Markup to show the collapse summary and section. The collapse section is collapsed by default. Renders a div for the
sections with the id and classes required. Uses the Collapse component from Twitter Bootstrap.
- @type - The type of collapse header
- required
- values: summary, collapsed
- summary : renders the collapse header that will be always visible
- collapsed : renders the collapsed section
- @id - used to generage a unique id for the rendered div
- optional
- if specified will be used as part of the id.
- if not specified then the unique id is determined from the
** Markup **
<Collapse type='summary'>
<Collapse type='collapsed'>
** Rendered **
<div data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#generated-id'>
<div id='generated-id' class='collapsed'>
Example Markup:
<!-- marks the section that will be the always visible -->
<Collapse type='summary'>
<!-- marks the section that will be collapsed -->
<Collapse type='collapsed'>
<!-- use the collapse-key as the html id attribute -->
<Collapse type='summary' id='collapse-key'>
<Collapse type='collapsed' id='collapse-key'>