A Library-Management-System designed with the QT C++ framework that provides libraries with a useful software to perform essential tasks using a GUI. The software comprises of a menu-driven GUI interface styled with the Windows Fluent Design as its base. Its backend comprises a SQLite database containing 4 tables: books, users, issued_books and classification_numbers (for the books). The application offers the following functionalities:
- Add, edit, search and delete a book in the books table
- Add, edit, search and delete a user in the users table
- Issue and return a book
- Print the list of books, users, issued books and overdue books
- Export the list of books, users, issued_books and overdue books as a csv file
git clone https://github.com/Jishnu8/Library-Management
mkdir build
a) Using CMake
cmake ..
b) Using qmake
qmake $path_to_LibraryManagement.pro