Outputs a twitter bootstrap badge using either the @text attribute or the @select attribute
- @select - select the value from the freemind nodes using the current context
- optional
- values: count, node, parent, parent.parent
- count : counts the number of nodes
- node : selects the text from the current node
- parent : selects the text from the parent node
- parent.parent : selects the text from the grand-parent node
- @text - text to output
- optional
- not compatible with @select attribute
- @color - color of the badge
- values: green, red, blue, grey
- default value: green
- @class - class for the badge
<!-- outputs a grey badge with the count of idea nodes on the right-->
<Select marker='icon' icon='idea'>
<Badge color='grey' select='count' class='pull-right' />
<!-- outputs a green badge as '5' -->
<Badge text='5' color='green'/>
<!-- outputs a green badge with the current node as text -->
<Badge select='node' color='green'/>
<!-- outputs a blue badge with the parent node as text -->
<Badge select='parent' color='blue'/>
<!-- outputs a red badge with the text -->
<Badge color='red'>10</Badge>