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World Edit Commands Spawner Tweaks / Structure Tweaks

Some new commands are added if these mods are installed. They all start with the tweak_ prefix. All values can be reseted by providing no value to the parameter.

Most commands can be used on any object. When editing a single object, the script component is automatically added if missing. When editing multiple objects, force parameter needs to be used to add missing components.

Structure Tweaks


  • component=name: Adds behavior / script component.
  • creator=player id: Sets the piece creator. Use 0 for no creator.
  • effect=radius,id1,id2,...,playeronly: Adds forced effect area (heat, fire, player base, burning, no monsters, warm cozy area). Putting 1 to playeronly makes the effect only affect players.
  • event=radius,id: Adds forced random event area.
  • collision=true/false: Sets whether the object has collision. No value to toggle.
  • destoy=seconds: Adds timed destroy after given seconds.
  • fall=off/solid/terrain: Overrides the fall behavior.
  • growth=big/big_bad/small/small_bad: Overrides the plant visual wear (and prevents growth).
  • interact=true/false: Sets whether the object can be interacted with. No value to toggle.
  • show=true/false: Sets whether the object is visible. No value to toggle.
  • status=radius,id,playeronly: Adds forced status effect area. Putting 1 to playeronly makes the effect only affect players.
  • wear=broken/damaged/healthy: Overrides the object visual wear.
  • weather=radius,id,instant,dungeon: Adds forced weather area. If third parameter is given, the weather changes instantly. Fourth parameter can be used to change dungeon weather.
    • weather=5,AshRain,true adds a 5 meter radius Ashrain area that changes the weather instantly.
    • weather=0,,,AshRain changes the dungeon weather to Ashrain when used on the entrance.
  • water=name,x,z,y: Adds a water surface.


  • name=text: Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • unlock=true/false: Allows ignoring wards. No value to toggle.

Note: Spawner Tweaks adds more parameters for tweak_chest.


  • consume=true/false: Consumes the key item on use. No value to toggle.
  • closeeffect=id,flag: Effects when closing. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • key=item: Required key item to open the door. If set, the door can't be closed.
  • lockedeffect=id,flag: Effects when locked. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • noclose=true/false: If set, the door can't be closed. No value to toggle.
  • openeffect=id,flag: Effects when opening. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • unlock=true/false: Allows ignoring wards. No value to toggle.


  • enter_hover="text": Changes the hover text of the dungeon entrance. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • enter_text="text": Changes the text after entering the dungeon. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • exit_hover="text": Changes the hover text of the dungeon exut. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • exit_text="text": Changes the text after exiting the dungeon. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • weather=id: Replaced the dungeon environment.


  • smoke=off/on/ignore: Smoke behavior.


  • restrict=false: Allows teleporting with any items.


  • discover=id,pintext,pintype,showmap: Location discovery. If showmap=1, then opens the map automatically.
    • This works for vegvisirs in dungeons too.
  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • text="text": Use text. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • topic="text": Topic shown with the text. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • compendium="text": Label added to the compendium. Put " around the value if you use spaces. Start with - to remove the label.

Examples: Structure Tweaks

  • tweak_runestone compendium="Hello world!" compendium=-Hi text=Stuff: Adds Hello world! entry to the compendium while removing the Hi entry.

Spawner Tweaks

Four new commands that share many parameters with the object command.


  • amount=number: Amount of needed items to interact.
  • command="text": Command to run when interacted. Put " around the value if you use spaces. Use following special values to get altar coordinates:
    • $$x: x coordinate
    • $$y: y coordinate
    • $$z: z coordinate
    • $$i: zone x
    • $$j: zone y
    • $$a: angle
  • delay=seconds: Duration of the spawning.
  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • itemstandprefix=text: Prefix for included item stands.
  • itemstandrange=meters: Radius for included item stands.
  • itemoffset=x,z,y: Offset when spawning items. Also sets the useeffect position.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxlevel=number: Maximum level (level 1 = no star).
  • minlevel=number: Minimum level (level 1 = no star).
  • name=text: Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • respawn=minutes: How often the altar can be used.
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawndata=base64 encoded: Sets the ZDO data, for example when using object copy.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effects when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnhealth=number: Overrides the creature health.
  • spawnitem=id: Required item.
  • spawnmaxy=meters: Maximum height difference from the altar.
  • spawnoffset=meters: Spawn distance from the ground.
  • spawnradius=meters: Maximum spawn radius.
  • starteffect=id,flag: Effects when the spawn is started. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • text="text": Use text. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • useeffect=id,flag: Effects when used. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.


  • biome=biome1,biome2,...: List of active biomes.
  • coveroffset=x,z,y: Offset for the cover calculation.
  • maxamount=number: Maximum amount of production.
  • maxcover=number: Coverage limit (from 0.0 to 1.0).
  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • spawn=id: Produced item.
  • spawncondition=flag: 1 = produces also during the night.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effects when taking the items. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnoffset=x,z,y: Offset for the produced items.
  • speed=seconds: Interval for production.
  • textbiome="text": Text for wrong biome. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • textcheck="text": Text for checking the amount. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • textextract="text": Text for taking the items. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • texthappy="text": Text when being happy. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • textsleep="text": Text when sleeping. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • textspace="text": Text when covered. Put " around the value if you use spaces.


  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • item=id,weight,minamount,maxamount: Loot item. Weight is the relative chance compared to other items.
  • maxamount=number: Maximum amount of items.
  • minamount=number: Minimum amount of items.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time for items. Automatically sets item, maxamount and minamount based on chest contents if not given in the command.


  • affix=name: Sets the CLLC affix (if CLLC is installed).
  • attacks=id1,id2,...: Sets the available attacks. If attacks is given multiple times, the attack set is randomly selected.
  • boss=true/false: Sets the boss health bar. No value to toggle.
  • damage=number: Sets the damage multiplier.
  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • health=number: The health.
  • hunt=true/false: Sets the extra aggressiveness mode.
  • item=id,chance,minamount,maxamount,flags: Item drop. Sum up: 1 = star multiplier, 2 = one per player.
  • level=number: Level (level 1 = no star).
  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • resistance=type,modifier: Sets a damage resistance.


  • conversion=from,to,amount: Conversion recipes.
  • inputeffect=id,flag: Effects when adding a new item. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • outputeffect=id,flag: Effects when producing a new item. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • speed=number: Conversion speed in seconds.
  • useeffect=id,flag: Effects when using the tap. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.


  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • item=id,variant: Attached item. Variant is a number.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time for items. Automatically sets the item based on the current item.


  • amount=number: Amount of dropped items.
  • name="text": Display name. Put " around the value if you use spaces.
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time. Must be an integer (no decimals).
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawnoffset=meters: Spawn distance from the ground.
  • useeffect=id,flag: Effects when used. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.


  • conversion=from,to: Conversion recipes.
  • fuel=id: Fuel item.
  • fuelusage=number: Required fuel per conversion.
  • fueleffect=id,flag: Effects when adding a new fuel. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • inputeffect=id,flag: Effects when adding a new item. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • maxamount=number: Maximum amount of items in the queue.
  • maxfuel=number: Maximum amount of fuel.
  • outputeffect=id,flag: Effects when producing a new item. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • speed=number: Conversion speed in seconds.


  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • farradius=meters: Radius for maxtotal.
  • respawn=seconds: Respawn time.
    • Pickable: Timer is stopped while the item is picked up.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxlevel=number: Maximum level (level 1 = no star).
  • minlevel=number: Minimum level (level 1 = no star).
  • maxnear=number: Maximum amount of spawns within the nearradius.
  • maxtotal=number: Maximum amount of spawns within the farradius.
  • nearradius=meters: Radius for maxnear.
  • respawn=seconds: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id,weight,minlevel,maxlevel,data/health: Spawned item or object. Weight is the relative chance compared to other spawns. Data is the ZDO data, for example when using object copy.
  • spawncondition=flag: Sum up: 1 = day only, 2 = night only, 4 = ground only.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effects when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnhealth=number: Overrides the creature health.
  • spawnradius=meters: Maximum spawn radius.
  • triggerdistance=meters: Required distance to activate the spawner.


  • faction=text: Determines which creatures are considered hostile.
  • levelchance=percent: Level up chance (from 0 to 100).
  • maxlevel=number: Maximum level (level 1 = no star).
  • minlevel=number: Minimum level (level 1 = no star).
  • respawn=minutes: Respawn time.
  • spawn=id: Spawned item or object.
  • spawndata=base64 encoded: Sets the ZDO data, for example when using object copy.
  • spawncondition=flag: 1 = day only, 2 = night only.
  • spawneffect=id,flag: Effects when the spawn happens. For random rotation, use 1 as the flag.
  • spawnhealth=number: Overrides the creature health.
  • triggerdistance=meters: Required distance to activate the spawn point.
  • triggernoise=meters: Required noise to activate the spawn point.

Examples: Spawner Tweaks

  • tweak_pickable use_effect=[sfx/vfx] use_effect=[sfx/vfx]: Makes a pickable to cause two effects when picked.
  • tweak_spawner spawn=Boar spawn=Deer: Makes any object spawn both boars and deer.
  • tweak_spawner spawn=lightningaoe respawn=1 spawnradius=10: Makes any object to spawn lightning every second.