpix_cxx
- common definition file for cython modules
- test build script
- new matplotlib based mollview in healpy.newvisufunc
Release 1.5.0, 16th January 2013:
- Healpix C++ sources and cython compiled files removed from the repository,
they are however added for the release tarballs * Added back support for CFITSIO_EXT_INC and CFITSIO_EXT_LIB, but with same definition of HealPix * gauss_beam: gaussian beam transfer function
Release 1.4.1, 5th November 2012:
- Removed support for CFITSIO_EXT_INC and CFITSIO_EXT_LIB
- Support for linking with libcfitsio.so or libcfitsio.dyn
Release 1.4, 4th September 2012:
- Support for building using an external HealPix library, by Leo Singer
- fixes on masked array maps
Release 1.3, 21th August 2012:
- all functions covered with unit testing or doctests
- rewrote setup.py using distutils, by Leo Singer
- all functions accept and return masked arrays created with hp.ma
- read_cl and write_cl support polarization
- matplotlib imported only after first plotting function is called