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im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now;sadness
im updating my blog because i feel shitty;sadness
i never make her separate from me because i don t ever want her to feel like i m ashamed with her;sadness
i left with my bouquet of red and yellow tulips under my arm feeling slightly more optimistic than when i arrived;joy
i was feeling a little vain when i did this one;sadness
i cant walk into a shop anywhere where i do not feel uncomfortable;fear
i felt anger when at the end of a telephone call;anger
i explain why i clung to a relationship with a boy who was in many ways immature and uncommitted despite the excitement i should have been feeling for getting accepted into the masters program at the university of virginia;joy
i like to have the same breathless feeling as a reader eager to see what will happen next;joy
i jest i feel grumpy tired and pre menstrual which i probably am but then again its only been a week and im about as fit as a walrus on vacation for the summer;anger
i don t feel particularly agitated;fear
i feel beautifully emotional knowing that these women of whom i knew just a handful were holding me and my baba on our journey;sadness
i pay attention it deepens into a feeling of being invaded and helpless;fear
i just feel extremely comfortable with the group of people that i dont even need to hide myself;joy
i find myself in the odd position of feeling supportive of;love
i was feeling as heartbroken as im sure katniss was;sadness
i feel a little mellow today;joy
i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent;sadness
i feel just bcoz a fight we get mad to each other n u wanna make a publicity n let the world knows about our fight;anger
i feel like reds and purples are just so rich and kind of perfect;joy
im not sure the feeling of loss will ever go away but it may dull to a sweet feeling of nostalgia at what i shared in this life with my dad and the luck i had to have a dad for years;sadness
i feel like ive gotten to know many of you through comments and emails and for that im appreciative and glad you are a part of this little space;joy
i survey my own posts over the last few years and only feel pleased with vague snippets of a few of them only feel that little bits of them capture what its like to be me or someone like me in dublin in the st century;joy
i also tell you in hopes that anyone who is still feeling stigmatized or ashamed of their mental health issues will let go of the stigma let go of the shame;sadness
i don t feel guilty like i m not going to be able to cook for him;sadness
i hate it when i feel fearful for absolutely no reason;fear
i am feeling outraged it shows everywhere;anger
i stole a book from one of my all time favorite authors and now i feel like a rotten person;sadness
i do feel insecure sometimes but who doesnt;fear
i highly recommend visiting on a wednesday if youre able because its less crowded so you get to ask the farmers more questions without feeling rude for holding up a line;anger
ive been missing him and feeling so restless at home thinking of him;fear
i posted on my facebook page earlier this week ive been feeling a little grumpy and out of sorts the past few days;anger
i start to feel emotional;sadness
i feel so cold a href http irish;anger
i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever;sadness
i feel more virtuous than when i eat veggies dipped in hummus;joy
i feel very honoured to be included in a magzine which prioritises health and clean living so highly im curious do any of you read magazines concerned with health and clean lifestyles such as the green parent;joy
i spent the last two weeks of school feeling miserable;sadness
im feeling very peaceful about our wedding again now after having;joy
i had been talking to coach claudia barcomb and coach ali boe for a long time and they both made me feel very welcomed at union;joy
i feel if i completely hated things i d exercise my democratic right speak my mind in what ever ways possible and try to enact a change;anger
i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting;sadness
i feel reassured that i am dealing with my diet in the right way and that all is good;joy
i feel i have to agree with her even though i can imagine some rather unpleasant possible cases;sadness
im in such a happy mood today i feel almost delighted and i havent done anything different today then i normally have it is wonderful;joy
im feeling really out of place and irritated;anger
i also know that i feel nothing than a friendly affection to them too;joy
i feel like i had a rather productive weekend and i cant always say that no matter how much i get done;joy
im feeling insecure at the moment;fear
i was feeling pretty anxious all day but my first day at work was a very good day and that helped a lot;fear
i stood up to you i finally stood up to you and now i feel like im being punished if i could go back and do it again;sadness
i feel a little nervous i go to the gym;fear
i feel like i could go into any situation and become successful because i ve been competing all my life explained schaub in an interview with the a href http bleacherreport;joy
i can t stop the anxiety i feel when i m alone when i ve got no distractions;sadness
im trying to feel out my house style now that im living on my own and have creative carte blanche;joy
i have tried to see what it would be like if i liked one of my girl friends but it has never really worked and i can only ever feel an emotional connection to them because they are my friends;sadness
i had every intention of doing more gardening this morning while it was still cool but i was just feeling so rotten;sadness
i have a good feeling about this so i am excited;joy
i feel like i am just starting to understand the blessings that come from being submissive to the will of the father;sadness
i think about the things ive said and the stuff i have done it makes me feel disgusted in myself when i should be making you happy and smile which i was far from doing;anger
i woke up yesterday monday morning feeling a little depressed;sadness
i feel so embarrassed;sadness
i spent wandering around still kinda dazed and not feeling particularly sociable but because id been in hiding for a couple for days and it was getting to be a little unhealthy i made myself go down to the cross and hang out with folks;joy
i can honestly say that after each sistahs chat i feel invigorated and blessed;joy
i still feel stupid to be in that class this is all cause off pbss fault;sadness
i feel a little stunned but can t imagine what the folks who were working in the studio up until this morning are feeling;surprise
i admit im feeling a little bit unloved at this point;sadness
i feel a bit stressed even though all the things i have going on are fun;anger
im feeling pretty anxious;fear
i feel shocked and sad at the fact that there are so many sick people;surprise
i think they have always been proponents of the idea and it is just slightly possible that his feelings for a particularly charming new england girl have brought him around to their way of thinking;joy
i feel like a naughty school girl because i am falling behind;love
i am right handed however i play billiards left handed naturally so me trying to play right handed feels weird;surprise
i can feel that they are kind friendly and can understand my feelings;joy
i were to go overseas or cross the border then i become a foreigner and will feel that way but never in my beloved land;love
i feel disgusted in any man in power who talks about electricity being a problem in his area and says even my own house has similar problems;anger
i feel transcendant and splendid;joy
i finally arrived home a couple of hours later feeling somewhat exhausted dehydrated and even sun burnt;sadness
i am feeling totally relaxed and comfy;joy
i want each of you to feel my gentle embrace;love
i feel privileged in my world;joy
i am not a people person but for some fuckin reason people feel that they can come bore me with their fuckin petty garbage;anger
i realized my mistake and i m really feeling terrible and thinking that i shouldn t do that;sadness
i suppose i feel too trusting sometimes;joy
i came home waiting for the shower read something which made me upset thats why i feel discontent haha;sadness
i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter;sadness
i feel like i am in paradise kissing those sweet lips make me feel like i dive into a magical world of love;joy
i am feeling so happy;joy
i am running at an approximate minute pace which i feel is quite acceptable;joy
i feel so disappointed when my ex girlfriend doesn t call me back;sadness
i have a feeling that people are using it more than they need to and enjoying the feeling as it flies carefree off the tongue but that is alright with me;joy
i am feeling uncertain of the merits of posting to this blog with the frequency or earnestness i had been over the previous year;fear
i just plain feel envious of the self confidence they had;anger
i was feeling weird the other day and it went away about minutes after i took my metformin;fear
when a friend dropped a frog down my neck;anger
im feeling angry at someone i do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften;anger
i love neglecting this blog but sometimes i feel for my faithful readers;love
i lay in bed feeling as though i were awaiting an unwelcome visitor nevertheless i told myself i was strong and thought of good things until i felt better;sadness
i feel my heart is tortured by what i have done;anger
i was still feeling weepy and strung out so maggie treated me to ice cream and a movie a href http www;sadness
i feel needy but comfortable with it i feel vulnerable but secure i feel the urge to cum hard but i get no relief;sadness
i journaled about my tendency to sometimes overcommit myself which can make me feel exhausted and overwhelmed;sadness
i started out feeling discouraged this morning;sadness
i feel agitated with myself that i did not foresee her frustrations earlier leading to the ending of our relationship;fear
i grab it from the air its smooth frame feels cold to the touch;anger
i was angry at my boyfriend who had promised to come to see me but did not because he spent the evening with his pals;anger
i hate that i m sitting here at the hostel writing this and feeling so perfectly fine and than i get home and it s me and my problems and a wall;joy
i do exercise i feel energetic and i am able to perform my other tasks in a very good manner;joy
i looked at mabel this morning i named my left breast mabel my right one is hazel and i feel this weird mixture of anger and loss valerie wrote less than a month after her diagnosis;fear
im feeling pretty disheartened by the whole thing;sadness
i feel that an input from me will be valued as being less potent than say that of irfan pathan;joy
i feel is he generous;love
i even feel a little shaky;fear
i am feeling better though i dont sound it;joy
i always feel troubled when we re on the road touring living in a van or more recently in the circus buses no place to hang my hat as the song lyric has it;sadness
i feel our world then was a much more innocent place;joy
i feel thoroughly virtuous even if the daily trip to the compost bin isn t the most pleasant experience;joy
im not feeling anything suspicious really;fear
i was feeling a little sentimental today;sadness
i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed;joy
i feel less whiney since the sun came out here in the sf area;sadness
made a wonderfull new friend;joy
i feel almost embarrassed to mention the single redshank and common sandpiper but there again who would not want to mention the lone wood sandpiper present at the waters edge;sadness
i know its easy to feel a little envious of me and i cant tell you that you shouldnt;anger
i would feel awful if she was here this whole time;sadness
i feel very mislead by someone that i really really thought i knew and liked very much so;love
i feel like we are doomed us humans;sadness
i am going to have to check on in just a few minutes but there is this clock up above the screen that keeps ticking down the minutes i have left so am feeling a bit frantic;fear
i got the sleep but if i could choose not to be woken up by an alarm i d definitely take that over anything it makes me feel so groggy;sadness
ive been boring for few weeks and feeling a bit gloomy cause of the rainy days;sadness
i feel that this information is vital to moving on with your day and you re not complete until you read it;joy
im feeling generous today heres one more you may have already seen but is good for a chuckle;love
i will feel awkward about just calling up one of these people out of the blue to hang out or rather to be familiar with them on a deeper level they are not my kith and kin;sadness
i don t like the feeling i get when someone is even a little bit offended by some offhand remark i ve made;anger
i get it crumble but thanks for feeling the need to tell me that im the one who is fucked up;anger
i am controlling the growth of this business and every time i post work for a client i feel even more determined to make it a full time business one day;joy
i was pregnant with dean i spent the rest of my pregnancy feeling terrified about having another baby;fear
i actually feel agitated which led to a terrible day yesterday in which i was unable to concentrate on anything and basically piddled the day away;anger
i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail;sadness
i feel radiant bright accomplished and happy;joy
i feel refrigerator magnets that were so popular a few years ago;joy
i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening;sadness
i am feeling apprehensive about it but also wildly excited;fear
i was feeling pretty relaxed by the time i boarded the very new looking airbus and headed into the hazy sky en route to honolulu;joy
i am a quiet person but what i have to say i feel is important;joy
i think i started to feel a little homesick;sadness
i am feeling eager to start doing some work the man who works there literally says so uhm you guys want to go in back and see if we can find anything to do;joy
i feel uncomfortable since i have a smaller rib cage and a bigger chest either i am spilling over the top of the tank or the elastic band support is too tight or too loose;fear
im feeling reluctant to exit my freshly cleaned apartment which i stayed up cleaning late last night;fear
i feel that i need to know that i can depend on myself before i put myself in the position of supporting someone else and being supported by someone else;love
im feeling rather angsty and listless;sadness
i try my best to love on them shed some light but i feel deeply compassionate with their problems and hurt even if its someone in the media;love
i was so uncomfortable and feeling weird feelings but wasn t sure if they were contractions since i never really felt contractions with jared until they jacked me up with pitocin;surprise
i feel gloomy and tired;sadness
i really like this person feel that the question was really asked out of a sincere place of love and concern about how to move forward in light of what the sexuality study recently a href http www;joy
i would force myself to eat my normal routine clean meals a day but then i just started feeling so awful;sadness
i feel rather privileged to have witnessed the great man in action it really was impossible for a novice like me to work out just which one of the four identical looking riders was he;joy
i feel like im at the spa getting a wonderful facial when i use them;joy
i feel petty all of a sudden;anger
i hope you like this more honest amp raw blog post amp if you are feeling unhappy i hope this makes you feel less alone;sadness
i feel slightly disgusted as well;anger
i was quite surprised with the weather these past few days but im so thankful for that since i still can wear my shorts out without feeling that cold yes no kidding;anger
i feel slightly relaxed being a;joy
i feel shy to admit that i was struggling to haul a single computer up;fear
i just went about my script of would you like mustard or sauce with that and started to feel really startled;fear
i enjoy my colleagues i m not feeling very sociable today;joy
im feeling and if ive liked being pregnant;love
i then feel your tender touch as you enfold me with his love;love
i lost a few people which i hate because i have a really hard time letting go of people to whom i feel loyal;love
i have had no interest at all to make any effort to meet men and when the chance arrises i then feel burdened with negative thoughts of he ll just be another idiot only after one thing;sadness
i feel i m being nutritionally supportive of it as well;love
i feel impatient i just post a blog entry and i feel ive gotten some words written and out into the world;anger
i am trying my hardest so i can get to a place where i can join you and finally feel like i have something worthwhile to say;joy
i have to admit i feel amused when i see the pti jamiat and a whole lot of others in the media try to avoid the suggestion that they are actually protesting the use of sharia in the case of raymond davis s release;joy
i feel embarrassed that it got so bad;sadness
im feeling really bitter about this one;anger
i feel brave today heading to amman and beirut by way of istanbul or i feel brave today a href http jessicadickinsongoodman;joy
i had a fab christmas and an amazing new year with my family and friends and against all odds i feel very optimistic about;joy
i feel like a loser everyone says they lost but i dont i know exactly where i am i just hate being here oh;sadness
i feel defeated but others i feel refreshed;sadness
i was feeling particularly vulnerable in a specific area so i began to talking to my friends and interestingly enough there was an incredible understanding of my struggle;fear
i go onto the officer down memorial page and reflect on my feelings about that wonderful officer which seems to make me feel a little better;joy
im with a group of people i still feel isolated and on the outside looking in;sadness
i feel blessed to know this family;love
i feel terrified because my landlord has not changed our locks yet;fear
i am loosing out but i feel like i have have so much to share with many and if anything that is not unfortunate if anything it makes me grateful;sadness
i don t like eating meals that feel too virtuous;joy
i left feeling pretty thrilled for the opportunity to at least throw my name in the hat;joy
i feel kinda weird when andrea tries to talk to me about chris;fear
i loved about ellie is that she didnt feel insulted by all the rude douche baggy things lothaire said to her because according to ellie insults only hurt when they come from somebody you respect damn straight;anger
i feel was pretty triumphant;joy
im enjoying my solitary confinement at home i rarely feel lonely;sadness
i am being over dramatic but i do feel very strongly for her and i am resolved to speak with her next chance i get;joy
i really dont like quinn because i feel like she will just end up hurting barney and i hated the lame ted robin storyline;anger
i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now;sadness
i cant remember ever feeling so exhausted it took trips with the car on the last day to get everything brought to the trailer;sadness
i wrote two years ago so many things i feel unsure of maybe;fear
i feel suspicious of informality and a lack of credentials;fear
i receive every month make me proud and feel appreciative;joy
i feel that third situation pretty much sums up my feelings toward this title;joy
i wanted to feel him in my hands and reached out to take him into my waiting eager mouth;joy
i feel more gentle that way wth;love
i got home feeling hot tired and great;love
i feel more creative;joy
i feel so talented i can use a computer;joy
i feel unfathomably rich in having had a healthy pregnancy so far;joy
i wish to know whether i should feel sympathetic towards the airline american if say their plane is on fire or their pilot has exploded or whether i should want to set them on fire if say they just decided to walk on their obligations to save money;love
i don t want them to feel so pressured;fear
i still feel frightened of the world yet no where near as much as i used to;fear
im not feeling mellow;joy
i wake too early so i feel grumpy;anger
i believe you all will come to my work place and just try to make me feel humiliated but you know what deep down in my heart i know who is the one who should be ashamed of themselves;sadness
i did finally get it if you didn t laugh left me feeling delighted exhausted and just so privileged;joy
i was remembering this i was feeling skeptical;fear
i have some pretty brazen goals and each day i feel stronger and more confident that i m going to reach my desired end result;joy
i feel dirty talking to people for my personal gain;sadness
i sat there cold i flashed back to going to the hockey city classic and the degree weather and it feeling just as cold even though there was about a degree difference this night;anger
i feel numb as i carry on and i wonder if i will get over it;sadness
i was somewhat coerced into this blog review so i feel a bit rushed and flustered;anger
i guess i wont feel too jealous since i often do my mothering at the pool but its nice to have a husband again;anger
im not sure how i feel about needing to exercise so as to maintain a pleasant demeanor;joy
i feel alarmed;fear
i think i wanted audiences to feel impressed inspired or entertained when i was on stage;surprise
i wasnt feeling well yesterday morning afternoon so i just laid in bed and ended up in the all too familiar youtube black hole;joy
i have these terrible feelings that i hyped myself up to be more talented than i am;joy
i do take on a half marathon challenge then i will wait and see how the body feels as to whether there will be a pb attempt or a casual kilometre shuffle;joy
i couldn t help but feel pissed off at both sides of the debate and the unnecessary dichotomy itself;anger
i feel like i cant be respected if i have self respect because it is so regular to now hate your self;joy
i smiled at him feeling his longing and said maybe later buddy but i have to make lunch now;love
i am truly unfortunate the majority of the time i m usually drained but i obtain it hard to get from bed i really feel restless and others;fear
i am feeling rather damaged;sadness
i said i feel ugly today;sadness
i left my garmin on my bike so i was going to have to do this by feel coming out of transition its amazing hearing cheers and your adrenaline is just going crazy;joy
i feel so smart when i find ways to trick myself like this;joy
i love to dance but often feel inhibited by my own body unsure what i am capable of hyper concerned about other people watching me and having opinions on my style or just feeling awkward as if i have no idea what i am supposed to do here;fear
i feel like cards are the perfect thing to make with them;joy
i feel like some heroine of some tragic manga;sadness
i just feel safer than working part time casual at hr;joy
i was ambushed again it was apparently my fault again i feel worthless;sadness
i feel privileged to be a part of something so eternal and so precious to the lord jesus he shed his blood so that churches like this could exist;joy
i feel wholly inadequate to the task before me;sadness
i have a feeling this is a bit naughty scanning an article from a magazine but i know that so many people would love to read thi;love
i see you on the pitchers mound at our little league diamond i feel so anxious for you because it looks so isolated over there;fear
i feel like i am joining the masses which goes against my rebellion of the popular mentality ha i m so goth but i take peace in knowing that i am not making the same resolutions as everyone else;joy
i feel disillusioned with the occult so i have come to feel a greater connection to the earth;sadness
i feel stupid whenever this happens;sadness
i come home and feel so shitty i cant bring myself to do all the work i need to do;sadness
i feel like my irritable sensitive combination skin has finally met it s match;anger
i like it though its very over the top but makes me feel clever by association;joy
i will practice meditation if i feel overwhelmed and hopefully become successful in peaceful practice;surprise
i feel like it was all in vain cant be right and feel this wrong this heart of mine is just;sadness
i hope everyone can help with charity work without feeling stressed about such things;sadness
i feel so guilty for putting my child in daycare;sadness
i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now;anger
i feel blessed beyond blessed to share my life with you each week;love
i feel devastated over things that i have lost i will remind myself to be grateful for what i still have;sadness
im feeling energetic;joy
i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative;joy
i just don t like to be asked about the reason behind my mood when i m feeling gloomy laughs;sadness
i feel really bothered about the lack of time i get to find inspiration;anger
i used to be able to hang around talk with the cashier when i was putting away my money now i feel rushed and stressed if i take a second to fumble with the coins and put them in my purse;anger
i feel frustrated or the world around me lies shattered i just go and walk in the rain so that no body could see my eyes full of tears this is the delivery system of justice as conceptualized by our courts which we are learning the hard way;anger
i realized what i am passionate about helping women feel accepted and appreciated;joy
i could change the emphasis and say i am stella and i m noticing i m feeling impatient;anger
i don t like outsourcing because i m a picky sod and usually end up feeling dissatisfied with the work of others but i have to force myself to outsource because you need to realize you can t do everything yourself;anger
i feel so blessed and honored that we get to be its parents;love
i do feel welcomed but it s a little weird;joy
i feel like i entertained sd all day;joy
ive struggled mightily through today and even though i feel cranky and tired and unmotivated still i really am not going to be going to sleep before eleven thirty;anger
i remember sitting out on the porch feeling drained and alone even as sunlight bathed my hair in warm radiance and a light breeze cooled my cheeks;sadness
i didnt feel i rushed things dhawan tweet script type text javascript src http platform;anger
i realized i was feeling really irritated while i was saying that;anger
i am balancing on my hands with my feet hanging over and it feels like pretty far and im terrified to let them drop but im totally calm at the same time hanging here;fear
i feel so fucking worthless;sadness
i feel like a lot of men are royally fucked up and go through life wreaking havoc and end up destroying themselves in the process;anger
i feel devastated that my art style can be copied;sadness
i feel fine about feeling well fine;joy
i can only begin to feel how distraught she must be;fear
i also didnt feel i could be mad at god because i know inside me that god does nothing without a purpose;anger
i think we were both feeling a little drained from work as well;sadness
i gather supplies and start to check her progress via internal exam the head midwife prepares to start an iv and calmly asks others for more assistance i feel reassured by her calmness;joy
i feel crappy i eat crappy;sadness
i feel more of numb now;sadness
i feel extremely honoured to have received such a prestigious award;joy
im feeling adventurous and successful in my quest so far;joy
i feel so thrilled to have three such distinguished individuals such as yourselves here;joy
i figured my parents wont make me feel accepted so i stopped trying i turned to romantic relationships with men;love
i was left feeling empty;sadness
i feel pretty much like this scene from a href http www;joy
i may not have really been feeling superior but i certainly was feeling that i had the answers wasnt i;joy
i just feel are ludicrous and wasting space or so trite they should have looked at the book first and come up with something a little more original;surprise
i feel like a wimpy canoe floating towards a rising tsunami;fear
i feel sympathetic towards her she was tired and weary and i can see how a split second doubt could make the effortless action of standing still seem like the better option;love
i start to feel unloved and unappreciated;sadness
i just want to know the feeling of loving and be loved;love
i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking;fear
i sometimes have urges to just freak out because i feel so bothered and usually nothing has caused me to feel bothered or irritated i scratch my arms when i m mad;anger
i feel miserable and he doesnt care;sadness
i am not surprised cause its like ok when you feel crappy and it just continues for like days or so you really try to avoid getting that sickness again;sadness
im feeling slightly irritable today;anger
i like to add things that i already completed in my day to a new list just to feel more productive when i cross them off;joy
i always feel rushed during these emails which i dont like but asa este;anger
i feel like now its more of sweet apple now;love
i was so impressed with the show especially for hs and i was moved by these talented kids but then again i feel very passionate about productions and music and theatre in schools so i am always happy to endorse many hs productions throughout their seasons during this time;love
i feel like i should be supporting them somehow but im not sure how;joy
i have a lot going on in my life and feel overwhelmed;fear
i took for granted a few weeks ago is really weird and makes me feel really agitated and frustrated;anger
i also know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you feel like a burden and too much and not worth loving or pursuing and its just;love
i know what you mean about feeling agitated;fear
i am feeling pressured to blog the bad;fear
i feel like being sociable and just aaaah;joy
i didnt feel at all deprived having it in my chai this morning;sadness
i was feeling very unsure of myself and at near breaking point;fear
i remember leaving church feeling invigorated every sunday and tuesday night;joy
i will nolonger tell anybody how i feel or what im thinking cause all it seems to do is get me more hated than i already am;sadness
i asked her what she meant by shes gonna feel jealous having loada of girls over me and then she said maybee i do like you a bitt;anger
i feel that i am supporting the troops by demanding that we not send our young men and women into harm s way to bear arms against a country that has done nothing to threaten us at any point;love
i feel all funny sometimes;surprise
i am feeling crampy and cranky;anger
i indicated then i was feeling quite overwhelmed with work responsibilities teaching traveling and writing;fear
i just say that i am not even feeling embarrassed when i pause and rewind my dvred commercials if the breaking dawn preview comes on;sadness
i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals;sadness
i feel stressed but i love the feeling of the calming spirit of my heavenly father and the feeling to keep working;sadness
i feel more thankful being greeted by many friends and families;joy
i no longer feel doomed to falling into the abyss with no way out;sadness
i bought it at urban outfitters so it could fit mm film and have been feeling remorseful ever since;sadness
i just can t feel accepted;love
ive a feeling briar beagle would give me one of her disgusted looks if i even tried exercising her in these souless surroundings;anger
i just need to accept to be treated like a princess everyday without feeling dumb about the situation;sadness
i just got up from a nap feeling really rotten so exhausted that i feel like i could just wilt onto the floor just sitting here;sadness
i feel very indecisive about it;fear
i feel if the pressure vessel has been seriously damaged then far more radiation would have leaked he said;sadness
i have better things to do than to feel humiliated;sadness
i feel check the wonder in all that you see you ve got to get loving unconditionally;love
ive been feeling a bit melancholy;sadness
i believe that feeling accepted in a non judgemental way can be healing;joy
i do feel stressed;sadness
i feel benevolent enough to buy them some peanuts and other treats;joy
i feel fine class pin it button count layout horizontal pin it;joy
i feel so worthless and useless these past weeks just because im a certified by stander at home;sadness
i feel immensely distracted by the barrage of media i receive solicit;anger
ive been feeling from my adoring fans that would be teh whole like of you who are my friends here i felt brave and excited and ventrured forth with guitar in hand to a local open mic night;love
i love and captured an atmospheric feeling in their landscapes that really impressed me;surprise
is hand started fondling his aching cock through the fabric of his boxers and he instinctively arched his back to feel more of the delicious sensation;joy
i am feeling energized productive and creative;joy
i am feeling lucky to have him;joy
i feel is vital to keeping my spirit young even as my body fades;joy
i feel agitated and annoyed more than worried or fearful but these feelings can easily lead to being short tempered with my family and feelings of disharmony;fear
i still feel scared every time i go into a strange place;fear
i don t feel the author s talented;joy
i feel so jaded and bored;sadness
im pretty sure and its been about a week and a half so although im feeling kind of betrayed and disillusioned by men at the moment everythings okay;sadness
i feel like ive lost my mind;sadness
i could feel his breath on me and smell the sweet scent of him;joy
i could just take my beliefs and feelings and lock them in a safe somewhere until i get my human life squared away i and just about everyone i know would be a lot happier or perhaps not;joy
i am feeling sinfully horny this sunday morning;love
i just feel like someone out there has to listen and be sympathetic and then;love
ive feeling a little blank and could think of nothing to write about which might be interesting to explore or had my mind captivated;sadness
i feel as the sleep drained from my head i sat up my dog nudging me for affection my wife too has been wanting affection;sadness
i feel to aid other women with infertility disorders this valuable individual guidance is offered for a restricted number of people;joy
i remember feeling envious but then why would a young healthy person envy someone who s just barely survived;anger
im still feeling very emotional;sadness
im in that last bit of sleep before i get up in the morning i feel like that emotional energy just waits for me;sadness
i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so;anger
im happy i feel out of energy and not very inspired to do my crafts;joy
i was struck by the masculine feel of the strong graphics and deep colors in this months painting nighthawks by edward hopper;joy
i feel like youre just not there some body that im trying to be affectionate with it feels like im molesting some stranger i dont even know;love
i think it s the opposite i get to feel defeated because i was doing everything possible to keep baby healthy and my sugars in check;sadness
i am trying not to feel bitter but how else can i feel when it seems my desire is pretty much impossible;anger
i feel if i am nagged i stop caring;love
i just feel totally useless today;sadness
i feel honored to receive the grassroots preservation award;joy
i feel contented just hearing him said that hellip;joy
i am reminded of pavement yurusei yatsura and coheed and cambria without feeling offended that they have ripped them off;anger
i feel no positive regard;joy
im feeling a lot less ugly duckling and a lot more a href http;sadness
i suppose if one was feeling generous one could say i was stressed by the elevator ride;joy
im feeling kind of melancholy and really want to go home and cuddle up with my boys;sadness
i feel like the people that i myself love want and need don t talk to me and don t connect with me anymore because they have fucked up mental health and emotional problems that i can t help contribute contain understand or encompass;anger
i feel that the suffering is more than i can bear i take refuge in the lord in the blessed sacrament and i speak to him with profound silence;sadness
i feel afraid agn lol whats new;fear
i am writing and sharing here is much more about my own story and what i believe with all my heart the world needs to know the riches we have in god than me feeling angry towards or trying to bash the people and leaders and parents;anger
im feeling dazed and alot of things in my mind;surprise
i feel so scared when the voices from there start to speak to me;fear
i feel very honoured to have been part of the bond family and very much hope i have a chance to work with them again sometime in the future;joy
i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death;anger
i feel but not to such a hostile extent;anger
i always feel so pressured;fear
i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper;joy
i carried my phone in my pocket and didn t feel the pull to get lost in it;sadness
i sit here writing this i feel unhappy inside;sadness
i could feel my mother s sympathetic dread as i was diagnosed;love
i get disappointed it makes me feel so rejected especially being disappointed by a loved one;sadness
i left there feeling brow beaten;sadness
i am feeling vulnerable nervous worried anxious and a bit lost;fear
i was feeling defeated i usually pick things up easily this way but i just wasn t getting it;sadness
i am most certainly an acquired taste but lately many of those around me have seemed to feel the taste to be bitter;anger
i feel i am rich because my life both real and online is filled with friends and family with whom i would not want to live without;joy
i feel bad saying this because i should be happy but i dont think this way that im going is for me anymore;sadness
ive been feeling afraid a lot lately;fear
i see momo feel shy momo hmmm gt me heyy momo;fear
i feel amused looking at the little turtle who sneaked in with them;joy
i purple month doesnt feel surprised in fact zhuo feng up many pupils all clear xiao her identity dont even say main star feng of young;surprise
i feel like there is no way out being humiliated by asa a guy i was obssessed about who played an embarrassing joke on me getting caught by tabbys wife tabby is a lover i once had who was married and i blindly fell in love with him;sadness
i feel like breathing is as delicate as dried rose petals sometimes;love
im thankful because i feel somewhat energetic instead of the dead fish that i would become every time every chemo;joy
i feel so honored today and i want to share the emotion and my gratitude because i received a very complimentary email from someone who reads thought provoking perspectives;joy
ive tried bare minerals but it makes me feel like my face is dirty;sadness
i feel quite passionate about and that is how old should children be to undergo beauty treatments;joy
i feel like i m going to struggle and fail and suffer and be really dumb;sadness
im feel a little bit shy to talked to her for a second but manage myself because i saw from her eyes that theres something with this girl;fear
i love that this is a place a series with no real heroes and i love that the way the couples in these books fall in love feels just as violent and crazy as the place that they call home;anger
i will feel more lively and full of bounce;joy
i am and always have been a very sincere nice feeling sociable compassionate helpful girl;joy
i feel like an obnoxious nagging call times everyday tag alonger that he is finally sick of tolerating and is now just giving the cold shoulder;anger
i loved the feeling i got during an amazing slalom run whether it was in training or in a race;joy
i was feeling especially shy and awkward because i didn t know many people there;fear
im still feeling a little groggy from the lack of sleep so i shall try to replenish it;sadness
i have been sitting at home revising today and all in all feeling quite stressed;anger
i guess feelings aren t meant to be inhibited or prohibited;fear
i embraced feeling thankful that the middle wall of partition had thus far been broken down;joy
i began to feel very strange;fear
i didn t feel pressured or constrained in my choices to behave in a particular way i just felt very busy;fear
i had one of my low carb meal bars for breakfast and was feeling smug when i spotted the left over pies muffins and attractive foods;joy
im going through life feeling now rather than being totally numb;sadness
i dont want flowers or candy but the kind of guy that knows i like thinly sliced limes in my mineral water because it makes me feel glamorous and is humored by how pretentious that is;joy
i feel unprotected a class post count link href http reprogramming in process;sadness
i always feel really confident of my life and my choices when i go home;joy
i was feeling more and more frustrated with each session he attended;anger
i feel like in the last year especially i ve gone from a girl to a woman and despite how hesitant i have always been about getting older next year i will be twenty four i am surprised at how pleased i am to have done so;fear
i feel attacked or insulted it is helpful to realize that the idea of attack is alive and well in my own mind;anger
ive missed that feeling and ive missed being there and ive missed having something to work towards that keeps my focus on me and keeps it off of my phone and the potential trouble it can get me in;sadness
im feeling a bit uncomfortable with myself too;fear
i know that i have it nowhere near as worse as my brethren overseas but right now i feel like im being physically emotionally and spiritually assaulted;fear
i am feeling so reluctant and overwhelmed i try to think of the alternative abandoning that dream;fear
i usually like sam but sometimes he gets downright whiny and i ll admit that all the mistakes he made due to sibling rivalry and pride that eventually led to the end of season kind of made me feel less tragic about the whole thing;sadness
i hope shes feeling generous today and treat me to japanese food or something haha have a great day;joy
i am feeling a bit offended;anger
i offend easily when i feel my intelligence is insulted;anger
i always feel a bit awkward when i comment on someone s blog because i invariably go on rabbit trails and feel as though i ve been overstepping myself so i d like to tell you if you find yourself feeling the same way that i do not mind in the slightest;sadness
i feel like we may be coming to the point in the tv series where the show is incredibly popular but sadly the writers are coming to the end of their story lines and soon there will be nothing left to keep the plot a float;joy
i was entertaining myself with this memory while at the same time feeling like that guy in that movie dazed and confused who says i just keep on getin older and the girls stay the same age;surprise
i had to continue to enforce my no playdate policy which meant i continued to feel angry twice over each day once during a horrible morning drop off and once in the afternoon when i reminded noah that no he couldnt play because of the bad drop off missing mommy;anger
i woke up feeling groggy and grumpy and like the last thing i wanted to do was make dinner;sadness
i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers;sadness
i feel god in my life more now than i ever have before and things are so wonderful right now;joy
i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away;sadness
i did not know this i could not look out upon the sea and sky without feeling mildly discontent;sadness
i hate feeling like this this is bullshit ok i m so done bye;joy
i tasted some hari raya cookies and feeling greedy i would go and prebook their kueh makmur and tart because i know their hygiene standard and ingredients;anger
i sit here feeling drained i really wonder what will i do when i reach that point;sadness
i buy something i go out and look at what else i didnt buy and then after a bit of comparison here and there i suddenly feel dissatisfied with my purchase;anger
ive been feeling incredibly inadequate more so than usual and its gotten to a point where i almost feel paralyzed by it;sadness
im amazed how many men say they feel unloved if the house is messy and they have to fix their own dinner;sadness
i feel a restless weekend heading our way;fear
i feel ugly i cover myself with a beautiful blanket in a make believe gown;sadness
i always said i felt so blessed to have him and today that feeling is been reassured many times;joy
i cant do strappy shoes at work i just feel weird so i took these off thrifted ninewest;fear
i love the fact that i look as best i can and i feel terrific because i eat right and constantly exercise;joy
i decent article which i knew likely had good information because my initial response was to feel offended and want to argue despite the fact that it was talking about not doing exactly that;anger
i have moments where i just feel so overwhelmed that my eyes well up with tears;fear
i started feeling thankful for food for being able to enjoy such delicious things and got into cooking and baking healthy meals for my family;joy
i don t want to tag people who think this is silly but if there are people out there who want to be tagged i wouldn t want to make them feel unwelcome;sadness
im taking is allowing me to get sleep which is wonderful but its leaving me feeling very groggy and nauseated;sadness
i feel an unpleasant drop in my stomach as the elevator doors open at my floor;sadness
i feel that this is a highly talented bunch when roling on all cyclinders;joy
i feel his hand on me to stay faithful;love
i was so focused on my heavy breathing my even strides the drops of sweat on my forehead that i forgot to feel socially awkward;sadness
i cant help feeling this way;sadness
i feel like i would order carryout from if i lived in the area i am still curious to try some of their other tacos;surprise
i feel that i am afraid of whatever ad anything that will happen and idc is it good or bad i am just afraid and i hope god you will help me in whatever i do;fear
i entered the living room i had a horrible feeling aching in the depths of my stomach;sadness
i feel very glad that finland s well known visual artist vesa kivinen had called me to work with him;joy
i feel relatively safe normal or whatever you might call it;joy
i feel bitchy saying it but i think that next saturday i just want to be alone;anger
i feel very honored to have been shortlisted within the patient ambassador volunteer category which recognises members of the public and staff who provide outstanding help and support through volunteering or providing patient opinions either on a public partnership forum or on a patients panel;joy
i feel quite helpless in all of this so prayer is the most effective tool i have because i have no answers and there is nothing else i can offer them right now;sadness
i know that you feel pretty disgusted by the nonstop lefty propaganda the ministry churns out but of the public isn t that tuned in;anger
i feel complacent and satisfied;joy
i ventured into fabrics amp fabrics on a whim yesterday feeling a bit nervous knowing i would be tempted beyond my comfor;fear
i havent been feeling homesick knowing they were all getting together to enjoy my mums cooking did make me want a teleporter;sadness
i feel ugly and hated;sadness
i was feeling whether it be mad sad disappointed or peaceful;anger
i feel as if we have a talented enough team to win some games and go deep into the tournament;joy
i feel i was so innocent to have only one dream to fill my brain and to be crazy about it;joy
i never feel depressed because my cancer and i have learnt to live and sleep with each other;sadness
i can feel the pressure falling more so on my shoulders and im feeling slightly doubtful of myself which leads to unhappy thoughts not usually like my optimistic self i must say;fear
i kind of feel a little petty about this;anger
i hostage negotiator on her case has her feeling hopeful about her future;joy
i believe that people should choose the causes they feel passionate about and do what they can and i have no right or desire to push my own charities as more worthy than another;joy
i feel privileged to be allowed into the sanctum of her studio the many different paintings and studies lining the walls morph and grow week on week;joy
i grew up feeling rejected by my male peers;sadness
i feel like that is where i can make my most valued input and tried to do as much as possible to ensure i did an equal part in the construction;joy
i described how i was feeling the feeling of being out of control and completely restless the fear of what could still happen my obsession with trying to do it all and the fact that it was just not working;fear
i feel very important in my fancy room with my fancy furniture and nice view of downtown dallas;joy
i wanna feel good again;joy
i never feel like im not supporting;joy
i want you to snap out of it and simply feel simply live laugh enjoy this life no matter how idiotic it is;sadness
i assumed it would feel casual;joy
i will admit and it left me feeling shaken and a bit of a goose;fear
i feel it is dangerous especially for the new believer who is not grounded in the word of god;anger
when we rearranged furniture in our flat and got stuck in a chair;anger
i am feeling stressed and more than a bit anxious;anger
i persevered through the storm of rejections feeling confident that i was doing what god had called me to do;joy
i was feeling comfortable in the first fight i saw things that were working for me but i m expecting a better rendall munroe because i think he might have underestimated me first time around;joy
im not quite sure how she really feels about it because im pretty sure that she realizes that she is going to miss getting to watch the parade which is something she really enjoys;joy
i feel somewhat fake in the group;sadness
i was feeling particularly pissed off and wanted to go to a party;anger
i feel like im still quite bad at describing my feelings with good words and beautiful phrases;sadness
i feel so heartbroken over paul walker s tragic disappearance the life of someone so generous beautiful and talented should not end this way as other horrible individuals keep on living torturing assaulting and killing people;sadness
i feel perfectly mellow;joy
i feel i have to give credit to jen mitchell for her gorgeous card a href http www;joy
i am alternating between feeling thrilled to see my dads family this weekend and terrified that i will be a black sheep among their normalcy;joy
i feel for my sweet boy;love
i feel about as helpless and superfluous as i did when jenn had elaine naturally;fear
i thought i didnt feel anything anymore it was over it was ok well today a different story i feel him i want him my heart hurts thinking he wont be around i still want him around i guess its still valid;joy
im feeling better so hopefully things start falling back into the old routine;joy
i hope you feel incredibly cool now;joy
i watched the news at the tv;anger
i didn t really go looking for it but i can definately see where the enjorlas marius ship comes from though sadly i feel it s mostly one sided and that marius is nothing more than a rich schoolboy following his whims without thoughts to the concequences;joy
i feel i should as a gracious gesture apologizing for my latest post about the osp and the rand license terms;love
i get people asking me what it feels like to be the most hated man in dallas county said assessor steve helm;sadness
i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation;fear
im not sure if im more at peace with our situation or if im just not feeling as bitter about it but in the past five months something has changed within me;anger
i am feeling profoundly peaceful;joy
i feel bad then for not accepting who i am;sadness
i have tried sorting out the area for the cat houses this lunchtime but i guess after the printer ordeal i am feeling quite uptight so it has been put on hold;fear
i made that make me feel dumb and dumber;sadness
i have power feeling to justify their laziness and being bitchy against skinny girls;anger
i feel like my sweet company is finally coming together;love
im making some more mood icons right now to let you see how i feel and think and of course its all charming;joy
i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children;joy
i apologise if the pictures are not very good quality but if youre stuck for ideas feel free to check out the websites in the captions;joy
i feel fine now even though ive just burned the dinner oops;joy
i feel for this divine landmass and all the respect i bear in my heart for the greatness residing on it;joy
i feel like but im not very fond of that word;love
i feel vulnerable not knowing what is to come and i feel like the rest of my life depends on today;fear
i feel so damn agitated;anger
i feel confident around him and i am always there if he needs help;joy
i feel annoyingly isolated in the hostel with all those people talking outside the room etc;sadness
i feel like alcoholism is something that is widely accepted as the norm in gay culture;joy
im just now realizing i didnt have a diet coke today and that makes me feel proud regardless of the other junk i consumed today;joy
i also feel i have accepted my dark side and am finally realizing what of my dark side is healthy;joy
i have spoken about before but the feeling is getting stronger and i am curious if others have similar thoughts;surprise
i feel a bit dull by it all;sadness
i hope it is because he understands the way i feel i hope he sees what he could miss and is putting the petty negative thoughts aside;anger
i feel so blessed to be able to share it with you all;joy
i feel a little virtuous doing these things but on the other hand nini s tasted better;joy
i say i want to be more of people person but i feel very mellow right now;joy
i pull out one of my favorite books to make myself feel miserable;sadness
i feel convinced that im going to shy away from whatever is really good for me;joy
i feel kind of awkward about doing this here goes;sadness
i feel like i should not be surprised at this development;surprise
i am of snuffling and feeling dull;sadness
i need to feel creative and productive;joy
i am who god has chosen to help my daughter become the woman god intended her to be even if i don t feel perfect;joy
i am not feeling too bad except that my ribs are aching and i have a pulled muscle in my shoulder blade region from all my excruciating hours of hacking my lungs out last night;sadness
i am at the point of feeling resentful toward him and i don t want to be;anger
i write this i feel oddly calm like wanting to just relax in a big chair or lay out in the sun;joy
i feel really inspired;joy
i do know that i tell some people if i feel that their question is sincere some of my sacred treasures;joy
i can sit here and cry and feel wronged but it wont change the outcome;anger
i was worried that maybe she was sleeping so well because she wasn t getting enough milk and was feeling lethargic;sadness
i am going to actively learn more about these genres and or practice them so i can feel what i should feel as a dancer gt fearless courageous confident phew;joy
i started feeling a little stressed about leaving on time and making sure we got the getting ready pictures i wanted but everything seemed to workout perfectly;anger
i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast;sadness
i feel a little guilty that we have this exceptional little girl from ethiopia home and in our arms but this blog continues to surround goosey;sadness
i feel the need to layer on fake tan for a night out to give me a bit of colour my clothes do it for me;sadness
i feel a real emotional connection to the ice queen from the north now that you have revealed that inhumanity runs in her bloody family;sadness
i have been designing earrings for some of my customers bridesmaids which i feel honoured to do;joy
i could adopt and what messages i could think about to help make me feel more peaceful more grateful and just happier right now;joy
i feel quite worthless but i hear that that is pretty normal for north americans at this point;sadness
i don t feel well enough to cook;joy
i feel so bad about it and hes stood there bewildered;sadness
i could feel hundreds of loving people all around the world connecting with earth it was simply beautiful;love
i feel not having a generous spirit or a forgiving nature closes me off from accepting gifts from the universe;love
i feel accepted and loved by a community of derby girls that i helped to create;joy
i feel utterly disgusted with myself right now and am contemplating death every waking moment ever since she uttered those few words;anger
i often feel confused as to whether i have bipolar or just a really hard core sinful nature;fear
i am feeling very thankful;joy
i feel privileged to have played against him;joy
i read it at a time amp place where i was feeling less than perfect;joy
im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy;sadness
i feel it is worthwhile to give you all a more in depth city sized if you will look at one of our cycle days;joy
i was still feeling so exhausted from my workouts on monday and tuesday that all i did was go for a walk at the park for about;sadness
i grabbed my dog and hugged her fiercly for the next hour or so until i began to feel a bit like myself again but i havent completly shaken the feeling and have been feeling rather depressed anxious all day;fear
i found myself feeling inhibited and shushing her quite a lot;sadness
i admit that i am jet lagged so during the daylight i feel groggy almost hung over while at night when everyone is tucked in and snoozing a light pops in my brain and i transform into the ever ready bunny;sadness
i often throw myself into work when i m not with them that same maxim from last week if i feel discouraged the way i move forwards is to offer encouragement to others;sadness
i feel a lot better about the way i wrote this bit of the code;joy
i was supposed to feel sympathy for emma im afraid i failed;fear
i feel inside this life is like a game sometimes then you came around me the walls just dissapeared nothing to surround me keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust coz ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show;sadness
i have no energy to get angry or upset anymore i just feel a little resigned;sadness
i cant tell you how many times in the four months we have been seeing each other seriously that we have had to have serious emotional talks because one or both of us was feeling tender;love
i am feeling so emotional about your brothers arrival;sadness
im even feeling liked by the girls who hate pretty much everyone;love
i go through my day feeling your movements and am amazed that something so miraculous is happening in my body its like a special secret only you and i have;surprise
i feel is valuable and i want to share;joy
i feel so unloved without you next to me but when im with you;sadness
i feel myself falling into the pit of buying it from her i think he s for real i m just skeptical of the women;fear
i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran;sadness
im feeling greedy for right now;anger
i justified in feeling slighted or am i just being ungrateful;sadness
i feel like it s waiting in the wings just patiently waiting for me to be distracted enough so it can take me down and take everything i love in this world away and destroy me;anger
i feel like i fucked up big time but i have to protect a and myself;anger
i feel like my mind is blank and empty;sadness
i don t feel comfortable playing games with them presenting the bad guy as really a misunderstood good guy or vice versa;joy
i listen to the advice of my eating disorder will i actually feel better;joy
i bought the gb iphone i got a apple store credit i feel like they were sympathetic to early buyers and responded appropriately;love
im feeling a lot more optimistic about my future;joy
i feel pissed off and angry;anger
i couldnt help feeling for him and this awful predicament he lives with on a daily and nightly basis and i was just so glad that once bel started to see the light he stuck it out and stood by daniel whilst no one else did including his family who im afraid i got really disgusted with;sadness
im feeling so completely mellow and perfect tonight;joy
i feel curious because i would like to explore what is at the top of the helterskelter like plant;surprise
ive learned that there are angels on earth who feel me as i feel them who stand by with a loving thought a healing heart or a steady hand just as i would also offer without a moments hesitation in return always;love
i feel that the packaging is really lovely and the product itself just does everything you ask;love
i feel ive ignored it too long this year;sadness
i know different because i feel in your hugs and kisses that im perfect just the way i am;joy
i am feeling a little more relaxed i am certainly not feeling refreshed thanks to drunk dudes who decided letting off fireworks every half an hour all night would be super fun and the fact that it s impossible to sleep in the freezing cold with a complaining toddler but i have certainly rebooted;joy
i definitely feel there s some useful information here for anyone facing similar questions to those i had during this time of my life;joy
i too feel a sense of melancholy for them;sadness
im sad if some people are unhappy about the flag for religious reasons but i know many religious people who do not feel it goes against their faith and they are very supportive;love
i don t feel brave though;joy
i walked near the hotel and i felt very obvious and uneasy all the warnings about petty crime i read in the guidebook and maybe some residual from years ago left me feeling threatened;fear
i feel like i m finally losing that stubborn little bit of extra stuff in my lower belly;anger
i am feeling overwhelmed by trying to do it all that i think on the women before me;surprise
i remember feeling so frightened that i could feel emotions at that high a level;fear
i feel inside coz i m so fucking horny;love
i have tested positive but i have never taken drugs and i feel innocent says martina;joy
im so proud of you no words can describe the way that makes my heart feel thank you god for my supportive amazing hubbard;love
i have made about sex i feel that women enjoy sex when their body and emotions are admired and respected;love
i feel no need to work up acceptable conversation fodder;joy
i had just hiked up and down a long steep hillside loaded with grass and bushes so i was feeling pretty doubtful id be able to find it;fear
i really like the color scheme since it makes me feel peaceful clean and simple;joy
i feels so lame;sadness
i personally feel that it is a very creative present and everything packed inside a brown paper bag;joy
i feel so fearless in these post grieving days;joy
i feel so blessed to be married to him because he loves his stepchildren;joy
i dropped martin back off i was the dd i pulled in and because i was feeling exceptionally outgoing waved and talked to some of my neighbors downstairs;joy
i feel more faithful than ever;joy
i am feeling relieved to feel myself again;joy
i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome;sadness
i feel complacent at the moment;joy
i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction;love
i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable;joy
i have not only not lost any yarn overs but am now done with my first lace project and feeling pretty pleased;joy
i want you to know that if i become prime minister in less than a year s time i will be proud to do so as a friend of israel a jew and most of all someone who feels so proud to be part of the community gathered here today;joy
i feel somewhat safe to give hosting a try;joy
i don t follow too many people and i don t have too many followers however i have a feeling that the people that i am talking about may know who they are i m not trying to be rude i m just being real;anger
i never feel lonely as long as people love and support my work;sadness
i have so much going on in my life and am constantly running like crazy i can always steal a quiet moment to acknowledge this child and the overwhelming excitement and anticipation that i feel god is truly faithful and brings everything around;love
i suspect his reasoning may simply be to lull apple into feeling complacent;joy
i feel so exhausted by a;sadness
i prepare i feel thankful that these events touch upon so many different concerns in my poetry from language issues to pacific aesthetics from the avant garde to eco poetry;joy
i met my present boyfriend on a boat trip to england we had said that we would call each other when we got back to sweden we were not going to the same town in england as soon as i walked in he called from england as he could not wait till he came home;joy
i feel inspired so many thing i want to write down;joy
im very hurt and i feel unimportant;sadness
i feel like uninstalling skype deactivateing all of my facebook amp hatena accounts since im becoming a hateful person amp i dont want to get any worse than i am right now;anger
i began to feel shaky and nauseous and yearned for my connection to cairns to make up for some of the deprivation;fear
i was feeling adventurous though so i went with some asian flavors of ginger and sesame oil for my salad;joy
i was playing a sport in an advanced pe class and many of the people were not advanced;anger
i cause extreme worry and distress ground to remember fondly you forever mary prepares to feel unfortunate time eventuallythe intense emotion have sexual lovein condescend to come she by hand puts out strength wu mouth dont let oneself cry out;sadness
i feel so greedy of holidays and forgetting my responsibilities;anger
i mean i feel like a broke record sometimes;sadness
i am feeling rather heartless because i recently heard the words unconditional love and could not find it in myself;anger
i feel dissatisfied and more accustomed to healing;anger
im feeling doubtful about all of the patterns and colors working together but we cant be sure until everything comes together;fear
i want to get back in the habit of blogging about all the cool fun things im up to but am also trying to get out of this rut of only writing about feeling shitty;sadness
i am still healing from having my heart broken still healing from broken dreams still doubting myself still feeling confused;fear
i gents been feeling lousy over the last few weeks which ended up with a trip to the hospital last saturday which put a damper on the wedding anniversary;sadness
i read about him and learn about him in his interviews the more i feel like i could never deserve someone so kind and compassionate;love
i feel thats just strange on wotcs behalf;surprise
i take a walk in the park feeling joyful;joy
i feel calm silent and protected by the definiteness of this existence;joy
i want to feel assured that my life will be good and i know it will be when i trust the lord;joy
i feel safe with berry;joy
im feeling envious already;anger
i suck up is the boring dull town and the feeling being missed by my family and bf;sadness
i feel like i have all these cute things but i dont feel comfortable in them and dont know how to put them together;joy
i feel like an emotional cutter;sadness
i wake up in morning and when i go to sleep at evening i feel that seed voice in my heart that is screaming out from my empty stitched heart;sadness
i received the blanket i was absolutely amazed on how fluffy it is and extremely soft i really didnt think it was going to feel that amazing;surprise
i feel that sometimes im not talented enough;joy
i feel it would be foolish and perhaps a little disrespectful to consider doing the long hilly race;sadness
i mention my oldest child before my youngest will her feelings be hurt;sadness
i woke up today feeling kind of strange;fear
im sick of feeling unimportant like nobody needs me;sadness
i am feeling quite distressed and dejected over my battle with insomnia;fear
i feel hated in cempaka;sadness
i do feel numb but only because i have so many fucking feels that i ve shorted out from feeling them;sadness
i often use disney to cheer me up when im feeling low and these past couple days have been no exception;sadness
ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked;sadness
i feel shy because of what i am wearing;fear
i can say is that as long as you enjoy the story it entertains you and makes you feel emotional whether it be sad happy angry disgusted or just plain horny then who really gives a damn;sadness
i wept while jackson slept feeling overwhelmed by the feeling that i don t want to die;fear
i feel confident to be me again in personal life and right when my work life was going well with my boss slowly understanding why i continually ask for and demand we address the tough issues that cause problems with our various departments;joy
i dont know whether his presence is the reason why i feel more homesick for the uk than the us or just by being here makes me miss my former home;sadness
i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be;fear
i only do unwillingly and always leaves me feeling grouchy and unsettled;anger
i have to give it to men as women we complain a lot about the heals we have to wear but at least we can wear a dress and feel cool in the summer;joy
i feel like i should be listening to chinesepod and working on my mandarin but what i really want to listen to is the savage love podcast or car talk;anger
i feel assured that the guns are locked away in the gun safe making it impossible for any of the children to access them;joy
i also feel this conversation could dovetail quite easily into another about images and objects that are ugly to serve the purpose of being ironic;sadness
i dont want to make this blog something that i just whine on all the time but i feel like ive been beaten with a two by four or something;sadness
i feel bad for them for wasting their time and effort for nothing;sadness
i feel overwhelmed how about you;surprise
i kept trying to make her feel better;joy
i get making employees feel valued i really do but in this economy where another k jobs were dumped last week alone i suspect the majority of people are thinking like rudy and i thank god we still have a job;joy
i feel lucky that theyve chosen to share their lives with me;joy
i feel embarrassed enough;sadness
im not feeling sorry for myself though because i just think of those poor people whom have lost their lives or everything they have due to sandy;sadness
told by some people the class leader only choose his friends not true;anger
i stop feeling guilty;sadness
i know some people are more fond of the treat of going and getting a pedicure because you can just sit there and enjoy the wonderful feeling of someone else massaging your tender tootsies all the while flipping the pages of a book or magazine;love
i first read this book during college and it has helped me cope with the feeling of helplessness and fear of the uncertain future;fear
i get to be creative if i feel like it or just sit and chat to customers the people are all lovely even kermit helps out see;love
i get the feeling donald is smart enough to educate himself through his own densely focused meanderings and their inherent shortcomings;joy
i was feeling frantic;fear
i feel that it is extremely dangerous for her to be wandering out to sea;anger
i am so grateful to have been filled up by general conference and to feel the joyful power of the spirit after such a wonderful weekend;joy
i think your viewers tonight will enjoy the show coming from malm they will like some things be less fond of other things but hopefully they will feel entertained and smitten and feel the urge to cast a vote regardless if your country is voting tonight or not;joy
i ever want to feel that vulnerable;fear
i bought this doraemon backpack from a charity store i had every intention of putting it in my etsy store but i feel like its too cute to sell;joy
im looking upon the next year as an adventure which very likely will make me curse mathematics and other subjects to hell but eventually make me feel relieved;joy
i can put on it without words since i just cant type on that it was so lovely this morning yes im feeling sarcastic today;anger
i feel kind of unwelcome in many catholic communities but i hope that isnt the case here;sadness
i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid;fear
i was feeling rather homesick today so i decided to make a list of typical city sight that might come in use should you decide to visit switzerlands largest city;sadness
im sure ill feel more playful soon but i just cant right now;joy
i couldnt feel more blessed at this time;joy
i feel like rich purple and gold are a match made in heaven and this reinforces that belief;joy
i sit in the same hostel i did nearly two months ago this time wearing a jacket and feeling as if my toes might be a little numb from the cold;sadness
i feel lost without you;sadness
i feel smart when i figure things out myself;joy
i now im graduating in two days but i feel so sad right now;sadness
i feel very naughty to step outside my species but you are compellingly different;love
i want to feel less stressed;sadness
i still feel nervous;fear
i am put in mind of an odd feeling of vicious cruel natural order here it seems no one is able to escape the town the cycles of predator and victim catching up with anyone trying to elevate themselves out of the mire;anger
i feel more violent than ever right now;anger
i feel ecstatic and privileged;joy
i feel he will be perfect for this event;joy
i came away from that expereince feeling like i had had an encounter with the divine;joy
i feel slightly saddened to know that some of the kids have also resigned during my absence;sadness
i sit here in the snowy ohio countryside on christmas eve feeling like i m in a postcard i m thrilled to announce that i found it;joy
im not feeling very hopeful about the coming summer;joy
i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty;love
i tune out the rest of the world and focus on the rhythm of the needles and the softness of the yarn and for that time i feel my most peaceful;joy
i say i feel alone br style color line height;sadness
i was feeling heartbroken and lonely i watched my second younger sibling get married leaving me the lone single adult in our family;sadness
i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful;sadness
i enjoy about his work is the genuine feel and the pleasant message he is trying to deliver with all this;joy
i knew except they ve lost that girly feeling and gained a graceful wisdom;joy
i am feeling a bit ungrateful and choose to correct that;sadness
i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated;fear
i feel like such a noob when the customers make really dull and stupid jokes that im supposed to find funny;sadness
getting sent on a company expense trip to another state to work for a week at that plan;joy
i feel insulted by how those heroes of cosplay goons said they don t care if you re if;anger
i eat a good breakfast i feel more energetic throughout the whole day and don t feel that o clock slump;joy
i feel very strongly about supporting charities that help children;joy
i have ever seen in my life was laceys constant disapprovements of rikkis extreme happiness when she just wasnt feeling quite as carefree as he was;joy
i started thinking about which spaces made me feel most creative and what characteristics they had;joy
i usually ignore page invites that are irrelevant to me or facebook game invites because its impersonal and it feels insincere;anger
i am feeling playful this morning;joy
i feel like im a pathetic little desperation;sadness
i feel totally completely accepted and loved while my heavenly abba was pointing out sin in my life;love
i feel fond of him though because he feels like an amalgamation of many people i already know;love
i feel like most teams would have appeased jackson at this point but the eagles are terribly stubborn;anger
i feel like damaged goods no one will want me now;sadness
i think i love her enough now to feel pretty insulted and rawr about it;anger
i can t help feeling lucky little do i know;joy
i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night;joy
i can never tell him how i feel and it really sucks because i think he gets really bothered by that;anger
ive also had a nosy on the website and seeing as its coming up to that time of year and im feeling strangely festive for once ive picked my top five products from the a href http www;joy
i suppose its only natural that id start to feel a little homesick for new england at this time of year;sadness
i really feel like we were successful in identifying some pretty scary early warning signs and sticking our foot in the door before it shut;joy
i cant help but think if id just shut up if id just not made a big deal of what was essentially two adults meeting at the same table for a hot beverage then perhaps i wouldnt have spent the bulk of the weekend feeling like a stupid shit;sadness
i have been feeling really stressed out due to homework and my studies that have increased rapidly over the last week;sadness
im begging fate not to mess with the next cycle to let it look as pretty as this one so i can at least go in feeling reassured;joy
i input class size medium wp image height src http techfeel in wp content uploads google hindi input x;joy
ive got to learn to be mindful of how i feel all the time not just if im suspicious of a feeling;fear
i am feeling much more relaxed;joy
i feel it is acceptable to make requests using this name;joy
i have a feeling there are a lot of pissed off people in sea org in hollywood where scientology has become the monster that devoured wa wonderfully sleazy bohemian area;anger
i feel pained by this;sadness
i am reading about s sewing circles and i feel completely happy if you cant spit in the face of imperialism at least be a lesbian;joy
i am feeling pretty fearless;joy
i feel bouncy and twitchy all of a sudden;joy
i feel like it s more of a mellow restive dream maker;joy
i did not feel any passionate joy;joy
i have nostalgic feelings i have met wonderful people online and the online internet is for me like my second life;joy
i feel rejected for trying to find my path to a stronger relationship and bond with god;sadness
i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it;fear
i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time;joy
i feel extremely privileged to live in a country where a vote is legitimate and matters;joy
i feel a strange gratitude for the hated israeli occupation of sinai that lasted from to for actually recognizing the importance of sinais history;surprise
im much more peaceful and happy when the house is clean the food is good and my kids arent feeling needy;sadness
i felt that my birthday was my one day to feel special and i could do whatever i wanted;joy
i feel depressed again;sadness
i got up saturday morning feeling like crud but determined not to let it get the best of me;joy
i feel that he is so determined to steal private industries away from citizens of this nation that he has given no time to fighting the real enemies of theu;joy
i would say no not yet and i would feel superior and in fact self righteous even if i would not admit it back then because i remember looking at the point so i can see that the point did come up but i could did not face it to protect my ego;joy
i feel very tender for anyone who is upset by the bee movie sort of like how you feel about old aunts who dont realize how prickly their whiskers are getting slightly repulsed but very sad for their decline;love
i sat up to embrace them and realised that two hours spent shaking my thang in an eighties bar celebrating the fact i am one year closer to death had left my ageing body feeling punished and my normally pink feet blackened;sadness
i feel so humiliated by my own self;sadness
i feel it is a worthwhile item to me or within my company s mission;joy
i feel the earth move tribute to carole king karaoke mix details rel nofollow target blank see more details compare prices img src http www;sadness
im the only one with all the feelings and emotions and thats just pathetic of me to do so;sadness
i can t say for certain why but it actually makes me feel amused and you can be sure it s not just me because other people from our offices told me they have the same a href http news;joy
i feel defeated but its okay hahaha my mid term holiday was good;sadness
i decided to lay down in my bed but then i started to feel really violent like i wanted to punch and kick things except i didnt wnat to hurt anything;anger
i want to say i feel numb but if i was numb i wouldnt have this pain and i probably wouldnt be able to cry so much;sadness
i go again sometime in the future id probably just stick with the african tram which comes with entry fee maybe id spring for the asian tram and if i was feeling particularly brave i might even try the hot air balloon which i thought was reasonable priced at;joy
i always feel very shocked by that me threatening;surprise
i was supposed to be alright with not even feeling comfortable in my own home not being able to cook meals without a year old helping me ok with the mounting pile of water and utility bills;joy
i am not proud to be british i am not glad to be young and i most certainly do not feel blessed by opportunity;joy
whenever i put myself in others shoes and try to make the person happy;anger
i feel absolutely devastated that gaia is being pushed to her limit in spite of the great strides we seem to be making with all the media attention lately;sadness
i feel around someone the more idiotic i feel hence the unintelligible blabbering;sadness
i was feeling content and oh so happy with my life;joy
i found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed;surprise
i don t know how i feel i guess it s one of those moments where you want to feel like you re accepted even though whatever you did or did not get mattered to you the most;love
i wasn t sure what this gnawing feeling i was having but i was getting agitated sitting around doing nothing;anger
i dont remember how january was like last year thats why i need a real diary but this one is feeling bitter dark and boring;anger
i normally find intimidating but shes crazy about tiny little foreign food places and people like her so i feel less socially intimidated when im with her;fear
i feel quite researched and intelligent about my confidence in consuming meat;joy
i ate something wrong so i feel terrible all day;sadness
i feel like the place is even more messy;sadness
i feel unprotected even while travelling alone;fear
i believe feeling duality suffering soul growth tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction often one associated with emotions and it offers one possible response to that decline or change moving on;sadness
i feel really uptight and unable to unwind;fear
im learning mandarin chinese now in preparation for a trip to tianjin this september and already only four lessons in i feel like i have a handle on the basics and im thrilled to have some insight into a language that had always been a total mystery to me;joy
i think and it feels a little weird;fear
i feel my truth is accepted and not judged because well;love
i feel like an indecisive idiot;fear
i just couldn t decide what to feel she didn t tell me and then she blamed me because i never told her it would be like that;sadness
i feel for vets the animals whose lives they save are always going to be hostile;anger
i still feel more than anything else humiliated whenever i think of everything that s happened;sadness
i feel like i finally want to write about one of my vain hobbies makeup;sadness
i regularly feel embarrassed about;sadness
i then realized that if i want to shoot weddings of clients who i connect with and feel comfortable with i must allow them to get to know me;joy
i checked the babys heartbeat and continued to feel him moving so besides feeling terrible i was at peace;sadness
i found myself giggling and clapping my hands more often than a five year old at the ice cream wagon and there was never a point where i didnt feel genuinely entertained;joy
i feel more virtuous just looking at the pictures in her books;joy
i guess it doesn t help that i got sick on black friday and was forced against my will to maintain my promise to stay in but being back in the city feels amazing;surprise
i did feel rather like a celebrity and widget stood and let herself be admired while she drank orange squash from my cup;joy
i really feel like having my own space anymore is a really vain idea;sadness
i can reasonably deduce that my grandfather did also love my mother but that doesn t negate the lifetime of damage that the feeling of being unloved and unwanted created in her;sadness
im saying this having not read the book the characters were hard to empathise for and a lot of the time i found myself not feeling distraught when something happened but rather uninterested and blank;fear
im spending less especially on stuff that wont last long not bringing tons of stuff into the house and i feel more positive about my holiday gift giving;joy
i feel embarrassed for not having lost weight again and im afraid that another week of disappointing news at the scale will cause people to give up on me and stop following the blog;sadness
i feel a little guilty that i am not doing the same and as i contemplate going back to get some money the prisoners begin to enter the room;sadness
i careened from feeling confident in my abilities as a writer to being equally sure that i will never ever write anything worth reading;joy
i feel very honoured to have been asked;joy
i feel pathetic that i can hardly go a whole day not talking to him;sadness
i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying;sadness
i want you to feel just as humiliated as you made me feel in school;sadness
i is desperate for kareena akshay kumar will play a double role in flash forward minissha says i still feel today amisha patel in a glamorous avtaar;joy
i feel like i just doomed myself;sadness
always when i am well succeded;joy
i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school;sadness
i feel assaulted by this shit storm of confusion anger and hurt feelings that tsunami d us both away from each other;fear
i feel so fucking low;sadness
i feel betrayed and angry and sad at the same time dammit;anger
i feel reassured that the county government in my county takes the murder of an illegal immigrant in a back alley seriously enough to prosecute someone years later;joy
i don t know how i feel about my submissive learning how to use a firearm;sadness
i feel so drained at the end of a novel because i try my very hardest to get something from it that will change and impact my life;sadness
i was truly surprised and feel quite honored;joy
i hate feeling alone too;sadness
i feel like if people accepted that wed get along a lot better;love
i feel the creative juices beginning to flow again;joy
i feel suffocated and paranoid;fear
i would call success and i was feeling pretty depressed about the state of clothes;sadness
i feel soo lonely;sadness
i see on wednesday im feeling fantastic these days and i can tell im getting smaller and smaller;joy
i feel as though i am on another adventure and i am more curious about it than anything else;surprise
i also feel the sidebar is messy;sadness
i feel respected and secure where i can journey toward loving and be loved in return;joy
im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb;joy
i feel more amazed and more thankful for having e in our lives;surprise
i must confess that im still feeling very uncertain about how god is going to work everything out;fear
i have this really bad feeling that cold is what i will be for a few months;anger
ive been feeling sort of depressed;sadness
i am just feeling as indecisive as ever i suppose;fear
i felt abandoned for what seemed like the millionth time in my life and i spent the last several days feeling sorry for myself when i should have been picking myself up in order to help my friends;sadness
i enjoy the day more when i feel cute;joy
i was bonded to that point in time and still feel fond of this memory;love
i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed;sadness
i sometimes feel is carried in my heart just by loving my child so fiercely;love
i feel she said quickly i am so glad;joy
i understand that they are reacting to what we re doing i think they re observing us closely and i become happier i can actual feel that they re supporting us;love
i imagined being in form fitting clothing that was beautiful looking in the mirror and feeling proud being lighter and more energetic;joy
i am starting to feel like maybe i do want a relationship im just to stubborn to admit it;anger
i did feel appreciative of the money that was coming in;joy
i feel are loyal especially after all ive experienced recently but i can trust him;love
i feel a pain in my own heart as every priestess in the temple drops as every single ven who is devoted to talia loses their devotions and takes a rank of injury equal to their devotion;love
i just feel so smug that we got the exploited and she gets bruno marzzz;joy
ive been soo excited for him to feel and it was amazing;joy
i feel kinda lousy about myself;sadness
i know he does the same thing for so many passersby i feel special truly welcome in his country;joy
i didnt start feeling the excitement until the movie was almost over and then it started coming in violent waves;anger
i feel so blessed to have friends i can come to;joy
i am feeling very strange but this is also present movement and i am trying this as one of way;fear
i feel like that s acceptable;joy
i feel like im boring sometimes im okay with that;sadness
i have felt the need to write out my sometimes anxious feelings impatient thoughts lists of things that still should could be done before this baby arrives;anger
i feel like life is so vain;sadness
i dropped off the script and left feeling dissatisfied with myself;anger
im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog;sadness
i feel love se inscrie intr un rafinament lejer romantic si extrem de feminin;love
i really wish i had more time to explore twitter as i feel like i lost a lot of time learning how to use the site;sadness
i love doing yoga i love learning about it i love what it has made me and when i think about sharing that with yoga students of my own i feel so hopeful and excited;joy
i went to training feeling very disheartened;sadness
i feel so glad doing this;joy
i do is priceless and i feel so honoured for every mum and dad who trusts me with their new arrival;joy
i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been;sadness
i remember feeling nervous;fear
i feel the need to pimp this since raini my beloved rocky casting director loves it so much;joy
i feel like my life has been taken over by a video game and im doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again until i collect all of the special powers knowledge and treasures to finally advance me to the next level;sadness
i feel like i m the one being punished;sadness
i kept feeling wonderful as i ran and couldnt believe it;joy
i feel less stress about doing pretty much any unpleasant obligation in life because i know that i will allow myself to mix it with things i enjoy running baking climbing coffee with girlfriends cuddling with my dog reading a book;sadness
i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours;anger
i am working right now guys and feel horny and so much passion;love
i feel like im being greedy asking for something so expensive;anger
i see him i feel friendly;joy
i couldn t tell if he was sick injured or just feeling generally awful but he climbed into the team car and abandoned the race right there with spectators snapping away on their phones;sadness
i forced myself to keep going back even though they made me feel consistently uncomfortable but after a while i just gave up as i saw no point;fear
i wonder if im vain because i love dressing up and attempting to be fashionable but then i realized that there is nothing wrong with dressing so that you feel pretty cute smart whatever;joy
i feel so special and when i want mashed potatoes pronto i get mashed potatoes pronto;joy
i cant remember exactly what made me stop using it but i have a feeling i got distracted by other hair products and just sort of forgot about this one;anger
i can feel some kind of acceptance in the song which is why i gave the photo a kind of ecstatic ascension to a higher level of conscience aesthetic like a rapture of sort;joy
i am or who i m with i always feel alone;sadness
i have a feeling hell be the kid up there shooting daggers out of his eyes annoyed that hes standing up there holding flowers;anger
i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened;joy
i feel and talk like a disadvantaged child and am waiting for half my face to come back to me;sadness
i can t help but feel really nostalgic of the disney levels;love
i feel is entirely more dangerous;anger
i remember feeling thrilled to use my nursing skills relieved that i could have a few days out of the house and i remember that at first it was hard but then it was no problem;joy
i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea;joy
i feel like a may have mislead the very gracious readers of this blog;joy
i still feel confused and guilty about the whole thing;fear
i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks;fear
i was feeling emotional crying for no apparent reason but at the time it feels like the world is ending;sadness
i feel lonely and sad when i cannot talk to you during the day while i get a moment at my desk;sadness
i still sit back and feel amazed by the whole thing;surprise
i feel rejected and i cant find what ive left behind;sadness
i feel like i cant have dirty dishes piled up laundry strewn about or toys scattered everywhere;sadness
i feel more so lately than ever that life is so precious;joy
i feel completely burdened with my own intelligence;sadness
i cant think of any emotional state that is worse than feeling generally worthless and unlovable;sadness
i dont have any photos with me because i was too excited and happy about my prejudging which i did great btw at least i feel tt i did since i felt confident and didnt stutter in front the panel of judges we had and dearest bf was around after doors opened for the public;joy
im feeling jolly by a href http www;joy
i feel fake because i think if you really want to have a good conversation and make good contact you have to appear especially self confident and even risk talking to some people which are no good to talk to at all until you meet one person which you have a good connection to;sadness
i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong;fear
i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant;joy
i woke up very early this morning feeling joyful;joy
i wonder how it feels to be loved by someone you love;love
i feel as if i havent blogged in ages are at least truly blogged i am doing an update cute little post today;joy
i feel cared for and accepted;love
i feel passionate about knitting and seeing really good films and the surprisingly awesome tv programs that are on now i cant believe i just wrote that;love
im feeling depressed again;sadness
i feel i feel drained i feel as if talking to others will finish all my strength;sadness
i am feeling ok lots of bruising to my arms where they decided to remove blood from me;joy
i just don t feel that the others are worthwhile;joy
im just feeling listless and bored or something;sadness
i have the joy of allowing kids to feel like the valued treasures that they are and to just have a blast being a kid alongside with them but can i just say its an incredibly humbling experience to have influence into a childs life and to know that what you do and say is being internalized;joy
i sometimes feel irritated at the thought of spending money on a few annuals to spruce up my doorstep;anger
i wish i could bottle her squeals of delight and take them out whenever im feeling grumpy;anger
i have been feeling overwhelmed with it all and needing to take time out;surprise
im feeling dangerous and ill just write and figure out where the hell itll take me;anger
i honestly thought impossible at this point i feel pretty;joy
i have found that some korean men are turning to foreign women because of the freedom they feel it can be easily accounted for that dating between koreans can be a casual thing but more often than not it tends to be a serious matter;joy
i think i was also having a pity party because i am feeling a bit frustrated with how little time i seem to have each day;anger
i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the feeling that i am going to get punished for doing something wrong;sadness
i feel like i m part of the problem when i call out missy jane s trusting an angel cover for not airbrushing out all the real skin on the cover model s;joy
i might feel offended at times from hearing statements where that i strongly disagree;anger
i can easily feel quite pressured by routines and i really noticed the difference while i was away;fear
i was feeling the need for some christmas crafting this week especially after seeing a couple of lovely quilty christmas projects at stitch group;love
i can cycle further than ever before and the feeling of finishing the manchester to blackpool miles then not being at all bothered at having to ride an extra mile to put;anger
im not sure how i feel more than anything im keen to see it as a test to see if im over him yet and ready to view him as a friend;joy
i also feel lethargic and again;sadness
im feeling somewhat nostalgic about the game just from the fact that its star wars;love
i don t feel like i should be punished to carry this burden even though i have been for four years now;sadness
i was feeling like i said humour gets me through im one of those people who even if i spoke about my issues no one would be too bothered or would care that thought was in my head and wasnt true that way of being like i dont want to burden you sort of thing;anger
i feel about this part of my life and how treasured my london flatmates are to me it was especially neat to point at something and say this is where;love
i feel all innocent now;joy
i feel hopeful with this new treatment to extend my life;joy
i feel like an idiot for trusting you though;joy
i am only providing the link as a courtesy to its author but it was all about stuff that was either before my time or i never experienced even if i lived when it was available so i couldn t feel emotional about any of it;sadness
i have a feeling i kinda lost my best friend;sadness
ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat;sadness
i do feel terribly remourseful that i didnt stay faithful to my plans and get him sooner;love
i went to a wedding this weekend and i have to say i was feeling very important;joy
i should stop reading sids blogs but it is part of my blogging community and i feel that in supporting each other we get better at handling grief and hence i am not going to stop;love
i feel less shy about exploring roles in more physical ways;fear
i replied feeling strange at giving the orders;surprise
i chant the invocation and feel his force supporting me as i teach;joy
i feel like he moves sleep i am glad i enjoyed that week of good sleep that i mentioned because i have a feeling that is over with now;joy